Nina Burns

Many months ago when Covid numbers were super low in NYC I went up to see some friends upstate at their rental property turned quarantine home Sparrow House. I knew there were a ton of great places for photos so I hit up my friend Kirra who is probably the human I have photographed the most in my life about coming with me for a one day road trip. She was down and suggested she bring her friend Nina Burns who was in her Covid bubble and has just happens to have incredible eyeballs. It ended up being a great day trip and very productive which was ideal because I haven’t really taken any photos since the protests this summer which makes me feel like trash.

Good news is my new sedentary lifestyle combined with my horrific diet means I was able to get a vaccine appointment, bad news is I will probably die of a heart attack by the time I am 50. Whatever the case is that as soon as I get fully vaccinated I am going to LA and maybe Vegas to shoot a ton of content so I can get back into updating this website more than once every two weeks. I am still gonna be wearing masks on shoots and being as safe as possible anyway, but I am gonna be traveling and shooting more.  Anyway, sorry for the tangent, back to Nina.

So yeah, when we got to Sparrow House it was already dark so the only photos we took were Kirra and Nina in a sick claw footed bathtub which I have already posted and you should go look at immediately if you haven’t seen them. The next day we took a bunch of photos outside. I shot Kirra in the house and by the train tracks and shot them both down by the river. I also climbed up this incredibly steep hill covered in all manor of shrubbery to take these photos of Nina that I am posting today. We got covered in burrs and scratched by thorns so please enjoy these photos! 

If you want to see the photos we shot by the river, the ones of both of them are Girls of DBB exclusive photos to the bathtub pictures gallery, and the ones of Nina in the river are Girls of DBB exclusive photos to this gallery which I uploaded several days ago. The point is, sign up for Girls of DBB so you can see a bunch more photos of these babes and see all the photos in high resolution. And speaking of giving me your money, my OnlyFans has some pretty funny BTS of Nina trying to get undressed while stuck in a thornbush. Nina is a goddamn champion for that shit. Don’t let anyone tell you being a model is easy. Speaking of being a model and continuing with this promotional paragraph that now uses the phrase “speaking of ” three times, Nina and her fellow America’s Next Top Model contestant Cory have a podcast you should check out immediately

I realize this post is rambling, as per usual, but I just wanted to let you know that I still have Kirra’s photo from this Sparrow House trip to come and since we took these I photographed Nina again but honestly the photos aren’t that great because instead of taking photos we watched the actual insurrection that was playing out on live TV as we attempted to take photos and it got a little dark to shoot with natural light. Don’t get me wrong Nina is still real hot and we still got some nice shots, but not sure when I am gonna get around to posting them. Hopefully I will get to shoot Nina again in settings as incredible as Sparrow House instead of in a slightly too dark room as American Democracy was crumbling before us. Okay it’s photo time.

Click here to see the photos of Nina Burns in the woods at Sparrow House. 

Nina Burns

Nina Burns

Nina Burns


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Amanda Whip Returns

The first time I photographed Amanda Whip it was so long ago that the original post doesn’t even seem to be on my website. The gallery is part of my old, barely functional gallery system and I think the camera I was using was my first Nikon digital camera which mean it’s gotta be before early 2009. We shot it in a nightclub bathroom but honestly I am not even sure which one. I thought in my brain that it was Darkroom but it might be Annex or Happy Ending? I am positive I could figure it out if I really wanted to but that would require effort and you guys don’t care so let’s move on. 

Amanda and I talked forever about shooting again. She never wanted to come to Brooklyn and I would see her once in a while and we would talk about it and then never actually do it. Shortly before the pandemic started I ran into her on the street in her neighborhood and we caught up for a second. I hadn’t seen her in years and once again we talked about taking photos. And then a pandemic happened.

Amanda is a burlesque and aerial performer and she does all sorts of crazy flexible things in her underwear and it is very impressive and amazing but very hard to make money at when people aren’t allowed in clubs anymore. She’s very comfortable being a hot person in real life, but hates the internet so her transition to hot person on the internet was slow at first. Fortunately she started forcing herself to use Twitter more and we started talking on there again and finally actually planned to do a shoot to promote both of our OnlyFans that we both started during the pandemic. We shot a ton of photos that you are about to see, but we also shot a bunch of video that you can see on my OnlyFans if you search for Amanda. I even put another video up today, and I think I still might have a couple clips left. You should also sign up for Amanda’s OnlyFans because she is great. 

While we are promoting things I should also mention that these photos have been up already for two day on Girls of DBB. There are even some close up photos of Amanda’s butt up there because I needed some reason to convince you to sign up right? And as always, the photos are in double the resolution because this website was designed before I even took those first photos of Amanda and we are still living in a 2008 world over here. Okay, that’s enough of that. It’s photo time. 

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW of my old friend Amanda Whip!

Ps. Speaking of friends, shout out to Coop whose artwork is behind Amanda’s bed and is in a ton of these photos. 

Amanda Whip

Amanda Whip

Amanda Whip

Amanda Whip

Amanda Whip

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Rocky Emerson

A year ago I did my annual trip to Vegas and LA to shoot a bunch of stuff and then do the AVN Awards week madness and I don’t get to drive living in NYC and I love being on the road so I decided I would come to Vegas for one day and rent a car there and then drive to LA for a week, come back and drop off the car and then just be in Vegas for the rest of the time. It was a perfect plan and it gave me a chance to shoot someone I had been wanting to shoot for ages, Rocky Emerson.

When I landed in Vegas I had another shoot planned but that model couldn’t end up doing it and I sort of didn’t really know what to do and spent like an hour at the airport before I could check into my hotel trying to figure out a plan. Eventually I just went and tried to check in early and when I got there it had this huge window that was perfect for shooting photos in. I hit up Rocky and she was super busy because she had just returned to town herself and was planning for her brother to visit and she was like “come by and you can take photos of me building an Ikea bed for him”. This seemed like the perfect idea for the shoot so I went over to her place but the room she was building the bed in was super dark and there was no way we were gonna be able to make that work.

There was good light in her living room but her neighbors could easily see in so that wasn’t ideal either so we decided to go back to the hotel. She decide just to put the mattress on the floor and made the bed and I actually saw her fold a fitted she which was honestly incredible and we finally took off to head back to my hotel. Unfortunately by the time we got there it was too dark anyway because it was fucking January and daylight doesn’t exist and so we had to use this horrible lamp to shoot with. This is the pain of not being a real photographer… if the light sucks I just have to deal with it because I am not fucking bringing lights anywhere with me.

Anyway Rocky is real hot so it’s fine, and we shot some really nice 35mm stuff that was less reliant on good lighting cause it was either black and white or shot with flash. And we got a few really nice shots digitally too, but I think we were both a bit disappointed with the photos which is a bummer, but again, Rocky is very hot so it’s fine but it probably explains why I haven’t posted these for a year. But I am running out of content so here we are. I hope we get to try again one of these days.

After the shoot we went out with her friends and her brother and honestly it was a blast and thinking about it now makes me really miss fun. Okay, let’s get slightly less depressing and slightly more commercial. If you want to see some extras from this set that are more R rated, make sure you check Girls of Driven By Boredom and I should plug my OnlyFans too. I put a preview of this up on there yesterday and I recently edited together a video of a bunch of old Snapchats of “porn stars doing things” which is just a way of me saying it’s a bunch of hot girls who are not actually naked and it features a two second video clip of Rocky and her friend Sam dancing like those inflatable things outside of used car dealerships. It’s not up yet but honestly I just needed some sort of reason to plug my OnlyFans so let me live.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of the amazing Rocky Emerson.

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

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Phoenix Askani Returns

As I slowly run out of content I bring you some “new” photos of Phoenix Askani, someone who I first photographed way back in 2010 and I have known her even longer. It’s such a crazy thing to think about. The party we went to after shooting seems like it was two years ago, not more than ten. I remember that night so well. I remember that whole trip so well.

I went out to LA for a couple of weeks in 2010 and because AirBNB didn’t exist, I went on Craigslist and found a sublet in Koreatown that had nothing left in the apartment except for a bed because the people had already moved out. I remember going on a date with a girl who I met at a really fun party and when I told her I was 30 she told me I was too old for her which was the first time that had ever happened. I went to my buddy Justin’s birthday party and now they write music for Justin Bieber and Britney Spears and shit. The Lakers won the NBA Championship and there was a mini riot outside of the hotel where Phoenix and I were shooting and after we went to that party and I hung out with Aaron Paul for the second time and he was once again unreasonably nice and so I started watching Breaking Bad for the first time on that trip. Bam Margera was also at that party and he was easily the drunkest I have ever seen any human ever, and that is saying something considering I worked in nightlife for years. I also shot EDC for no reason just because some friends were there and I figured I could get a press pass from the LA Weekly. It was the last one ever in LA because someone got trampled to death. Oh and a Smith’s convention for the LA Weekly as well. Anyway it was a good trip.

Sorry for that very long tangent but clearly I am going through a midlife crisis. Let’s get back to Phoenix. I shot her in her apartment in LA almost exactly a year ago. (We also shot a third time in 2012 in Chicago.) Her apartment was really dark but it looked out on this path that went to nowhere and there was no reason for anyone to be back there so I had this idea of standing in her room and shooting her outside. It ended up being pretty hilarious actually. She also sort of had to hide from her neighbors on the sides so I got some pretty funny shots of her hoping her neighbors didn’t see her trying to climb a wall in a bathrobe. After that we shot some stuff in her bed but it wasn’t looking great so we tried the living room which worked but her roommate came home in the middle of her just hanging out naked in the living room so she ran into the bedroom and I was just sort of standing there to greet a stranger in their own home. Honestly I don’t even know if that’s exactly what happened because it was a year ago but that sounds right to me. We ended up the shoot in the kitchen, but most of those photos were me shooting up at her while she had her legs spread because she was standing on both kitchen counters and they are a little too explicit for this site even though they are some of my favorite shots from the day. You can see those on Girls of DBB if you want.

I guess I should also plug my OnlyFans while I am here. I posted some video of this shoot, and Phoenix climbing the wall and throwing her bathrobe to me, but it was a while ago so you gotta search that shit out for yourself. 

Okay, I am done with this. Go look at some n00dz.

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of my old friend Phoenix Askani! 

Ps. I pretty much forgot to shoot any photos that were safe for the main page. Whoops. 

Phoenix Askani

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Olive Glass

When I first met Olive Glass I squished her head for some reason. I have no explanation for how that came to be but here we are. A couple years later I finally got to take photos of Olive and I feel like we got some good ones and you can now look at them. 

These were taken at her place in LA which is pretty much the last time I left NYC for more than a couple of days on my way to the AVN Awards last year which would be happening this month if it weren’t for the apocalypse which means I am going to miss AVN for the first time in over a decade and also that these photos are nearly a year old which is honestly far too long but what are you gonna do? The world ended, don’t blame me.

What makes me very happy about these photos is that Olive liked them. She does a lot of very fancy pretty fashion modeling and whenever I see her photos on the internets they are always retouched and glamourous and things and obviously my photos are not like that. She still appreciated my raw look which is awesome. Instead of having her pose we just hung out drinking coffee and taking photos and telling stories and all that stuff and as you probably know by now that’s my favorite kinda shoot. Can’t wait to get back out to LA one day so we can do it again.

And now it’s time to pay the rent… These photos, plus a bonus mini set shot in Olive’s kitchen, plus some bonus explicit shots are all on Girls of Driven By Boredom in high resolution. I also posted a teaser to this set on my OnlyFans. There’s also a pretty funny video of Olive and some mylar balloons that I posted to my OnlyFans a while ago. Lastly, unrelated to Olive, a photo I took of Nicolette Shea went viral on Twitter the other day so I released it as a print in order to raise some money for the Bowery Mission so if you have ever wanted to own one of my photos this seems like a pretty good time. 

Okay, done with the promotion, time to look at some pretty photos.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Olive Glass!

Olive Glass

Olive Glass

Olive Glass

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Siri Dahl

Now that we got all of the lost 2019 photos out of the way we have moved back into 2020. I shot a bunch of stuff in January in Vegas and LA before the world ended and while I have posted a bunch of that in the past I still got a few more galleries left starting with Siri Dahl. I knew all about Siri years ago and we even talked about working on a big project together but we never actually met. She eventually retired from being a professional naked person and I didn’t hear from her in years.

Fast forward to AVN 2020 when she came out of retirement and started shooting again. She had been doing a podcast about her “Life After Adult” and then suddenly she was doing adult all over again. She even gave herself a new stage last name which is probably a lot easier to google since when she started in the industry Apple’s Siri didn’t exist yet.

I walking around the convention center with my pal Sovereign Syre during the Adult Expo and Sov finally introduced me to Siri in real life. She put in a good word and later that day I was up in Siri’s hotel room taking photos. Siri and I got along real well because she is awesome and after the AVN Awards ran into her and I ended up in an Uber with her and Michael Vegas and Siouxsie Q and Ella Nova to a very weird party at a mansion in the middle of nowhere and I’m not sure if it was a wild night but it was a very strange one and I think it was daylight when I got back to my hotel room. 

So yeah now Siri and I are clearly best friends and I can’t wait to take photos of her again and hopefully end up at some awful party in the middle of nowhere because honestly how great would it be to go to even an awful party again. I mean we took a party bus home, do you have any idea how much I want to go on a party bus? And I have never wanted to go on a party bus.

Wrapping up we need to plug the things. If you wanna see these photos in high res plus some more explicit shots make sure to go to Girls of Driven By Boredom. If you want to see a few videos of Siri from this shoot you can check my OnlyFans. I put two videos up today but there are two others on there if you search for them. And lastly, I found my old Amazon wish list for my website yesterday and if you want to buy me some film for Christmas I will send you something in return. Just saying. 

Anyway, I should be back for some annual Christmas post but honestly I have nothing so it’s gonna be some old recycled content or maybe nothing? I don’t even know. Pretty sure I am not gonna shoot anything new tomorrow. Okay, now go look at some Siri nudes!

Click here to see all my NSFW photos of Siri Dahl!

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl




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More Photos Of Khloe Kapri

I did it! I finished getting up all the photos from that lost folder from my trip to LA in the summer of 2019. The final gallery is of Khloe Kapri who I have shot a bunch before. I shot her with two girls first, and then I shot her by herself that same day, and then I shot her with Jane Wilde at AVN and then she ended up in my 2019 juggalo coverage which we will get to in a minute. I really like taking her photo and I think a big part of that is because she thinks about my photography the way I think about my photography.

The first time I met her I took a kinda unflattering photo of her eating pizza that she loved because she said it felt like her. She loved the raw and realness of it which is what I am always going for, so when we shot this time she didn’t put on any make up and she just hung out in bed on her phone and playing with her cats and smoking and just being herself, only with slightly less clothes on. That’s sort of my mantra when it comes to shooting girls: do what you would normally do, just without a shirt on. 

At some point during the shoot she was looking through some clothes and she remarked that she needed to go to a festival because she had all this porn shoot clothing that she had already shot in that could only be worn at something like EDC and I jokingly said she should come to the Gathering of the Juggalos with me. The festival was in a couple weeks but she didn’t have anything booked so she just bought a plane ticket which I was totally not expecting and ended up being a blast. I am like 90% sure she’s a juggalo now. Also while we were at the festival I made her watch a bunch of YouTube videos about aquariums because fish tanks are my midlife crisis and she ended up getting two fish tanks like a week later so my job here is done

Okay now I need to sell you shit as per the end of every post. If you subscribe to my OnlyFans you can see two very short videos from the day of this shoot. One of them is just like her being hot smoking but the second one is her trying to smash a rock with a hammer for inexplicable reasons but I honestly don’t know why you wouldn’t want to pay $5 a month to see that. I also have all these photos, in high resolution on my other paysite thing Girls of Driven By Boredom. As per usual there are some bonus extra explicit photos on there too if you  are into that sort of thing. Moving on…

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Khloe Kapri hanging out in her apartment!

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

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Audrey Noir Returns

As I may have mentioned 100 times, I lost this folder of images from an LA trip in 2019 and I have been slowly getting all that stuff up over the course of the pandemic. I just have two galleries left and one of them is going up today: Audrey Noir.

When I got to LA on this particular trip I had assumed I was staying with a friend of mine, but as I tried to get his address and stuff I hadn’t heard back from him and I was real confused. I kept DMing him and not hearing back and it turned out he had been locked out of his Twitter and if I had just texted him like a normal person instead of Twitter DM everything would have been fine. But I am a moron and I had to find a hotel at the last second. I just got it for a few nights while I figured out a place to stay on the cheap but I fucked up and booked a hotel so god damn far away from everything. If I was gonna spend the money on a hotel I wanted to shoot in it, especially with the room’s weird blue walls, but no one wanted to come out that far, no one but Audrey Noir.

Audrey is a delightful weirdo that I got to shoot in a rubble pile back in 2017. It was pretty amazing. Since then she’s got some new boobs and is still super adorable and I put her in this strange blue corner of the room. I couldn’t figure out what the purpose of this indentation was for, but I popped on a flash and took some photos of Audrey pretty much stuck in the wall. I don’t shoot much flash these days but I think it worked. We didn’t shoot a ton of photos despite her long drive but I think you guys will dig them. There’s some sexy ones, some cute ones and some just straight up funny ones. 

I think we only one shoot from 2019 left. I have started writing down everything I shoot so I don’t lose another entire month of photos like I did with these and I have three shoots left on that list but one of the girls got a job teaching so I don’t think she wants me posting those but maybe she will change her mind one day and one of the shoots my camera battery died while I was on a damn canoe so I think there isn’t much digital stuff from that so that will probably end up as a Girls of DBB mini set exclusive or something (Update: I apparently already did this months ago. Search Veronica Rose on there to find them.) But we still have one set from these June/July 2019 LA trip photos left and it’s a good one!

Speaking of Girls of DBB these have been already on there (in high res) for a couple of days and I posted a preview of them on OnlyFans the day before which was kinda a cool new twist. My OnlyFans has been primarily videos but I am sort of running out so I have been posting videos 5 days a week instead of 7 and filling in one of those days with some photos, either something fun I found in my phone or previews of upcoming sets like this one. I sort of like that idea so I might keep that up, but who knows. Still got a lot of video left before I start really running out and hopefully by then I will have a whole lot more.

Now click here to see all the photos of Audrey Noir shot in a weird blue corner of a hotel room slightly too far outside of LA!

Audrey Noir

Audrey Noir

Audrey Noir

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Kirra & Nina

I have only left NYC twice since January. The first time was a yearly trip I have done with three of my childhood friends where we all quarantined for two weeks and then back in September when cases were really low in NYC I went on a 24 hour road trip to my friends’ rental property Sparrow House in upstate NY with Kirra and Nina. We took a ton of photos in the short time we were there and I am going to have solo shoots with each of them coming soon, but let’s start out with some real pretty bathtub photos.

I had wanted to go up to Sparrow House to see my friends Mike and Sarah for a while but I didn’t want to take public transportation which is how I got up there in the past so I rented my friend’s van to go see them. But I figured if I was going to spend the money on the van and gas and tolls I should be productive at the same time. The area is absolutely beautiful (as you will see in the later shoots) and I really wanted to shoot there so I hit up Kirra who as you may know is one of my favorite models and she said she was down to go and told me her friend Nina Burns wanted to come too. I clearly was down for that and I picked them up at Kirra’s place right after rush hour one night.

We got up there fairly late in the evening and Mike built a fire and we were all hanging out around it but at some point one of the girls got cold or something and they went inside while Sarah, Mike and I continued our fire hangs until I got a text from Kirra. “Hey is it cool if we take a bath in this giant tub and also do you want to take pictures of it?” 

We had proper photo shoots planned for the next day but I certainly wasn’t going to say no to bath tub photos. Unfortunately the light in the room was absolute garbage and I didn’t think we were going to get anything good, but when I looked at the photos I actually thought they were very pretty so I did what every bad photographer does and converted them to black and white so you can’t tell how bad the lighting is. I honestly can’t tell you how much I hate the way digital black and white photos look, but sometimes it’s the only move you can make. 

Anyway, I can’t wait until you guys see the rest of the stuff we shot at Sparrow House but in the meantime if you want a preview there are a few color shots I took of Kirra and Nina by the river on Girls of DBB as part of this gallery. All these photos are there too but in high resolution. There’s also some video I shot of them on in the bathtub my OnlyFans today and I put up a real pretty video of Kirra at Sparrow House recently as well. 

Okay, that’s it. Let’s look at some photos! I tend to like to space stuff out so I don’t know when you will next see the solo stuff we shot but it’s real nice and will be here sooner or later!

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Kirra & Nina at Sparrow House!

Kirra & Nina


Kirra & Nina


Kirra & Nina

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