Rocky Emerson

A year ago I did my annual trip to Vegas and LA to shoot a bunch of stuff and then do the AVN Awards week madness and I don’t get to drive living in NYC and I love being on the road so I decided I would come to Vegas for one day and rent a car there and then drive to LA for a week, come back and drop off the car and then just be in Vegas for the rest of the time. It was a perfect plan and it gave me a chance to shoot someone I had been wanting to shoot for ages, Rocky Emerson.

When I landed in Vegas I had another shoot planned but that model couldn’t end up doing it and I sort of didn’t really know what to do and spent like an hour at the airport before I could check into my hotel trying to figure out a plan. Eventually I just went and tried to check in early and when I got there it had this huge window that was perfect for shooting photos in. I hit up Rocky and she was super busy because she had just returned to town herself and was planning for her brother to visit and she was like “come by and you can take photos of me building an Ikea bed for him”. This seemed like the perfect idea for the shoot so I went over to her place but the room she was building the bed in was super dark and there was no way we were gonna be able to make that work.

There was good light in her living room but her neighbors could easily see in so that wasn’t ideal either so we decided to go back to the hotel. She decide just to put the mattress on the floor and made the bed and I actually saw her fold a fitted she which was honestly incredible and we finally took off to head back to my hotel. Unfortunately by the time we got there it was too dark anyway because it was fucking January and daylight doesn’t exist and so we had to use this horrible lamp to shoot with. This is the pain of not being a real photographer… if the light sucks I just have to deal with it because I am not fucking bringing lights anywhere with me.

Anyway Rocky is real hot so it’s fine, and we shot some really nice 35mm stuff that was less reliant on good lighting cause it was either black and white or shot with flash. And we got a few really nice shots digitally too, but I think we were both a bit disappointed with the photos which is a bummer, but again, Rocky is very hot so it’s fine but it probably explains why I haven’t posted these for a year. But I am running out of content so here we are. I hope we get to try again one of these days.

After the shoot we went out with her friends and her brother and honestly it was a blast and thinking about it now makes me really miss fun. Okay, let’s get slightly less depressing and slightly more commercial. If you want to see some extras from this set that are more R rated, make sure you check Girls of Driven By Boredom and I should plug my OnlyFans too. I put a preview of this up on there yesterday and I recently edited together a video of a bunch of old Snapchats of “porn stars doing things” which is just a way of me saying it’s a bunch of hot girls who are not actually naked and it features a two second video clip of Rocky and her friend Sam dancing like those inflatable things outside of used car dealerships. It’s not up yet but honestly I just needed some sort of reason to plug my OnlyFans so let me live.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of the amazing Rocky Emerson.

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

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