Dylan Moore Is Back

When I was in Vegas for the AVN Awards I found a staircase in a parking garage I really wanted to photograph someone naked on. I spent two days trying to make that happen but people were busy and it was a long walk in heels. I ran into my friend Dylan Moore (who you can see more of here) at the ALF party and we talked about shooting again, so when I ran into her as the tradeshow was ending the next day I asked her if she wanted to hit that stairwell, and we did it.

But after that we decided to go back to her hotel to take even more photos. I couldn’t stay long but we took a bunch of fun photos that you are hopefully about to look at. She did splits on furniture, she jumped off of TV stands (she moved the TV), she changed twice and I just captured the madness. I honestly barely got out of the chair and she did all the work which is honestly my favorite type of shoot. Sometimes when I am shooting in a hotel room after shooting other shit all day, I just want to lay down and try and find reasons to shoot from the hotel bed. Yes I am that lazy, but also it makes butts look good so everyone wins.

Also, I haven’t shot any nudes since this Vegas trip. It sucks. I don’t know what to shoot in North Carolina and I went to NYC on the weekend before 4th of July and everyone was out of town. I need to get back to LA soon just to shoot (and see my newborn niece) but in the meantime I am just stretching out the NSFW content I do have. I still have one more shoot to go, and it’s a good one. But it’s also of Dylan from the first time we shot. So I need to find at least one more shoot to post before I post those right? So if anyone knows any naked people within two hours of Wilmington, NC, let a guy know. I am not ready to retire quite yet.

As per usual, all these photos are gonna be on my pay site, Girls of Driven By Boredom. I realize I just told you that I won’t have anything new for a bit, but I am gonna start reuploading old shoots there in high res, but there are also tens of thousands of nudes on there already so sign up. Thanks!

Now click here to see all the photos of Dylan Moore in her Vegas hotel room.

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

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Heidi V & Nova Hawthorne

Hello! I am back with some “new” pictures that I took back in January during the AVN Awards week. I am settling nicely into my new North Carolina life but between the move and getting the new place together I really haven’t taken very many photos. It’s a super weird experience for me but I have recently come into some dumb crypto money so my priority has been on getting used to my move and not working, but that’s not really a long term situation so hopefully I’ll get back to traveling and taking wild photos and all that shit. Meanwhile, I have some photos of my old pal Heidi V and her friend Nova Hawthorne. 

I met Heidi years ago and we have taken photos a few times now and she’s always an awkward joy to photograph. She’s very fun and for the second time brought me a pretty friend to take photos with as well. Nova Hawthorne was staying with Heidi during the AVNs so one day I went up to their room to take photos. The light sucked so we pulled out one of their webcam lights and made it work. They are pretty bad technically because that’s kinda my thing, but you can tell the girls are having a blast and capturing actual fun is also kinda my thing.

All the photos below are very cute, but there are also some pretty sexy photos as well, but you gotta go to Girls of Driven By Boredom for those. Sorry but those are the rules. Anyway, I am gonna get back organizing my office, watering all my plants, feeding my fish and whatever else I do in my new weird life. 

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Heidi V and Nova Hawthorne!


Heidi V & Nova Hawthorne

Heidi V & Nova Hawthorne

Heidi V & Nova Hawthorne


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Jade Baker @ The Chelsea Hotel

Last summer I photographed Jade Baker for the half dozenth time. I love taking her photo and when she told me she was staying at the Chelsea Hotel I got over there as quickly as possible. We shot a ton of photos and I was really happy with them and was ready to put them up, but she then was going through a rebrand to “Rosie Jones” so I waited to upload them for a couple of weeks.

By the time she had announced her new name I got the 35mm back and I loved it, so I abandoned the digitals and I uploaded the film photos with the announcement about her new name. So months go by, I get busy, I upload other stuff, I plan a move, I move, I spend a month unpacking and during all of this I end up completely forgetting about these digital photos and they just languished on my hard drive until now!

So we have a ton of really fun photos of Jade, who is once again going by Jade, in an absolutely iconic location that I am so glad I got to photograph in before I moved. It wouldn’t have felt right.

On some quick housekeeping notes, I have now been living in Wilmington, NC for five weeks and I still don’t have my office fully set up, but the last piece of office furniture is being delivered today and then I will get my printers and my postage scale and all that boring shit set up so I can start shipping stuff again. A lot of my merch is still hard to get to at the moment as my closet is just full of garbage but by next week I should be ready to go. You can stuff order now, and it should ship early next week. 

Also, these photos of Jade and the 35mm version of this shoot and hundreds of other shoots are all available on Girls of DBB. I don’t have an OnlyFans anymore so that is the only place to get my NSFW content. I am not really working right now as I get my life together, so signing up for that site helps me a ton. It’s pretty cheap, especially if you sign up for a few months at a time. 

Now click here to see all the uncensored digital photos of Jade Baker at the Chelsea Hotel.

Jade Baker

Jade Baker

Jade Baker

Jade Baker

Jade Baker

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Dylan Moore

Okay, this post was supposed to go up in January. I had it all ready to go and then I just ran out of time before I went to the AVN Awards. And then when I was in Vegas I ran into Dylan again and we did this mini shoot in a parking garage that I posted in my last update and so I didn’t want to post her back to back but then this move happened and I have been swamped and don’t have a working office and long story short I just needed to get something up and this was the next in line. As I mention below, we did a second shoot on the same day as this one, but we also did a third shoot in Vegas that is probably great but honestly I haven’t even looked at the photos because my life has been a mess since I got back. Give me two more weeks an I should be back in business. My desk comes this week so that’s a start… anyway, here is your post from January:

Back in October a model named Dylan Moore reached out to me. She was coming to NYC and wanted to shoot. We had a mutual friend who connected us but she apparently followed me back in the Tumblr days. I was down of course and I showed up at her hotel and we did a pretty quick shoot on the bed in her I <3 NY shirt.

When we were done shooting in the hotel room we went out on the balcony area and took a few more photos. She seemed comfortable with public nudity but I didn’t want to get her kicked out of her hotel room. I did have an idea… I had wanted to shoot at this secret spot in my neighborhood since I found it in 2016 but for whatever reason I had never done it. I also had a second spot in mind but you had to be crazy to do it. Dylan was down for both and we got on the train and headed to Brooklyn… but that’s for another post….

Anyway, Dylan is a great model and she really liked the photos we took so I hope we get to shoot again soon (Spoiler alert: we did). Honestly I don’t have a ton more to say because I have a whole second part to this day and I am about to head to Vegas for the AVN Awards and I want to get this up before I leave (Editor’s note: lol). 

All these photos are paywalled cause that is the world we live in now, so the link below will take you to Girls of Driven By Boredom which has probably over 100k photos on it so you might as well sign up for decades worth of NSFW photos. 

Now click here to see all the photos of Dylan Moore.

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

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AVN Parking Lot Photo Shoots

Back when the AVN Awards were at the Hard Rock Hotel I did so many mini photo shoots on the parking deck roof or in my rental car in the parking lot or wherever I could find a place to spend five minutes shooting photos with a model when she had a quick break from signing autographs or partying or whatever else people do in Vegas during a porn convention. The AVNs recently have moved to Resort World and I didn’t know any of the good hiding spots yet, but when I parked my rental car near a stairwell I realized it was the perfect place to shoot. 

I tried to shoot several people in that stairwell but it was in a lot that was adjacent to the hotel and you had to go outside to get there which means a) they had to go outside in the cold wearing skimpy clothing b) they had a ten minute round trip walk in high heels. So pretty much everyone flaked, which happens at lot at AVN anyway.

On Friday night I ran into Dylan Moore, who I recently shot in New York. (I have two NYC shoots with her to publish already.) The convention was about to end when I ran into her and she mentioned she had a hotel with a great room we could shoot in, so we drove over there, but before we did, I finally got to shoot someone in that stairwell because I had once again parked my rental car right next to it. Dylan immediately hung herself over the 4th floor railing which scared the absolute shit out of me given that I once was sued by Larry Flynt and an Instagram famous douchebag over a girl breaking her foot “falling” off a roof on a shoot I did for Hustler. Once I got her to stop that we shot a bunch of film and Instax and didn’t really shoot much digital, but I still have a handful of photos for you. (Plus a full hotel shoot with her still to come.)

One of the people I talked to about shooting in that stairwell was a model I met at the convention named Michelle Masque. I had tried to shoot her during the day on Friday and it didn’t happen so on Saturday when we finally met up I figured we could just go to the main parking garage and shoot on the roof. The problem was it was so bright out and the shadows were so harsh. I took some daylight flash stuff with my point and shoot 35mm camera so that might end up being cool, but a lot of the stuff we shot was pretty harsh. Still, we got some nice stuff I think. Plus she got to try on an outfit she had just bought and found out it was a little too big, so she was able to return it right after the shoot and so it worked out for everyone.

Shortly after my shoot with Michelle I went to the hotel Starbucks to get a coffee and I ran into my buddy CJ and his wife Sania Mallory who I really wanted to photograph. They were just going home so I said why don’t we do something quick on the parking garage before they bounced. Fortunately, in just the half hour between my shoot with Michelle and my shoot with Sania, the sun had gone down enough and the light was absolutely perfect. I photographed her and her and then her and CJ together and then I ended up shooting her with this dude Tiny Smallz who was staying with them. And then finally I shot them all with their other friend David for a nice family portrait.

Lastly, a few hours later I ran into my old pal Goldie Fawn. She was one half of what was maybe my favorite AVN shoot of all time and is in my new zine Off The Hook. I don’t think I seen her since we shot back in 2018, and I really wanted to take her photo this year but it hadn’t happened yet. Fortunately when I ran into her in the hotel lobby she had just finished walking the AVN red carpet and she had a few minutes before she had to go back into the awards show, so once again we went to the parking garage. I had to get some cameras out of my rental car so we ended up just shooting her on my rental car in her incredible gold red carpet dress. This shoot was so quick and we got so many fun shots. Goldie rules and I am so glad we got to do this quick shoot right only an hour before I went to the airport to head back home. 

Lastly, before I leave you with links, I should mention that my book Instaxxx which has NSFW instant film photos from hundreds of photo shoots is on sale right now. I am moving at the end of the month and trying to get rid of some stuff before I go. It’s 25% off right now. Just saying. 

Okay, so a bunch of these photos are tame enough to post on Flicker but like, it doesn’t make a great gallery so I am pay walling everything. Sorry. All these photos are exclusive to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but just a reminder that there are tens of thousands of high res nude photos on there all for one low price, so like, get it together and throw in a few $ and go look at the 100 parking lot photos and then go look at everything I have shot for decades. 

Now click here to see all four shoots I did in the Resort World parking garage during the 2024 AVN Awards week in Las Vegas.

Sania Mallory

Michelle Masque

Sania Mallory, CJ Linde, Tiny Smallz & David Hener

Goldie Fawn

Dylan Moore

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Assholes Live Forever AVN Party – 1.24.24

If you aren’t familiar with Assholes Live Forever, you’ve still probably seen one of their t-shirts in some viral post. The “edgy” clothing company has blown up in the last few years and I see it everywhere. Normally I am probably a little too woke to be associating myself with a company that posts sexist memes as a marketing strategy but the company happens to be run by my buddy Kirill, the former party photographer Kirill Was Here, who I have known since our nightlife days in NYC fifteen years ago. Kirill took what we were doing in nightlife and turned it into a TV show, a Vegas residency and now a hugely successful fashion brand and I am proud as hell of the dude, even if I would probably hate his internet persona if I didn’t know him. 

When I knew I was heading to the AVN Awards I hit him up and he told me he was not only gonna be in town but he was throwing a party. When he sent the link it was being thrown by Jardin, a cannabis company in Vegas. Last time I went to one of their parties they had mermaids in the pool and super cars parked in the driveway and was like the cheesy mansion  party vibe you only really see in movies. That last party you could pay to get in, so it was like 20% hot girls and 80% rich bros so it was not where I wanted to be, but I knew and ALF party thrown by Kirill and adult film star Damon Dice would be a lot more fun and I was right. 

I took a party bus to the party with another edgelord friend of mine, Charlie Classic and when we got there it was already popping off. The party was as expected, mansion, pool, step and repeat, backyard yurt filled with pillows, you get the idea. They had a chef cooking up waffles that looked like dicks and Flava Flav was hanging out. The party was mostly porn stars and I had a bunch of friends there so it was a lot of fun, but maybe the best part was Kirill walking around introducing me to girls as the “photographer who inspired my career” which is only a little true but shows you what a good dude Kirill is, and of course it lead to way better pictures. 

Now speaking of pictures, about 1/3 of these photos are too NSFW for this site and are behind a paywall. That’s mostly Kirill’s fault so blame him, but between the girls flashing me, a mini photo shoot on a basketball court and Sabrina Nichole walking around mostly topless all night, I had to post a ton of this site exclusively to Girls of Driven By Boredom. But if you go over there, not only does it have the 20 extra NSFW photos, but they are in a slightly higher resolution AND you will have access to nearly every nude photo I have ever taken which is an absolutely enormous amount, hundreds of galleries, tens of thousands of photos. 

Anyway the party was fun, I took a lot of photos (can’t wait to see the 35mm stuff when it gets developed) and thanks a ton to Kirill for having me. So proud of you man.

Click here to see all the tame photos from the Assholes Live Forever AVN Slumber Party in Las Vegas.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos from the Assholes Live Forever AVN Slumber Party in Las Vegas.

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Ellen Stagg Book Release Party – 11.30.23

Last week I went back to the Super Funland bar at the Museum of Sex to photograph my friend Ellen Stagg’s party to celebrate the release of her new book Free To Be Naked. I’ve known Ellen about 15 years and we’ve photographed so many of the same models despite having very different photographic styles and I am a big fan of her and her work. Fortunately Ellen must be a fan of my photography too because she keeps hiring me to photograph her parties (and used one of my photos of her for her author photo in the book). I photographed her last book release in the basement of the Museum of Sex, and just recently I photographed a signing she did for a Hustler Magazine cover, also at Super Funland. 

Super Funland is a great place for a party, at least from a photography standpoint because it’s insane looking. There’s a slide that starts upstairs in the museum and comes out a giant butt in the bar, which means randomly throughout the party museum goers just end up in the bar. There are also a few carnival games including a Zoltar that has been replaced with Rupaul, a very cool looking bar and of course a stripper pole. Ellen had two dancers going throughout the night, Ruby Quinn, who I met at Ellen’s last party, and Tess Artiste. They both absolutely killed it.

Also important to mention is that my friend Sucklord made a bootleg Ellen action figure! It was the release party for that thing as well and it’s pretty hilarious. Sucklord and started to work on a toy once but I kinda dropped the ball on it. I do still have the prototype and it’s a prized possession. I keep it on a shelf in my office. 

But yeah, it was a great time, met some rad people, saw some old friends and took a bunch of cool pictures. Thanks a ton to Ellen for having me out, and congrats on the new book! 

PS. While these photos are mostly safe for work, there are six images that I felt were gonna get me in trouble with Flickr if I uploaded them, so if you want to see every photo in this gallery the full set is available on Girls of Driven By Boredom. It is absolutely not worth paying for Girls of DBB for these six images, but there are tens of thousands of nudes on there for very little money. Just saying. 

Now click here to see (almost) all the photos from Ellen Stagg’s Free To Be Naked book release party at Super Funland at the Museum of Sex.

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party


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Siri Dahl Is Back!

I was in Kentucky on back to back weekends not too long ago and one of my favorite humans Siri Dahl happens to live there. She was traveling pretty much the whole time I was there, but luckily our schedules allowed for about two hours of photo taking which was great. She was actually one of the last people I photographed before the pandemic and it was our first shoot despite talking about shooting for many, many years. Seriously I think we first talked about shooting in like 2013 or something and didn’t shoot until 2020 and didn’t shoot again until a couple of months ago. She is great and hopefully we will get to shoot many more times in the future, but yeah. We got new Siri photos!

Siri is hilarious and has some, let’s just say, interesting pillows. We shot with them and her cat and eventually she brought out some super religious booty shorts that you might appreciate. We were in Kentucky after all. I feel like I need more caffeine or something because I have sort of reached the point in this post where I have run out of things to say, but just to recap, Siri is rad, she’s hot, and we took a bunch of nudes, some which are a little more explicit than I normally shoot. You will like them, if you like rad, hot people and vaginas and butts and things. Is anyone still reading this or are you just looking at photos?

As a reminder, we live in a puritanical hellscape and forward all my nudes are paywalled to Girls Of Driven By Boredom. I am really sorry about that but the site has thousands and thousands of nudes on there so I feel like it’s worth whatever Findrow is charging these days. Also, because I no longer have an OnlyFans, I edited together all the BTS video I shot for my OF into a minute long video of short clips and uploaded that to Girls of DBB as well. The video is free if you subscribe or $5 if you just wanna see it. 

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Siri Dahl and tens of thousands of other nude photos.

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl

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2023 Exxxotica NJ Part One – 11.3.23

Exxxotica Expo New Jersey just celebrated their 15th anniversary. The company does events all over the place but the very first one was in NJ and I was there so of course I had to show up for the big anniversary. My plan originally was just to go for a few hours but they actually reached out to me and asked me to shoot the first two days for them and I was more than happy to take their money. My buddy Steve Prue is their staff photographer and every few years he spends the weekend shooting portraits and they ask me to fill in for him. So glad it worked out.

Over the weekend I shot nearly 2000 photos which edited down to nearly 500, so I figured we should break this up in to two posts. The first one you are looking at right now and the second post should be up Wednesday. I got too much to do tomorrow. Also, a lot of these photos will be exclusive to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but we will get to that in a minute.

This is the first adult event I have photographed since AVN in 2020 just a couple months before the world ended. I missed Exxxotica last year because my girlfriend’s car was in the shop and I missed AVN because I got the dates wrong and when I started looking at flights and hotels it wasn’t worth it. Between that and my LA trips recently being more about my 1 year old nephew than photographing sex workers I feel a little bit out of the adult world. I knew only a handful of the girls so it felt less like a family reunion than normal, but I still got a bunch of good shots. Plus it was great to see my friends who were there. 

After the show ended I hit the after party for a bit. I shot two burlesque performances including one from Vonka Romanov who I actually photographed way back in 2015. But my bad back was killing me so I wasn’t there long and went up to my hotel room to get a jump start on editing these photos. It’s so wild how old I have gotten in just a few short years. I guess a global pandemic, a severe back injury and getting wifed up will do that to a person. Hey, we had a good run. 

Okay, so let’s get to that other thing… If you are a regular here you will know that my website is broken and I cannot fix it. I have been using Flickr to host my galleries which has a lot of drawbacks, but the main one is that if you post adult content the photos will get marked as such and you can’t see them without having a Flickr account and then updating your settings to be able to see adult content. Because of this over 100 of the photos I shot on Friday are only going to be posted on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I realize that sucks, but maybe a few of you will actually sign up which will help my life since OnlyFans disabled my account last week. That being said, if I took your photo at the convention and you don’t see it in the free gallery, contact me, and I will try and find your photo for you. 

Okay, here are a ton of photos and there will be a ton more in a couple of days. Thanks so much to everyone at Exxxotica for having me out. Can’t wait to photograph the 20th anniversary!

Click here to see all of the vaguely safe for work photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Click here to see all of the uncensored photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Exxxotica Ribbon Cutting

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Alexis Texas Twerk Contest

Exxxotica Seminars

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary


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