2019 Juggalo Fight Club

Every year  at the Gathering of the Juggalos the band Wolfpac hosts a radio show live during the day and every year they host a bare knuckle boxing event which seems to get more and more brutal every year. I ended up watching the last day of it which featured two preliminary rounds and a championship round. Plus they did a woman’s fight but no one would fight the one woman who volunteered so she offered to fight a dude. Someone agreed and she kicked his ass. Pretty great.

The guy who won the whole thing seemed very much like he knew what he was doing and I am pretty sure he broke someone’s nose in the final fight of the event. It was kinda great. 

The most important thing to know about these photos is that most of them are in black and white. I abhor digital black and white and I generally think that reason most people convert their color images to b&w is because they took bad color photos and they needed to fix it and that is exactly what is happening here. The fights happened in a red circus tent and it made everything red and horrible looking. It was much easier to make them black and white than to try to color balance them so here we are. At the end I took the final fighters outside for some photos that weren’t under the tent so they are still color. Deal with that.

Anyway, more juggalo photos coming soon, but enjoy these for now.

Click here to see all the fight photos from the 2019 Juggalo Fight Club. 

Juggalo Fight Club

Juggalo Fight Club

Juggalo Fight Club

Juggalo Fight Club

Juggalo Fight Club

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The Rest Of The 2018 Gathering Of The Juggalos

I had planned for this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos to be seven posts, but it turns out it’s only going to be six, but at least we got everything up before the weekend. This will be a good place to come back to and check out all my coverage from this year’s Gathering. 

The seventh post I was waiting for an article on Vice about the Bunk Police who are people who go around to festivals and test people’s drugs for them. They sell kits so you can test your own drugs and maybe end up saving your life. Apparently the juggalos actually have really good drugs and almost all the MDMA they tested was real which is very unusual. There was some fake acid and terrifyingly they found some cocaine with Fentanyl in it which is really scary. The article should be out Monday and I will update this page to include the link, but it’s not really about juggalos anyway and the photos I took for it were mostly just photos of them testing drugs so it wasn’t that interesting. I pulled my 10 favorite shots and just threw them in this already massive post, but make sure you check out that article when it comes out because it’s really interesting. Check out the Bunk Police here. 

Anyway, the rest of this gallery is just everything else. It’s just 200+ photos of juggalos that didn’t make sense to put anywhere else. There’s a bunch of crazy shit in here. A lot of nudity and madness and juggalo tattoos and Faygo flying and general chaos. Just tons of stuff to look at. And remember if you wanna see all the nudity from the fest including a bunch of way too NSFW stuff for here you should probably go over to Girls of Driven By Boredom and check the GOTJ 2018 gallery out. It’s a lot. 

I don’t really have much else to say but I hope you guys have enjoyed another year of juggalo madness and hopefully you guys will be excited when my juggalo book finally comes out. I am so ready to start really working on it finally.

Now check out all my coverage from the 2018 Gathering of the Juggalos below:

Juggalo Couples Tell Us How They Fell In Love
We Embedded With Vigilante Drug Testers at the Gathering of the Juggalos
Juggalos Tell Us How They’ve Been Affected by the Opioid Crisis

Thank God For Juggalos 

Brooklyn Vegan:
Gathering of the Juggalos 2018: NSFW pics

Gallery: Gathering Of The Juggalos 2018

Driven By Boredom:
The Gathering Of The Juggalos Returns
Music Of The 2018 Gathering Of The Juggalos
Mike Busey At The Gathering Of The Juggalos
Random Events At The 2018 Gathering Of The Juggalos
2018 Juggalette Wet T-Shirt Contest

And finally click here to see the rest of the 2018 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH!

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

 2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

2018 Gathering of The Juggalos

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Random Events At The 2018 Gathering Of The Juggalos

Okay, let me dump one more Gathering of the Juggalos post on you today. This one is sort of a grab bag where I put photos that didn’t make much sense anywhere else. The Gathering has a ton of events during the day and then at 6pm the main stage band start. They end sometime after midnight and then the after parties start. The issue for me is that during the day the sunlight sucks and people are kinda hung over so it makes more sense to show up around 4pm and work until 2am or something, but then at night the light sucks too because you are shooting with a flash and the people you are traveling with talk you into leaving early.

So long story short is that I have a handful of photos from a handful of things. I think there are maybe two photos from some sort of Prince themed party and a few from a “Juggalo Yacht Club” party because that’s a real thing that happened. There’s a few other shots from some other after parties too but the gallery is honestly mostly fights.

I have blogged about the Juggalo Fight Club a lot. It’s a day time event thrown by the band Wolfpac who run one of the day time stages. It started out with juggalos on roller skates boxing and then over the years devolved into straight up bare knuckles boxing before eventually becoming a little more organized with a makeshift ring and MMA style gloves and things like that. 

This year I only got to see two matches (well 2.5) and I had to leave before the championship round but I did get to photograph the first ever female juggalo fight club fight which lasted about 15 seconds before one of the girls hurt her ear and quit. Fortunately another juggalette jumped in and actually won in pretty convincing fashion. The girl who lost bloodied the winner but then got her own head blooded by the ring and ended up having to quit after one round. She looked a little concussed but seemed fine shortly after. Let’s hope she is and let’s hope there are more juggalette fights next year cause feminism.

Oh and the ICP seminar is in here but the photos suck because they held it under a red tent so not the greatest lighting situation around and I am not gonna convert my photos to digital black and white like some hack. You heard me.

Click here to see the photos from the random events from the 2018 Gathering of the Juggalos. 

Shaggy 2 Dope

Juggalette Fight Club

Juggalo Yacht Club

Juggalo Fight Club

Gathering Of The Juggalos

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Mike Busey At The Gathering Of The Juggalos

This is the 5th year that Mike Busey and his “Busey Beauties” have been at the Gathering of the Juggalos. They seem to be loved by both juggalos and fans of this site. I even went to visit his traveling sideshow of strippers and freaks at their massive compound outside of Orlando. They are a bunch of lunatics (and an Obama impersonator) and they fit right in at the Gathering and I have a bunch of photos that are a solid mix of “sexy” and “horrifying”. You will enjoy it.

This gallery is a mix of a few things. There are the photos I took on their bus with CKY and some of the Beauties just being drunk and fun on a bus and then there are the photos from their set up on the campground where they spent all week giving lap dances to anyone who bought a t-shirt.

There are also pictures from their stage show on Saturday night which at one point involved a “butthole beauty pageant” which is exactly what it sounds like. The judge was Flip Flop the Clown, a notorious weirdo, rapper, and foot fetishist who actually performed anilingus on one of the contestants leaving a perfect clown face make up stain on her which was easily one of the funniest things I have ever seen and when I Tweeted about it the photo went viral (very NSFW!). 

The stage show also featured to men taped dick to dick and have sausages shot out of a cannon at them in order to win tickets to next year’s Gathering (they both won) and a veteran getting a naked lap dance from all the girls (he was the naked one) and a ton of other horrifying things, many of which are too graphic to post on this website.

That being said, if you do want to see all the real graphic stuff, you can go to Girls of Driven By Boredom and pay a couple dollars to see all the shots (and a lot of other exclusive high res content). You can always cancel right after. Just saying.

Lastly, the Buseys also hosted a Faygo wet t-shirt contest which you can see right now on Girls of DBB, but will be up on my website soon (minus the truly graphic moments). 

Okay, that’s all I got for now, but there is a lot of wild stuff in this gallery so you should go look at it or whatever.

Click here to see Mike Busey and the Busey Beauties take over another Gathering of the Juggalos.

Mike Busey & CKY

Flip Flop The Clown

Bronx Obama, Natasha & DJ Paul

Busey Beauties

Big LA

Busey Beauties

Mike Busey & Busey Beauties

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Music Of The 2018 Gathering Of The Juggalos

This post should be a fairly quick one because The Gathering of the Juggalos is the only festival that I get sent to where people don’t want photos of the bands. In the past the festival has had some huge headliners but the last few years the festival has stuck to more juggalo friendly bands instead of big national acts. Clients of mine don’t really want to see photos of juggalo rappers so here we are.

I did shoot some music though and I will go through the gallery real quick. When I got to the Gathering Immortal Technique was playing. I would have shot him but I missed most of his set. The first photos in this gallery are of the day one headliner ABK. Unless you are a juggalo you have no idea who that is, but I assure you juggalos love him despite his lisp. I photographed some girls named Glitter Money on one of the late night tents but we were leaving so I don’t even know what they sounded like.

The next day I shot Ouija Macc cause I kinda know that dude and his old group Swag Toof was from NYC and so it’s cool that he’s now on Psychopathic records. Gwar also played that night which is always awesome except when they cut Donald Trump in half I got covered in his blood and I am not sure I will ever get it all off me. I have no idea who the one photo of one woman in a No Lives Matter shirt is, but my friend Contessa was listening to her and I took one shot as I was meeting up with her before we went back to the hotel.

Day three photos include some of RA Da Rugged Man who I actually think is a great rapper but also he hit my hat while I was trying to take his photo which seemed kinda unnecessarily agro so I’m n0t gonna hype him. The person I was most excited to see was Esham who invented horror core rap. Pretty much everyone who came out of Detroit was influenced by him. I assure you Eminem and ICP wouldn’t ever have existed with Esham. He played the Gathering once before when I was there but it was late at night and I missed it. He was punk as fuck. Hopsin played that night but I was doing some shit and didn’t get down in time to shoot him. TechN9ne played after that and I love that dude but I also have photographed him at every Gathering so let’s move on.

Lastly, we left early on Day 4 so we didn’t shoot ICP or Yelawolf (I have photographed them both a bunch so I wasn’t worried about it), but I did get to shoot my friend Contessa aka CuntMafia. Contessa just decided she would come to the Gathering with me and it was clear pretty quickly she belonged there. Whenever we would stop in middle America on our road trip, people would stare at her, but at the Gathering of the Juggalos she blended in. I asked the dudes in the Wolfpac if she could perform on their stage and they were all about it and she played 4 songs and kinda killed it to be honest. My new goal is to actually get her booked next year. It was awesome.

Okay, that’s all I got. This was longer than it was supposed to be and I got 5 more updates to go. Be back tomorrow with a couple more. Whoop whoop, etc.

Click here to see the music of the 2018 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH.

Ouija Macc @ GOTJ

Gwar @ GOTJ

Hopsin @ GOTJ

Ehsam @ GOTJ

Cunt Mafia @ GOTJ

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The Gathering Of The Juggalos Returns

I have now photographed 9 consecutive Gathering of the Juggalos. If you don’t know what the Gathering is, how did you even get to my website? I keep telling myself I am going to retire after 10, but I said that after 5 too. Hopefully this will be the year I finally do my juggalo photo book but then again I have been saying that for years too. Whatever the case I took 3000 photos of jugalos which I have edited down into seven galleries that will be distributed to you throughout the week along with some articles/galleries I did for other clients. 

This first post is sort of a “best of” gallery in that it’s my favorite portraits from the festival. Obviously there’s some crazy fun stuff in here that isn’t in this gallery, but it’s a good place to start. A bunch of these are in the Noisey article that came out today but there is stuff in here not in there and vice versa. There’s also a few photos in here that are also in other galleries but it serves as a good teaser of what’s to come.

I should also mention that I had a VERY NSFW tweet go viral from the Gathering, and if you want to see the high resolution photo from that Tweet I put it and a bunch of other NSFW juggalo photos on Girls of Driven By Boredom.

Lastly a couple things I should mention about the actual logistics of my trip and the festival. The festival returned to Thornville, OH where it had been for three years previous to last years last minute Gathering in Oklahoma. I drove there with fellow juggalo journalist Camille Dodero and my friend Contessa Suto who performs music as Cunt Mafia (more on her later). We rented a car and drove there to save money. Camille couldn’t leave Tuesday so we got to the fest late on Wednesday and had to return the car early Sunday morning so we missed most Saturday. We did spend a couple hours there on the last day and I was actually pretty productive so I don’t feel like we missed out on too much.

Okay so now let’s go look at some juggalo photos already.

Click here to see my favorite portraits from the 2018 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH.

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Gathering Of The Juggalos

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Best Of 2016

Another year down! My photos from 2016 are properly organized and I have already moved on to 2017 although I am only a couple months in. Here is a gallery of a bunch of my favorite images from 2016 that you get to look at if you want. It’s over 200 images so it should last you a while as I travel to Ohio to take a bunch of photos of juggalos like I do every year. I will be back Sunday with far too many juggalo photos, so rejoice.

Meanwhile, let’s see how quickly I can write about an entire year worth of photos so that I can start packing for this trip. 

There are a ton of girl photos in here (even more than normal) because I had started working on my Instaxxx book towards the end of the year. There was also the release of my book Public and a topless bar crawl to promote it. Some of this girl stuff is unpublished even and I have two galleries from 2016 that still haven’t been posted. Coming soon. (One of them is already on Girls of Driven By Boredom!)

Update: I forgot to go through all the photos from my West Coast Road Trip so there’s a ton pics missing. Sorry.

One of the more impactful moments of 2016 was the night that Prince died. Spike Lee went threw a block party in his honor and I made my way to the front right as they played When Doves Cry and everyone was singing a long. It was a really amazing moment and I uploaded a video to my Instagram and somehow Good Morning America found it and bought it which made the day incredibly bittersweet. Just to keep it depressing, visiting Stonewall after the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting was incredibly moving for me, and the closing of the bar Jarome’s was another nail in the coffin of downtown NYC nightlife. 

Some events seem to have better photos than others: the Sailor Jerry Fleet Week party, the BBQ Films Ghostbusters party and Fool’s Gold Day Off all have more than their fair share of images in here. One of the weirder things I have covered in my life was the Kid Rock Fish Fry in Nashville (and that’s saying a lot) and even weirder news I got hired to shoot something for Teen Vogue. Oh, and I also shot a halloween party for babies. Seriously. And as always there are a ton of photos from my normal yearly gigs, AVN Awards, SXSW and of course the Gathering of the Juggalos.

Speaking of which, time to go back. See you guys in a few days.

Click here to see a bunch of my favorite photos from 2016.

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

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Insane Clown Posse In Brooklyn – 10.23.17

Not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but my next book is going to be photos of juggalos. I have been talking about it forever but I think it’s finally time to do it. It’s not going to happen right away or anything, my living room is still filled with boxes of books, zines and shipping supplies from my last book, but it’s going to happen sooner or later. So when I saw that the Insane Clown Posse was playing walking distance from my apartment in Brooklyn clearly I had to go.

To be honest the show was exactly what you would expect an ICP show in Bushwick to look like. It was a bunch of juggalos being gawked at by a bunch of hipsters playing juggalos for halloween. My favorite game is trying to figure out who the actual juggalos were vs. the hipsters pretending to be juggalos and usually I am pretty good at that game as one of the handful of people on earth who is both an aging hipster and down with the clown. Amazingly enough a bunch of the people I thought were fake juggalos knew a bunch of lyrics. I wonder if they listened to em when they were kids or if maybe ICP has been hated long enough that people are ironically listening to them earnestly. Or is it earnestly listening to them ironically? I am not sure either makes sense but you are going to have to deal with that.

2017 is the 20th anniversary of the album The Great Milenko. It’s the album that put ICP on the map when Hollywood Records pulled it after just a few days on the shelves. Hollywood was owned by Disney and worried parents threatened a Disney boycott over the record. Remember when parents used to worry about lyrics before you could ask Siri to see prolapse porn? (Don’t do that.) I remember Kurt Loder talking about the album on MTV News and my punk friends would be rapping the lyrics on the Metro (that’s what they call the Subway in DC for whatever reason). I ended up getting the record and a bunch of us painted our faces and went to see the Milenko tour at the 9:30 Club in DC. Somewhere there is a picture of a bunch of mohawk sporting punk kids in clown make up in my parents suburban VA driveway and to be honest I would pay a lot of money to find that photo.

By the time I went to college I had stopped listening to ICP but 20 years later somehow my life has come back to this, one of the foremost experts of juggalo anthropology, surrounded by music bloggers, everyone who has ever worked for VICE, and three different girls I met on dating apps, singing my lungs out to every word of Great Milenko.

Other things of note… RA The Rugged Man opened for them and he is really good at rapping. I got hit in the face with a full bottle of Faygo which fucking hurts. I actually was knocked unconscious by one once. I didn’t take any photos of ICP because I actually wanted to enjoy the show and this book is about juggalos, not the band. This is not the first time I have seen ICP play an album back to front. Shout out to Ouija Macc from Swag Toof for putting my bag back stage during ICP’s set. I think he opened the show. He was the first person I saw at least. It’s possible Surfbort opened because they were on the bill and were giving people clown make up during the show. I actually really want to see them now because googled them about 10 minutes ago and I’ve been listening to them since. I’ve listened to their 7″ twice now and aside from the infinitely too long Hideaway with the Pixies outro it’s pretty much exactly what I want to be listening to.

I’ve rambled enough and these photos are a day late because my server was down yesterday. Time to look at juggalo hipsters.

Click here to see the photos of Brooklyn juggalos at the Insane Clown Posse’s  Great Milenko 20th anniversary show.

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

Brooklyn Juggalos

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Juggalo March On Washington – 9.16.17

At 3am on Saturday I got on a train headed for DC. My band had just played and I was wired from the horrifying 5 hour energy and rum cocktail I down 20 minutes before I play a show. I didn’t sleep a wink on the train. It was 7am when I arrived. I ended up getting about 90 minutes of sleep before heading down to the Lincoln Memorial for Juggalo March on Washington.

I have been photographing juggalos since 2010 and in that time I have grown very protective of them. Juggalos are the most mocked subculture on the planet but if you spend a day with a bunch of juggalos you will come away with a completely different opinion of them. They are the nicest, most accepting, down to earth people you could possibly meet and every journalist I have met covering juggalos comes away with the exact same feeling.

So in 2011 when the FBI classified juggalos as a gang I was mystified. It made no fucking sense to me. Yeah of course some juggalos commit crimes but so do fans of every genre of music. The Insane Clown Posse is a horror movie in music form. Should we be locking up the millions of people who watched IT last weekend?

At the Gathering of the Juggalos in 2012 ICP held a talk to discuss the FBI designation. They had their lawyer come out and talk as well. They then set up an area of the festival where people could come and tell their stories about how this bullshit designation had fucked up their lives. Here’s how I covered it at the time.

Eventually the ACLU got involved and it seemed like this was such an easy to fix mistake but the mistake was never fixed. ICP had their lawsuit thrown out two times and even though they won an appeal in 2015 the lawsuit doesn’t even start until October! It’s been 6 years since this started and they still haven’t had their day in court.

When the Juggalo March on Washington was announced it was met with mostly mockery and not much else. Just a couple months ago when I was at the Gathering of the Juggalos even juggalos didn’t seem to be taking it that seriously. It was sort of an attitude of “this won’t change anything”. It wasn’t until the blog Metal Sucks wrote about the Juggalo March being held at the same time as a pro-Trump rally called the Mother of All Rallies (MOAR) that people started paying attention.

Once the Metal Sucks blog came out I saw people on Twitter making joke after joke about juggalos fighting nazis and these (truthfully hilarious) memes about some sort of progressive mob of juggalos rising up and murdering nazis with hatchets in league with Antifa. People kept Tweeting me about these things over and over because they know me as the juggalo photographer, but I wanted to take this seriously.

At the Gathering fellow juggalo journalist Camille Dodero and I were talking about how we thought leftist groups should really get behind the juggalos because it’s a civil rights issue. This FBI think is such bullshit and this feels very important even if you don’t care about juggalos. So when people started making juggalo antifa memes I figured I had to explain to my followers why juggalos were actually marching. They weren’t fighting nazis or protesting Trump… they wanted the FBI (and local law enforcement) to leave them the fuck alone.

I started a thread of Tweets that got a few likes and then nothing, but whenever I would see memes I would respond and link them to my Twitter thread. A couple days later as I was going to bed someone retweeted them, and then a few more and when I woke up my phone had exploded and thousands of people were liking and RTing them. People from both sides of the political aisle were retweeting them and it actually became an official Twitter Moment. It was pretty crazy for me, but the really surprising thing was that the responses were overwhelmingly positive.

For the first time in the history of the Insane Clown Posse people were on their side. (Side note: I am not taking credit for this, I just wanted to talk about my small part in it.) Article after article came out about ICP and editors started assigning the march to journalists. Playboy reached out to me about covering it and DCist interviewed me for a story. Former juggalo clients of mine like Vice and Rolling Stone sent teams of people instead. Time and the Guardian and the Washington Post took notice. People started paying attention to this travesty of justice.

So that brings us to the march and me on 90 minutes of sleep getting out of an Uber 100 yards from the Lincoln Memorial. I get out of the car and see hundreds of juggalos gathering around the stage set up in front of the Reflecting Pool on the Mall. The event hadn’t even started yet and there were juggalos everywhere intermingling with tourists.

But it wasn’t just tourists, there were random punk kids and a sprinkling of Antifa (I didn’t shoot them because they had journalists interviewing them at all times).  I met middle aged people wearing juggalo march shirts who didn’t know anything about juggalos but wanted to support. A big group of Democratic Socialists were out handing out flyers and Faygo Not Fascism signs. There were all sorts of people who were just there to back up the juggalo cause.

As far as the juggalos, I saw so many people I knew from Gatherings and ICP events. There were juggalos from every type of background, color and age. There were babies and old men in wheelchairs and veterans and priests and even cthulhu. I met people from all over the country and everyone was hugging everyone, meeting strangers and having a blast.

After everyone gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial the speeches started. We heard from juggalos across the country who had their lives turned upside down from this FBI gang designation. There was woman who had lost her job as a parole officer and a woman who had been kicked out of the military. It was just story after story of completely unfair consequences all because of this absurd gang list. ICP’s lawyer spoke and read a letter from the ACLU and a bunch of my fellow juggalo journalists spoke. Camille spoke, as did Mitchell Sunderland, Nathan Rabin, Steve Miller and Scottie D. Mitchell has covered juggalos for Vice and Broadly and Nathan and Steve have both written books about juggalos. Scottie is the founder of Faygo Luvers the biggest juggalo blog on the planet and someone who has always spread the word about my juggalo photos.

Finally ICP got on stage. They gave an impassioned speech about the gang designation and brought their families and friends out. The stage was packed with everyone from Psychopathic records and their families. After getting the crowd going they had everyone assemble and we begun to march.

I took a ton of photos as we walked around the mall but at some point I just got really into it. I have spent years of my life trying to explain juggalos to the world and this seemed like this really magical moment where people were actually listening. Random onlookers seemed really interested in what was going on and everyone I talked to seemed to support what the juggalos were doing. I even started leading chants and getting involved in the protesting as much as the documenting.

At some point during the march I ran into Anna Merlan a journalist I know (her work on conspiracy theorists is incredible) and she had left the MOAR event because it was completely pointless and decided to check out the Juggalo March. She said it was a couple hundred people and a total bust which made me really happy. As the day went on I heard more and more about how pathetic the MOAR event was and that contrast with the really successful Juggalo March made the juggalos look even better. It was perfect.

This article is getting really long and I feel like I have so much to say but let me just pause to mention that I grew up in DC going to protests and the DC Police are so good at crowd control and not letting things get out of hand. I have seen protests in other cities go haywire so quickly, but in DC the cops know exactly what they are doing. And I point this out because there were almost no cops at all at the juggalo march. There were a few spread out mostly blocking traffic. They clearly understood what was going on with the march and just left everyone alone. I didn’t see a single police interaction or any negative event at all to be honest.

As the march wrapped up back at the Lincoln Memorial I was pretty much destroyed. I was running all around the route trying to capture everything on 90 minutes of sleep the day after my band had played a show where I had beat the hell out of myself. I chugged a gatorade and chased it with a bottle of water and walked around the Lincoln Memorial with some punk girls I met when we both happened to notice that Ian MacKaye was watching the juggalos. One of them gave me a bunch of stickers with her boobs on them which I appreciated.

As we walked around some bands played and I took it easy waiting until ICP would finally headline the post march concert. After the girls dipped I talked to some more journalists and juggalos and ate some cold McDonald’s cheeseburgers that Psychopathic TV had laying around backstage. All I could think about was passing out but I couldn’t miss this set. Finally around 9PM, more than 8 hours after I got there ICP started to play. I tell everyone who hasn’t seen them that no matter what you think of their music you need to see one of their shows. They put on this wild set and it’s like a religious experience to their fans. That combination makes for an incredible moment even if you don’t like their music, but after all the shows I have seen, it was still surreal to watch them with the Lincoln Memorial on one side and the Washington Monument on the other.

When I finally got back to my parents apartment I was just done with being alive but I had to send images to my clients that night. I dumped the images and took a bath and washed the Faygo, sweat and sunblock off me while they transferred. One of my old friends came over and he and his girlfriend hung out while I edited. He and I liked ICP back in the 90’s when we were kids so it was cool to hang out with him while I worked. I finally finished editing around 3am and got a couple hours of sleep before I headed back to NYC for a hurricane Irma fundraiser I had to host in the afternoon. That night I slept for 10 hours. It was a hell of a weekend.

The best part of this whole thing was that nearly all the press coverage was super positive. I really think this is a big moment for juggalos. Maybe people will finally respect them a little bit or at least just leave them alone. So before I get to my coverage I wanna share with you a couple videos I thought were particularly good. Both of them feature my friend Chris AKA Mankini who to be honest is the perfect subject for a video about the march. He’s from the area so he let dozens of people stay with him, he is super nice and of course he’s a giant dude who wears a bikini all the time. You can’t beat that. So check out the Reason video about the march and then check out the Guardian video which I am actually in the background of a couple of times.

Now finally we get to my coverage…

First check out my Playboy article. I wrote the (heavily edited) intro, and interviewed juggalos and took all the photos. It’s almost as if I am an actual journalist.

I also did a big gallery for Voice Media Group who I always shoot juggalos for. Here’s just the LA Weekly gallery since they are all the same even though it was published via a bunch of alt weeklies.

And now finally here’s my huge gallery:

Click here for all my photos from the Juggalo March On Washington!

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington

Juggalo March On Washington


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