Murphy’s Law – 2.5.11

While everyone is busy watching the fucking Grammys for some insane reason I am going to be posting photos of a band that while probably hasn’t written a new song in a decade is deserving of whatever Grammy they give out for pouring beer on their fans.  If that is not a category it probably should be.

When I went to the Philly Tattoo Convention I had no idea that Murphy’s Law was going to be there. I was pretty fucking psyched when I saw their name on the schedule. They were one of my favorite bands when I was an angry punk rock youth.  I probably saw them a half dozen times in the 90’s but I haven’t seen them since.  I still listen to their music though. I just had one of their CD’s in the car that I was borrowing a few months ago. The point is that even if I am way to old to get in a circle pit I still love this fucking band.  Serious New York hardcore that is as fun as it kicks ass. Also, Murphy’s Law’s front man Jimmy Gestapo is one of the owners of NYHC Tattoo on the Lower East Side which I just won a $100 gift certificate to at one of the fundraisers for Jessie Lee.  Clearly it is fate that I would get to finally see Murphy’s Law again…

As I mentioned I have seen Murphy’s Law a bunch of times and they were always fucking amazing. Their shows were crazy and violent and distinctly remember knocking some guy out with an elbow at one of their shows when he was trying to hurt people in the pit. Any time you get a band that has a huge punk, hardcore and skin following it always got a bit rough.  Still, they were so fun and didn’t take themselves nearly as serious as the other hardcore bands I was listening to back then so seeing them was always just a really good time. They would pass out beers and smoke weed with the crowd and even for a straight edge kid like myself it was always a great show.

I had a feeling though, that this show at the tattoo convention was not going to live up to their normal standards.  The show took place in a fluorescently lit room surrounded by people tattooing and people selling tattoo related stuff from little cubicles. The crowd was clearly not there to see Murphy’s Law although they had about 20 serious fans standing in front of the stage. But a lot of these fans were my age and older and I was pretty free to take pictures without worrying about getting my camera smashed.  And although I was enjoying taking pictures I was pretty disappointed in the vibe.

Slowly that started to change.  More and more fans gathered and as they played their hit songs the area in front of the stage really started moving.  A decent pit started moving and this girl decided to flash the band and the crowd and started making out with people.  Beers got passed around, bottles of Jager started being chugged and people started getting loose.  As the show got better shit started getting weirder.  Jimmy got off stage and got onto the mechanical bull for an entire song.  When he got back on stage a man in a giant zombie Gumby costume was waiting for him.  Soon a guy dressed as bloody bunny joined them on the stage.  Half naked Bombshell Brats and burlesque dancers got on stage.  The band was fucking losing it with all this weirdness going on.  The crowd got more and more into it and realized some shit like this could only happen in a brightly lit hotel conference room.  People started climbing the make-shift scaffolding they had set up for the suspension show and people started jumping on stage.

By the last song the place was just chaos. Half the crowd was on stage singing along.  It ended up being maybe on of the best Murphy’s Law shows I have ever seen and I would venture to guess one of the weirdest of all time.  A lot of the photos I took sucked. My flash was suffering a bit because I had taken more than 1000 photos that day and the fluorescent light made it nearly impossibly hard to make the show look any good from a photography standpoint. That being said I think these photos give you a pretty good idea of how insane the show was and there are a few quality shots in here somewhere. Also these photos are not safe for work which is a weird thing to say about live band shots, but it’s not every day that a band headlines a burlesque show.

Anyway, this write up as gotten a bit long and rambely so I am going to shut the fuck up now.  Just understand that urphy’s Law are fucking awesome and this show was completely fucking bizarre. Oh yeah and fucking click here already to see all the pictures of Murphy’s Law at the 2011 Philadelphia Tattoo Convention.

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

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Kimberly Kane

I have been trying to shoot Kimberly Kane for years but every time I would head out to LA she wouldn’t be able to shoot. I met her finally in Vegas last January but we only talked for a few minutes.  One year later, back in Vegas I ran into her again and we made plans to meet up when I was in LA but she didn’t really seem like she wanted to shoot. In LA I ran into her at the art show for Jessie Lee and we got to talking. She told me she hates doing photo shoots and that’s why she had never made time to shoot for me. Fortunately I had an ace up my sleeve.  She told me that she didn’t have any money on her but she really wanted to buy one of my photos in the art show. She asked me if there was a way she could buy it later.  I had a better idea.  I had made a bigger print of the same photo for an art show in Philly. I made a few copies so I knew I had one just sitting in my apartment.  I told her I would send her the print if she shot with me.  She agreed to my terms and we made plans to shoot.

I had lunch with a friend that ended up running late so I rushed across LA to try to beat the setting sun so I could shoot Kimberly with natural light.  She told me there was great light in her apartment but I was unfortunately a little bit late.  We decided to get right down to it and she jumped on her bed in her underwear.  The sun was setting right in front of her window and we had harsh but really nice light in the room.  We started shooting and an hour later we had shot all over her apartment, played with her dog, eaten really creepy blood oranges, hung out in her bathroom and had some fantastic conversation all the while.  I have no idea why Kimberly hates shooting cause she was so easy to shoot with, looks totally amazing and just fun to hang out with.  I really love a bunch of these shots and I hope you guys do too. So yeah, go to Kimberly’s website cause she is fucking awesome and she’s won a bunch of AVN Awards so you know she doesn’t fuck around.  Let’s just hope she likes another one of my prints enough to let me shoot her again…

Click here to see all of the pictures of Kimberly Kane hanging naked out in her apartment in LA. Do I even have to tell you these pics are NSFW?

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

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Some Things To Mention Before I Leave Town

I am leaving town for a two week trip to Vegas and Los Angeles, but don’t worry I have plenty of stuff to update the site with while I am gone.  I still have two parties and two naked girls left over plus some surprises. I will even try to get an update up before I leave tomorrow so I don’t leave you guys hanging. That being said I have a few things I wanted to mention that I figured I could put all in one update so I get this important stuff out of the way before I leave town. So let’s get into it…

The first thing is the most important. I have shot a number of events that featured the Disgraceland Hook Squad. This is a group of crazy kids who do suspensions and flesh pulls and all sorts of other insane shit involving sticking giant hooks into themselves and running around like mad men. You can’t help but love them.  Several of their members got into a car accident back in July and while most of them are recovered one of the people, Spliff is still in the hospital and needs financial help so he can raise the money to move from Texas to NYC.  They were in Texas when the accident happened and they have had to stay there all these months.  They have found a treatment center in NYC that will take Spliff but it’s going to cost a huge amount of money to bring him home. They need to get back home now because his wife Jill, who was also in the accident, is about to have their first child.  She needs her family and friends help to raise the baby and also take care of Spliff so they need to get home before the baby is born. My friend Doug who introduced me to Spliff and Disgraceland has written this blog with a lot more details. You can go there or to Spliff and Jill’s website to donate money.  So many people came out for Jessie Lee when she got injured, I hope you have a little more in you to donate to another friend of the Driven By Boredom family.

On a much happier note I am in a group show at Shadow’s Space art gallery in Philly.  Shadow’s Space is the sister gallery of Fuse gallery in NYC and I am pretty excited to be showing there.  The group show is called “Paper Trails” and it is curated by NYC graffiti icon Chris “DAZE” Ellis.  DAZE and I collaborated on some work for a show a long time ago and I was really glad he thought of me when curating this show.  Unfortunately I am not going to be able to make the opening on Friday because I will be in Vegas but I know a bunch of people from Philly read this site so I hope you guys check out the show. I have four 11×17 photos in it, all shot on 35mm, and they are all of girls naked in public on the streets of NYC.  They are pretty rad.

While we are here I guess I should talk a little about my trip too.  I am headed to Vegas for the weekend to shoot the Adult Entertainment Expo, the AVN Awards, the Consumer Electronics Showcase and all the goings on before and after these events for the Village Voice and the LA Weekly. I might actually skip the AVN Awards and for some reason I haven’t heard back about my CES press credentials yet but I’ll play it by ear when I get there.  I never know what the hell I am doing in Vegas but I do know that I booked a two bedroom hotel suite for myself for some reason so I am going to have some fun either way. After Vegas I am headed to LA for just over a week.  I don’t really have any plans but I think I found a place to stay and I have set up shoots with a bunch of girls. I am going to be doing some more work for the LA Weekly and hoping to shoot some random parties while I am there.  There is also a benefit for Jessie Lee on Thursday which I will be blogging about next week. I am also going to see Jessie Lee for the first time since her accident as she is finally moving to LA the day before I get there. The whole trip should be a lot of fun, a little bit relaxing and hopefully very productive.  It better be because it will be a miracle if I break even on the adventure.  Either way I will be updating DBB often while I am gone so keep coming back. Also, I will be updating my Tumblr with previews of all the crazy shit I am shooting while I am in LA so you should probably get on that.  And of course following my Twitter while I am adventuring is a fucking given.

Finally, I figured I would leave you guys with something fun.  If you have ever wondered to do the secret handshake pioneered by NY nightlife icons like Ninjasonik and The Death Set there is now a how to video which will teach you the handshake. Looks like the “Slap Slap Slap Pound Up Down Slap Snap” handshake is not so secret anymore. You no longer have any excuse not to be down. Get on it.


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Sammie Sixx And Mia Rebel

Remember this crazy party we did to benefit Jessie Lee? Well that night, pretty much at the end of the night, Sammie Sixx and Mia Rebel started making out.  They are both Bombshell Brats but they had just met that night and fell in lust at first site.  They were all over each other and of course I suggested being the creepy dude I am that we should take this to the bathroom.  We took a bunch of photos of them topless kissing and then all of a sudden shit got serious. I pretty much watched them have sex in the bathroom while I just took pictures.  Now unless it happens on stage at a party or something I do not post hard core images on this website.  Driven By Boredom is NOT a porn site despite what you have heard.  I like my photos trashy, but not sleazy if that makes any sense.  So I decided to do two things with these pictures.  The first thing I did was do an edit that I felt comfortable posting on Driven By Boredom.  These photos are still a lot more scandalous than most of the stuff I post on here, but they aren’t graphic.  The second thing I did was I did a second edit but I left in all the super graphic shots.  I decided to make that available as a special prize for helping Jessie Lee.

We have raised a lot of money for Jessie Lee after her car accident but she still needs help.  So if you go to and donate $15 between now and January 18th (which is when I return from a 2 week trip to the West Coast) I will send you all the pictures from this set. These girls and I were all at this party cause we love Jessie Lee so I figured this was the best way to deal with these super hot, yet way too dirty pictures. So donate some money and forward your Pay Pal receipt to me and I will send you a link to a zip file full of sexy lesbian goodness.  So help a girl who needs it and get some dirty pictures.  I feel like everyone wins.

Now again, thes rest of the photos are still very NSFW so be warned before clicking here to see Sammie Sixx and Mia Rebel make out naked in a bathroom.

Update: These photos are now available on Girls of Driven By Boredom.

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Pretty Hardcore – 12.10.10

Last Friday there was another benefit for Jessie Lee.  This time the party was held at Angels and Kings and featured six nude models care of Bombshell Brats.  To get into the event it was totally free but the girls raised money by giving lap dances and posing for photos with people for donations to Jessie.  There was also a raffle to help raise money as well.  The party was not as well attended as the erotic art show for Jessie Lee but it was a lot of fun and I got everyone naked in a bathroom which is going to be very fun for you guys. I am not sure how much money was raised but I I know a ton of people bought raffle tickets and there was a lot of lap dancing going on so I am pretty sure it’s going to help Jessie out a lot.

I bought two raffle tickets to support the cause even though I have never won a raffle in my life. I seriously have the worst luck ever when it comes to those things.  Luck was on my side for once and I won a $200 gift certificate to Seppuku Tattoo.  Unfortunately Seppuku is in NJ and I don’t really know how to get there so I traded my $200 certificate to the guy who won the $100 gift certificate to New York Hardcore Tattoos.  NYHC Tattoo is right in the LES and I have always wanted to get tattooed there. It’s owned by NYHC legends Jimmy Gestapo and Vinnie Stigma. Those two dudes were in two of my favorite bands growing up and were both amazingly nice to me back in the 90’s when I was seeing their bands all the time.  The first time I ever went to NYC as an adult was about a decade ago and NYHC had just opened. My friend wanted to get a tattoo and I made her go to NYHC so I could make the pilgrimage. I was staying in midtown and didn’t know how the Subways worked so we walked all the way down and back. She got tattooed and I just got to hang out with Jimmy the whole time. It was pretty awesome for me when I was 20.

Anyway, this post is not about me. It’s about two things: Raising money for Jessie Lee and naked chicks.  The first part is easy. You need to click here and send in some fucking money for Jessie Lee. And if you need a refresher on what happened to her, click here.  The second part you have to wait a little bit on.  This gallery is pretty NSFW but all the serious naked stuff I shot in the Angels & Kings bathroom and I decided it needs it’s own post since it’s pretty epic.

So click here to see all the party pictures from the Pretty Hardcore party for Jessie Lee & Angels and Kings and see you in about 30 minutes with all the naked bathroom pictures!

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Strip For Pain Exxxotica 2010 Edition – 11.6.10

I am going to get Ronald Reagan tattooed to my leg in a few minutes so I gotta make this update quickly.  You guys know the deal anyway right? I have photographed a million Strip for Pain’s and they are all fucked up and crazy and they are all sort of the same.

As a quick refresher insane person and dear friend Doug Sakmann gets on stage and brings up several Burning Angels and several really stupid dudes. He then hurts them severely and if they can survive the pain then the Burning Angel’s get naked. Unfortunately (and sort of ironically) because this time they did it at a porn convention no one could actually get naked. They could however really hurt the guys.

They whipped them with cords, they tortured their nipples and they suffocated them. When that didn’t work they kicked them in the nuts and eventually electrocuted the winner with a dog collar. It was all very brutal and there are a bunch of nice shots from it.

Joanna Angel was supposed to host the whole thing but because of the car accident she couldn’t do it. Speaking of the car accident, I will have a special update tomorrow with never before seen shots of Jessie Lee in a bid to raise even more awareness about her injury. Remember to donate and help her get over this horrible incident.

What else?  These photos are NSFW and Strip For Pain is sponsored by And um… I think that’s it.

Click here to see all the photos from Strip For Pain at Exxxotica, NJ 2010!

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Exxxotica NJ 2010

This weekend I was out of town at Exxxotica NJ a porn convention held in Edison, New Jersey (and sponsored by DBB friends Porn conventions are always a strange thing to shoot. I look for weird fans, half naked girls and semi-famous people. There is always a good mix of that so it’s pretty easy to get good shots.  On the other hand after doing a few of these it gets a little boring, but one thing I like about shooting porn conventions is seeing my porn friends who I only get to see a few times a year. There really are a lot of people I only see at conventions and as weird of a community as porn is, there are a ton of awesome people I am excited to see and hang out with.

This years convention got off to a really shitty start however. When I got there I found out that Burning Angel model and good friend of mine Jessie Lee got badly hurt in a car accident.  My other friend Joanna Angel was driving but both her and (BA employee) Jojo were fine. Jessie Lee wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Jessie broke her neck and has been in the hospital since friday. She is in stable condition and as far as I know she will ultimately be fine, but she has more surgery ahead of her and a lot of rehab. Joanna was legally at fault in the accident and she has insurance so from what I understand her medical bills will be covered, but Jessie was in the middle of moving to LA and is not going to be able to work for a while so she needs help monetarily. Joanna and Burning Angel set up a page where you can donate to Jessie and also find out the latest information on her condition. So go to right away and donate some money and tell your friends.  Later in the week I plan on publishing photos of Jessie Lee that I posted on here to hopefully draw some more attention to her cause.

Because of all this shitty news I didn’t take very many pictures on the first day of the convention. I was exhausted on day two of the convention so I didn’t really do a whole lot then either, but still there are a lot of really epic photos and I shot the entire show without using my flash once.  I have two more galleries coming today and tomorrow from Exxxotica including shots from the after party on Saturday and shots from the legendary Strip For Pain.

I wanted to give a big shout out to Andy San Dimas who let me crash with her the whole time I was in NJ.  I was expecting to sleep on a floor or have to drive back to NYC but instead I got to stay for free in a nice comfy bed with for my money one of the hottest porn stars in the world. She even bought me room service. What a fucking rad girl.

Also additional shout outs to the Bombshell Brats crew, Ellen Stagg and Steve Prue. Fellow naked lady photographers who I am always super happy to see…

Finally, these photos are obviously NSFW and full of awesomeness so you should click here to see all the shots of Exxxotica NJ at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, NJ.

Jesse Jane, Evan Seinfeld And Lupe Fuentes

Chuck Zito @ Exxxotica, NJ

Faye Reagan @ Exxxotica NJ

Amy Fisher @ Exxxotica, NJ

Stoya @ Exxxotica NJ

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Jasper Trash

Remember Jasper Trash? She is the Gods Girl (and former Suicide Girl) that showed up on here the other day posing with The Death Set and our Burning Angel pal Jessie Lee.  That is a lot of links in one sentence and three of them make me money if you sign up to see naked girls.  So do that and help me pay my rent and then look at these free naked girls I have for you here.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes… Jasper was in town visiting Jessie Lee and we wanted to take some pictures but we didn’t know where and it was raining so we couldn’t take pictures outside and they were going to Pianos after the shoot so we decided to shoot something in the Lower East Side.  We went over to Darkroom and snuck in their bathroom for a pretty mediocre photo shoot. Luckily Jasper is super hot so the shitty photos are made up for by her sexiness. Also Jessie Lee got bored of us taking photos and took off her clothes and they took some naked pictures together. It was all pretty exciting and good times. I am sure you wish you were there.

Anyway, these are pretty much the last pictures I have that were taken with my old camera. So welcome to the new era of my photography or something…Obviously theses photos are NSFW and stuff…

So click here already to see the naked pictures of Jasper Trash (and Jessie Lee)!

Jasper Trash

Jasper Trash

Jasper Trash

Jasper Trash & Jessie Lee

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The Death Set & The Alt Babes

The Death Set wanted to do new press photos to go with their new upcoming album and they wanted the pictures to be with some naked tattooed babes.  Clearly they knew the right guy to ask to do the shoot.  I introduced the guys to former Suicide Girl and current Gods Girl Jasper Trash and Burning Angel and Driven By Boredom favorite Jessie Lee.  Let’s just say we all had a lot of fun.

The guys had two ideas for a shoot.  They wanted pictures of themselves under a girls legs, and they wanted to shoot some random hanging out shots on the roof.  It was all pretty easy and Jessie Lee has kinda an epic butt so she was perfect for the first shoot and the homies had a great roof to shoot on and we took pictures until the sun set.

This gallery is the edit I pulled for the guys so they could pick their best shots so I could do proper edits to the photos for their press kit, so there are a lot of the same photos over and over again.  Get over it. There are also some photos of a quality that I wouldn’t normally post, but I know I could fix them in PhotoShop if they loved the shot. The darker ones on the roof where the boys have tape over their eyes for example.  We didn’t really have enough light to shoot without flash but I know I could fix those if I wanted to spend the time on it so I threw them in the batch even though they are too dark. I think you can deal with that…

Anyway, these shots are really funny and pretty awesome and very NSFW.  And of course, you should click here to see pictures of The Death Set with two hot naked tattooed girls.

Ps. I have been posting outtakes from this and other fun shoots on my Tumblr and of course my Twitter. Get on that shit.

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