Best Of 2019

It took a pandemic for me to finally catch up on organizing my photos, but here we are. Obviously I still have 2020 to organize, but let’s just say I don’t think the best of 2020 is going to be a very big update. Not a lot of crazy events or intimate photoshoots happening right now, but I am trying to at least stay productive every day. As per all of these “Best of” updates I am gonna run through a few of my favorite events with some links if you want to check out more but honestly 2019 is mostly just naked people with a handful of events thrown in. I really want to get back into more of the events and journalism but not a great time for that right now. I should probably be out in the street shooting signs of the virus but it feels really selfish of me to risk the lives of my elderly neighbors just so I can take some photos, but maybe I am just a coward and making excuses. Moving on.

Every year my two biggest events are AVN Week and The Gathering of the Juggalos. I also had been to SXSW 14 years in a row but I missed it in 2019. I had my trip booked this year and the festival got canceled less than 24 hours after I bought my plane tickets. At least I got my money back. 

I shot some political stuff, which I would love to do more of like a pro choice protest and an Elizabeth Warren rally. I also shot some stuff for Gothamist including this really cool trash museum. I shot Exxxotica NJ which pretty much looks like AVN so you probably can’t tell the difference and I shot some BTS on my friend’s short film. I somehow just shot a single event for Sailor Jerry, but they did sponsor the #MetLifeTakeover.  Oh and I shot some photos in the snow that I just posted on Twitter or something so didn’t have a proper gallery. 

Honestly that’s it except for a bunch of naked girls. It’s pretty distressing to see now that I look at it all. I had a few corporate jobs that aren’t in here (I did include an outtake from some head shots I shot for a friend), but I really need to be doing more non naked work. But whatever, there are a bunch of nudes and you are probably here for that anyway so rejoice. If you see some photos in here that you haven’t seen before they are probably coming, or maybe I just uploaded them to Girls of DBB and you are too cheap to pay $3 a month to see it. That’s on you.

Okay, let’s move along. I will be back later in the week with some more nudes because apparently that’s all I got. See you soon.

Click here to see the best of 2019.

Gathering Of The Juggalos  


Elizabeth Warren

Leigh Raven @ AVN

More Juggalos, I Had To


Jane Wilde


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Best Of 2018

While in quarantine I have been trying to be productive. I have mostly been eating garbage and watching documentaries about libertarian gay polygamist tiger breeding attempted murderers but I did manage to finally organize all the photos I took in 2018. I actually had to do most of it twice because I accidentally threw away most of the edit but I started over again and here we are. In January I started working on organizing 2019 and then I realized I hadn’t done 2018 yet so at least that’s done and I guess it’s time to work on 2019 now, but let’s be honest, if Netflix drops another true crime series I will immediately drop whatever I was doing. 

Speaking of pandemics, normally I wouldn’t drop nearly 300 photos on a Saturday, but since everyone is stuck at home bored as hell this seems like a perfect time to give you a million photos to click through. I will also go through some of my favorite moments of the year and drop you some links of the highlights so you can go look at more photos or read about some more of my bullshit or whatever.

Let’s start with my favorite photo shoot of all time: I got to shoot the cast of the Wes Anderson movie Isle of Dogs with puppies for Vulture and then puppies dressed up as Wes Anderson characters for BuzzFeed. It was amazing. Some of the bigger events I shot in 2018 were AVN Week, SXSW and of course the Gathering of the Juggalos. I also shot Exxxotica NJ, The March For Our Lives, Elm St. Music & Tattoo Fest and the NFL Draft. Speaking of sports, a personal highlight of 2018 (and my life) was the Washington Capitals winning the Stanley Cup. I didn’t get to go to any of the games but I did get to go to the victory parade in DC. I got to travel overseas a couple of times, getting to photograph a Transylvanian rave, and going to the Galapagos Islands, the latter of which was an absolutely life changing experience. I should also mention that I shot a halloween dog parade and really loved shooting some behind the scenes photos on the TV show Cake.

I know I also gotta run down a few of my favorite naked women photos because that’s why most of you creeps come here. Probably my favorite shoot of the year was of my my friend Scout. There was such bad light in her hotel room that we shot almost the entire thing using just light from the TV. I finally got to shoot with Nikki Hearts after knowing her for years and years. Kasey Warner introduced me to Damia and Khloe, and I photographed both of them for the first time. I have shot them both again since. I got to shoot Rose Ryan for the second time and she is unreasonably attractive so that is worth a gander. I shot Jade Baker for the first time and our second shoot from 2019 is one of my favorites ever. I have no idea why I haven’t posted it yet.  Speaking of galleries I haven’t posted yet, there are a few more previews in here of those including one with Alex De La Flour that is coming real soon. I got some good public nude stuff as well with my shoot with Jane Wilde and my trip to Governors Island with my friend Kirra. Oh, and my shoot with Raya and Goldie was amazing too.

Okay, I think that’s it for now. There’s a ton of other stuff in here too but I am not gonna list it all because I have work to do, and by work I mean I have to go watch some videos of rich teenage YouTubers pulling pranks on their slightly less successful successful YouTuber friends.

Click here to see nearly 300 of my favorite (digital) photos from 2018!

Untold Fest

Bill Murray

Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn

Gathering Of The Juggalos

2018 NFL Draft

The Galapagos Islands


Cake BTS: Oh, Jerome No

Halloween Dog Parade


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2020 Adult Entertainment Expo

So yesterday I got all the photos up from the 2020 AVN Awards, so today you get the photos from the four day convention that leads up to the awards. The Adult Entertainment Expo is like any other convention or trade show except like with way more pasties. Fans line up to take photos with and get autographs from adult film stars and go buy all sorts of sex toys and robotic women and whatever weird shit you are probably imagining anyway. It’s my 13th one of these things and I have shot it in the past for the Village Voice, LA Weekly, Playboy, Hustler, Vice and many, many more. This year I was shooting it for The Daily Beast and you can read that story here.

I honestly can’t think of what else to say about it. I shot it with a mix of natural light and flash and I took a bunch of photos since it was 4 days long. There are like 160 photos in the gallery so lots to look at. There is no actual nudity in here because that is apparently against some sort of dumb rules but the gallery is still significantly NSFW. This is the last year at the Hard Rock which is closing down on Monday. AVN Week is still happening there next year it’s just going to be at the ironically rebranded hotel, The Virgin.

I should also mention that these photos have been up for days over on Girls of DBB and in higher resolution. I also have all the other random photos I took during the week up there as well. I will get that post up sometime this weekend, but if you don’t want to wait, sign up

Now click here to see the huge gallery from the 2020 Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas.


Riley Reid

Tommy Pistol

Abigail Mac

Charlotte Sartre

Don't Touch The Turtle Dick

Spinnin' Shea

Joseline Kavaski

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2020 AVN Awards – 1.25.20

The AVN Awards took place way back on Saturday night and I haven’t posted any photos until now because I was waiting for the story I did for the Daily Beast to come out, and it came out this morning. Not only is the Daily Beast an awesome client (and my mom’s favorite website) but they asked me to write for them which is always fun for me. I have written for the Daily Beast, Playboy, Vice, Noisey, Boing Boing and a bunch of others and I feel like at this point I could build a portfolio that tricks people into thinking I am an actual writer, but I will not.

Anyway, the 2020 AVN Awards makes the 13th time I have covered the AVN Awards week. I thought it was 12 all week, but I just counted to be sure. The first year I went, I went just to party and ended up selling a bunch of the photos, but I didn’t cover the actual awards. The next year I did the red carpet but that was so boring so the next year I hid at the end of the red carpet and shot people off the red carpet. AVN liked my photos so much they started giving me access to the awards and I covered the awards for years. The last two years I was dating Gia Paige so I went as her guest instead of shooting the awards. This year I tried to get back inside the awards and apparently they now have a contract with Showtime that prohibits anyone who isn’t working for AVN from shooting the awards despite me having a massive client like the Daily Beast. They did give me red carpet access, but that is fucking boring so I decided against it.

I decided to shoot people waiting for the red carpet instead of actually on the carpet. It was kinda a risky move and I got a lot of random people in the background and I kept having to switch from flash to natural light back and forth because I don’t want to shoot flash when I don’t have it. I ended up missing some shots because of it, but I think ultimately it’s a lot more interesting to look at these than another set of red carpet photos. Right?

After the show started I went back to my hotel and just relaxed for the first time all week. I came back a couple hours later and took some photos of people coming out of the awards before heading to an absurd party at a mansion that looked like someone just googled “crazy party” and threw everything they could at it. There were fancy cars parked outside and a mermaid in the swimming pool and fire performers and sexy cops and it was just so silly, but I am glad I went because it was very weird, but I only took like 3 photos so sorry about that. 

Anyway, congrats to all of the winners, especially my friends. Angela White won her 3rd Female Performer of the Year award and Small Hands won Male Performer of the Year and I really like both of those people so that was great. My friend Abella Danger won best ass, but we will get to that in a future post… 

Speaking of, this is the first of four AVN Week posts. Next up will be the Adult Entertainment Expo, followed by a post with just a bunch of random left over shots, and then finally, probably Monday, I will post the “Girls of AVN” post that everyone likes so much every year. All the photos, except the Girls of AVN stuff, is already up on Girls of DBB so go check that out now if you are a subscriber.

Now click here to see my off the red carpet shots from the 2020 AVN Awards in Las Vegas.

Little Caprice

Angela White & Jules Jordan


AVN Awards

AVN Awards Protesters

Ginger Banks & Blair Williams

Joanna Angel & Small Hands


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Savage Apple Release Party – 5.22.19

Sailor Jerry is one of my oldest clients and for the first time in the 9 years that I have worked with them they released a drink. The other night as part of a Fleet Week celebration at Lucky Strike they debuted their first flavored rum, Savage Apple. I didn’t actually work the party, but I had to finish a couple of rolls of film so I could get them developed so I figured why not hang out, get a free tattoo and take a few photos in the process. 

Speaking of free tattoos, Three Kings was on hand doing Sailor Jerry tattoos for party goers. I got a little snake from Alex who I have known since way back when Three Kings had their first anniversary party and I shot it for Inked Magazine. It was cool to finally get tattooed from him even if it was late night in a dark bowling alley with tons of free rum on hand.

There was also free SJ rum raisin ice cream from Van Leeuwen ice cream which honestly tasted more like a Cinnabon than it did normal rum raisin ice cream but it was fucking good even if it fucked up my diet. There was free food too which I managed not to eat so I have no real opinion on that, but it was a good party.

Oh right, and there was bowling so this seems like a good opportunity to discuss my hatred for bowling. Given infinite attempts I could not possibly hit a home run off an MLB pitcher, I could not dunk a basketball, I could defend a pro hockey player or run over a NFL linebacker. Yet, I have, on many occasions bowled a strike. Bowling is about consistency and nothing is as boring as being consistent. Even golf requires a varied skill set and some sort of athleticism. Still, after a few Savage Apple drinks it appears people had a lot of fun bowling and who am I to judge?

Okay, that’s it. Go look at these film photos I shot. It’s a mix of the very end of a roll of Fuji Superia 1600 that was shot on a Nikon SLR and most of a roll of Kodak 400 shot on my point & shoot GR1 so it’s a pretty small gallery, but at least it’s something different to look at. I gotta change it up once in a while.

Click here to see all the 35mm photos from the Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Fleet Week party at Lucky Strike. 

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

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Sailor Jerry’s 108th Birthday – 1.14.19

Yesterday would have been the 108th birthday of Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins, the legendary tattoo artist who also happens to have a 92 proof spiced rum named after him. To celebrate the occasion Sailor Jerry (the rum) teamed up with Braven Brewing Company to create a new pineapple IPA called Sailors Beware that would pair perfectly with the rum. They also threw a party at the Brewery in Bushwick that I happened to be taking photos at.

The main attraction of the party (aside from the beer of course) was free Sailor Jerry flash tattoos from Bushwick’s own Allied Tattoo. Allied owner Andy Perez and Noel C were doing tiny tattoos all night. There were a limited number of free tattoos but if you wanted one you had to play a game of plinko to decide your tattoo fate. I actually have two of the tattoos that were options already on me, but I think if I had to pick I would have gotten the pineapple. It proved a popular choice. 

The party was a lot of fun and I got to hang out with my new roommate who was one of the last people to get a tattoo. She got a shark which is always a good choice for a tattoo. There was a cake for Sailor Jerry’s birthday and the french fries at Braven are pretty fucking magical so there’s that. 

Oh, I should also mention that this is the first event I have shot with my new Nikon Z6. I don’t know if it’s going to be my main body going forward but that thing sees in the dark and is way lighter than my normal body. My flash was weird on it and I haven’t quite figured out all the settings yet but so far so good. Now I gotta try and shoot some video on it.

Okay, that’s enough of that, but please come back tomorrow. I am announcing a new Kickstarter here in less than 24 hours!

Now click here to see all the photos from Sailor Jerry’s 108th birthday at Braven Brewery. 

Sailor Jerry X Braven

Sailor Jerry X Braven

Sailor Jerry X Braven

Sailor Jerry X Braven

Sailor Jerry X Braven

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Fuck LA

I recently got invited to be part of the Cultural Traffic art fair on the 18th in LA and it seemed like the perfect excuse to get out to LA for the first time in over a year. It also just so happens that my girlfriend is going to be there right before the fair and today is our one year anniversary so the timing was perfect for me to actually see her this month. My brother lives in LA so my parents are gonna come out too and we are gonna spend Thanksgiving together outside of DC for the first time in my life I think. But the important thing (for the purposes of this post) is that I have some new stuff coming out and you should buy it.

The first thing I have coming out has nothing to do with the LA trip. Over a year ago I had a really dumb idea and the timing wasn’t quite right but I held on to this idea until it was finally ready. I just got a box of 35 copies of whatever this dumb idea is. I have already sold about a dozen of them without telling anyone what it is and I only need to sell about 5 or 6 more to break even so I feel like this dumb idea was worth it. Everyone I have shown it to seemed to really enjoy it so maybe you will too. If you order it before I announce what it is (on November 18th), you get a free copy of my new zine as well, plus I will ship it to you before I leave for LA and you will get it and the zine in your hands before anyone else.

Speaking of the zine, this whole post is about the 2nd edition of my zine Fuck LA

Fuck LA was a special edition zine that I only made 50 copies of for the LA Art Book Fair a few years ago. It sold out really quickly and was hand numbered and came with a print. I was pretty proud of the zine and when this new book fair came out it seemed like a great reason to republish the zine.

I figured I would maybe remove a few photos and add a few more, but when I looked at it again I realized that a bunch of the photos were reused in my zine NOT SAFE and there were some photos I didn’t love or ones I didn’t really feel like I wanted to republish. Even so, I left in some of the crazier shit that is way more graphic than any of the stuff I post on here. So let’s just say it is very not safe for work.

The new edition ended up being more than 50% new photos and I even added 4 pages. Fuck LA was my largest zine to begin with and now it’s 56 pages! I actually have to charge $12 for it instead of $10 because it’s so long. It has a ton of new work and I added some black and white spreads which weren’t in the original. It’s still all 35mm and it still has some of my favorite photos from all my trips to LA over the years. It’s got a bunch of nude stuff but it also has a bunch of just crazy fucked up LA stuff like the time I saw a bunch of people get arrested at gunpoint while I was eating at a diner. It’s a really fun zine and even people who own the first edition will enjoy the new one. It’s not signed or numbered and it doesn’t come with a print but there’s only 100 copies and I don’t plan on publishing it again. Plus if you pre-order the zine I will sign it anyway.

So if you order Fuck LA now I will sign it and ship it as soon as I get back from LA. If you order the mystery item you will get it and the signed zine BEFORE I leave for LA. Plus I will include some weird shit with it because I love you.

Click here to pre-order the mystery item and the zine.

And click here to pre-order Fuck LA by itself.

Fuck LA


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Best Of 2017

I finally finished organizing another year of my massive photo archives. Last night I went through all the 35mm as well and today I pulled a bunch of my favorite digital shots for this update. I have already started on 2018 as well so I am pretty damn close to organizing pretty much every photo I have ever taken, although my phone photography is a mess, but I don’t care about that. 

Anyway, looking at 2017  it’s pretty clear why I am so broke right now. I raised $22,000 on Kickstarter for my book Instaxxx and I thought that would be more than enough money to publish the book, and it was, the problem was that I spent months working on the book instead of working paying jobs and I didn’t really think about it because of all the money I had raised. That was stupid.

So, 2017 there are a ton of girl photos because I was working on a nude polaroid book, and then there are a ton of photos from events like AVN and Exxxotica where I was working those events pretty much just so I could be in places with a bunch of nude models so I could work on my book and then of course there are photos from the two  book release parties. So that accounts for like 80% of these photos and that is of course why my credit card bill is out of control. My bad, buy my book

There are of course a bunch of non naked people related images in here and I figured I should mention a few of the highlights. SXSW was cool. I was working for Playboy at the time and I did a couple of other jobs but it was pretty relaxing otherwise. I shot the Tisch Gala for NYU which also happened to be Alec Baldwin’s birthday so that was pretty great. I shot a few Trump related protests that were pretty boring photographically but there’s a few shots in here. There’s a few shots from my failed trip to the Galapagos and a few headshots for friends. I shot some tattoo stuff as always including the 20th anniversary of legal tattooing in NYC. I went to Florida and hung out with Mike Busey at his weird ass house. Oh and of course I shot the Brooklyn Zombie Crawl and my band played it as well and then we broke up which is a bummer because I really miss it. 

And then there were the juggalos…. My next book is going to be juggalos god dammit and I have now photographed the Gathering of the Juggalos 9 times but 2017 was the worst of em. I also went with my now girlfriend so I might have slacked off a little bit. Still it was cool because it was a totally different environment in Oklahoma City which will add some new scenes to my book. ICP also played in Brooklyn so I got a ton of ironic hipster juggalo photos which I feel like has to be good for something. And then finally we have the Juggalo March on Washington which I am not gonna even explain. Go read the post so I don’t spend 500 words repeating myself. 

Okay, that’s it. One step closer to organizing my life and one more giant update for you guys to waste some time clicking through. Time to start putting together my next book edit and finally building a damn portfolio site for the first time since 2008!

Click here to see a bunch of my favorite photos from 2017.

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017

Best Of 2017





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15th Annual Indian Larry Block Party – 9.15.18

Indian Larry Motorcycles used to be a few blocks from my apartment and I would always stop by their block parties. One of the first jobs I ever did for Inked Magazine was shooting the block party in 2009. A few years ago they moved to Greenpoint and I haven’t been to a block party since, but my friends at Sailor Jerry were there and asked me to swing by and when I heard a guy was going to jump a motorcycle Evel Knievel style I wasn’t gonna say no. 

Cole Freeman jumped his Harley across a pyramid of 9360 bottles of Northern Chill water which is honestly a god damn incredible branding promotion. I mean the actual jump lasted about 2 seconds but it was awesome and a million people took photos and video of their water. They got promotion and we got the chance to maybe see a guy die right in front of us, but he made it because he’s great and because this is fucking America god dammit. 

Look, it was great, it was a really fun time and I would have stayed a lot longer except I had to do all of this Miami Dolphins related stuff which I will tell you guys about in a couple of days but I gotta wake up in 4 hours to organize a tailgate party for a few thousand people at an ungodly time in the morning so look at these photos in the meantime. 

Click here to see the photos from the 15th annual Indian Larry Grease Monkey Block Party.

Cole Freeman

Indian Larry Block Party

Indian Larry Block Party

Indian Larry Block Party

Cole Freeman



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