Whitney Wright

While this is technically the first gallery of Whitney Wright photos on my website, it’s not the first time I have taken Whitney’s photo. The first time was almost 5 years ago when she had first moved to LA. I was in town working on my Instaxxx book when a photo shoot fell through. I Tweeted something about looking for a last minute model and Whitney responded.

By the time I picked her up from the model house she was staying in while getting established in LA it was already dark. We couldn’t shoot in her place and I didn’t have a good location for us so we just sort of drove around. Since I was working on my book of instant film I focused mostly on Instax photos and 35mm point and shoot stuff since it was dark and that camera was the only other camera I had on me with a flash. The shots that ended up in my book were fantastic photos of her, wearing only high heels, climbing a chain link fence. They were really great. We also went into a gas station bathroom and shot in there. Those photos weren’t as great but honestly it’s something I would like to do again. It’s a pretty fun and real gross idea for a location. I also took a bunch of photos of Whitney at the the LA version of the Instaxxx book release party. She was there pretty much the whole time and signed a bunch of books for me and I really appreciated that. 

Anyway, fast forward a bunch of years I was in LA back in June and I was there visiting family so I only had time for a few shoots and once again they had to be at night. Fortunately Whitney had just moved into a new, very well lit place with a ton of amazing plants. We just caught up for like an hour while she ate a late night dinner and it might have been after midnight by the time we properly started shooting, but once we started we banged out some real lovely stuff. It’s rare that I actually like more than a couple of photos on a shoot but there are probably 10 shots from this shoot that I love and that’s not even counting the 35mm stuff we did. Whitney just is so good at posing. She will be just goofy and being a normal fun human being and then suddenly she will just hit you with the eyeballs and you are like “oh damn”. Models like Whitney make being a photographer real easy.

We also got some pretty sexy video, some of which is already on my OnlyFans and more of it will be up today and even more will be up at some point in the future. Speaking of some point in the future, at some point in the past these photos were posted to Girls of Driven By Boredom but then I went out of town and had no WiFi for 4 days so I didn’t post them for free, so if you want to get access to my work before anyone else sign up over there. There is also a bunch more explicit shots over there because Whitney kept aiming her butt at me and obviously I am not gonna stop shooting when that happens, I am not a monster. 

Oh, lastly I should mention that this set is HUGE and I probably should have broken it up into two parts, but I didn’t, so you’re welcome. There is however a totally different vibe to the shoot at the end. When we finished shooting Whitney wanted to play with this light bar and so we got that out and messed with it and pretty soon I was imitating nightlife photography from 2008 and dragging my shutter and we were just fucking around but we got some real fun artsy stuff that you should check out. Some of them are legit hilarious. I can’t post any of that below because it’s all NSFW, but make sure you go look for it in the gallery.

Okay, that’s it.

Click here to look at the NSFW photos of the phenomenally easy to photograph Whitney Wright.

Whitney Wright

Whitney Wright

Whitney Wright

Whitney Wright

Whitney Wright


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Sabrina Nichole

When I was in LA back in April I got invited to hang at some fancy LA mansion by Carter Cruise. She was taking some photos for her and her roommate Natalie’s clothing brand LA After Dark and this cute girl she had just met, Sabrina Nichole, would be there and I should come by and take some photos too. I was of course down, but I was wondering whose place it was and it turned out to be my old nightlife photo buddy Kirill aka Kirill Was Here’s place. I hadn’t seen that dude in years because he got banned from Twitter and a bunch of Instagram accounts and clearly we aren’t shooting a lot of the same events anymore. But I went over there and their place was awesome and he was super hospitable and pretty much everyone there was either a photographer or a model and it was a great time. He also had a nugget ice machine that I purchased when I got home that has changed my life. 

Anyway, I met Sabrina over there and she was super down to take photos with me while the LA After Dark shoot was happening. She is real hot and is real easy to shoot and was in a bikini and a sombrero when I got there so very little effort was required on my part. I still didn’t take the most fantastic shots because it was super bright and I have made a life where I bring nothing to shoots and do everything myself and the idea of having someone hold some sort of light reflector during a shoot is beyond my ability to comprehend. But again, none of that matters because of the insanely hot person, amazing location and the incredibly fashionable Assholes Are Forever bikini. Sorry, I just felt like I needed to promo Kirill’s brand cause he let me shoot at his place. 

I should also mention that one of the people that work for Kirill happens to be another real hot human named Aly Eckmann. She jumped in at the end of the shoot and we took some photos of both of them together. Those photos are all on Girls of Driven Boredom, although I did include two of the shots in this gallery so you get the idea of what is over there if you happen to sign up. There’s also some 35mm stuff from the whole day up there too but you gotta go back a few galleries for that stuff.  And while I am plugging my pay sites there is a video of Sabrina up on my OnlyFans today as well as another one from back in April when I first shot her. I still have one more little BTS video to post and that’s got Aly too so be on the lookout for that. 

Lastly, unrelated to Sabrina, I just wanted to mention something. If you look at my site this is the first post in a month. While I am admittedly slacking with updates, I did post a shoot from two weeks ago, but I had to take it down. Someone apparently sent the photos of her to her family and friends and that sucks a lot. She was psyched to be modeling and making some extra cash and was doing shoots all the time and then someone did that and she took all her accounts down and this thing has been ruined for her. That is not the first time that this exact thing has happened and it’s so fucked up. Nude modeling and most other sex work is so needlessly stigmatized and it’s so upsetting to me that people can be made to feel bad about something that made them happy for some bullshit puritanical moral ideas. I took everything down for her because I always do when people ask, and hopefully other photographers did too, but she shouldn’t have to worry that a decision she made to take some is going to haunt her. Any other career you can try and then do something else with your life and no one will care, but with sex work it follows you, and it follows you for no fucking reason. Sorry, this shit just upsets me so much. Whenever I shoot with someone who hasn’t done nudes before I always tell them to imagine who is the person they would want least to see them in the world because they probably will because some garbage person will do exactly this. So fuck anyone who would send someone’s photos around to try and hurt them, and fuck anyone who judges someone just for having the courage to post their nudes on the internet. I know I don’t have that kinda bravery. 

Okay, that’s enough of that, let’s get to some photos. 

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Sabrina Nichole!

Sabrina Nichole

Sabrina Nichole

Sabrina Nichole

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Leda Bear

The first time I shot Leda Bear it was such an epic shoot with Aiden Ashley that it required two updates. I was hoping to shoot the two girls individually but it didn’t happen that day, fortunately last time I was in LA I photographed them both solo. Those new Aiden shots are great so be on the lookout for them, but in the meantime I got these super cute photos of Leda.

I met Leda at her place in Hollywood and she wanted to shoot in a dress, but first she had to spray paint it so I followed her outside while she did that. I took photos of her spray painting it and I just added those to the gallery because they are kinda whimsical or something and I thought you would want to look at them. We then went and shot in her bathroom but the light in there was so terrible that only the 35mm shots I took with flash really came out. (The 35mm stuff from that trip is on Girls of DBB somewhere if you wanna check that out.) So we went into her bedroom and shot there but she didn’t want to get spray paint on her bed so she took off the dress so there aren’t actually any photos of her wearing it in this set. Whoops. 

I don’t really know what else to say about these but Leda is cool and she looks rad naked and after the shoot she took a polaroid of me and a tiny piece of my hair and taped it to her wall as part of some sort of insane collection that I am proud/scared to be a part of. We also ate food after and I had one of the worst burritos I have ever had in my life but it didn’t give my food poisoning which can’t be said of every burrito I have ever had soe I guess that is something. 

Lastly we need to talk about some OnlyFans stuff because there is some good Leda content on there this week. First of all, a few days ago I posted an unedited preview of the shoot. As you may have noticed I don’t do much editing to my photos, but I tend to underexpose my shots because it’s lot easier to brighten stuff up than go the other way. I also do some color correcting if needed and these really needed it. So if you want to see the difference between these and those check that out. I also posted a very hot video of her up there today. I also sent people a paid DM thing with a longer, more explicit, video of her for $5. I just wanted to try that out since it was something I didn’t think I would normally post. I have a handful of videos like that I have shot for other models and if this goes well I might send out more DMs but I will keep posting 6 times a week on my OF like always. If you don’t subscribe to my OF and just want to buy it, you can do that from Girls of DBB too but it’s a little more expensive if you don’t subscribe to either of my pay sites. 

Okay, that is enough of that, let’s get to it.

Click here to see all the free NSFW photos of Leda Bear!

Leda Bear

Leda Bear

Leda Bear


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Khloe Kapri Is Back

Last time I posted photos of Khloe Kapri she was just hanging out on her bed smoking weed and listening to music on her computer and guess what? We got more of that for you today. It feels like a lifetime has passed between the two shoots, she has a new apartment, new braces, a new fish (shout out to Juicy) and a whole pandemic happened. It was great to see Khloe again cause she’s rad to hang out with and great to take photos of, it’s a good time.

Last time we shot I jokingly told her she should come to the Gathering of the Juggalos with me, and she just did it. She called her agent to block off a few days and just a couple weeks later met me at the Louisville airport as we rented a car and drove to the middle of nowhere Indiana for four days of Insane Clown madness. She actually ended up getting her betta fish Juicy because when we were at the Gathering I made her watch YouTube videos about fish because I was just starting my fishkeeping midlife crisis. I might have talked about this last time I posted her photos but honestly I am not going to look at the old post to check, that is up to you.

You should also look at the first time we shot, or the time we shot with some other people, or the time we took a few photos at AVN with Jane Wilde. Hell, there’s even a chance I might take more photos of her this week…

I am actually headed to LA tomorrow but it’s only for a few days and it’s a trip to visit my family so I haven’t actually told anyone about it. I hope to do some shoots while I am there but it’s not the priority this time. My brother lives out there and my parents are going to see them since they haven’t seen him in over a year and I am gonna go meet them. My parents go to bed early though so hoping to do some night time shoots if possible.

Okay, time to promote pay stuff. First off, these photos have been on Girls of DBB for a few days and there are a bunch of more explicit shots on there and as always the photos are a much higher resolution. Secondly I have posted a few BTS videos from hanging out with Khloe on my OnlyFans including one of her in the shower that I posted on Saturday. Today, to promote this post I am going to post a video of us discussing regional pronunciation of words like “caramel”. That sounds boring but she’s hot and naked so it’s fine I promise. By the time you read this it will probably be up because that’s the next thing I do after hitting publish on this post. 

Alight, that’s all I got, time to look at some photos… 

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Khloe Kapri.

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

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Layla Hendrix

You might not recognize the name Layla Hendrix but you might recognize the model who has a new stage name. She used to go by Lil Brown Eyes and I have photographer her not once, but twice and her old band even played the Instaxxx book release party in LA. (Buy Instaxxx here!) She is a lunatic but in the best way and glad I got to shoot her again when I was in LA recently. She conveniently lives right near my brother where I was staying.

We just shot some real simple stuff of her on a bed and she wore some Catholic school girl kinda outfit and wore a cross and stuff which is not really something I would normally shoot, not because it’s controversial or anything but just because I wasn’t raised with any religion at all and believe in nothing so  I don’t even care enough to do something sacrilegious but I like my shoots to be very collaborative and she wanted to do that so I wasn’t gonna complain. Plus her butt looks real rad in that skirt so shout out to Jesus for that one.

After the shoot her boyfriend came in and we took some photos of him hitting her with a paddle thing but I figured I would make you pay for those so you can see them and some more slightly dirtier photos of her on Girls of DBB. (TBH there are actually some real crazy old photos of her on there if you can find them.) There’s also two videos from this shoot on my OnlyFans as well. I posted a longer one a couple weeks ago and a short one today.

Speaking of today, it’s my birthday and while I don’t really celebrate it anymore now that I am old as fuck, I am going to some cabin in the woods tonight for a few days. That should be fun. Everyday for almost 4 months have been doing this long thread of road trip photos on my Twitter account and I said I was going to keep doing it until I went on a road trip, and while I have been on a couple of day trips and a couple of flights, this is the first proper trip that involves both driving and staying over night so I think I finally get to end the thread and I just figured I would plug it on this site so people who don’t have Twitter can check it out. But yeah, let’s move on, we got pictures to lurk.

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Lil Brown Eyes aka Layla Hendrix. 

Layla Hendrix

Layla Hendrix

Layla Hendrix

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More Carter Cruise

My very first stop on my recent trip to LA was to Carter Cruise’s place. She happens to live right by the airport but I was psyched to see her. She’s one of my favorite humans and I love taking her photo as you can tell from all the shoots we have done in the past. She also has a rad roommate and amazing place with a pool that I was deeply upset I didn’t get to swim in because of course it was fucking cold when I was in LA for some dumb reason.

We started the shoot outside and she rolled a joint naked and I took photos and that’s pretty much my ideal photo shoot always. Very chill, doing whatever you’d be doing normally, but also naked. Speaking of naked, last time I shot Carter the only place you could see the full nudes was on Girls of DBB, but Carter just launched her OnlyFans a couple months ago so she’s getting naked  again which is exciting for everyone. So go follow her on OF and then go to Girls of DBB to see the nudes from our last shoot, and a couple extra NSFW images from this shoot too. 

Oh, and speaking of OnlyFans I got a minute long video of her smoking and being awkward and shaking her ass and just generally being hot and naked and it’s going on my OnlyFans as soon as I hit send on this post so go sign up for my OnlyFans too. Honestly you could sign up to both of our OFs, and Girls of DBB for less than the cost of one meal so just don’t eat tonight and look at all the nudes instead. Just think of it as intermittent fasting. 

I just spent 2 paragraphs promoting shit instead of telling you more things about the shoot so let’s talk about how we went inside after she smoked and shot in her kitchen because if there’s one thing I love it’s shooting people in their kitchen. I have no fucking idea why but I just love it even when the light sucks like it did in this case. Carter has a bunch of roommates so she’s only topless in these but she did cook some food, and I feel like I need to point out that the eggs she made for herself looked a lot better than the one she cooked for photos. 

Lastly, this wasn’t the only time I hung out with Carter on this trip, a few days later she was doing a photo shoot for her and her roommate Natalie’s brand LA After Dark at my old pal Kirill’s place and I went over there and hung out. I did a shoot of Natalie in a very tiny bikini over there that I am sure I will post one day and took some random 35mm photos from the day that you can check out on Kirill’s site or check out all my LA 35mm pics on Girls of DBB.

Okay, I am done rambling now. Most of the highlights below are from the kitchen because the outdoor ones were all nude but are the better photos so make sure you click through to the actual gallery to see those. 

Click here to see all the new NSFW photos of Carter Cruise!

Carter Cruise

Carter Cruise

Carter Cruise

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I have been back from my West Coast trip for a few days now and I am finally getting my shit together to bring you new content. On my 10 day trip I did 12 full shoots, plus I shot a dozen rolls of film which include some other mini shoots like my friend Selina who wanted me to take a photo of her topless in front of a Scientology building in LA which I was happy to oblige. It was a very productive trip, but the only problem with it was that of the 12 shoots I did, only two of them were with people I have never photographed before, on the plus side I got to photograph some of my favorite humans on this trip, but I was hoping to shoot a few more new people, but sadly those shoots didn’t work out. 

One of the shoots that did work out was Kittycamtime (AKA Fetish Kitten who we will now refer to as Kitten because that seems way easier than typing Kittycamtime over and over again), a cam girl I met at AVN last year. I actually met her in a very cool way. I was eating food with a friend when she walked by and I told the girl I was eating with that I thought Kitten looked really cool. Later they met at a party and she told Kitten that I thought she looked really cool and she immediately DMed me about shooting while we were in Vegas. We met briefly but the shoot didn’t happen, but she was planning on coming to NYC soon so we would do it in a couple of months, and then that whole Covid thing happened so we had to wait a year, but we finally made it happen.

I spent my first day in LA hanging out with Carter Cruise because she lives right by the airport, but my second shoot was at Kitten’s place. She was about to move out but for now she lives in a rad house with a pool and I am glad I got to take advantage of the very LA vibes of the place. She was super tired and once she got naked, super cold, so we didn’t shoot a ton, but I think we got some really nice stuff anyway. I think I took some more 35mm stuff of her inside too but honestly I don’t remember but I will find out soon. What I do remember is that she needed food so we went to a Trader Joe’s that happened to be right near a pet store so I got to go look at fish which as you probably know by now is my weird midlife crisis. It was very exciting. 

Okay, it’s time to plug all the things. While I was in LA I posted a BTS video from the shoot on my OnlyFans and just yesterday I posted a longer fairly explicit video of her on there as well. The video is also on Girls of DBB but it costs $10 there because their video upload system is broken and I can’t change the price so you should just sign up for OnlyFans because it’s only $5 a month. That being said, you should also sign up for Girls of DBB because all these photos have been on there for two days and they are in high resolution and feature a handful of extra explicit shots. I also should plug my “Sponsor A Roll” thing where you can pay for one of my rolls of film to get developed and you get to see all the shots on that roll and pick your favorite to get an 8″x10″ print of all for $30. It’s a pretty good deal. I am very bad at making money.

Okay that’s enough promotion. Next stop on my “I get to leave NYC finally” tour is Cleveland where I am going to the NFL Draft. Each NFL team is allowed 12 fans in their “Inner Circle” and I am one of them for some reason so look for me on TV when the Dolphins pick if you happen to watch that. My next update should be pictures from that event. Okay now it’s time to go look at photos.

Click here to see a bunch of photos of the very adorable Kittycamtime! 




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Kirra Returns

Given that Kirra is the person I have probably photographed most in my life it’s pretty funny that this is only the second full solo shoot I have ever posted of her… I’ve published three shoots of Chloe Amour and we only took photos one day. But yeah, I have some new photos of one of my favorite models of all time and I have been saving them for a while because I really dig some of the shots we got. It’s actually the last shoot I have left from 2020 and honestly I don’t really have much left, but I leave for a photo gathering trip in less than two weeks so I am hoping I can figure out one or two more things to post for you guys before I leave… 

Anyway, this is the third shoot from a 24 hour road trip to Sparrow House that I did back in the late summer when Covid cases were really low. I wanted to go up to visit my friends upstate but I was gonna have to rent a car so I figured if I was going to spend money I should get some content out of it so I hit up Kirra to see if she wanted to come and she was totally down and invited her friend and model Nina Burns with her. It was great and even though we were only there for a while I ended up getting a ton of pretty stuff including two shoots I already published, Nina by herself, and Kirra and Nina together in a giant claw foot bathtub. 

This shoot is actually more than one shoot. It starts with photos we shot on some train tracks in a pretty sheer outfit and then some more NSFW stuff inside my favorite room in Sparrow House. The inside stuff is super pretty. I also shot some photos from outside of the house of her sort of hanging out the window. It looks scarier than it was because she was sitting on the bed which was pushed up against the window but it was still vaguely terrifying for me. But she was very excited about the shot and I couldn’t say no to that. 

There are actually a few more shots from this shoot, two of her holding a chicken and two more of her on a rope swing that I thought were in the Nina/Kirra shoot but weren’t and so I threw them in last minute, but they are only on Girls of DBB. Usually when I put stuff exclusively on Girls of DBB it’s because it’s extra NSFW or something, but these are actually fairly tame shots but there is a live chicken involved and all the shots are in high res and there’s a lot of other Kirra content on there so like, get involved.

I should also plug my OnlyFans because there are a bunch of videos from the Sparrow House trip on there. Yesterday I posted a couple clips of her hanging out the window and as soon as I hit send on this post I am gonna upload a high res quality (ie. not from my iphone) video from the shoot. But even before this week I posted stuff of Nina and Kirra in the bathtub and some other footage. Honestly I need to see what I have posted and what I have left because there might be even more stuff I need to post in the future. (Update: There is.) Plus like, there will be new Kirra content on there always because I like I mentioned she is one of my favorite people to shoot. Did I mention I post six times a day and it’s only $5 a month?

Okay, enough of all that, let’s look at some pics.

Click here to see a ton a bunch of photos of Kirra at Sparrow House!



Kirra @ Sparrow House


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“Best” Of 2020

2020 was a fucking disaster and I am pretty sure we don’t need to go into all of that but I like to organize all my photos and pull selects every year so that I can make it easier to find stuff in the future and these throwback posts are a good way to go over some highlights and link to my favorite shoots of the year and 2020 is no exception. 

When I first picked up a camera when I was 15 for a photo class I didn’t really care about it so I only took photos for class and I think I got a C in it. A year later I took photo 2 and I started shooting punk shows and protests and got hooked on photography and it changed my life forever. I never really put down a camera after that… until 2020.

2020 was already slow for me. My roommate died at the end of November and December and most of January were spent just dealing with that shit until I went on my yearly AVN trip. I shot a lot of photos there but between the start of the pandemic last March up until the Black Lives Matter protests that rocked the country at the end of May I took almost no photos at all. I had this very weird mix of feelings. I felt this responsibility to my elderly neighbors and my community to stay inside, but I also felt this massive guilt for not being out in the streets documenting the end of the world as we knew it. For months I pretty much only left the house for essential stuff and I would bring my camera with me whenever I left the house but I didn’t shoot a lot. I tried to document the grafiti and the signage and capture some of the moment (see my zine Sign of the Times) but I didn’t do nearly enough to make me feel productive.

After George Floyd was murdered I felt like I had to hit the streets. This was too important not to be apart of and a video I captured of horrible police violence ended up going viral and being purchased by the NY Times, NY Post and Full Frontal With Samantha Bee. Ironically this awful moment ended up being the only paid work I did for most of 2020. I went to a bunch of protests over the summer and documented most of them, but I am embarrassed to admit that I eventually stopped going as the protests started getting smaller and smaller. I did hit the streets again a few months later when TV networks called the presidential race for Biden. It was one of the few highlights of a disastrous year.

I did do some shoots during the pandemic, including this socially distanced shoot, but the vast majority of the stuff I shot in 2020 happened on a less than two week trip in January to LA and Las Vegas when I went out to shoot the AVN Week madness. Heading home from Vegas from that trip was actually the last time I got on a plane after canceling trips to SXSW, the NFL Draft and two tattoo conventions I was supposed to shoot for Monster.

A year ago I shot Carmen when she visited NYC and Phoenix Marie literally the day before lockdown in NYC and over the summer when cases were low I did a day road trip with Nina and Kirra which ended up with some great shots (that you still haven’t seen all of), I did a weird late night shoot with Alex F and of course this shoot with the very flexible Amanda Whip. As far as the LA/Vegas stuff some highlights include the Aiden & Leda photos, my latest shoot with Carter and the super quick shoot I did with Alex Grey right before I came back to NYC forever. 

Right before the world ended I had booked a bunch of the work I mentioned earlier and I bought some bitcoin when it crashed right before the pandemic. I regretted it when I lost the jobs and it took me way too long to get unemployment, but I survived thanks to you guys. I started my OnlyFans and you guys bought my books and zines and had Girls of Driven By Boredom already going (I uploaded a NSFW “Best of” gallery including a bunch of shots not in this gallery). I had someone who supports my work just send me some cash and told me I could pay him in photos later. That shit meant so much to me. 

But things are looking up. That bitcoin I regretted buying is now worth more than 10 times what I paid for it. My unemployment is still going strong while my bills have pretty much decreased to just food, shelter and the cost to host this damn website. I paid off my credit card, got my first vaccine shot, I am finally headed back to LA and Vegas to shoot next month, and amazingly my NFT test run did really well. (I did manage to spent all that money on other people’s NFTs but I got some new stuff coming.) I still haven’t shot much in 2021, but my guess is the last 9 months of this year I am gonna be shooting a lot more than the first three  and I can’t fucking wait wait.

Thank you guys for everything and I hope that all of our 2021s are so much fucking better than 2020. 

In the meantime, click here to see a huge gallery of my favorite shots from the least prolific year of my career. 

Black Lives Matter



Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Angela White & Jules Jordan

Black Lives Matter

Carter Cruise

Biden Wins!

Gia DeMarco & Paige Owens

Defund The Police

Kirra & Nina 



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