Magic Mirror – 6.15.09

So, I am catching up on life, so we are still slow around here for a few days. I am going to try to get something sexy up tomorrow and then some local party photos up over the weekend and hopefully we will be back cruising by Monday, with LA galleries going up ever day that week plus new local stuff. I have a controversial interview coming out this week too which should be a fun read. I am getting my ass handed to me already in the RVA Mag comments and it is not even out yet. Fortunately the more level headed people seem to have my back.

Anyway, on to the photos. The last night I was in LA I went and saw my friend Tom’s band Magic Mirror. He place bass in them and guitar in Lower Heaven. They are both pretty psychedelic. I am not a huge fan of stuff so jammy usually, but Magic Mirror are super tight, pretty rocking and I was never bored, which is surprising when it comes to me and most “pretty” music. From the people I talked to who listen to a lot of psychedelia they are pretty fucking amazing. Tom has been in probably 20 bands in the 18 years I have known him and I am pretty sure Magic Mirror is his favorite. I actually had a great time at the show.

Tom and I met in the 5th grade. He was just starting to play guitar and we had some other friends playing stuff so we started a band called No More Freedom. And while they never actually existed, I like to say it is the first band I ever managed. The second band I ever managed was in the 7th and 8th grade when Tom had a band called Manley Stanley who did grunge and metal covers. The flyer said they knew EVERY Nirvana song. I think they played a couple of talent shows and a school fund raiser. In high school Tom and I founded the punk rock club and started both a zine and a record label. Our zine, Nervous Breakdown went from a total joke to a pretty legitimate magazine in its 4 year run. The record label was less prolific, with only 2 tapes, one CD and one record ever released, but the record was probably the most successful DC punk record of the mid 90’s selling out it’s first run in a month with no distribution. Tom and I sold every one of those records by hand. The record was a 7″ called Raise The Flag harDCore Vol 1. One of the bands on it, No Credentials, was fronted by Tom and during our record release party I had to play bass due to a missing band member. Unfortunately I do not play bass, so I plugged in my friends bass into a card board box with the word AMP written on it in black marker. It was pretty legendary. I also sang a bit in a rockabilly band that my friend Jamie started that Tom played guitar for and I booked a few gigs for Tom’s later college bands The Strap Ons and the life changing Captain Kick Ass.

Years later, Tom lives in LA making a successful career working in the art department on huge budget TV commercials. When I asked him if he had any in the Super Bowl last year, he said something a long the lines of “most of my commercials were played during the Super Bowl.” As far as I can tell he is close personal friends of Mr. T. That may be a lie. He is also playing in 2 bands and the last time I was in LA he was so busy doing both I didn’t get to see him. Luckily he has a small break from work and I got to hang out with him a bunch. We went to some really weird parties and managed to not get arrested. It was a good time.

Lastly, I have a tattoo on my arm that reads NMF, NB and OCR. People ask me what they mean all the time. That tattoo is a tribute to the 10 years I worked in the music industry in some way or another. And where it started was with No More Freedom, Nervous Breakdown Fanzine, and Outcider Records. Everyone of the projects I did before I was 20 I worked with hand in hand with Tom and I am pretty sure we would be completely different people without each other.

But enough with the sappy life story, check out Magic Mirror right fucking now, and then check out the photos right here. There are some nice ones with available light, and then a few at the end where I was just fucking around with my broken flash.






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Come Ovah

I am back in NYC and the first thing I am doing is shooting Katie DiCicco’s new video premire party at Santos Party House on Thursday.  It starts early at 7pm and ends by 10:30 so we can get there and then go do something else crazy after.  Should be a fun time.  There are a number of performances including Jasmine Solono who I have seen like 3 times now and impresses me consistently.   Plus Dances With White Girls will be there spinning and there is a pretty hilarious video flyer for it.  Check that out, and I will see you tomorrow.



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I Am Coming Home…

In about 24 hours I will be back in NYC and back to work on the blog.  I have tons of photos to get up and some stories to tell.  I am pretty excited to get the nine rolls of film I developed.  I will probably be posting a lot of that.  I am getting back Wednesday AM and I will probably sleep all day, but come Thursday I will be getting new stuff up.  I shot those two Gods Girls, the Burning Angel behind the scenes and the Erotica LA Expo.  It was like a pornacation.  In fact today I went to Disneyland with several adorable porn stars.  That being said, I also shot some crazy Rag Time wig party, my friends band Magic Mirror, the THC marijuana convention and I have some other weirdness too…  It has been a weird trip.  I saw the LA Laker riots, met the cutest fashion designer I’ve ever seen in a line for a party I didn’t get into (with her also adorable blogger) and I went to a party that was straight out of a Brett Easton Ellis novel.  Anyway, more on all this soon. I just wanted to update you on everything, but really you should just be following me on Twitter and then you would constantly know what is up.

And I am not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I am planning on becoming professional model.  My friend Robyn took some photos of me so I can get my portfolio in order… Here is the most glamourous of the shots:


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Teddy Blanks Live

I just booked a ticket home.  I will be back Wednesday AM.  Get excited NYC.  Unfortunately this means I won’t be back for Teddy Blanks first solo show.  He is part of the Northside festival.  He had a show set up Sunday night, but it got moved around a bit.  So now, he is still playing Sunday, but at a different spot, with different bands and a new time (9PM @ Public Assembly).  He sent me a new flyer… It is pretty amazing.

Make sure you check him out, then you check him out.  Wish I could be there… but I will be back soon…


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More NSFW Previews

My LA trip has gotten a little bit better.  I had some fun last night and I shot some Gods Girls the other day.  I think the shots came out pretty well so I am going to hit you up with another little preview.  The internet here sucks too much to upload anything serious, so here are two images of Gods Girls, and real life cousins Evelyn and Tatye.



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Dear LA,

Dear LA,

You ever do that thing where you book a 10 day trip to a place that you forgot you hate and end up spending $1000 to sit in a gross motel room doing nothing? I can’t even work on my website because the internet sucks too badly and I go insane when I try.

Dear LA,

Why the fuck do your bars close at 2AM? Like, what the fuck is that about? I don’t even get moving till midnight. That is when my eyes start opening. I just had dinner and it ended at 1230 and by the time I got back to my motel it was too late to do anything.

Dear LA,

Maybe it is not just your radio stations but why do I have to hear 4 Lady Gaga songs during a 20 minute drive? Why are you still playing Day and Night every fifth song? How many songs do you have to play about how great LA is? Why is it that I heard a Kanye West song from two albums ago twice in one night?

Dear LA,

Why is it that everyone I know doesn’t know anything to do? Like, my friends here seem to do absolutely nothing. No one has anything going on. Everyone is in bed by midnight. 1AM on a Tuesday!? Impossible! My New Yorker friends are still awake and they are 3 hours ahead.

Dear LA,

No, I am not writing on a screen play and I don’t want to hear you describe yours to me when I am trying to work on my website in a coffee house with slightly reliable internet. Everyone here wants to be famous, either in a grand sense of the word with their bullshit plans, or in just the type of famous where they give you shit at the door at a fucking dive bar. This guy told me last night that the only reason he was letting me in was because it was a slow night. Fuck you, your bar sucks and you are a shitty door guy. I saw you let in 6 dudes even though you told them no. They just pleaded with you until you let them in. If you are going to pretend to be exclusive, at least sell me on it.
PS. Nice chin beard douche bag.

Dear LA,

Can you please hang out with me? I am lonely.

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Preview: LA Pink

I spent yesterday on the set of Burning Angel’s new porn parody of LA Ink.  I am working on a behind the scenes feature for Vice Magazine’s blog.  I was there for 12 hours and there was no air conditioning and a lot of set lights.  It was pretty brutal… you know, other than hanging out with hot porn stars all day.  I just wanted to give you a small taste of the photos.  I don’t know when I am going to get these up, it might be a while, so I just wanted you to get excited.

And just as an update.  I am staying in a weekly rate motel in LA that I am 90% sure has blood stains on the floor.  It also has terrible internets so updates may be few and far between over the next 10 days.

Click the photo of Brian Street Team getting pleasures from Coco Velvet, Draven Star and Andy San Dimas to get a NSFW shot of James Deen and Misty Dawn getting down.


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Obama Loves Five Guys

Since I just paid $7.95 to use internet on my Virgin America flight to LA, I figured I might as well update my site on the way. This morning while I was packing I saw that the HuffPo had linked another part of Brian Williams interview of Obama where he just follows him around all day. It is basically an extended episode of Cribs only Brian Williams does everything he can to make questions about mundane aspects of Obama’s life seem like he is asking him why he just bombed New Hampshire. Williams often sounds like the host of terrible reality show where someone is about to get voted off the island. That being said, it is certainly and interesting, if not completely staged, look at the daily life of a burger eating, basket ball playing father of two who just happens to be the President of the United States.

In the most recent clip I saw Obama bought everyone on his staff (and Brian Williams) hamburgers… but not just ANY burgers… He bought them Five Guys burgers. You might remember me blogging about my love for the Five Guys in the past. Many of you New Yorkers have enjoyed the pleasures of their tasty burgers, but unless you have had one outside Manhattan I am not sure you can completely understand the glory of a Five Guys burger. When I grew up in Alexandria, VA there were only 3 Five Guys and two of them were 5 minutes away from my house in opposite directions. I grew up on these burgers. The are some of the best burgers on Earth. They are a fast food place with HUGE burgers that taste like a $15 burger in a nice restaurant only much greasier. The normal burger has two patties and you can put all sorts of stuff on them. When you order fries they just fill your bag with them. Normally 2 people can’t finish a large fry together. And the best part about the Zaggat rated burger chain is that is they are cheap as hell… And that is why they don’t count in Manhattan… Due to the rent in the city they have to raise the price of everything and a burger suddenly costs 7 dollars and you are dropping nearly $15 on the whole meal. All of a sudden you start thinking that if you are going to spend this much you might as well go to a restaurant and sit down and eat. It is mildly tragic…. Still supremely delicious.

Anyway, back to the president: He showed up at a DC area Five Guys and people completely lost their shit. Women were dancing in front of the burger joint as he left. It was pretty great. He came back and delivered huge sacks of burgers to his staff. And remember when the Right gave Obama all that shit for wanting some Dijon mustard on his burger? Well he is from Chicago. Ketchup is frowned on in the Windy City. Obama got his burger hooked up at five guys and made sure he didn’t get any damn ketchup on it. And he got a shit load of fries… and you know how much Obama loves fries. Brian Williams on the other hand ordered a burger with only ketchup. No lettuce, no tomato, nothing. What a coward. Personally I go with the Bacon Cheeseburger with A1 Sauce, lettuce, tomato and some pickles…

Anyway now that I have ruined the whole video for you… you should watch it below.

Dance Class – 6.5.09

Dance Class used to be held at Webster Hall.  Now it is held downstairs in the basement of 205.  Hearts Challenger was there giving out free ice cream and Ninjasonik hosted with the Glitter Kids.  That seems like an odd paring, but fortunately Brendan James hosted in the table between them and bridged the gap.  That only makes sense if you know who the hell I am talking about, but if you do it is at least mildly funny.

Anyway, I need to do shit to get ready for my trip, so just read this article on the Village Voice blog for more info.  If you are going to use a photo for your myspace or facebook or something it would be nice if you used the ones with my logo on them. Kthx.

Here are all the photos from the night. Next update should be from LA… unless like another hero of mine dies between now and then. RIP Frankenstein.







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