Obama Loves Five Guys

Since I just paid $7.95 to use internet on my Virgin America flight to LA, I figured I might as well update my site on the way. This morning while I was packing I saw that the HuffPo had linked another part of Brian Williams interview of Obama where he just follows him around all day. It is basically an extended episode of Cribs only Brian Williams does everything he can to make questions about mundane aspects of Obama’s life seem like he is asking him why he just bombed New Hampshire. Williams often sounds like the host of terrible reality show where someone is about to get voted off the island. That being said, it is certainly and interesting, if not completely staged, look at the daily life of a burger eating, basket ball playing father of two who just happens to be the President of the United States.

In the most recent clip I saw Obama bought everyone on his staff (and Brian Williams) hamburgers… but not just ANY burgers… He bought them Five Guys burgers. You might remember me blogging about my love for the Five Guys in the past. Many of you New Yorkers have enjoyed the pleasures of their tasty burgers, but unless you have had one outside Manhattan I am not sure you can completely understand the glory of a Five Guys burger. When I grew up in Alexandria, VA there were only 3 Five Guys and two of them were 5 minutes away from my house in opposite directions. I grew up on these burgers. The are some of the best burgers on Earth. They are a fast food place with HUGE burgers that taste like a $15 burger in a nice restaurant only much greasier. The normal burger has two patties and you can put all sorts of stuff on them. When you order fries they just fill your bag with them. Normally 2 people can’t finish a large fry together. And the best part about the Zaggat rated burger chain is that is they are cheap as hell… And that is why they don’t count in Manhattan… Due to the rent in the city they have to raise the price of everything and a burger suddenly costs 7 dollars and you are dropping nearly $15 on the whole meal. All of a sudden you start thinking that if you are going to spend this much you might as well go to a restaurant and sit down and eat. It is mildly tragic…. Still supremely delicious.

Anyway, back to the president: He showed up at a DC area Five Guys and people completely lost their shit. Women were dancing in front of the burger joint as he left. It was pretty great. He came back and delivered huge sacks of burgers to his staff. And remember when the Right gave Obama all that shit for wanting some Dijon mustard on his burger? Well he is from Chicago. Ketchup is frowned on in the Windy City. Obama got his burger hooked up at five guys and made sure he didn’t get any damn ketchup on it. And he got a shit load of fries… and you know how much Obama loves fries. Brian Williams on the other hand ordered a burger with only ketchup. No lettuce, no tomato, nothing. What a coward. Personally I go with the Bacon Cheeseburger with A1 Sauce, lettuce, tomato and some pickles…

Anyway now that I have ruined the whole video for you… you should watch it below.

Comments (1)


  1. brendan
    June 7th, 2009 | 12:24 pm

    I’m actually really into this post for some reason. It’s clear that you understand how important the right burger with the right dude is. So what if he’s our president?

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