I Am Coming Home…

In about 24 hours I will be back in NYC and back to work on the blog.  I have tons of photos to get up and some stories to tell.  I am pretty excited to get the nine rolls of film I developed.  I will probably be posting a lot of that.  I am getting back Wednesday AM and I will probably sleep all day, but come Thursday I will be getting new stuff up.  I shot those two Gods Girls, the Burning Angel behind the scenes and the Erotica LA Expo.  It was like a pornacation.  In fact today I went to Disneyland with several adorable porn stars.  That being said, I also shot some crazy Rag Time wig party, my friends band Magic Mirror, the THC marijuana convention and I have some other weirdness too…  It has been a weird trip.  I saw the LA Laker riots, met the cutest fashion designer I’ve ever seen in a line for a party I didn’t get into (with her also adorable blogger) and I went to a party that was straight out of a Brett Easton Ellis novel.  Anyway, more on all this soon. I just wanted to update you on everything, but really you should just be following me on Twitter and then you would constantly know what is up.

And I am not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I am planning on becoming professional model.  My friend Robyn took some photos of me so I can get my portfolio in order… Here is the most glamourous of the shots:


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