Exxxotica After Party – 11.6.10

Exxxotica was Friday, Saturday and Sunday but I went to Baltimore to see the Dolphins play on Sunday so my last day at the convention was Saturday. Clearly I had to rage Saturday night so went to  the after party at the Sheraton Hotel for a little bit. I hung out in the VIP area with Steve Prue and we took some pictures of porn stars and the like. Got to talk to my old pal Stoya for a minute and took pictures of Nina Hartley slow dancing with Adrenalynn. I didn’t take any photos with flash at the convention but evidently my batteries mostly died just sitting in my flash so I went back up to my hotel room to grab my flash pack. When I got up there my roommate Andy San Dimas was hanging out with Jimi From Alumni 2012 and a few people and by the time we stopped hanging out it was 5 am and I had missed the rest of the party.

So this gallery ends up being a bit small, but there are a few shots of Andy and Draven chilling up in the room. And I gotta thank Brian Gross for making sure I got in the party and getting me into the little VIP side of the room.

So yeah, that’s all I got for today but come back tomorrow for photos from Strip For Pain at the convention. Now click here to see all the pictures from the Saturday night official Exxxotica After Party at the Sheraton Hotel.

Adrenalynn & Jenna Haze @ Exxxotica

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Exxxotica NJ 2010

This weekend I was out of town at Exxxotica NJ a porn convention held in Edison, New Jersey (and sponsored by DBB friends Hotmovies.com). Porn conventions are always a strange thing to shoot. I look for weird fans, half naked girls and semi-famous people. There is always a good mix of that so it’s pretty easy to get good shots.  On the other hand after doing a few of these it gets a little boring, but one thing I like about shooting porn conventions is seeing my porn friends who I only get to see a few times a year. There really are a lot of people I only see at conventions and as weird of a community as porn is, there are a ton of awesome people I am excited to see and hang out with.

This years convention got off to a really shitty start however. When I got there I found out that Burning Angel model and good friend of mine Jessie Lee got badly hurt in a car accident.  My other friend Joanna Angel was driving but both her and (BA employee) Jojo were fine. Jessie Lee wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Jessie broke her neck and has been in the hospital since friday. She is in stable condition and as far as I know she will ultimately be fine, but she has more surgery ahead of her and a lot of rehab. Joanna was legally at fault in the accident and she has insurance so from what I understand her medical bills will be covered, but Jessie was in the middle of moving to LA and is not going to be able to work for a while so she needs help monetarily. Joanna and Burning Angel set up a page where you can donate to Jessie and also find out the latest information on her condition. So go to helpomgitsjessielee.com right away and donate some money and tell your friends.  Later in the week I plan on publishing photos of Jessie Lee that I posted on here to hopefully draw some more attention to her cause.

Because of all this shitty news I didn’t take very many pictures on the first day of the convention. I was exhausted on day two of the convention so I didn’t really do a whole lot then either, but still there are a lot of really epic photos and I shot the entire show without using my flash once.  I have two more galleries coming today and tomorrow from Exxxotica including shots from the after party on Saturday and shots from the legendary Strip For Pain.

I wanted to give a big shout out to Andy San Dimas who let me crash with her the whole time I was in NJ.  I was expecting to sleep on a floor or have to drive back to NYC but instead I got to stay for free in a nice comfy bed with for my money one of the hottest porn stars in the world. She even bought me room service. What a fucking rad girl.

Also additional shout outs to the Bombshell Brats crew, Ellen Stagg and Steve Prue. Fellow naked lady photographers who I am always super happy to see…

Finally, these photos are obviously NSFW and full of awesomeness so you should click here to see all the shots of Exxxotica NJ at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, NJ.

Jesse Jane, Evan Seinfeld And Lupe Fuentes

Chuck Zito @ Exxxotica, NJ

Faye Reagan @ Exxxotica NJ

Amy Fisher @ Exxxotica, NJ

Stoya @ Exxxotica NJ

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Zombie Beauty Pageant – 10.24.10

I cover most of the NYC Zombie Crawl events because my buddy Doug Sakmann runs the things. He also does Strip For Pain, makes porn with Burning Angel and then does totally legit shit like film festivals and commercials. It’s been well documented that I love the dude, but sometimes his events can be a bit much for me.

I hate being sticky and he always smells like fake blood. It’s made with syrup and every time I smell pancakes I think of Doug and his blood. After the Dolphins lost on Sunday I had no interest in doing ANYTHING much less going to Beauty Bar to get covered in fake blood for some sort of insane beauty pageant.  But Doug and his right hand woman Autumn yelled at me for not coming and then my friend Darenzia was hosting and she gave me shit and I hadn’t seen Beauty Bar owner Mike Stewart in ages and Michael T was MCing and Erica Starr produced the whole thing and I knew I would get crazy pictures so the pressures over came me and I relented and got in my borrowed car and I drove to the East Village and pulled my camera out. (How’s that for a run on sentence?)

The Beauty Pageant started out slow and I missed most of the first round so I don’t even really know what was going on but they narrowed the field down to a handful of girls.  They took a break in between rounds and I said hello to everyone and got pulled into the bathroom with my favorite fat naked chick Sammie Sprinkles. I don’t think I had ever seen boobs that big in real life, so I was pretty pumped to shoot them. Round two consisted of girls eating weird eyeball and intestine food and telling the crowd what their favorite zombie movie is. They were all wrong.  Let’s go to the list:

IGOR’s TOP 5 Zombie Movies:

  1. Dawn Of The Dead
  2. Wild Zero
  3. The Evil Dead II
  4. The Return Of The Living Dead
  5. Dead Alive

I would have also accepted Night of the Living Dead, any of the Living Dead Films, and Zombi. Speaking of zombie movies… Check out this article I wrote a few years ago.

Moving on…

The third and final round of the Zombie Beauty Pageant was the bloody t-shirt contest. It was like a wet t-shirt contest except instead of water (or Faygo) the girls were covered in fake blood.  It was totally insane and horrific. It looked like their had been a mass execution. Beauty Bar will never be the same.

Ultimately, Suicide Girl and burlesque performer Bettina won and everyone went home completely fucking sticky and smelling like a Waffle House.  The end.

Click here to see all the insanely bloody, totally fucked up pictures from the Zombie Beauty Pageant at Beauty Bar.

Oh, and these photos are very obviously NSFW!

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Bizarre Magazine

In 2002 a UK based magazine Bizarre listed Driven By Boredom on a list of top blogs.  I am not sure if they used the word blog, because that wasn’t really popular parlance at the time, but you get the idea.  I was pretty psyched about it because Bizarre was one of my favorite magazines at the time.  If you haven’t seen it Bizarre is just filed with the craziest shit you have ever seen and a bunch of hot naked girls. Its like the magazine equivalent of a Mondo film. It’s pretty great. I haven’t picked one up in a while, but hopefully it is just as crazy.

I do plan on picking up this months issue because I have some photos in it.  Bizarre covered America’s Most Dangerous Game Show: Strip For Pain in a two page spread in their newest issue.  If you don’t know by now, Strip For Pain is a game show conceived by my friend Doug and often Co-Hosted by Porn Star Joanna Angel. They get a bunch of Burning Angel girls to beat the hell out of several dudes and if the guys survive the girls take off a bit more clothing.  When just one guy remains they do something extra horrible to him, and if he can stand it, then he gets a lap dance from all the girls.  It is a weird thing to watch.  I have photographed it a bunch of times, but if you want to see video, you can click here.

So yeah, Bizarre used 5 of my photos, despite crediting them to one of my favorite photographers and friend Steve Prue. We were both confused by this considering we had submitted almost identical shots of a guy getting punched in the face.  I remember when we showed each other the shots at an event in NJ.  Oh well, it’s still nice to see my stuff in print in a magazine I love, credit or not.  And better it be Steve than someone who sucks.

Lastly, Strip For Pain  host Joanna Angel is up for some sort of crazy porn star contest.  You should vote for her.  I mean she’s awesome, always convincing her girls to get naked for my site and she’s from NYC.  How can you not love that. Vote! (It wouldn’t hurt to vote for the awesome Justine Joli either.)

So yeah, here is a small censored version of the 2 page spread in Bizarre.  If you want to read the article and see the uncensored pictures, click the picture below.


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EXXXotica NY 2009 – Day 2 – 9.25.09

EXXXotica day two was pretty intense for me. I was on just a few hours of sleep and I had to shoot a party for Inked Magazine around noon before I even drove my ass to New Jersey. I got there and just felt miserable until about 8PM when I was ready to leave. On my way out I convinced an unnamed Burning Angel to shoot nudes in my car. I used to drive a two door GTI before I moved to NYC, but I can’t afford it so it normally lives at my parents house. But I had it for the weekend and I had this idea to set the back up like a photo booth and shoot people. It didn’t really go over as well as I would have liked, but I did shoot a few people and those pictures will be up in a day or two. (That’s why I am keeping the Burning Angel’s identity a secret for now…)

Anyway, so by the time we finish shooting it is 845 and I am ready to leave. But when I got back 2 Live Crew was playing and I was a HUGE fan of them in like 1990. I know it is weird for a ten year old to love 2 Live Crew, but I did. After they played I tried to say my good byes. After an hour of saying bye I ran into two of the dudes from Cleric who do the music for Strip for Pain. They convinced me to stay and hang out after and we spent the remainder of the show making fun of the go-go dancers.

After the show I went back to the hotel where everyone was staying. And I have no photos of any of this (I do have some video though) so you are just going to have to believe me when I tell you what happened. All the Strip for Pain guys were staying in a room together and they were completely fucking wasted. There was all sorts of drama going on because 2 Live Crew caught someone getting a blow job in a van, then they got caught fucking in a hotel room and people were pissed and um, let’s just move on. We went up to the room and my friend Doug is out of his mind. This guy just has a knack for getting kicked out of hotels. He started causing a ruckus and by the time he was done the room was absolutely trashed. I have most of that on video that I will get up one of these days. After completely fucking up the room this guy Timmy started yelling at Doug to sober up. He slapped the full beer out of Doug’s hand and stomped it sending an explosion of beer everywhere. Doug then defended himself knocking Timmy’s beer to the ground and stomping on it. By the time this was over I was soaking wet and we were out of beer.

There was an after party down stairs and we decided to try to go to it. The guys just tried to walk in which pissed off the security to no end. 2 Live Crew tried to pull us in but they wouldn’t let Doug in cause he was being belligerent. At some point while I was outside talking to the Cleric guys Doug tried to sneak in. I didn’t see this, but someone gave him a entry bracelet but he was so drunk he didn’t know what it was and when security realized what was happening he flung himself into some standing plants knocking them all over the ground. Nick from Cleric saw Doug crash into a pillar in the lobby so I ran inside to check on him. He was on his knees in front of the elevator.

We all got on and Doug laid on the ground dry heaving. We were trying to deal with him and we forgot to press the button for the 5th floor. On the 6th floor the door opened. It was a hotel security guard and what turned out to be the head of Human Recourses for the hotel. When she saw the scene she freaked out and told us we had to get him up immediately. Doug for whatever reason did not like this. Somewhere in the drunkenness of his mind he grabbed for her leg like an octopus and tried to pull her by the ankle into the elevator. I sprung into action and using all my strength I managed to pry him off her leg. I thought we were completely fucked but I managed to pick him up and hold him still. Everyone else kept their composure and we told her we would put him to bed. The HR woman got off on the 12th floor and we headed back down with the security guard as our escort. Nearly every floor between 12 and 5 someone got on. Every time the door would open Doug would scream, “IN OR OUT!?!” for some insane reason. I just held him tight. By the time we reached the 5th floor there were about 10 guys in the elevator and porn star Gina Lynn who was inching as far away from Doug as humanly possible. The security guard walked us to the room which was completely trashed and the only reason you couldn’t smell the beer all over the walls was because of all the pot smoke. Luckily the security guard was cool and just told us to keep Doug in the room. That was not a problem as he passed out immediately. This was probably not the best thing to happen to him because as soon as he passed out the permanent markers came out and five minutes later his ear was solid black, he had penises on his face and his shoes had been lit on fire. I actually have a picture of the results. I twittered about it!

After that fiasco I ended up going to the after party with the Burning Angel crew and I spent the next hour telling pretty much everyone about Doug’s adventure in the elevator, nearly laughing to tears every time I told it. The party was pretty surreal as it was a lot of porn stars getting drunk and dancing to a really weird NJ cover band. On one side of the room was Ron Jeremy and on the other was 2 Live Crew. It was pretty surreal. I even got to tell Jenna Haze the Doug story, which was cool because she is one of the only porn stars I knew of before I started hanging out with porn people. I really don’t watch that much porn and I have no idea who anyone is ever unless they have a bunch of tattoos or something.

I ended up getting home around 6 am and decided day three was out of the question. Besides I had to get up and watch the Dolphins lose again and have their quarterback get injured for the rest of the season. Fucking awesome.

Yeah that’s all I got for you today, click here to see all the pictures from Saturday at the EXXXtoica NY convention.

Oh, I almost forgot, the Long Island Lolita herself was there. I can now officially say I have met Amy Fisher. I think my life is complete. And by complete I of course mean, completely out of hand. Fuck. See you guys later.








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EXXXotica NY 2009 – Day 1 – 9.25.09

EXXXotica NY is back and once again it is in New Jersey.  Last year it was going to be closer to NYC but the mayor of Secaucus decided that his town was to moral for a pornography convention.  Well in the mean time he has been indicted in a massive organized crime conspiracy involving bribery, Hasidic rabbis and human organ trade. Well, despite that the convention is once again in Edison, NJ at the New Jersey convention center.  It took me 90 minutes to get out of the damn Holland Tunnel and $20 in tolls. Fun times.

Friday was pretty slow as is the norm for these type of things.  That gave me a chance to get good shots of the porn stars before they were hounded with fans. Sasha Grey was the most popular star all weekend with lines running across the room, but on Friday I managed to have a 10 minute conversation with her while she waited for fans toward the end of Friday night.  I spent some time hanging out with my Burning Angel friends and talking to the people I run into at all these things. In particular I should shout out to Lexi Love, Sean Michaels, the Pop Porn guys, Revay, Roggie, and of course the whole BA crew.

Oh, I should mention that the convention was sponsored by Hot Movies.  Hot Movies is a Philly based porn on demand company who help fund my friend Doug’s Strip For Pain show, so we have to plug them. And don’t worry, the Strip for Pain shots are coming next! While you wait please, click here to see the pics from Friday at the EXXXotica NY Convention.






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Brooklynn In Philly

It is not every day you meet a girl this hot who is willing to get naked for no reason. I met Brooklyn at the Backseat Film Festival last weekend in Philly. Somehow someone convinced her to do Strip For Pain when my girl Nicole couldn’t get off work in time. After the insane event, she and I tried to find a place to shoot but people kept coming in. I was looking for the keys to a storage room when we ducked into the back office and shot her on a huge stack of PBR cases. Unfortunately it was pitch black in the office and it made it impossible for either of us to see what we were doing. Plus we had been looking for a good location for like 15 minutes, people kept coming in the office and her boyfriend seems moderately upset with the whole thing… Not because he minded her doing a naked photo shoot I think, but because we were taking too long and he wanted to smoke. Then again, that’s pure speculation, but I either way I find it hard to shoot when people are watching and I rushed it. Fortunately for all of us, she wants to come to NYC when I get back and do a real shoot to make up for this shitty one. Also fortunate, for you guys at least, was that she got sick and couldn’t come up BEFORE I went to Texas so you get to see the mediocre pictures now, and then the good ones later. I was going to scrap this set all together, but Brooklynn is so ridiculously hot that I needed to at least tease you guys with these while I am in Texas. Truthfully I really just want her to move in with me and bare my children, but I think I am okay settling for some better photos.

So check out all of her NSFW photos here… Next update I should be in Austin getting excited for SXSW. Follow me on Twitter, cause I don’t know how much I will be able to blog while I am there.






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Bam Margera’s Minghags World Premiere – 3.8.09

Everyone has that one guilty pleasure they are really embarrassed about. They have that one CD in their collection that they keep hidden behind the others or that DVD that they hope no one notices. For me that DVD is the entire Viva La Bam MTV Series. I am nearly 30 years old, and yet I some how find a show who’s audience target audience is 14 year old pot heads fucking brilliant. I own all the CKY movies too. I don’t really talk about it. I was a big CKY2k fan back in the day, and when Jackass came out, I was pretty psyched. But after it blew up and they kept putting it on the air and I got over it pretty fast. The movies are fucking funny, but I didn’t rush out and see them the first weekend or buy the DVD’s. Wild Boyz bores me to tears and Johnny Knoxville was a little hard to stomach from the beginning. But for some reason, the CKY branch of the Jackass tree has stuck with me. There is something about Bam, Ryan Dunn and the completely underrated Brandon DiCamillo that have kept me around. Probably the hardest I have ever laughed in my life was on a deleted scene from Viva La Bam. I even downloaded the reality show about Bam getting married on iTunes… but don’t tell anyone.

So when my friend Doug told me his film festival was premiering the second fictional film from the CKY team, Minghags, I decided to use it as an excuse to visit my girl in Philly and check out the Backseat Filmfestival. If anyone has seen their first film Haggard, you can imagine how retarded this movie is. I mean, the film stars a high pitched midget made famous by the Howard Stern show (who was a pretty rad guy). It was ridiculously ridiculous and after watching the movie I couldn’t really tell you what the hell it was about. It was however pretty fucking funny at parts and some elements of it reminded me of early John Waters. There are some scenes involving Brandon Novak and Ruthie Margera that completely reminded me of Pink Flamingos and to some extent Desperate Living. I think that Ruthie could be the next Edith Massey. I am serious, she was brilliant. Someone needs to send the Minghags DVD to Pat Moran.

As far as the photos go, Bam, Ryan and the Margera’s showed up, as did a smattering of the familar faces. The Howard Stern show midget, Mark the Bagger was there as well getting hammered as fuck and just generally being fucking awesome. Ryan Dunn has the same multi-finger mustaches my girl Nicole has, although his Hitler stash is on his middle finger and she has hers on her pinky. April Margera and I had a conversation about how her and Phil have the same anniversary as my site. I should send them a card next year. Their 35th and my 10th happen to correspond, maybe we can do a joint party at Lit or something. Honestly it was a pretty good vibe for the film. It seemed like everyone was friends, I think only about 10 people actually paid for the movie, pretty much everyone else was on the guest list. That combined with free beer and good times were had. Jackassworld.com filmed the whole thing, so maybe try to check there to see more from the party.

After the movie there was a pretty good Strip For Pain, but I am going to put those photos up after I wake up. I have been slacking of late, but when I wake up I am going to have the extremely NSFW Strip For Pain shots as well as the shots from Cain that I just took. I will also try to work in a review somewhere of the best film I saw at the Backseat Film Festival, which is probably the best movie I have seen this year.

Okay, check out all the pictures from the Minghags World Premiere by clicking here.







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I am in DC.  I will be back in New York tomorrow.  I will have new updates probably tomorrow night, god willing.  I have some good stuff to go up from Philly.  Have a preview whist I am slacking.




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