Ellen Stagg Book Release Party – 11.30.23

Last week I went back to the Super Funland bar at the Museum of Sex to photograph my friend Ellen Stagg’s party to celebrate the release of her new book Free To Be Naked. I’ve known Ellen about 15 years and we’ve photographed so many of the same models despite having very different photographic styles and I am a big fan of her and her work. Fortunately Ellen must be a fan of my photography too because she keeps hiring me to photograph her parties (and used one of my photos of her for her author photo in the book). I photographed her last book release in the basement of the Museum of Sex, and just recently I photographed a signing she did for a Hustler Magazine cover, also at Super Funland. 

Super Funland is a great place for a party, at least from a photography standpoint because it’s insane looking. There’s a slide that starts upstairs in the museum and comes out a giant butt in the bar, which means randomly throughout the party museum goers just end up in the bar. There are also a few carnival games including a Zoltar that has been replaced with Rupaul, a very cool looking bar and of course a stripper pole. Ellen had two dancers going throughout the night, Ruby Quinn, who I met at Ellen’s last party, and Tess Artiste. They both absolutely killed it.

Also important to mention is that my friend Sucklord made a bootleg Ellen action figure! It was the release party for that thing as well and it’s pretty hilarious. Sucklord and started to work on a toy once but I kinda dropped the ball on it. I do still have the prototype and it’s a prized possession. I keep it on a shelf in my office. 

But yeah, it was a great time, met some rad people, saw some old friends and took a bunch of cool pictures. Thanks a ton to Ellen for having me out, and congrats on the new book! 

PS. While these photos are mostly safe for work, there are six images that I felt were gonna get me in trouble with Flickr if I uploaded them, so if you want to see every photo in this gallery the full set is available on Girls of Driven By Boredom. It is absolutely not worth paying for Girls of DBB for these six images, but there are tens of thousands of nudes on there for very little money. Just saying. 

Now click here to see (almost) all the photos from Ellen Stagg’s Free To Be Naked book release party at Super Funland at the Museum of Sex.

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party

Ellen Stagg Free To Be Naked Book Release Party


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2023 #MetLifeTakeover – 11.24.23

Last week the NFL played its first ever Black Friday game. The game just so happened to be the annual Miami Dolphins at “New York” Jets game, which happens to be played in New Jersey. Fortunately New Jersey is close enough to NYC that the NYC based Miami Dolphins fan club that I founded can charter a ton of busses and meet up with thousands of Dolphins fans from around the world who come to our yearly event called the #MetLifeTakeover. 

I write about Dolfans NYC a few times a year, but I always feel like I need to do a quick rundown, here’s the quickest possible explanation. My business partner Michelle and I were looking for more Dolphins fans to watch with every week so in the offseason between 2008/2009 we founded a fan club called Dolfans NYC. That club has grown to the biggest Miami Dolphins fan club in world and we became a non-profit and have donated over $100k to charity over the last 15 years. Our biggest fundraising event of the year is the #MetLifeTakeover a huge tailgate and group ticket purchase when the Dolphins come up to play the Jets. Okay, now you have context.

Anyway, this year wasn’t our biggest year from a number of tickets sold standpoint, but only because the Jets thought they were going to have a successful season so we could only buy about 950 seats together. However, as the Jets lost more and more games and the Dolphins won more and more games, we got thousands of requests for tickets. We had sold out before the season even started so we started telling people how they could sit with us, and all four sections of the stadium seemed absolutely jam packed with Dolphins fans. 

The tailgate was incredible, thanks to our partners at Urban Tailgate. We had music from DJ Drell and Solo D and had appearances from all sorts of well known people that are only well known if you are a Dolphins fan. The whole thing went over perfectly (except for a tiny frustrating incident I am not allowed to talk about for legal reasons) and everyone seemed to have an incredible time. The Dolphins did their part and kicked the shit of of the Jets and we even ended up on Hard Knocks! 

If you aren’t familiar, Hard Knocks is an HBO docuseries that follows NFL teams. Originally it was just during training camp but for the last few years they have been following teams in season. NFL teams seem to hate it, but NFL owners like money, and the fans love it. It’s been awesome for more as a Dolphins fan and it was even cooler that they came to our tailgate and did quick 45 second clip about our event. They interviewed Michelle and I, but only used a second of the dialogue, but it was cool that they focused on how Dolphins fans filled the stands and the parking lot. You can watch the whole clip here.

Anyway, it was a great event and we raised thousand and thousands of dollars for charity in the process. Hopefully I will be back in a few weeks with the recap video, but I should be back even sooner with some party pictures as I am shooting an event tonight and headed to Miami Art Basel (and another Dolphins game) in about a week. 

These photos from the Takeover aren’t great because frankly I was way too busy and way too stressed out to do a good job taking photos, but hopefully you can get a sense of the event anyway.

Click here to see all my photos from the 2023 Dolfans NYC #MetLifeTakeover at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. 

2023 #MetLifeTakeover

2023 #MetLifeTakeover

2023 #MetLifeTakeover

2023 #MetLifeTakeover

2023 #MetLifeTakeover


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Siri Dahl Is Back!

I was in Kentucky on back to back weekends not too long ago and one of my favorite humans Siri Dahl happens to live there. She was traveling pretty much the whole time I was there, but luckily our schedules allowed for about two hours of photo taking which was great. She was actually one of the last people I photographed before the pandemic and it was our first shoot despite talking about shooting for many, many years. Seriously I think we first talked about shooting in like 2013 or something and didn’t shoot until 2020 and didn’t shoot again until a couple of months ago. She is great and hopefully we will get to shoot many more times in the future, but yeah. We got new Siri photos!

Siri is hilarious and has some, let’s just say, interesting pillows. We shot with them and her cat and eventually she brought out some super religious booty shorts that you might appreciate. We were in Kentucky after all. I feel like I need more caffeine or something because I have sort of reached the point in this post where I have run out of things to say, but just to recap, Siri is rad, she’s hot, and we took a bunch of nudes, some which are a little more explicit than I normally shoot. You will like them, if you like rad, hot people and vaginas and butts and things. Is anyone still reading this or are you just looking at photos?

As a reminder, we live in a puritanical hellscape and forward all my nudes are paywalled to Girls Of Driven By Boredom. I am really sorry about that but the site has thousands and thousands of nudes on there so I feel like it’s worth whatever Findrow is charging these days. Also, because I no longer have an OnlyFans, I edited together all the BTS video I shot for my OF into a minute long video of short clips and uploaded that to Girls of DBB as well. The video is free if you subscribe or $5 if you just wanna see it. 

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Siri Dahl and tens of thousands of other nude photos.

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl

Siri Dahl

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2023 Exxxotica NJ Part Two – 11.4.23

I don’t have a ton more to say about the 15th anniversary of the Exxxotica Expo that I did part one of these photos, but we can give it a shot and fill some space. Day two was a longer day than day one, but I actually made an effort to shoot a little bit less. I shot over 1000 photos on the first day to make sure I got everything I needed and then I took it a little bit easier, or at least I tried to, I still shot 800 photos, but over a ten hour day that is a little more relaxed. 

Day two highlights include getting to see my old pal Abella Danger who wasn’t there day one, more of that nerdy burlesque from the day one after party, a screening of the legendary Deep Throat introduced by the children of the director, and two girls dressed as sea creatures. Honestly, I can’t think of anything else to say, other than I didn’t shoot day three because I had to watch the Dolphins lose at 9:30 in the fucking morning because the NFL decided it’s a good idea to play games in Germany. 

Oh, I do of course have to mention that because of my broken website and (temporarily?) using Flickr for my galleries, I can’t post any of the photos with “g-strings or pasties” which account for 80 photos today and over 100 from part one. You can see all of those photos, and literally tens of thousands of my nude photos (okay, not me naked but you get it) on my site Girls of Driven By Boredom. It’s currently my only pay site since I got my OnlyFans account disabled for reasons that were never explained to me. 

Okay, on to the photos…

Click here to see all of the vaguely safe for work photos from day 2 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Click here to see all of the uncensored photos from day 2 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Brazzers Girls

Exxxotica Expo

April O'Neil

Geek Glory

Exxxotica Expo

Steve Prue Photographs Karlee Rose

Gerard Damiano & His Kids

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2023 Exxxotica NJ Part One – 11.3.23

Exxxotica Expo New Jersey just celebrated their 15th anniversary. The company does events all over the place but the very first one was in NJ and I was there so of course I had to show up for the big anniversary. My plan originally was just to go for a few hours but they actually reached out to me and asked me to shoot the first two days for them and I was more than happy to take their money. My buddy Steve Prue is their staff photographer and every few years he spends the weekend shooting portraits and they ask me to fill in for him. So glad it worked out.

Over the weekend I shot nearly 2000 photos which edited down to nearly 500, so I figured we should break this up in to two posts. The first one you are looking at right now and the second post should be up Wednesday. I got too much to do tomorrow. Also, a lot of these photos will be exclusive to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but we will get to that in a minute.

This is the first adult event I have photographed since AVN in 2020 just a couple months before the world ended. I missed Exxxotica last year because my girlfriend’s car was in the shop and I missed AVN because I got the dates wrong and when I started looking at flights and hotels it wasn’t worth it. Between that and my LA trips recently being more about my 1 year old nephew than photographing sex workers I feel a little bit out of the adult world. I knew only a handful of the girls so it felt less like a family reunion than normal, but I still got a bunch of good shots. Plus it was great to see my friends who were there. 

After the show ended I hit the after party for a bit. I shot two burlesque performances including one from Vonka Romanov who I actually photographed way back in 2015. But my bad back was killing me so I wasn’t there long and went up to my hotel room to get a jump start on editing these photos. It’s so wild how old I have gotten in just a few short years. I guess a global pandemic, a severe back injury and getting wifed up will do that to a person. Hey, we had a good run. 

Okay, so let’s get to that other thing… If you are a regular here you will know that my website is broken and I cannot fix it. I have been using Flickr to host my galleries which has a lot of drawbacks, but the main one is that if you post adult content the photos will get marked as such and you can’t see them without having a Flickr account and then updating your settings to be able to see adult content. Because of this over 100 of the photos I shot on Friday are only going to be posted on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I realize that sucks, but maybe a few of you will actually sign up which will help my life since OnlyFans disabled my account last week. That being said, if I took your photo at the convention and you don’t see it in the free gallery, contact me, and I will try and find your photo for you. 

Okay, here are a ton of photos and there will be a ton more in a couple of days. Thanks so much to everyone at Exxxotica for having me out. Can’t wait to photograph the 20th anniversary!

Click here to see all of the vaguely safe for work photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Click here to see all of the uncensored photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Exxxotica Ribbon Cutting

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Alexis Texas Twerk Contest

Exxxotica Seminars

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary


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Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade – 10.21.23

Happy Halloween! I shot these photos from the 2023 Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade more than a week ago, but I had to save them for Halloween. There is honestly nothing I love more than having an excuse to hang out with doggos. Sometimes I will be hanging out with people and they will just walk up to strangers dogs and pet them like that is a totally normal thing to do, but I am 6’2″ 200lbs and I look like a scumbag so I can’t just be petting strange dogs (honestly I am down to 190 right now, but the point remains). But you know where I can pet dogs? A Halloween dog parade.

Years ago I shot the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade for the Village Voice and since then I have had the opportunity to shoot it a few times, even when it wasn’t at Tompkins. Two years ago I shot the McGhoulrick Dog Parade because my girlfriend was living in Greenpoint at the time and I had just hurt my back so I couldn’t go very far. Luckily squatting down to photograph dogs actually made my back feel so much better. It was the first time I realized I could just squat down and it would release so much pressure on my nerve. Anyway, that is not important at all. The important thing is that you now have several links to go see more photos of cute dogs in Halloween costumes. 

This year I kinda half assed it with photos for a number of reasons. The main one was that they shut down the park and it was such a clusterfuck of dog owners and a million people trying to take photos of dogs. I didn’t get a press pass so I was just out in the masses and I got sick of fighting for shots pretty early so I walked to the end and got people leaving. It was also raining and I had a photoshoot after so I had to leave early, but guess what? I still got a ton of photos of cute dogs in costume so I don’t know why you are complaining. That being said, it would be fun go get a press pass again, shoot the entire thing and actually prepare and bring toys and treats to get these dogs to pay attention to me.

Anyway, happy Halloween and go look at some photos now. 

Click here to see all my photos from the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade!

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

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Off The Hook

I can’t believe it’s been four year since I released a new zine.

At the end of 2019 I started getting ready to launch not just one zine, but a collection of zines. I actually finished the entire Kickstarter for the project but still needed to shoot a video for it. I was going out to LA in January 2020, and I figured that would be a good time to shoot the video. I did shoot it, but when I got back I got really sick and then I got really busy and right as I was about to launch it, the pandemic happened and it seemed like an absolutely terrible time to ask people for money. 

The first zine in my series of zines was called Off The Hook and it was going to just be a fun zine of photos of people on their phone. It wasn’t deep, it had some fun photos and some nudity and some famous people and I figured it was a perfect way to kick off the zine series. I had the edit done and had started laying it out, but with Covid and BLM protests and an election and everything that came along with that, it just seemed like a uniquely terrible time to release a fun zine. 

As the years went on I kept opening the InDesign file and I would work on the zine a little bit. I was still shooting new stuff for it, and I would pull those images off to the side somewhere, but I just kept putting it off. About a year ago I started working on a new project, a new idea, a new art show, but I just couldn’t commit to it, because I couldn’t get Off The Hook out of my head.  Finally I just had to finish it. 

Off The Hook is not the zine it would have been in 2020, but when I finally got it in my hands the other day  I was so happy with how it turned out. It’s my biggest zine to date and even though it’s just photos of people on their phone, there are a lot of great shots in it and when you lay them out together, they work really well together. I am pretty proud of it and I hope you guys dig it. I also have a second zine that I published as a companion to it, but we will get to that in a minute…

Off The Hook is available in two editions. The regular edition is 44 pages and from an edition of 200 and features the iPhone lock screen style cover above designed by Barbie movie font/ titles designer Teddy Blanks.  The special edition zine features four extra pages and a wrap around variant cover, also designed by Teddy based on a sketch I made years ago when I first came up with the idea for Off The Hook. The special edition is signed and hand numbered out of 50 and comes with a signed 5″x7″ mini print of the image on the cover. The whole thing is polybagged and looks so clean. There is also a special edition bundle that comes with both the special edition AND an actual Instax signed by me and one of three adult film stars, Carter Cruise, Phoenix Marie or April O’Neil.

On top of the two different versions of Off The Hook, I also published my first zine from another artist. I have wanted to publish zines for other people for a long time. I wanted to focus on a mix of photographers I liked with other people who I thought really had something, even if they weren’t traditionally photographers. The fun of being a curator is trying to organize work so that it is greater than the sum of the parts, and I love the idea of taking work from someone who isn’t an “Artist” and trying to turn that into something special.

So when my girlfriend, Shannon McNair, started texting me photos of her nails next to things that happened to be the same color as her nails, I knew we were on to something. These photos were so much fun, and as she sent me more and more I knew I could make something fun out of them. I started saving them in a folder on my desktop because I knew they would make a good zine one day.

I wasn’t planning on releasing her nail zine at the same time as Off The Hook until I got around to picking the cover. I wanted to make the cover of Off The Hook about the concept and not about a specific person, so I was looking for an image all about the phone. I realized I had just the shot and it happened to be a photo of Shannon when we were on a vacation in Palm Springs. Her green hair and bikini matched her green phone case and was obscuring her face making it a perfect cover shot. 

Strangely enough when we were working on her future phone zine I realized the perfect cover for that was the only selfie in the collection when she was showing how her nails matched her phone and her hair. Suddenly the two zines worked perfectly together. I couldn’t believe it. I immediately laid out Nailed It in and afternoon. All we needed was an inside cover, which I shot myself, and I don’t want to give away, but I am really happy with the way it turned out. 

You can buy Nailed It on its own, or in a bundle with Off The Hook. But if you want one, hurry because we only made 50 and she took half of them to work to sell to her clients. 

Finally, I know how people feel about NFTs, so please feel free to ignore this part. I know a ton of people think they are stupid or a scam, before Ethereum moved to proof of stake people had environmental concerns and of course since the market crashed even people who were interested in the idea have decided they were Beanie Babies and moved on. 

As I have probably mentioned before, when I heard about NFTs I immediately got it. I thought the hype was silly and a lot of the art sucked but I am a collector at heart and I totally got the idea of paying for digital collectables. But more importantly I thought it was a great way to support artists. I love supporting my friends and artists and I love getting something in return. So when I heard about NFTs I immediately thought of them as a way to crowdfund and to support artists. In the process I found some amazing groups of people who deeply cared about art and photography. I have been to great events and art shows and had my work on two billboards, multiple group shows and a book through NFTs. I made some money which I then immediately spent on other artists. Now that things have all crashed down to earth I still have some JPGs I love, was able to support a bunch of artists and made some great friendships and I am not giving up on any of it just because things aren’t worth the money I didn’t think they were worth in the beginning. 

So long story short, you can get a copy of Off The Hook with an NFT.  I made an NFT edition of the cover. There are 20 of them, they are .0333 ETH and if you buy one I will send you a zine in the mail with free US postage. I also made a collection of 20 1/1 images from the zine which are more expensive, but come with the special edition as well as an 8″x12″ print of that photo. I don’t expect these to sell well, and I am totally fine with that. But if you are one of the few people who still care about digital collectibles just know that if you buy one, I promise to pay it forward and buy something from another artist. 

My motto is forever, Make Art, Sell Art, Buy Art. Thanks for your past and continued support.

Click here to buy Off The Hook. 

Off The Hook

Off The Hook Special Edition

Nailed It

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Jamie Peck

Fifteen years ago I met my friend Jamie Peck at a bar in Brooklyn. She was a Suicide Girl way back then and I had shot for them and we had some mutual friends and I feel like we were probably gonna do a shoot but then it didn’t happen and she sort of got away from that NSFW life and our friendship continued as she was a journalist and we worked for some of the same outlets and I ran into her all the time in nightlife. 

Years later I was working on a zine about public nudity and I did a collaboration with my friend Kate’s Tumblr called Boobs of Bushwick which was just photos of her and her friends flashing each other at bars. Jamie happened to be one of those friends and I actually did photoshoot / bar crawl with her and the BoB crew which was really fun. A few years after that when I was working on my Instaxxx book I hit her up again and I did a photo shoot with her and her roomate exclusive to that book. But in all that time, we never did a “proper” photoshoot until now. 

Over the years Jamie has become something of a minor left wing celebrity, working for The Majority Report and doing a bunch of podcasts and shows about hard left topics. Recently she’s parlayed her communist influencer status into an OnlyFans career, posting nudes to pay for her life so she can go on speaking tours like the one she’s on now. If that’s not controlling the means of production I don’t know what is. 

While she was on tour, she needed content to post while she was a way so we did two photo shoots, one that I will be posting on my site Girls of DBB and one that will be exclusive to her OnlyFans. We also shot some BTS videos that will be on my OnlyFans. I put a preview of both shoots on my OF today. Oh, the shoot today also has a few Instax photos and a couple film photos too. All of it is paywalled, but that is just the world we are living in. 

Okay, I am about to end this post, but my new zine Off The Hook comes out tomorrow. I will be doing a whole post about it soon, but you can still pre-order it, and I would love it if you did that. 

Time to click here to see all the photo of Jamie Peck on Girls of Driven By Boredom. 

Ps. These photos look much better than the low res previews I post on the front page of this site because it was designed in 2008 and anything higher res will break the page. 

Jamie Peck



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2023 Louder Than Life

As promised, I bring you my third DBB update in less than a week! Recently I put up a round up from my two week trip to Louisville, Nashville and back to Louisville for Sailor Jerry which explained everything and gave some highlights. Then on Friday I dropped a ton of photos from Bourbon & Beyond and today I bring you a bunch of photos from the Louder Than Life Festival. 

Louder Than Life is a (mostly) rock festival in Louisville, Kentucky that was thrown one week after Bourbon & Beyond.  They both are thrown by the same company and take place at the Highland Festival Grounds. B&B is more about drinking and eating and the bands are super eclectic, while LTL featured mostly rock bands with a real nostalgia kick. I was photographing for Sailor Jerry during the day, but then I was shooting for Creem Magazine at night so this weekend I shot a ton of bands. I didn’t shoot a few of the headliners because of either restrictions (Either they wanted me to shoot from the soundboard or had contracts I didn’t want to sign) or because they played while I was still shooting for Sailor Jerry. 

I did get to shoot a few bands during the day, like childhood favorite Rancid, L7 and my friends The Bronx. I got to shoot less than a song from Megadeth because I had to run back to the SJ booth, but it was still cool to see one of my favorite bands when I was in the 5th grade. Other daylight acts I got to shoot were the Viagra Boys who I kinda love now and Run The Jewels cause how could I not? I think my favorite headliner was Weezer cause pretty much every girl I dated before the year 2003 was obsessed with them and so I pretty much know every word to their first two albums. I loved Green Day when Dookie came out but a year later I was way too punk rock for those “sell outs”. As an adult that seems super silly, but they were great live. Usually when I see a punk band that is older than I am it’s really disappointing but Green Day felt like a Broadway show or something than an aging punk act. Headliners that I have never listened to but photographed anyway included Godsmack, Avenged Sevenfold, Queens of the Stone Age and Tool. Queens of the Stone Age had us photograph them from a distance and I don’t like shooting with a long lens so those photos aren’t great, and same with the Tool photos because I got kicked out of the photo pit almost immediately because I forgot to pick up specific pass I needed after I was approved to shoot them. Whoops. Oh, and I shot Pantera too which was fun. Okay, I think that’s everyone. 

Aside from bands, there are tons of crowd shots in the gallery. I may have doubled up a few from my SJ Trip recap post, but I tried my best. Whatever the case we have nearly 200 photos for you guys to click through. Fans of my juggalo photos should enjoy these since there’s a pretty good crossover audience. I actually saw a bunch of juggalos while I was there but only photographed a few of em. Two of the girls towards the end of the gallery I actually interviewed for my Daily Beast article on Gen Z juggalos. Wild. Anyway, go check out these photos and come back soon because I have two updates coming soonish.

Click here to see all my photos from the 2023 Louder Than Life Festival in Louisville, KY.

Ps. Go pre-order my new zine!

Louder Than Life

Green Day

Louder Than Life

Louder Than Life

Viagra Boys


Louder Than Life

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