Sammy In The Streets

Everyone loves Sammy so I know you guys will be excited to see more of her. We have been taking photos together for nine years now, which is absolutely insane to think about. Sammy and I used to be neighbors and whenever I wanted to finish a roll of film, I would text her and see if she wanted to shoot. She’d just come down stairs and we would walk around the neighborhood and take some photos. It was a nice tradition. We have done a few proper shoots but the update that best expresses our work together is this collection of 35mm photos we shot in the streets: Sammy In The Neighborhood 

So recently when I was back in NYC I hit her up because I needed to finish a couple of rolls of film. She was down and I met her in the Lower East Side because it was on the way from Brooklyn to the East Village where I needed to drop off film. She came out in lingerie under her outfit and we went to work. We caused scenes in a crosswalk, took photos in bodegas and even chased some pigeons. We finished two rolls of color and ended up shooting nearly an entire roll of black and white.

But that’s where tragedy struck. I hadn’t loaded the film correctly and the whole roll of black and white was shot on a single frame of film. We were both heartbroken. Fortunately we got a lot of great stuff anyway. None of it has actual nudity, but it’s NSFW enough that I had to paywall it. Sorry about that, but there are some photos down below, and some more on my Instagram so check that out if you don’t want to sign up for Girls of DBB. But like, you should sign up for it, because there are a ton of older photos of her there and tens of thousands of other NSFW photos for one low price. 

Now click here to see the 35mm photos of Sammy on the streets of the Lower East Side. 






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The Rest Of The 2024 Gathering Of The Juggalos

Okay kids, we did it. We have reached our final update of the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos. Well, technically I did do a photoshoot with a certain juggalette that will eventually be posted, but I wanna get some other stuff up on here first before I return to that. Gotta spread out the content a little bit right? 

So let’s go through everything we posted already just for a recap and handy links for you guys

I also shot photos for Brooklyn Vegan this year. This coverage is just highlights from everything I posted here, but there are a few slightly different edits and there’s some NSFW stuff that wasn’t paywalled so if you want a preview of what’s behind the curtain, the Brooklyn Vegan post is a good place to look.  

So what do I have left for you guys? Well it’s mostly just shit that didn’t fit into the other galleries. It’s only about 50 photos of the 800 I pulled from the 4000 I shot, but we got some fun stuff. We have crowd shots, random environment shots, people playing that carnival game where you try and climb a ladder and then fall off because it’s hard to keep your center of gravity in the same place while moving up a ladder. We have three whole shots from the Freakshow Deluxe sideshow thing. There are a few more in the misc NSFW gallery as well, but I didn’t shoot a ton of it because I got there late and I have photographed a lot of side show performances in my life. I can even do a few sideshow tricks myself, and by tricks I mean I can take your reading glasses and shove them into my brain which is just a bad time for everyone involved. 

Honestly half this gallery is the piñata event that takes place every year. It’s not officially part of the Gathering but this dude named Poncho walks around collecting stuff from juggalos for a piñata and then on the last day people break it open and everyone scurries like rats to get the prizes inside. I have seen some crazy stuff put in there from stickers to drugs to sex toys to cash, so it’s really fun to watch people swarm to get their treasures. This year the piñata was way too hard to break open so eventually everyone just gave up and ripped it apart by hand.

Okay, and that’s a wrap on 2024. I keep telling myself this is my last year, but next year is the 25th anniversary and I can’t miss that right? Oh no. One of these days I gotta get my juggalo book finished and maybe I can finally retire then, but I am sure I will see you all next time. Whoop Whoop.

Click here to see the rest of the photos from the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH.

The Gathering Of The Juggalos Piñata

Then They Starts With The Hugging Again...

The Gathering Of The Juggalos

Juggalo Honeymoon


The Gathering Of The Juggalos

The Gathering Of The Juggaros


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Faygo Wet T-Shirt Contest & More NSFW Juggalo Madness

Okay this is going to be a weird post for a number of reasons. Honestly I am not sure this should be a standalone post, but I guess it’s the weekend so way less people will see it anyway. This issue is that I have a bunch of NSFW crowd shots that I threw up on Girls of Driven By Boredom the other day, mixed with a couple NSFW photos from Freakshow Deluxe and some shots from the Chapter 17 party and just some other assorted madness like a topless woman in a wheelchair crowd surfing. Now I would like to share all of this stuff with you, but I can’t so I put it on my pay site

The other thing I have for you is the Faygo Wet T-Shirt contest (shout out Clownvis) which is always wild and honestly that’s what this post is mostly about, but there aren’t any photos in it safe enough for public consumption. The whole shoot is on Girls of DBB like everything else. There’s also a video I put together from that that’s on the site as well. It’s $5 or free to subscribers, but again it’s all too NSFW to post any previews of. I am going to find a few photos I am comfortable posting below because I don’t know what else to do, but I don’t know, just sign up for my paysite. It’s very cheap and there are tens of thousands of nude photos on there so you will get your money’s worth I promise and you will be supporting my work which is the thing you care about the most obviously, not the half naked juggalettes covered in cheap soda, or pop like these midwest juggalos like the call it.

Okay, click here to go to Girls of Driven By Boredom for all the NSFW content and I will be back tomorrow with some stuff you can actually look at for free. 

NSFW Juggalos

Faygo Wet T-Shirt Contest

NSFW Juggalos

Faygo Wet T-Shirt Contest

NSFW Juggalos

Faygo Wet T-Shirt Contest

NSFW Juggalos

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2024 Gathering Of The Juggalos After Dark

Welcome to another day of my 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos coverage. Today we got some nightlife photos or something. Basically everyday I would go down to the Gathering around 5pm and shoot until it got dark. Once it was too dark to shoot without a flash I would walk back to my rental car, drop off whatever 35mm camera I had with me and pick up my flash and head back down.

The problem is I hate shooting with flash these days. It’s weird, I used to shoot everything with flash, even portraits, but I am so over it. I just hate the way flash looks these days and it’s so pitch black at the Gathering that the focus assist light is super fucking annoying for everyone. You add to that the fact that I am old and tired and didn’t want to stay up until 4am every night I didn’t shoot a ton of late night photos, that being said I did shoot SOME stuff at night. 

The first night was the only night I stayed up late because on night two I was so fucking tired, night three the battery door on my flash broke (luckily I had an extra door) and on night four I left early. But night one was pretty good. I shot two events in this red circus tent and I fucking HATE the light in there. In the day it’s worse but even at night with a flash it’s so red because the flash bounces off the red roof. I said fuck it and just made every one of those photos black and white. 

The first night one event was the Queen of Cheeks which was an ass contest, seriously. Last year was the first year they had it and the photos I took were so fucking insane I had to come back. This year’s was slightly more sedate, but still VERY NSFW. There was a ring toss and a butt cheek Faygo carrying contest and god knows what else. Of course I had to paywall most of this stuff. I included some safe for work images, but 90% of it was too NSFW for this site. You can see everything, plus all my other NSFW content, on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I also uploaded a pretty tame video to the same site. I made it just $3 which is the lowest I am allowed to charge, and made it free to subscribers. 

After the Queen of Cheeks ended the Chapter 17 Records party took place. My buddy Kev Buc was DJing for some of it, and Ouija Macc was there and some other musicians and stuff. It was pretty fun. Lots of cute juggalettes were hanging out including the adult film start Kazumi who put a butt plug in live on stage which resulted in some pretty great photos I wish I could show you but of course I can’t because once again we live in a society created by and governed by religious extremists. They are of course available on Girls of Driven By Boredom.

The other night I stayed out at all past midnight was the second night because my old pal Zac Amico was doing stand up. I was glad to see him but I was kinda afraid his stand up was gonna be some edgelord bullshit trying to be offensive because I know he does a lot of roast battles and he seems to hang with a bunch of comedians who complain about people being woke all the time. I was pleasantly surprised to see that while his set had some edge to it, it was mostly just storytelling and he told a few interesting and genuinely funny stories before I had to bounce so I could actually get some sleep after getting six hours total in the last 48. Someone opened for him and I forget his name and I feel like a dick for that but I know he was from Chicago and friends with my Gathering of the Juggalos pal wrestler Colt Cabana, cause I ran into Colt there.

Okay, so yeah, I didn’t go out on night two, but there are plenty of crowd shots in here too. Some of my favorites were taken at the end of ICP’s Thursday night set where I photographed everyone who was coming off stage. ICP does this “Faygo Armageddon” thing where they bring up about 100 people on stage to throw Faygo everywhere. I have actually done it twice myself and it is so god damn fun. Truly joyful. But yeah, soaked people are fun to photograph so got a lot of that stuff. 

Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything else worth mentioning, just go check out the gallery and I will be back tomorrow with even more NSFW stuff and we will wrap everything up on Monday. See you soon.

Click here to see all the after dark photos from the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos.

And click here for the NSFW stuff!

Juggalos After Dark

Ouija Macc

Juggalos After Dark

Kazumi & Milan Alexandrea

Juggalos After Dark

Queen Of Cheeks

Juggalos After Dark

Juggalos Is Brat

Wakko The Kid & Uncle Juff


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2024 Gathering of the Juggalos: Bands

Here comes Gathering of the Juggalos post 3 of 6. I told you 7 the other day because there is a 7th post, but I will be posting in a couple weeks or something because it’s not exactly part of this coverage and I wanna get a couple other posts up before I drop it. Anyway we got Gathering Bands today and then one post a day until Monday and then we can all move on with our lives. Deal?

Okay so this could take me forever but I am technically on vacation so I am just gonna do this as fast as possible so it’s gonna be mostly a list of artists I photographed in order with a couple of notes. Also, I only shot the mainstage this year. I am too old to spend 12 hours at a music festival unless I am getting paid way more than I was to shoot the Gathering. Sorry. 

I got there a bit late on Wednesday so the first artist I photographed was Young Mo$h followed by Shaggy the Airhead who I will shout out cause 1) I dig his clothing line and 2) much more important, he came up to me to tell me how much he likes my photography so he and his clothing gets a shout out. He was followed by the Hatchet Man Project, Scum and Insane Poetry, and horrorcore legend Esham headlined.  

Thursday I missed Darby O’Trill accidentally. I did wanna shoot him cause he’s dating my friend but I fucked up. I did manage to catch Mastamind, the Dayton Family and Merkules. ICP headlined with a throwback set to their House of Horrors show in 1998 which is a tour I actually saw them on because my first ever girlfriend really dug them. Shout out Latiffa.

Friday my old friend Zac Amico was hosting the stage so I got some shots of him doing his thing there including getting stapled in the head. Apparently I missed SalamanderX, but I caught Twisted Insane and Ganksta N-I-P. I was most excited about seeing Rakim which was fucking awesome. It was mixed reaction from juggalos. Too many had no idea who he was, but then others were even more excited than I was. I talked to one older juggalo who should know better who had no idea who he was and he told me he didn’t listen to rap which kinda blew my mind. Anyway, Rakim was by far the musical highlight. Kim Dracula was a favorite of the crowd, someone told me they were a less problematic Marilyn Manson which is a great way to describe anyone. My dude Ouija Macc headlined who I am always psyched to see. 

The last night was a shit show for me. My phone got wet and the charging cable stopped working and I drove to a Walmart to get a wifi charger and I missed the first few artists. My goal was to get back in time for DJ Paul but I just missed the beginning of his set so I wasn’t allowed to take photos up close. I pushed my way into the pit and got a couple from the crowd but then it started pouring rain. I went and hid in a carnival booth and just jammed out to Three Six Mafia hits while keeping my camera gear dry. I also helped a carney put away all his stuffed animals which he really appreciated and told me I could stay dry in there all night. My poncho was in the car but a juggalette gave me one which was awesome of her and I stuck around for Static X. Their front man died since the last time they played the Gathering and it was very weird that they just replaced him with like a cyborg version, but at least it was fun to photograph. ICP closed out the night but it was raining hard and I was exhausted and in pain because I am old and my phone was fucked and I didn’t want to get covered in Faygo because I had to go on vacation and I didn’t want my beach clothes to smell like mildew so I said fuck it and went back to my hotel. If you need any photos of ICP, feel free to look at the other two dozen times I have photographed them.

Okay, that’s it. See you tomorrow with a bunch of night time photos and events.

Click here to see all the music from the 2023 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH.

Ouija Macc


Insane Clown Posse

Kim Dracula

Static X

Insane Clown Posse @ Gathering Of the Juggalos


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2024 Miss Juggalette Contest

As I mentioned in my last post, we got plenty of NSFW for you this year. I just get a surprisingly large amount of emails from people who want juggalette content and I want to deliver despite how much of a creep I feel sometimes shooting this stuff. I like to think of myself as some sort of journalist, and here we are photographing juggalettes shooting fireworks out of their… look, I am trying my best here.

I shot three NSFW events but the one I shot by far the most photos of was the Miss Juggalette pageant. I think I took over 400 of them plus some video and it was a pretty wild event. My old friend Zac Amico was one of the judges (along with Big Jay Oakerson, Angela Mazzanti and a 4th judge I feel terrible that I don’t know the name of) and I told him that Miss Juggalette can be really boring or completely insane and I was right. It was both.

The event started out pretty slowly with a ton of contestants and everyone just answering Clownvis’ random questions about themselves, but once the talent part of the contest started it got deeply weird. Some of the talents involved singing which didn’t go over well (except the opera singer!) and the three people who did balloon animals were not everyone’s cup of tea, but then there was a girl who did a dance routine that was “interrupted” by her getting a bucket of blood thrown on her (which caused every contestant to slip and slide around the stage and attracted dozens of bees). After that things got weirder and weirder, you had a graphic strip routine by Tat2Barbie, a woman who sat on a 2 liter of Faygo, a juggalette who was just slapping people and of course our fireworks shooting friend. 

The swimsuit contest was just an excuse for nearly everyone to get naked and it just devolved from there. The contest ended with everyone just dancing on stage in various states of undress. The crowd was pretty pumped. 

In the end Tat2Barbie won and cried and I got such a great shot of her, but I can’t post it on here cause we live in a puritanical nightmare, but you can check it out on my paywalled site of course

Speaking of the paywall situation, this gallery has 50 safe for work images. The actual gallery has nearly 200!! So that means there are 150 photos I shot that are too NSFW to post on here. I also posted a video of the event that is free if you are a member (or $5 if you aren’t). It’s only a minute long because I was shooting photos, but it’s pretty crazy. 

By the way, if you were in the contest, and want your photos, reach out to me on Instagram or Twitter and I will send you your photos. I would say email, but I don’t trust you motherfuckers, I need proof it’s you.

Okay, now click here to see the SFW 2024 Miss Juggalette pageant photos.

Or click here to see the NSFW ones.

2024 Miss Juggalette Pageant

2024 Miss Juggalette Pageant

2024 Miss Juggalette Pageant

2024 Miss Juggalette Pageant

2024 Miss Juggalette Pageant

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2024 Gathering Of The Juggalos: Portraits

It’s finally here! The first gallery of the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos. I hear from people all the time that these are the photos they are waiting all year for so I am glad I can deliver once again. For those somehow not in the know, the Gathering of the Juggalos is a four day music festival that is (usually) at Legend Valley campground in Thornville Ohio. The festival is thrown by the Insane Clown Posse for their fans, juggalos. I shot over 4000 photos that I have edited down to about 800 for you guys. I have seven posts featuring nine galleries and plenty of NSFW stuff. I hope you dig it. 

To start with, we of course have photos with juggalos. This gallery features the portraits of juggalos, during the daytime. We are going to have a post with all the night time stuff so there will be more portraits in there so if I took your picture and you are looking for it, there’s still a lot more to go. This actually brings me to a good point, which is that I love shooting this event for two totally different audiences. I love that juggalos love to see their photos here, but I also love that people on the outside love looking at this stuff. 

The Gathering of the Juggalos is honestly the place I feel most appreciated as a photographer. I almost feel like a celebrity there. I can’t tell you how many people want a selfie or just wanna tell me how much they love my photography. That shit really makes me feel good when I have spent most of the year since I moved just feeling very uninspired. But the thing I appreciate the most is the juggalos who tell me how much it means to them that while I have photographer juggalos for a lot of major media outlets, I am never there to clown them, no pun intended. Hearing from photography subjects that they think I paint them (again no pun intended) in a fair light is a great compliment for a journalist. I think over the last 15 or so years I have tried to do my best to show that juggalos are more than how they have been treated in the media, and I honestly think that I have had an impact on the way people see juggalos.

Okay, enough of me blowing myself, let’s get into this. Despite shooting 4000 photos I actually tried to take it easy this year. I didn’t shoot much of the daytime stuff, aside from a few of the NSFW events because I know what you guys need from me. I would come down each night between 5 and 6pm to catch the dusk and the best light, then shoot the bands and then go the fuck back to my hotel because I am old and I hate shooting with a flash these days. I did cover a few after midnight things, but we will get to that later.

Okay. like I said, this is a gallery of juggalo portraits. My favorite shots from this gallery were already up on Brooklyn Vegan, there’s a ton more shots that I didn’t give them as well. Also, I should mention that all the NSFW photos from the Gathering are going to be unfortunately behind a paywall. I have explained this before but my gallery system broke and I don’t have the skill or money to fix it, so I have been posting stuff on Flickr. Flickr won’t let you post adult content anymore, so that leaves the most fun photos reserved for Girls of Driven By Boredom. Obviously, I like it when you give me money, but it legit pisses me off that I am in this situation. I got a ton of good shots this year that have a bit of nudity and I wish I could share them with everyone. One of these days I will get the money together to redo my website, but for now my pay site is as cheap as the site will let me so you guys can sign up and you will get decades of nudes and juggalette coverage. Just saying. Seriously 5 of my 9 galleries are paywalled, and one of them is already up, so get over there already.

Now click here to see juggalo portraits at the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos!

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

2024 Gathering of the Juggalos

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2024 Pepe Fest – 8.10.24

On Saturday, I went to Pepe Fest, a festival honoring one of the most infamous memes, thrown by Beeple at his studio in Charleston, SC. Now if you know what all of those words mean, you can skip the next five paragraphs because I am gonna drop a Pepe/Beeple for Dummies, given that most of my readers will have no fucking idea what is going on.

Okay, let’s start with Pepe The Frog. Pepe was a character created by an artist named Matt Furie for a comic book called Boy’s Club. Boy’s Club was about a bunch of animals living together and partying just being dudes (look, I have never actually read the comic, I hope that is a fair description). In one strip Pepe is caught peeing with his pants pulled all the way down and when confronted about why he did that he said “Feels Good Man”. Those three words spurned a meme that would eventually spiral out of control, used by 4chan trolls to express the worst possible views and became a symbol of the alt right and the rise of Trumpism in 2016. 

Matt Furie was pretty pissed about this, and there’s a good documentary about the lengths he took to get the good name of Pepe back. It’s appropriately titled Feels Good Man and is a good dive into the alt right and the rise of Trump meme culture, incells and 4chan in general. I do think Furie’s efforts paid off, because these days Pepe is almost entirely used in a positive, or at least harmless ways. I don’t think I saw any memes all weekend that I thought were too fucked up. 

One thing the documentary barely touches on is the very early days of digital art on the block chain. There is one scene where a crypto bro in a Lambo buys a jpg for $39k which seemed absolutely crazy in 2019. That same jpg sold in 2021 for nearly 10x that. But the documentary doesn’t go deep into “Rare Pepes”. Despite listening to people talk about Rare Pepe’s for three days straight I don’t know enough about the history not to just quote Wikipedia, so just read that.

Quickly though, the first Rare Pepe’s were minted in 2016 on the Bitcoin blockchain, which predated Ethereum NFTs by about a year. You could create your own, and sell them for Pepe Cash and then use that to buy other Rare Pepes. Eventually there was a Fake Rares collection and now there are Notable Pepes on Ethereum and a billion other Pepe NFTs that little the internet. There is also a $PEPE coin that I bought $20 of for the meme and then sold for like a grand after I forgot about it for a year. I’d say I wish I bought more, but if I had I probably would have sold it way before it 50xed. 

Now that Pepe has been explained, we also have to talk about Beeple. Beeple is the alias of Mike Winkelmann, a digital artist who started uploading one artwork every day and has been doing that every day since 2007. In 2020 he started selling his Everydays as NFTs and sold an image of his first 5000 Everydays for $69 million dollars in 2021 at the peak of the NFT bubble. He has used that money to buy a massive art space in Charleston, SC which we will get to in a minute. 

Okay, this is where you can jump back in if you want to just know about the party and not the very basic explanation about what the hell is going on. So when I moved to Wilmington, NC the first thing I did was find out what actual cities were in driving distance. Raleigh was close, only two hours away. Charlotte was a little farther, but still an easy drive and finally Charleston, SC, the one city of the three that I had never been to. I was immediately looking for an excuse to get down there, so when I saw Beeple was throwing a party at his insane studios I had to go.

You had to own some Pepe stuff to get in, and I didn’t really qualify for a ticket. I bought back a little of the $PEPE I sold so I could RSVP, but there as also a Pepe art submission. Despite going to art school, I am trash at drawing, so I knew I wasn’t getting in that way, but if AI is good for anything, it’s good for making low effort art. One day I had the phrase “Be the meme you want to see in the world” suck in my head and I had MidJourney shit out a photo of a vaguely Pepe looking frog looking in the mirror and I had made a meme. I made it before AI got good at Pepe, and I just made it to post on Twitter or something, but when I saw the Pepe contest, I just dug around my computer until I found it and sent it in, not expecting to get picked but I did.

Side note, I minted it as a free NFT just so I could give it to people at the festival, but I forgot about it, so if you want to mint one for some reason, it’s still open for a few days

So because I got my art into the show I got invited to an artist dinner on Friday night and an artist brunch on Sunday. I felt super out of place on Friday. I knew one person and am not invested in Pepe culture so I was just sort of standing around for a bit of it and I ended up leaving early, but it was still a really cool thing and I met a bunch of people which made me slightly less awkward the next day at the actual Fest. It’s really funny that I have spent my entire life in an incredibly social field and was never uncomfortable in any space, but shit like this gets me. 

On Saturday I went over to Beeple Studios and it was fucking incredible. The museum section was closed but the event space was absolutely insane. You will see the pictures, but imagine a room the size of a basketball gym but three of the four walls are covered in massive digital screens. The support beams are covered in screens and even the tables had screens. It was really amazing. 

I brought my camera but it was so dark in there and I left my flash in the car. I wasn’t trying to take the shuttle bus back to my car to grab it so I made due and took a few photos of the space, and some of the speakers and stuff. A woman named Pepelangelo was doing a live painting and had a whole wall of her images of Pepe as masterpieces. The Venus Devouring Pepe Goya homage was my favorite. There was some other physical art as well and that room was will lit so I got photos there. Inside the space they had Pepes on the walls, including mine, but there were so many I only saw mine twice. They also had speakers talking about Pepe and Rare Pepe’s and memes and all sorts of stuff. There was also a Pepe art contest and the four winners got to draw live later that night. 

There was a four hour break in between events. I tried to go to a museum but I got there 20 min before closing so I just walked around downtown Charleston for almost two hours. It was 99% humidity and like 95 degrees out so not the most enjoyable time, but it was cool to see the city. I got some food and cleaned up at my hotel room before heading back out.

The night event was infinitely cooler than the day time one and I was really impressed by the day time. First of all the gallery/museum section was open and it was awesome to see Beeple’s art in real life. He does a lot of pop culture stuff, but like, with dicks, so you might not think it would work in a museum setting, but it really does. Seeing the 5000 Everyday’s across a massive wall was amazing. His collection of old computers was pretty great as well. 

There was a Pepe costume contest so a ton of people were dressed up, but Beeple also had a bunch of people walking around with incredibly realistic masks on making them look like celebrities but because you have to wear the masks over your head they are slightly too big which ads to the uncanny valley aspect and just made them look so cursed. There were also Pepe’s walking Boston Dynamics robot Pepe dogs and three people in Beeple masks. It was also super unsettling in the best possible way. 

There was a scavenger hunt for Pepe swag (I ended up with a pretty sick frog hat that my girlfriend told me she will leave me if I wear in public), an outdoor patio with a giant inflatable Pepe, and a Cyber Truck for some reason. OG Pepe artist Rare Scrilla DJd Pepe themed music. The live drawing contest had the tablets projected on the screens so you could see people work from anywhere and the winner won $5000, I think, it’s possible they just won an oversized check and some shoes, I didn’t look into it. The costume contest happened super quick, for $1000, but it gave us some of the best photos of the night. 

Beeple also made Everyday #6311 live from the event. He has a terminal set up in the middle of the room and you can watch him work on a screen on the other side of the terminal, but then it was also projected on the walls. He gave himself a 30 min timer and then it was uploaded to the internets almost immediately. 

At the end of the night, after the costume contest, printers in the ceiling shot out prints of the four art contest entries as well as Everyday #66311 and a few other Pepe themed Beeple Everydays that were numbered to just 7. People crawled all over each other to grab them. I grabbed one and it was the artist who won the contest. He was standing right in front of me and I asked him if he wanted it and he did so I gave it away. The karma paid off later when the one person I knew at the event gave me one of the Beeple prints. He was signing them, but the line was crazy so I just went back to my hotel room. 

I did bring it to the brunch though and he ended up signing it there. The brunch felt so different to the dinner. I didn’t feel awkward anymore and had a great time. I met some rad people and talked to Beeple for a bit. Plus I had several biscuits. Look, I don’t know why I am talking about Biscuits when this thing is nearly 2000 words already and I have a 6am flight to go to the Gathering of the Juggalos, but here we are. Let’s just get to some pictures.

Click here to see all my photos from 2024 Pepe Fest at Beeple Studios in Charleston, SC.

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

Pepe Fest

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Dylan Moore Is Back

When I was in Vegas for the AVN Awards I found a staircase in a parking garage I really wanted to photograph someone naked on. I spent two days trying to make that happen but people were busy and it was a long walk in heels. I ran into my friend Dylan Moore (who you can see more of here) at the ALF party and we talked about shooting again, so when I ran into her as the tradeshow was ending the next day I asked her if she wanted to hit that stairwell, and we did it.

But after that we decided to go back to her hotel to take even more photos. I couldn’t stay long but we took a bunch of fun photos that you are hopefully about to look at. She did splits on furniture, she jumped off of TV stands (she moved the TV), she changed twice and I just captured the madness. I honestly barely got out of the chair and she did all the work which is honestly my favorite type of shoot. Sometimes when I am shooting in a hotel room after shooting other shit all day, I just want to lay down and try and find reasons to shoot from the hotel bed. Yes I am that lazy, but also it makes butts look good so everyone wins.

Also, I haven’t shot any nudes since this Vegas trip. It sucks. I don’t know what to shoot in North Carolina and I went to NYC on the weekend before 4th of July and everyone was out of town. I need to get back to LA soon just to shoot (and see my newborn niece) but in the meantime I am just stretching out the NSFW content I do have. I still have one more shoot to go, and it’s a good one. But it’s also of Dylan from the first time we shot. So I need to find at least one more shoot to post before I post those right? So if anyone knows any naked people within two hours of Wilmington, NC, let a guy know. I am not ready to retire quite yet.

As per usual, all these photos are gonna be on my pay site, Girls of Driven By Boredom. I realize I just told you that I won’t have anything new for a bit, but I am gonna start reuploading old shoots there in high res, but there are also tens of thousands of nudes on there already so sign up. Thanks!

Now click here to see all the photos of Dylan Moore in her Vegas hotel room.

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

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