Rabbit & Eden Von Sleaze

Remember that time I shot Eden Von Sleaze in front of her refrigerator? Well that same night Rabbit was there.  Remember her? After I got finished shooting with Eden I was convinced that I had to take photos of Rabbit & Eden together with Eden’s boyfriends Emmys. This seemed like a hilarious idea. That led to some pictures of them on the floor and then on the couch and before long we kinda had a set of photos. I was just shooting them to fuck around because there were naked girls in front of me and I thought the whole thing was kinda funny.  I wasn’t even going to post these, but I haven’t shot a party since Saturday and I sure as hell needed something to post. Besides half of you come here just to see free naked Burning Angels & Gods Girls like these babes here anyway. I might as well hook you up. It’s the nice thing to do.

So yeah, click here to see this really weird set of Eden Von Sleaze and Rabbit. Oh, and since all the photos in the set are NSFW I didn’t even have a single photo to post on the main page, so that means you get HILARIOUS LENS FLARE! Rejoice! TGIF, yo!

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Miley Cyrus Naked

Just kidding. If you clicked over from Twitter or Tumblr or your RSS feeder you have been fooled! I have no Hannah Montana child porn for you no matter how much you want it. Seriously, that is gross. Why did you click that link? What the Hell is wrong with you?

All jokes aside I have nothing fun for you today. Just a little house keeping and some links.  I just thought Miley Cyrus Naked would be a better title than “Bullshit you don’t care about, and other links”.

Mostly I just wanted to tell you guys that I am going on Vacation. I will be gone Saturday to Tuesday and then as soon as I get back on Wednesday I leave for another few days to cover THE GATHERING OF THE FUCKING JUGGALOS for the Village Voice. That is really happening. I will be sleeping in an RV for 4 days in the middle of nowhere so I have my doubts that things will get updated at all. I don’t even know if I will have electricity. That is for serious.

So things will be a bit slow next week and clearly they are slow right now. I have an update for you tomorrow, and I hope I will shoot some parties either tonight or tomorrow so I have some shots ready to go for the weekend, but like I said, it might be slow around here for a little while.

So to kill time while you are impatiently refreshing my page over and over again to see if I have updated you could check out some new stuff I have online.

Here are some of the Dos & Don’ts I have shot for Vice Magazine recently: Don’t, Do, Don’t, Do, Don’t, Do, & Don’t

Here are some of my naked photos that have showed up on Gawker’s adult blog, Fleshbot, recently (NSFW): Andy, Dana, Shay & Tayte.

Here are some new Village Voice galleries: Naked Art Party, Gallery Bar, Greenhouse, & Trash.

Complex.com wrote and article on Ellen Stagg and I took the the picture of her for it.

I have some stuff in Inked Magazine this month (and most months).

And lastly, here is a picture of the Mario Kart parked outside of my apartment every day. Oh, and sorry again about the Miley Cyrus thing…

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Andy San Dimas

It is evidently really hard to shoot on a windy roof in LA in direct afternoon sunlight, but it is really easy to shoot with a model like Andy San Dimas…

I have been wanting to shoot Andy for a very long time. We have been in contact for ages but things keep coming up.  I did photograph her on the set of Burning Angel film LA Pink, but it wasn’t a real set or anything and I never published any of those photos (I probably should though…).  She has completely blown up in the porn industry and I pretty much gave up shooting her. When I was in LA I noticed that she was out of town for most of the time I was there and I didn’t even bother hitting her up. Out of nowhere two days before I left she hit me up on Twitter. She had some time off and wanted to shoot the very next day.

I drove out to her place in Echo Park and shot her on the roof of her building. The view was amazing but it was so sunny that I couldn’t see how the pictures were coming out and it was hard to get a proper exposure. I am sure the C I got in my Zone System class in college didn’t help me any. The wind was also an issue and I didn’t exactly have a hair stylist hanging out. Fortunately for me not only is Andy a bad ass chick, but she might be the best model I have ever worked with. Not only is she retarded fucking hot, but she clearly knows what she is doing.  If anything it was hard getting her to break out of her standard poses since I am not shooing stuff for a porn box cover, but really she couldn’t have been more awesome.

After we shot on the roof we shot some stuff in her bedroom for fun that might end up as a Gods Girls set but I’ll let you know if it does. And hopefully next time I am in LA I will get to shoot her again.  I frankly can’t wait.

Click here to see some insanely hot uncensored images of Andy San Dimas.

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Tearing The Veil Of The Maya 4th Anniversary – 8.1.10

When I saw the bill for the 4th Anniversary of Eugene Mirman’s comedy show Tearing the Veil of the Maya I knew I had to be there. When I first moved to NYC I was at underground comedy shows like Tearing the Veil two or three times a week. I hung out at comedy parties and I knew most of the down town comics.  When I saw the bill for the show at the Bell House I realized I used to hang out with every person on the line up except for the Daily Show’s Wyatt Cenac who is fucking hilarious. I knew it would be a good show and a good chance to see old friends.

I had no intention of shooting the show but I happened to have my telephoto lens on me from an earlier shoot so I pulled it out and took about two photos of each comic. I wasn’t really thinking about doing a post about it but I figured I could maybe put a few shots on my Tumblr or something. It was really too dark to shoot anything. The show started out with AD Miles and Leo Allen just completely killing it. Miles told a story about how his wife busted a robber who broke into their home and Leo did a slide show that explained that dogs were funnier than cats, and vomit is funnier than diarrhea. It was joyful. Wyatt Cenac came on next and was fucking great. I had only seen him once before and I am a pretty big fan so it was great to see him get into it. But right after Wyatt finished the night took a weird turn.

A special guest was introduced. It was Gibby Haynes from the Butthole Surfers. I was pretty excited. This guy has made a career out of doing crazy shit (plus making awesome music) and I was pretty excited to see what he would do.  He came out and did some jokes about child rape and just horrifying shit like that. And people were less horrified than they were confused. Pretty soon it was clear that him telling these jokes was the actual joke.  He then introduced himself and explained that he had been doing cover jokes, like he was a cover band and then he proceeded to do his actual set. It was pretty clear that Gibby Hanes is not a comedian, but he is a showman and as he offended more and more people with his poorly timed totally offensive jokes people actually started laughing and when he pulled out a little plastic doll leg from his bag he almost had the crowd on his side… A least until he referred to it as a “negro leg”. He said “negro leg” about 10 times before some girl in the audience yelled “stop saying negro!” and then “you aren’t funny!” He got on her case and started yelling offensive stuff at her.  The crowd reaction was mixed. It got the biggest laughs but people also started yelling shit out at him in her defense.  At some point he asked to be booed off the stage which he may have been going for to begin with, but people wouldn’t do it and so he told the crowd he had one more thing for them.  He reached in to his bag and was about to pull something out when the girl who started the whole thing jumped on stage and tried to grab the mic from him.  When Eugene Mirman ran on stage to stop her she turned to head back to her seat which is when Gibby shot her in the back of the head with the confetti cannon he was trying to pull out of his bag. He had probably meant to spray the audience, but it was perfect kismet that the the climax of his act just happened to be the perfect weapon.  The crowd was pretty much silent as he walked off stage, but as Eugene Mirman tried to calm down the crowd people started to realize what we had just seen and everyone just started uncontrollably laughing.  I was pretty much crying. The whole thing was so fucked up and so funny and so brilliant. I was almost  hoping the girl was a plant because that would have been some real Andy Kaufman shit right there… Either way it was life changing.

Eugene finally settled the crowd down and the love-of-my-life Kristen Schaal read Taint Monologues from her new Sexy Book Of Sexy Sex. She was amazing and it really got the crowd back into it immediately. Then Todd Barry performed and there are few comedians as good at just talking about what just happened as Todd.  Todd’s material is great but when he is just ranting at the audience and making shit up he is brilliant. Gibby gave him so much material and he fucking killed it. It was the perfect ending to easily one of the best comedy shows top to bottom I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of comedy shows…

Like I said I barely took any photos and most of them sucked, but I needed to tell this story and there are a few okay images of some really fucking funny people. So you should click here to see all the photos from the 4th Anniversary of Tearing The Veil Of The Maya at The Bell House.

Gibby Haynes At The Bell House

AD Miles @ The Bell House

Kristen Schaal @ The Bell House

Wyatt Cenac @ The Bell House

Todd Barry @ The Bell House

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Nextah – 7.30.10

I am a bit behind on shit as always but I got some good stuff for you tomorrow. In the mean time I figured I should get the shots I took on Friday up.  Friday was sort of a long night. I met my friend Jessie Lee and we walked to Rock Star Bar and hung out there for a while and I didn’t take any photos.

Eventually I ran over to the Cove to say hello to everyone and I ended up taking a few shots.  I wanted to see DJ Sega because I hung out with him in Miami and figured I should say hey.  And Nick Hook was Djing so I figured I should say hi to that guy even though I think that bastard still doesn’t follow me on Twitter.  Most of Trouble & Bass was there plus Ellen Stagg who is one of my favorite people to photograph even though she spends most of her time behind the lens.

The party was fun, but I ended up walking home kinda early. I just was tired and I knew I had a lot to do on Sunday. You can learn more about that adventure tomorrow.

But for now, you should just click here and see all the photos from Nextah at the Cove.

DJ Sega

Ellen Stagg

Valissa Yoe

Dust La Rock

Nick Hook

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Human Marvels!

Lazy Sunday post! Step right up!

Freaks? Weirdos!?

No! Human Marvels!






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