Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head – 3.21.09

I am not sure how you could pick a worse name for a band and that combined with them being a “talked about” band at SXSW made me think I was going to hate NPSH. Turns out they are really great live. They are just a great dance band. They are pretty much all I want in a dance band. Totally unpretentious music that is just about having fun. They sort of remind me of a slightly more electro-thinking version of De Novo Dahl who are one of the most fun bands ever. And of course if you are a NPSH fan, you should be checking out the free Teddy Blanks single I posted yesterday… I feel like they could share a bill well..,

Oh did I mention they are really great to photograph? Admittedly I really wish I was able to use my flash when shooting them but alas I was not. Maybe I will get to check them out again soon.

Enjoy their photos by clicking this sexy little link right here.






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Rye Rye – 3.21.09

Once Rye Rye missed a bus or a train or something back to Baltimore and some people tried to convince me to drive her home at like 3 in the morning.  That did not happen and I sort of forgot about her until I saw her at Perez party at SXSW.  She was great live though and maybe I should have done it cause she is pretty awesome… but at the time driving a 17 year old girl who I had never met 3 hours to Baltimore was less than appealing (although I do love B-more).  I am pretty sure she made it home somehow.  We gotta keep moving with these Austin shots… so…

Check out all the Rye Rye pictures here.




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Somewhat Hasty: The Return Of Teddy Blanks


This is going to be the only post today.  It is important enough that I take a break to make sure this stays at the top of the page all day.

I have mentioned The Gaskets many times on this page.  They were my life for 4 years.  In Richmond, VA in 2003 I had a friend call me down to a bar cause I “had to see this band”.  It was a shitty bar that’s only draw was that you could be 18 and be there and it was right next to the college.   Most nights they had Karaoke or some lame open mic night but this night was different.  When I got to the bar, these two 18 year old kids were setting up.  I sat down and was talking to my friends when the started to play.  Pretty much everyone in the bar was talking to their friends.  This was the type of place you go to hear music in the background, not to watch a show. There was no stage, no real sound system… just a beat up PA resting on the floor where they had lunch tables set up during the day.  People slowly stopped talking as they began to stare mouth agape at this kid holding the mic.  By the second song not one person was not transfixed on these kids. It was just two kids, two mics and a out of date Yamaha sequencer blowing peoples minds.  All I could think of his how these kids were playing the wrong venues and I wanted to help.  I remember thinking that my only goal was to get them into a packed room of hundreds of people who were there just to see them, who knew every song.  I wanted to be in that crowd.

In January 2006 I was in that crowd.  I was standing in front of over 500 people packed into a venue that had a maximum capacity of 300. I was introducing the band that I had spent 3 years working for.  I had taken them from open mic nights to being one of the most popular bands in Virginia. It was The Gaskets CD release party and it was the high point of their career.  We spent most of the bands savings making a live DVD of that show.  I produced the entire thing.  It is the thing I am most proud of in my life and I hope one day to be able to show it to my kids.  That shouldn’t be too hard, considering I have 700 of them sitting in my kitchen.  I completely overestimated peoples desire to watch a 60 min concert film.  Soon after Teddy moved to Connecticut to work for a graphic design firm, I moved to New York and Ross got a full time job.  They started playing once a month, then once every two months and all of a sudden a year had gone by…

Teddy Blanks was the quiet one.  The singer of the Gaskets rarely socialized with people at shows, he would rather read a book than get drunk at an after party and he was the last person you would expect to do the things he does on stage.  Teddy is one of, if not the best, front men I have ever had the pleasure to see play.  He has the ability to get any crowd, no matter how indifferent, to become involved in his show.  I have seen him turn a crowd of nothing but 15 year old metal fans. I have seen him play his heart out for two people in an empty room.  I once saw him sell 7 CD’s to 8 people during an acoustic set in a dorm room.  When I first met him, I didn’t think he was very much fun.  To this day I think he has a strange aversion to fun.  But over the years he has become one of my closest friends and I could sit in a room do nothing but talk to him for 12 hours straight and not get bored.  He is one of the most talented people I have ever met.  He accells at everything he does from music, to writing, to graphic design.  His music takes all those things into consideration.  His melody are revoltingly catchy, his lyrics are thought out and often profound and the design elements in everything he puts out is carefully considered and masterfully done.  I could not be more proud to be working with Teddy.

To get to the point, after all that sappy bullshit is that Teddy is releasing today his first solo work since he was 16 years old.  He is in the process of working on an EP and has been in and out of the studio over the last several months.  He just moved to NYC and quit his graphic design job and is ready to devote himself fully to rocking the fuck out.  He is hoping to release his EP in late May and is going to be playing live as early as May 1st.  In order to build up some buzz for the EP today we are releasing a stand alone single called “Somewhat Hasty“.  It is a free Mp3 only release and will not be on the upcoming EP.  He also recorded a B-Side to the album, a cover of Frank Black’s song Headache.  Both these songs are available as free downloads, or streaming at  They are also available directly below this post.

Now what I am asking for is help.  We are trying to generate some buzz and trying to come up with ideas for ways to do that.  We also really want feedback.  He is going back into the studio very soon and he really wants to know what people like and people don’t like.  Clearly if anyone has a blog you are welcome to post these tracks.  We would really appreciate it in fact.   Also obviously if anyone has any interest in things like booking, releasing his EP, paying him 100k to write commercial jingle please let us know about that too.  You can just leave a message in the comments section, contact me here, or hit Teddy up on MySpace.  Thanks a ton.

PS. If anyone wants a Gaskets live DVD and will actually watch it, I will give you one for free.  Just get at me.

Somewhat Hasty: Teddy Blanks – Somewhat Hasty

Headache:  Teddy Blanks – Headache (Frank Black)


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The Sunday Show – 3.12.09

My friend Kiki Valentine has been trying to get me to go to the variety show she hosts every month since the fall.  Things keep coming up every month, but finally I made one, the Easter Spectacular!.  Her show is a semi-secret affair that combines a variety of performance art in a quite uncensored manner that requires the location to be a mystery until a few days before when performers are announced.  The show I saw featured juggling, comedy, magic, hoola-hooping, and a whole lot of girls taking off their clothes. If not a burlesque show exactly, it is a burlesque environment.  Now burlesque is not normally my thing, but there were some really great performances.  Kiki hosted the whole thing as Amy Winehouse in perfect character even when things fucked up.  She made the mics not working and the curtain not open hilarious.

The highlight for me was actually a juggler named Michael Karas who did two acts, one where he juggled fire dressed as Jesus, and the other where he juggled while stripping and then juggled five balls for his finale.  At one point he dropped one of his fire sticks and it went into the crowd and he nearly set his Jesus robes on fire… Other than that though he was pretty on point with the throwing and the catching.  Other highlights included two friends of mine, Coco La Pearl who ate fire and deep throated a banana with skill that is usually reserved for only the most revered porn stars and Justina Flash who did some surprisingly impressive things with a hoola-hoop.  She also happened to be covered in silver paint and fully topless which helped.  Also worth mentioning was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.

Famed performer Queen LaQueefa dressed up as Michael Jackson and fucked a baby doll with a strap on and put out two birthday candles with her vagina but none of that compared to the horror of her second act.  She dressed up like a meth head version of Mary and had a comedian friend dress up like a hip hop Jesus. She then proceeded to suck on Jesus’s toes, rip off her clothes showing off her stained ass, wiped it with toilet paper and then threw that as well as used tampons at the crowd.  So, okay, maybe it wasn’t real shit on her ass or real blood on the tampons, but the effect was still unbelievably revolting. She then pulled an airplane sized bottle of vodka out of her vagina and then Jesus fucked her with a strap on as the curtains closed.  It was certainly like nothing I had ever seen before, and I feel like that was probably a good thing.

Anyway other performers I haven’t mentioned yet were Magic Max The Magician and his amazingly round assistant Stormy.  Honestly she is built like a beach ball… and I know that sounds mean but there is something strangely hot about that.  There was this really intense thing were this extraordinarily hot girl named Meira got attacked by naked men dressed as bunnies.  They would rip her clothes off and then she would bop them on the head, so to speak.  At the end she was naked and covered in blood.  There was a comedy duo named RAPE who tried to sell the crowd fake vaginas, a visiting burlesque dancer named Miss Sugarpuss, a dancer named Misty Lux who came out in one hell of a costume and a woman named Philly Caramel who did an act where she worshiped delicious Peeps to the Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell hit “You’re All I Need To Get By”.  I was really into that since all I really listen to these days is 70’s soul records.

Okay, there are 250+ pictures from this thing.  I had to put up a lot of mediocre shots so you could follow what was going on in each act, but there is some nice stuff in here too (The Justina Flash shots especially).  Of course, due to Queen LaQueefa these shots are more than a little Not  Safe For Work.  View them all here, but you have been warned.








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Ida Maria – 3.21.09

I am going to start with the Ida Maria shots from the Perez Party because they are my least favorite and because they already were posted on Brooklyn Vegan.  She was pretty fun though.  Actually I was pretty into everyone at the Perez party which is kinda surprising cause I am not a huge fan of female vocals.  Still, she good live.  It was her only SXSW show due to some issues getting into the states.  I remember that happened with MIA a few years ago but she manged to play this insane showcase with LCD Soundsystem when they were both just breaking out.  Anyway, I am working like crazy right now.  The lead singer of the band I used to manage has a single coming out tomorrow and I am getting ready for that.

So let’s just skip to the Ida Maria SXSX pics!




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Perez Hilton’s One Night In Austin – 3.21.09

Perez Hilton threw this crazy party for SXSW. Brooklyn Vegan asked me to shoot it so I headed over. It was a pretty hard party to get into and security was super tight but people found you could easily rub the VIP stamp off one person and on to the other so pretty much everyone there was VIP. Perez was giving out pink Dell laptops to all the artists who played his event. The set line up was mostly female fronted musicians with Indigo Girls as the surprise guest (I managed to miss them). Lady Sovereign canceled and Kanye West filled it which was a nice surprise although I did want to see Lady Sov again. I had blown her set at Red Bull off cause I thought I would see her at Perez, but I had blown Kanye’s Fader Fort set off to see Trash Yourself so it all worked out. Anyway, I have 7 posts of just bands to go up after these crowd shots so you can see who played the thing as I update. Get excited.

Click here to see all the crowd shots from the night.






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Pretty In Pink – 4.10.09

JessieLee and Burning Angel threw their Pretty In Pink party again last night. This time it was at The Space which I keep going to fun parties at. There were lap dance contests and naked go-going by Madame Rosebud (Update: Rosebud photos removed.). Bastard Keith MC’d the event and Joanna Angel made her appearance. My friend Doug was so drunk he couldn’t talk and um… their was Skee-ball. So fun.

Anyway, check out all the NSFW photos here, but I have to leave… I am late for a shoot!






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Misc SXSW Photos…

We are nearing the end… this is the last batch of photos that isn’t from the Perez Hilton party.  The only reason I have held off on those is because their are eight galleries from that one party and that’s just a bitch to deal with.  I also like a lot of the shots so why not save the best for last.  Anyway, these are the random 20 or so photos NOT of bands that didn’t fit anywhere else.  Mostly shots of friends of mine and things.  Let’s just get it over with.

Click here to see them all.







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Friday Fun – 4.11.09

The L train is all fucked up right now so I took the JMZ into the city and hit up Ruff Club on the way to Webster. I saw some kids I rarely see. And I saw Isla from Purple Crush doing something on stage. It was over by the time I got over by the stage to shoot but I love those kids so I am glad I saw at least a bit of it. Then I ran over to Webster for Trash and Boys & Girls. Crookers were upstairs and the Miskha flag was flying high, but I spent most of my time downstairs cause it was too crowded upstairs. Nothing of great intrigue happened but this gallery is NSFW due to a particularly raunchy burlesque show from Melody Sweets and Stormy Leather.

You can check out shots from all three parties here…

PS. Somehow I sort of forgot to take photos of Crookers. I had to go downstairs for a sec and I guess I never remembered to come back… There are two shots but um… whoops.








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