Perez Hilton’s One Night In Austin – 3.21.09

Perez Hilton threw this crazy party for SXSW. Brooklyn Vegan asked me to shoot it so I headed over. It was a pretty hard party to get into and security was super tight but people found you could easily rub the VIP stamp off one person and on to the other so pretty much everyone there was VIP. Perez was giving out pink Dell laptops to all the artists who played his event. The set line up was mostly female fronted musicians with Indigo Girls as the surprise guest (I managed to miss them). Lady Sovereign canceled and Kanye West filled it which was a nice surprise although I did want to see Lady Sov again. I had blown her set at Red Bull off cause I thought I would see her at Perez, but I had blown Kanye’s Fader Fort set off to see Trash Yourself so it all worked out. Anyway, I have 7 posts of just bands to go up after these crowd shots so you can see who played the thing as I update. Get excited.

Click here to see all the crowd shots from the night.






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Comments (5)


  1. Livia
    April 15th, 2009 | 4:06 pm

    You photographed Kanye,You are officially a photographer 🙂

  2. April 15th, 2009 | 4:08 pm

    I had no idea that was a requirement.

  3. Livia
    April 15th, 2009 | 6:32 pm

    It was a joke.Sense of humour is a requirement.

  4. April 15th, 2009 | 8:43 pm

    Oh, I know, I was kidding too. Obviously I knew it is a requirement. It was the first thing I learned in art school.

  5. Livia
    April 15th, 2009 | 11:47 pm

    Okay , you own me at being (evil)amusing on the internet.Tho I might have owned you if English were my mother tongue 🙂 Please no anti-remarks like “Stay home and study”etc , because I am and I actually like your blog.It’s like porn for European girls.

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