Bam Margera’s Minghags World Premiere – 3.8.09

Everyone has that one guilty pleasure they are really embarrassed about. They have that one CD in their collection that they keep hidden behind the others or that DVD that they hope no one notices. For me that DVD is the entire Viva La Bam MTV Series. I am nearly 30 years old, and yet I some how find a show who’s audience target audience is 14 year old pot heads fucking brilliant. I own all the CKY movies too. I don’t really talk about it. I was a big CKY2k fan back in the day, and when Jackass came out, I was pretty psyched. But after it blew up and they kept putting it on the air and I got over it pretty fast. The movies are fucking funny, but I didn’t rush out and see them the first weekend or buy the DVD’s. Wild Boyz bores me to tears and Johnny Knoxville was a little hard to stomach from the beginning. But for some reason, the CKY branch of the Jackass tree has stuck with me. There is something about Bam, Ryan Dunn and the completely underrated Brandon DiCamillo that have kept me around. Probably the hardest I have ever laughed in my life was on a deleted scene from Viva La Bam. I even downloaded the reality show about Bam getting married on iTunes… but don’t tell anyone.

So when my friend Doug told me his film festival was premiering the second fictional film from the CKY team, Minghags, I decided to use it as an excuse to visit my girl in Philly and check out the Backseat Filmfestival. If anyone has seen their first film Haggard, you can imagine how retarded this movie is. I mean, the film stars a high pitched midget made famous by the Howard Stern show (who was a pretty rad guy). It was ridiculously ridiculous and after watching the movie I couldn’t really tell you what the hell it was about. It was however pretty fucking funny at parts and some elements of it reminded me of early John Waters. There are some scenes involving Brandon Novak and Ruthie Margera that completely reminded me of Pink Flamingos and to some extent Desperate Living. I think that Ruthie could be the next Edith Massey. I am serious, she was brilliant. Someone needs to send the Minghags DVD to Pat Moran.

As far as the photos go, Bam, Ryan and the Margera’s showed up, as did a smattering of the familar faces. The Howard Stern show midget, Mark the Bagger was there as well getting hammered as fuck and just generally being fucking awesome. Ryan Dunn has the same multi-finger mustaches my girl Nicole has, although his Hitler stash is on his middle finger and she has hers on her pinky. April Margera and I had a conversation about how her and Phil have the same anniversary as my site. I should send them a card next year. Their 35th and my 10th happen to correspond, maybe we can do a joint party at Lit or something. Honestly it was a pretty good vibe for the film. It seemed like everyone was friends, I think only about 10 people actually paid for the movie, pretty much everyone else was on the guest list. That combined with free beer and good times were had. filmed the whole thing, so maybe try to check there to see more from the party.

After the movie there was a pretty good Strip For Pain, but I am going to put those photos up after I wake up. I have been slacking of late, but when I wake up I am going to have the extremely NSFW Strip For Pain shots as well as the shots from Cain that I just took. I will also try to work in a review somewhere of the best film I saw at the Backseat Film Festival, which is probably the best movie I have seen this year.

Okay, check out all the pictures from the Minghags World Premiere by clicking here.







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I am in DC.  I will be back in New York tomorrow.  I will have new updates probably tomorrow night, god willing.  I have some good stuff to go up from Philly.  Have a preview whist I am slacking.




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NSFW Monday continues with this late night rant about Nova:

I was hanging out at the Burning Angel office a few weeks ago with Mitch and Draven when a bunch of Angels came in with Joanna after partying. I knew all of them except this one really hilarious girl who was from Pittsburgh and was named Nova except that everyone calls her “Tits”. She didn’t have a set up on the site yet and she was dressed rather conservatively so I didn’t really understand why her nick name was Tits. Well when she came back for Misti Dawn’s birthday party, I got to find out why. And now you get to see the glory that are Tits’ tits. This girl has the sickest body imaginable and is so fucking funny and adorable. The first time met met we spent 20 minutes trying to take out Misti’s contacts even though it turned out she didn’t have them in. We kept trying to tell Misti she didn’t have them in and she refused to believe us. We just kept digging into her eye. It was sort of awful and sort of hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, Nova and I only shot for like five minutes but she did not stop laughing the entire time. I had to delete a bunch of shots just because they were so ridiculous. It was super fun though and it was Valentines Day and pretty much everyone there was making out, so that was fun. I have been meaning to go to Pittsburgh since my I met my freshman college roommate who grew up there. I have so many friends there. I think it is about time I made the trip and shoot Nova for real. What do you guys think?

Check out the super quick shoot from V-Day here. I hope yinz like it.




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DBB 8th Anniversary Part 3: Trash – 3.6.09

 Friday night was the last night of my anniversary week.  I got home at about 10am.  It was a crazy week and I don’t really thin I need to get much into Trash last night other than to say it was fun, and I gave out all but one of the T-shirts I have left.  So if you made an order for one of the free ones online, I gotta get some new ones printed next week, but they should be in the mail before I got to SXSW (March 17th). So without further ado, all the fun stuff from Webster Hall Friday can be seen by clicking here.







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Battlefield Atlantis

I just wanted to give you a heads up that the power cord to my computer broke and since the battery doesn’t work I could not turn on my computer for several hours today.  I drove to Philly for the opening weekend of the Backseat Film Festival but I picked up a charger and a battery (only a $240 purchase for shit I allready bought once [and in the case of my charger, twice]) on the way.  After watching some weird horror movie about a burning house, eating cheese steaks and hanging out with some friends I finally got a minute to update my site.  Hopefully later today (it is 8am now and I haven’t slept yet) I will have some time to up the photos from Friday, but don’t count on anything… I have 8 hours of sleep, 2 movies and an after party ahead of me.  Anyway I thought I would take these short moments I have before my sleeping pills kick in to tell you about what happened a few nights ago after my sleeping pills kicked in.

Before I went to sleep the other night I read this article about some new species discovered in the Tasman fracture, a trench that is 4KM below sea level (I am not sure how deep that is in American, but my guess is pretty fucking deep).  Anyway, it was about a Venus fly trapesque sea squirt that eats shrimp.  It was pretty interesting and I soon drifted off to sleep.  About an hour later I was awoken by a text message and for some reason I pulled up my laptop and decided I had something super important to say about the new found sea life.  I completely forgot about it when I woke up the next morning but when I woke up the next morning I found this typed on my computer screen:

The day I have always been fearing is here.  Scientists have found new canibal plants living at the bottom of the ocean.  And if I knowa nything about sea monsters is that they are huge and man eating.  These ones may seem sall and harmlesss, but undoubtably they are only babies.  In the future when we have poluted the earth so badly that we are living in under water colonies, we will be forces to defend our watery homes from these killer fish-like monster plants that will soon develop an unsateable taste for human flesh.

And while I admit there are a lot of misspellings (I would like to argue that unsateable is a better word than insatiable despite the fact that it is not actually a word) I think I have made some excellent points here.  If nothing else, it is pretty hilarious that I would get up in the middle of the night to write about man-eating fish-plants.  I just have been emailing this thing to friends over the last few days and I figured I would share it with you.  I hope you are happy, I am going to sleep.


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I met Ashlin on this shoot I did for Kill Shop Kill. She then used to come to Trash every week and pass out KSK stickers and stuff. I shot these photos a while ago but I figured since KSK has been giving out all these T-Shirts with me all week this would be a good time to put up the photos of my favorite KSK model. Ashlin is also one of the girls kissing me on the cheek in my myspace profile picture that has been up for way too long.

Okay, so lets plug KSK. As I posted earlier today Kill Shop Kill has a sick shop that is pretty much on the corner of Bedford and N. 5th in Williamsburg. The actual address is 136 N. 5th. They have tons of rad shit there. Plus you get 10% off if you mention me or this website. It is going to be nice out this weekend so go over there and pick up some shit. My t-shirt is going to be sold there so if you didn’t get a free one, you fucked up, but you still have a chance to pick it up at KSK.

And a little bit more about Ashlin. She is a rad as fuck girl who lives in my neighborhood and of course I have a crush on her and of course she will never hang out with me. But she was kind enough to take her shirt off back stage at Webster Hall and frankly that is going to have to be enough for me. You can check out all the sick photos we took if you click here.





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DBB Anniversary Part 2: Playhouse – 3.4.09

I have to say it was completely amazing to see a room full of people wearing my t-shirt. Wednesday night was a fucking blast. I gave out so many damned shirt that I think I am going to have to do a second run to fulfill all the people who ordered free ones. I am going to give a ton more tonight at Trash so come to Webster Hall. Mention DBB at the Studio door for reduced admission. Or you could hit me up to get on my guest list.

Anyway, last night was intense. My brother came out wearing an Italian silk suit that he paid $100 dollars for in Thailand and the proceeded to get extremely drunk. I jumped around and poured Vodka down everyone’s throat and tried to have a good time despite totally stressing about passing out shirts. I just tried to cure my nerves by hitting on girls who are about the same age I was when I started this site… 8 years ago. People kept congratulating me on the Anniversary which is sort of funny because it is not really a HUGE accomplishment to have had what basically amounts to a glorified live journal page for a little under a decade. I need to throw a party for my 1 year anniversary of joining Twitter whenever that happens. Any excuse to get a free bottle of vodka to spill all over people.

I wanna thank my intern Michael for helping me pass out shirts all night and of course I need to give a shout out to Kill Shop Kill for providing all the shirts. You guys gotta check out their store on N. 5th and Bedford. It is sick. I stopped by to pick up the shirts and it looks amazing. I hadn’t seen it since the opening. Lot of rad shit in there. UPDATE: Aaron from KSK wanted me to let you know that if you mention me (Igor) or this site you get 10% off anything in the store!

I was too busy passing out t-shirts and acting a fool to be taking very good pictures, but some of them are pretty fun. I will probably post most photos of people rocking my fresh gear and people getting my vodka thrown on them below though so you are actually going to have to click here to see the best stuff from the gallery.







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Driven By Boredom Tattoos

The DBB 8th Anniversary party part 2 at Cain last night was insane.  I will have all the photos up tomorrow.  You guys gotta come out to Trash tomorrow night, I will be giving away the rest of these T Shirts. Hit me up for guest list, I still have a few spots.

Before Cain, and before I got my new tattoo, I went over to Glamour Garage in Williamsburg to hook my friends up with some Driven By Boredom tattoos.  Glamour Garage hooked them up with free tattoos to celebrate the 8th Anniversary, and I have done (and will be doing more) photo work for them in trade for DBB tattoos, so if you want to look as awesome as these sexy ladies, let me know.  I have a list of 8 more people who told me they want some so hopefully we can keep posting shots like this.  Thanks to Dakota at Satan’s Hammer who just happened to be stopping by Glamour Garage and hooked the girls up with their ink even though GG’s normal tattoo artist Bryan was out of town.

Now without further ado, here is JoDee and Bianca rocking their tattoos at the anniversary party last night.  More pictures coming soon…



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Aloha Monkey

I don’t know if you guys have spent a lot of time hanging out in tattoo shops, but the most consistently annoying thing about being in one is listen to idiots joke to their friends about getting the really bad tattoos hanging on the wall. Everyone does it, myself included. I think it is unavoidable somehow. One of the most joked about tattoos is the infamous Sailor Jerry “Aloha Monkey”. For those who don’t know, Sailor Jerry was this bad ass tattoo artist living in Hawaii who basically created the “Old School” style of tattoo design. His tattoo flash is a must for any tattoo shop that has tattoos designs hanging on their walls. The Aloha Monkey is one of his classics. It is a drawing of a monkey reaching between his legs and spreading his ass cheeks open. With his nuts hanging and asshole agape his back side reads ALOHA with the brown eye making the O. It is hilarious and a tattoo that no reasonable person should get. Well folks, I am not a reasonable person. I have been joking about getting the Aloha Monkey for a decade and it was finally time to put my monkey where my mouth was. Or at least put him on my leg.

Yesterday Red Rocket Tattoo was doing $100 Sailor Jerry tattoos (and pretty much any small tattoo) to benefit a coworker who’s daughter recently died. They needed money to help pay for funeral costs. My friend Sarah Lee told me about it, and I though this would be a perfect time to get the tattoo and help out a good cause. My tattoo was done by Betty Rose who did great job and who I will probably go back to when I get up the balls to get my next really bad idea for a tattoo, the Ghostbusters II logo. As I said before, the Aloha Monkey is pretty classic. When I walked to Red Rocket and told them I wanted to get the Aloha Monkey Betty’s eyes lit up and she said “He’s mine!” She told me she had never done it and that every tattoo artist has to do it once in here career. Well Betty, I am glad I could help.

Click the photo below to see it on my leg.


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