Battlefield Atlantis

I just wanted to give you a heads up that the power cord to my computer broke and since the battery doesn’t work I could not turn on my computer for several hours today.  I drove to Philly for the opening weekend of the Backseat Film Festival but I picked up a charger and a battery (only a $240 purchase for shit I allready bought once [and in the case of my charger, twice]) on the way.  After watching some weird horror movie about a burning house, eating cheese steaks and hanging out with some friends I finally got a minute to update my site.  Hopefully later today (it is 8am now and I haven’t slept yet) I will have some time to up the photos from Friday, but don’t count on anything… I have 8 hours of sleep, 2 movies and an after party ahead of me.  Anyway I thought I would take these short moments I have before my sleeping pills kick in to tell you about what happened a few nights ago after my sleeping pills kicked in.

Before I went to sleep the other night I read this article about some new species discovered in the Tasman fracture, a trench that is 4KM below sea level (I am not sure how deep that is in American, but my guess is pretty fucking deep).  Anyway, it was about a Venus fly trapesque sea squirt that eats shrimp.  It was pretty interesting and I soon drifted off to sleep.  About an hour later I was awoken by a text message and for some reason I pulled up my laptop and decided I had something super important to say about the new found sea life.  I completely forgot about it when I woke up the next morning but when I woke up the next morning I found this typed on my computer screen:

The day I have always been fearing is here.  Scientists have found new canibal plants living at the bottom of the ocean.  And if I knowa nything about sea monsters is that they are huge and man eating.  These ones may seem sall and harmlesss, but undoubtably they are only babies.  In the future when we have poluted the earth so badly that we are living in under water colonies, we will be forces to defend our watery homes from these killer fish-like monster plants that will soon develop an unsateable taste for human flesh.

And while I admit there are a lot of misspellings (I would like to argue that unsateable is a better word than insatiable despite the fact that it is not actually a word) I think I have made some excellent points here.  If nothing else, it is pretty hilarious that I would get up in the middle of the night to write about man-eating fish-plants.  I just have been emailing this thing to friends over the last few days and I figured I would share it with you.  I hope you are happy, I am going to sleep.


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