New Polaroid: Ariel

I’ve had a Polaroid of Ariel for a while, but she was very against her boobs going up on a web site until she wanted them to go up. She is about to blow up in the Alt Porn scene doing sets for BA, Fatal Beauty and possibly Razordolls soon. She also has done a test shoot with Penthouse and is going in in August for her real shoot with them. But just remember, before you saw her there, you saw her here first. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ariel’s boobs. Click Here for NSFW content.

PS. Notice there is no more nudity on the front page. This will be from now on. I want you to be able to look at this site anywhere. (Even though if you try to look at it at work or in the UAE it is probably blocked by your job.)

PPS. Ariel and I share the same birthday so tonight at Rififi we are having a joint birthday party as I am sure you know by now because I have blogged about it like 5 times.  See you there.


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Date With Ariel

So I went on a date with Ariel.  It started out as a very classy affair: Popeyes.  After some delicious fried chicken, we headed over to see 28 Weeks later.  When we got there I ran into DJ Jess in the movie theater bathroom.  We ended up sitting with him and his girlfriend Sarah.  After it was over we all went and played pool.  Normally I hate pool because I am terrible at it, but they were all equally as bad as me.  After playing two games in two hours I called my friend Sam who came down and showed us how to play.  After we went to a diner and Joey Nova and Twig showed up.  It was a lot of fun.  I actually had more fun than I do when I go out normally.  I need to make some actual friends so I can do more stuff like that instead of just running into people at parties.  Anyway, I happened to have my 35mm point and shoot on me, so I took some photos of the night.  Check ’em.


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Private photo shoot in the back of Sutra with Ariel and a bunch with Menelik as well.  Very hot.  Dig ’em.


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Happiness Is Irrelevant

My whole life I have had depression. When I was younger it was really bad but it really hit it’s peak when I was about 20. I remember thinking how great things were going in my life. I had a girlfriend, a lot of friends and I was working a bullshit summer job but I enjoyed it. Despite this I felt overwhelming depression and when things in my life got worse my depression got worse. A break up and two break downs later I had dropped out of college and found myself on some anti-depressant meds that ended up working pretty well. I went back to college, got my degree and by the time I was 27 I was living in NYC and I had stopped taking the meds completely and had never been “happier”.

So what changed? The meds helped for a while… they at least stabilized me when I was at my worse and the move to NYC was fantastic for me. I had always wanted to live in NYC and pretty much the moment I moved here I knew it was at home. But I’ve been off meds for more than 5 years and New York’s charm has worn off a bit, but I am still “happier” than I have ever been. How did I do it? I made a conscious decision to not prioritize happiness. I decided living an interesting life was far more important than being happy. If I have depression, I am always going to be depressed so why try to fight that? I decided just to live an interesting life and if bad things happen I can just write it off as a new experience. The horrible break up I went through when I was 21 made me realize that even the worst pain fades eventually and that when bad shit happens you can to some degree move past it. Humans are very adaptive and can deal with anything. You just keep moving and everything will be fine.

I just decided that I didn’t care about happiness and that somehow made me happier. I was able to deal with depression with a realization that in the future whatever was bothering me wouldn’t make that much difference. If I get mugged tonight I might have a black eye and $100 less dollars but a year from now all that I will have is a cool story about getting mugged. I don’t let myself get upset about parking tickets and broken cell phones and the little bullshit in life because I know that in 6 months none of that shit will have any effect on my life. I go to events I hate because I know that the great photos I get will be all that remains and the lack of sleep and bullshit I had to deal with won’t make any difference in the long run.

The whole thing sounds pretty stupid and fairly reminiscent of a t-shirt worn by one of the kids on my high school wrestling team had “Pain is temporary but glory lasts forever”. The idea of just ignoring happiness and wishing away sadness is easier said than done, but it has some real scientific basis. I recently read The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely. Ariely was burned severely as a teen and has spent his entire life dealing with crippling pain but he was able to deal with it and lead a reasonably happy life. Much of his book is about the adaptability of man and how no matter how good or bad things are in life they eventually average out. He talks about how people who move from a cold weather climate to a warm weather climate are much happier for a few months but eventually they get used to it. The same thing works in reverse. If you move from LA to North Dakota you might hate it for a while but you eventually get used to it.

I had this idea in my head that if you are a innately happy person you are going to be happy no matter what your situation and if you are an unhappy person, nothing material is going to make you happy. Ariely’s research seemed to back this up but it wasn’t until I saw a TED talk by Dan Gilbert about happiness did I want to blog about it.

Gilbert talks about the science of happiness and how you can trick yourself into being happy and that false happiness is just as valid as natural happiness. Humans overestimate how happy or unhappy things will make them. He talks about how a year after someone wins the lottery or becomes a paraplegic their happiness returns to where they were before their change in fortune. His argument is that you can trick yourself into being happy. My argument is that happiness is bullshit and you just shouldn’t prioritize it.

If you aren’t happy, don’t look for happiness. Look for something else that give you meaning. Ignore happiness. Lead an interesting or meaningful life and in the long run you might end up happier than you think you can be.

Ps. Sorry for this rant but this is exactly what these new DBB B-Sides are all about. It’s a place that I can blog about anything without fucking up the main page of my site.

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Dinner With Igor

For years I have been carrying a little 35mm point and shoot camera with me everywhere and documenting my life. The cameras have changed and I have broken more than I want to remember but the one thing that has stayed pretty consistant is that I am constantly taking photos of my friends eating.  In my head I have been working on a zine of food photography and one of the things I wanted was a big spread of just hundreds of pictures of my friends eating.  The other day I put all those pictures into one folder and decided I should put them on Driven By Boredom.  It seemed like a good idea.

So in this gallery you are going to get over 100 photos of me eating with different people. There are some common themes. There is a lot of photos of photographers and models because I know I can always write that stuff off.  There are a bunch of dates.  There are a lot of photos at Kellogg’s Diner because I have lived a few blocks away from it for more than 5 years.  There are a couple pictures of cute girls at Popeye’s because even though taking a date to fast food is a horrible idea it is still my favorite place to eat. There are a few photos of me too… and a handful of famous porn stars.

Anyway, I feel like this is a fun gallery and I will probably keep updating it in the future. I took a new shot just yesterday.  Good times.

So click here to see all the 35mm snap shots of people eating delicious foods with me.

Dinner With Igor

Stoya Drinking A Milkshake

Lunch With Maddox

101 Diner With Julia

Dances With White Girls And Jonna

Tacos With Kim Schifino

Bobbi Starr Feeds Dana DeArmond

Dinner With Fancy

Popeyes With Ariel

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Ellen Stagg’s Circus Birthday Party – 1.31.10

I am pretty sure when I was 10 I had a clown at my birthday party.  And maybe at some point I had a magician.  Notorious pornographer photographer and total babe Ellen Stagg threw a Circus themed birthday last night with a magician, a strong man, tarot cards readings, a sexy lion tamer routine and naked Penthouse Pets.  It was pretty exciting and very Not Safe For Work.

Ellen is an amazing photographer.  You should check out her website as it has many sexy ladies and rad photography on it.  I am a pretty big fan. It’s clear I am not her only fan as downstairs of Lit was packed with family and friends of Ms. Stagg. There were several amazing acts as well as in between DJing provided by Trouble & Bass’ own the Captain.

The night started off with a strongman called The Crusher.  He was assisted by the lovely Burning Angel Ariel. Ariel is one of my favorite people on Earth and last night she gave me her new business card that had about 10 jobs listed on it from fitness instructor to go go dancer to laser tattoo remover. No where did it mention anything about being used as a free weight for a strong man, but that was pretty impressive none the less.

After the Crusher & Ariel came the adorable Justine Jolie playing a lion as Ellen Stagg managed to tame her.  There was whipping and nudity and sexiness all around.  It was pretty hot.  Justine pretty damn amazing.  You should check her website out if you wanna see her do more than just take off her lion costume…

The next act was a magician named Matt the Magician Holtzclaw. Now, I generally hate magic.  I don’t see how you can’t. Magicians are self righteous and they try to trick you.  I mean they are basically lying to people for a living, and acting like you should be amused by their shenanigans.  I take a stand against magic.  However, Matt was actually pretty amazing.  He did some quick sligh of hand that involved smoking and drinking, he did some really gross stuff with some string and he talked his wife into pulling her boobs out.  I am not sure how anyone couldn’t get behind that. I actually talked to Matt and his wife for quite some time and they were really rad people too…

The final act was possibly the best, it was certainly the most jaw dropping.  Penthouse Pet Ryan Keely did a three or four song burlesque number that climaxed with her pulling out a bottle of lotion and spraying the whole thing all over herself.  She poured like half of the bottle into her mouth and spit it all over the place.  It made for some pretty insane photos.  I talked to her after the show as well and she seems to be a really rad chick.  We talked about shooting some pictures of her in the future.  I hope that happens as she is kinda a babe as you might have noticed. Check out her site here.

All in all it was a rad party and I met a bunch of cool people and got a very weird assortment of business cards.  My 30th birthday is coming up soon and I only hope it can be half as wild as Ellen’s but I will do my damnedest.  Anyway, a big happy birthday once again to Ellen, and if you want to see all the crazy pictures you should most assuredly click here.








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Dolfans NYC

I told people I would stop talking about football on here and Twitter for a while and the Dolphins had a bye so I held up my end of the deal for two weeks, but today three Dolphin events came together requiring a post.  I am sorry, but it had to be done, and when you watch the video below you will probably never be able look me in the eye again.

So let’s start with the easy one.  It’s Sunday and my Dolphins are playing the New Orleans Saints which somehow appear to be the best team in football right now.  We will probably lose, but if we win, I will probably be wearing my Dolphins sweater every day for the next week.  I can’t wait till 4:15PM.

Second Dolphin related event was that Daniel Baxter came out to our last game against the Jets because he lives a few blocks away from Third & Long the sports bar where we hold our Dolphins watching parties.  You have seen a bunch of his nightlife films on here and I asked him to bring his camera. He took a lot of footage of me losing my shit in victory.  He also filmed us a few weeks ago when we lost a game we had every right to win. I also lost my shit then.  Hopefully, he is going to combine the videos into some sort of sad documentary on the mental illness that is my obsession with the Miami Dolphins. In the mean time he sent me a little clip from the Jets game. The sound is pretty fucked up, but let’s just say if you know me at all, this is not something you want to miss.  For those of you who don’t know me, I am the guy who is screaming at the camera.

Thirdly today is the launch of  It took me months to convince four separate people to build a website for me for free.  As of a week ago I didn’t think it was close to ready and our second designer was getting married and had to quit.  Fortunately the DBB web guy Thadd, and the new web guy of another unnamed site I run came in and saved the day.  Thadd got the site up this morning and we are victorious.  I am pretty sure you guys could not care less about this fan club and fan club blog I started, but if nothing else it will give me a place to talk Dolphins away from this site and leave you guys naked people and party pictures which is all you seem to ever want.   But on second thought… you should check out the site anyway.

Anyway, enjoy this crazy video with painful sound… It is the happiest you will ever see me:


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The Jump – 7.23.08

Admittedly the rain put a damper on everything in the city on Wednesday.  I personally got soaked like I have never been soaked, the free Aveda hair product I just got burned my eyes as I ran from 33rd to 30th.  I ran so fast I have shin splints today.  Still, I was drenched.  So the party, while not as packed as it would have been given nicer circumstances, was still a lot of fun.  It was the Burning Angel book release after party, and at one point I looked around the club and realized that everyone I knew there was either a DJ or a porn star.  That is good company to be around.  So yes, there are some naked people in this gallery.  There is even a naked go go dancer who once threatened me with physical violence if I ever put up a photo of her topless.  I was quite shocked to see her dancing topless.  I asked her why she was in this state of ultra-undress and she explained to me that it was because she was hot.  Makes sense to me.

Anyway, I started feeling sick so I decided to leave a bit early.  Once I got into the cab and was sitting down I felt a bit better so I dropped by High Voltage for a second.  The rain had killed that party completely and all that was left was Dimitry and Nick Hook who were behind the DJ booth and about 4 or 5 girls who were all half naked and making out in some sort of orgy on the other side of the room.  There was also an old man who kept inviting everyone back to his hotel room and proclaiming to be the original ladies man, whatever that means.  I took some photos, but everyone was extremely drunk and I feel like those photos should just probably not see the light of day, as it would be better for everyone involved.

Anyway, click here to see the Jump @ Rebel party photos.






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Super Naked Tuesday

So it was going to be Naked Monday, but because of the Giants win and my Obama soap box Naked Monday got moved to Super Naked Tuesday.  The idea is that I want to go nudity free for at least a week.  I have three naked related posts waiting to go up, so I am going to dump them all on you now, and then go to sleep.  I have been up 30+ hours and I spent 7 of those hours down at the Giants parade taking photos and campaigning for Obama.

Anyway, this photo is the only photo I saved from a mini photo shoot with Ariel (who goes by Dusty on Burning Angel).  I think I just wanted to have a conversation with her away from everyone so I pulled her into the bathroom under the guise of taking photos, cause I only took like 5 of them.  This photo I LOVE though.  It is seriously one of my favorite photos ever.  So I wanted to post it for your viewing enjoyment.  If you want to see more of her you could click here, or see her make out with another girl naked in the same bathroom this photo was taken, click here and if you want to see her discus nude mixed martial arts, click here.


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