New Prints For Sale

When I was in Vegas for the AVN Awards back in January James Deen spent most of the time talking about kittens and showing people kittens on his phone and asking people to see photos of kittens on their phones. I am super allergic to cats so I don’t really love kittens but I did rescue some kittens nearly exactly five years ago. I did an adorable photo shoot with them before finding them homes. I told James I would send him a print of Maven hanging out with a 40oz of Miller Highlife and when I made the print I ended up making like 10 of them because the internet loves cats and maybe the internet would give me money in exchange for cats.

Then of course I forgot about all of that and these kitty prints sat in a print drawer. Then this really fun thing happened where I remembered I owe the state of Delaware some money since my business is registered there because all businesses are registered there cause their taxes rule. Anyway, I figured this was as good of reason as any to sell you some cats.

I also had some prints of Annalee Belle left over from the fundraiser for my sold out Route 66 book “Get Your Kicks”. I decided I would put them up as well. I also lowered the price on prints of Veruca James in a swimming pool and my friend Tine when I stopped by Charlotte, NC a few years ago on a road trip. Plus I added the option to buy any of the prints in 16″x”20 although that will take a little longer because I would have to get them printed.

So yeah, there are now four $40 prints in my Etsy shop, plus a bunch of newish Polaroids and my books and zines and other fun stuff. There’s only one more copy of Fuck LA signed by April O’Neil so you might wanna get on that ASAP.

Long story short, give me some money so I can give it to Delaware. Thanks!

You Need Drunk Cats

Annalee Belle @ Cadillac Ranch

Veruca James

Tine - Charlotte, NC

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Austin Rodeo In 35mm

After SXSW ended I stuck around Austin for a few days. It saved me a couple hundred dollars on my flight and allowed me to hang out with my local friends and eat food and honestly just chill the fuck out. SXSW is exhausting and it was nice to have a couple days to relax. On my last day in town I went to my first ever rodeo and it was pretty memorable.

Before the rodeo I was promised pig racing so my buddy Mike and I got there early but unfortunately missed the last pig race before the rodeo by about 15 minutes. We still had some time to kill so we hit the petting zoo and a bunch of carnival rides. It was $1 ride day but someone gave us a free ride wristband so we went on rides until I was ready to puke (probably the deep fried Oreo’s fault).

The rodeo itself was fairly interesting and for some reason we got our seats upgraded which was nice. The cattle roping shit is pretty wild and the little kids riding sheep, aka mutton busting, was amazing. During the bucking part of the rodeo someone got their head kicked in by a horse which was fucking insane. We thought he might have died but I didn’t find any news about it so I figured he was okay. The bull bucking was kinda disappointing because no one managed to stay on for the full 8 seconds but there were a few wild moments.

The highlight of the day was honestly the petting zoo. I really need to get a bunch of goats to hang out with. Not sure they would do super well in my New York apartment but I guess you don’t know until you try. Does Amazon offer Prime shipping for goats?

While I was at the rodeo I shot a roll of black and white film and another roll of snap shot 35mm color stuff. The color work is pretty mediocre but I think you guys will like some of the black and white stuff. Let me know what you think. Maybe I will dedicate more of my life to the rodeo…

Click here to check out all the 35mm photos from the Austin Rodeo!

Austin Rodeo

Austin Rodeo

Austin Rodeo

Austin Rodeo

Austin Rodeo



Austin Rodeo

Austin Rodeo


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Louisiana Adventure In 35mm

My lady Pinky had some vacation she was looking to take and I am constantly looking to take photos of weird roadside attraction’s and world’s largest anything so we decided to go on a trip down to New Orleans. Our last road trip was both weird and wonderful so I had high hopes for the always weird Louisiana. I brought my digital camera with me but I ended up only shooting film the whole trip. I edited a few rolls down to about 20 photos but there’s some fun stuff here and absolutely no nudity which is a nice change of pace!

Most of the trip we spent in New Orleans eating amazing crawfish related foods and getting weird tattoos but we also took a day trip to Abita Springs on the north shore of the massive Lake Pontchartrain. If you haven’t driven on a 20+ mile bridge before I would recommend it.

Our destination was the Abita Mystery House home of the bassigator, dogigator and several other alligator related nightmares. It was the highlight of the trip and that is saying something considering I would rather eat etouffee than do just about anything. If you are ever near Abita Springs you NEED to go. Pinky ended up getting a Darrel the Dogigator tattoo and I got the Mystery House’s question mark logo tattooed to my shin. It was a memorable trip.

Thanks to my buddy Downtown Terry Brown and Downtown Tattoos for the hook up!

Oh and we also went to the world’s largest safety pin and the supposed world’s largest Ronald Reagan tattoo but honestly Ronnie wasn’t that big. I feel like America’s first president to star in a movie with a chimp deserves a bigger statue.

Click here to see the 35mm photos from our trip to New Orleans and the Abita Mystery House!

Pinky & A Biking Gator

Abita Mystery House

New Orleans

Ronnie Reagan


Pinky Doing Pinky

Giant Safety Pin By Claes Oldenburg

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2015 LA Art Book Fair

If you know me at all you would probably agree that I am not the most exuberant of humans. I tend to be monotonous and often pessimistic. I live a pretty great life and while I appreciate it, there are few things that really bring me joy. If you were to ask me what makes me the most happy in life I would immediately answer the Miami Dolphins winning a game, but that happens pretty rarely. My second answer would be when I open the first box of something I have created.

When I was 15 I started a magazine and a record label and assembling that first box of records was one of the greatest moments of my life. Since then I have made all manor of media and merch and it always brings me great pleasure. Recently I have produced four photo books/zines/albums and I brought them all to the LA Art Book Fair and it was the best thing to happen in ages despite spending the previous week photographing naked porn stars.

I have been to the NY Art Book Fair a bunch of times and it’s always great but thanks to PaperWork NYC this was the first time I have ever sold anything at an art book fair. I had copies of my new book Dinner With Igor, the zine Food Tattoos, my expensive Vegas photo album and the special Fuck LA zine and print I made just for the fair.

I actually sold a ton of stuff. I got back less than 10 Dinner With Igor’s and I had Dana DeArmond sign five of those. I got back about 15 of the 50 Fuck LA’s that I made and I had April O’Neil sign five of those. I even sold one of the Vegas albums even though I mostly brought them for display. I have sold more than 10 of them but they have all been to fans of my work, not just people who picked it up randomly at the book fair. I got a ton of Food Tattoos back but I brought a ton of them too but still I think I have less than 100 of the 300 I originally printed. All good news.

Aside from selling stuff I also bought a ton of stuff and met a few of my favorite artists. I bought Ed and Deanna Templeton’s out of print zine collection and I finally got to meet Ed. I ran into Tony Stamolis who I love as an artist and have been friends with via the internet for years. He loved Fuck LA so I traded him one for a print which actually came in the mail today. I met Tom Neely of Henry and Glenn Forever fame and got him to sign a copy of the first book. I also got to meet Bill Daniel an old punk rock photographer who I have bought several photos from over the years (including photos of Henry Rollins & Glenn Danzig oddly enough) and got a photo he shot of Glen E. Friedman who I also own a photo (and many books) by. I probably spent another $200 on top of that so I probably didn’t make quite as much money as I could have, but I have no complaints. Pretty epic weekend.

I took a handful of black and white photos and a few snapshots at the book fair and a few at the Love//War show. I figured they made sense together as a small 35mm gallery you guys might enjoy.

So click here to see my 35mm shots from the 2015 LA Art Book Fair at the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA! (Very mildly NSFW)

And click here to see my recently updated Etsy store featuring all my books, zines and other photography items perfect for Valentines Day or Presidents Day or some other holiday that you could justify spending money on my arts.

Ed Templeton


Booth Babe

Ray Potes Of Hamburger Eyes

Day By Day

April O'Neil

Bill Daniels

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Food Tattoos

If you don’t know by now that I am having a release party for my new book Dinner With Igor you probably aren’t looking at my website which would mean you can’t possibly be reading this sentence. But I will remind you again anyway. Dinner With Igor comes out tonight at 10pm at the Woods in Brooklyn.

But you know what else comes out tonight? Food Tattoos! Food Tattoos is my slightly less hyped zine that is hopefully the first in many full color zines. I am really happy with how it turned out and I have done a tiny bit of press for it this week.

Inked Magazine did a short interview with me about it the other day and Vice Magazine ran a gallery of photos from the zine.  The best part of those articles is that strangers keep Tweeting me their food tattoos which I love since I love food tattoos.

Come get your own food tattoos tonight! $40 for any tattoo on this flash sheet by Chris Johnson or this flash sheet by Rukus. Make sure to show up early cause I have a feeling there are going to be a bunch of people wanting cheap, rad tattoos. I know I am gonna try and get one if I have time…

Here are a couple more write ups about the event:  Village VoiceFlavorpillShaw Promotions

I hope to see a bunch of you at the event and take your picture. If you have a food tattoo bring it so I can take your photo. Perhaps there will be a second issue!

Now here are the links to buy books: Dinner With IgorFood TattoosDinner With Igor/Food Tattoos set

Lastly, here is a big gallery of 35mm food tattoo photos. I put this together for the Vice gallery but I didn’t send all of them so this gallery has everything that ran on Vice plus a bunch more. But not all the ones in Food Tattoos… You need to buy a zine for that!

Click here to see a bunch of photos of food tattoos!

Baby Burger Tattoo

Eat Sandwiches

So Many Cupcake Tattoos

Sweet Tea Tattoo

Darth Vader Tattoo

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Yesenia On 35mm

I shot Yesenia Linares for the first time years ago. I was really sick and ended up shooting her in the corner of my living room as I died on a couch. We really hit it off and became pretty good friends but for some reason we never took photos again. I think she likes me more than my photography and she has sort of blown up as a model so I get it but I finally convinced her to take some photos with me again.

I went over to her place in Brooklyn and I decided I would shoot three rolls of black and white film. I had seven rolls ready to drop off and my photo lab gives me a discount for 10 rolls or more so it seemed like a great reason to shoot some film. I try and make an effort to shoot a few rolls of black and white every month but it doesn’t always happen.

When I got to Yesenia’s place we sort of shot the shit for a while and she made us coffee and by the time we started shooting it was already getting darker in her place. By the time I had finished the second roll it was too dark even with my very fast lens. I had taken a couple of photos of her with my point and shoot camera loaded with color film and it gave me an idea.

Yesenia laughs more than any person I have ever met. It’s one of the reasons she is so much fun to hang out with. I had an idea to finish the color roll of her in front of a white wall but every photo I took would be while she was laughing. My point and shoot camera has a flash the lack of light wouldn’t matter.

So in this gallery you have the results of two rolls of black and white film and one roll of color. The black and white images are soft and pretty and the color ones are harsh with flash and really kind of lovely. I think you are going to enjoy them.

As always there are a few exclusive images saved just for the Girls of Driven By Boredom App. They are in higher resolution too. I put the app on sale for Christmas and it did so well that I am extending the 20% off sale until New Years Day. Use code “dbb” for the discount and get a ton of exclusive high res content like the app only Andy San Dimas set I just posted!

Now click here to see the NSFW 35mm images of the lovely Yesenia Linares!

Ps. Yesenia is in my new book eating fried chicken. You should buy it. It ships next week.

Yesenia Linares

Yesenia Linares

Yesenia Linares

Yesenia Linares

Yesenia Linares



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The End Of The Road W/ Miss Crash

This is it – the last episode of Road Strip! It’s been over a year since I returned from my 18 day Route 66 road trip and over a year since the book of my adventures came out. But the web series created from my journey kept the fun alive for more than a dozen episodes. That ends today. The 13th and final episode is finally out!

If you haven’t seen all (or any) of the very NSFW Road Strip web series, start at the beginning and watch the whole insane journey from Detroit to LA. (Route 66 actually starts in Chicago but it was way cheaper to rent a car in the Motor City.)

Thanks to all the models… Dixie Comet, Caprice Capone, Sidney Scarlett, Theresa Manchester, Charlotte Stokely, Annalee Belle, Ash Hollywood, Angel Beau, Coco Velvett and Miss Crash! And an even bigger thanks to Leeroy Meyers and the Wood Rocket crew for helping me fund this insane adventure and buying this super amateur web series from me. It’s pretty clear that I have no idea what I am doing video-wise but I think in the end these things came out pretty well.

The final episode features a day at the beach with Miss Crash. We drove down to the technical ending of Route 66 which is not at all marked before heading down to the ceremonial ending, the Santa Monica Pier. We got her naked in a Ferris Wheel (for the third time on my trip!) and then took her under the board walk for a few more photos. After I went back to her place and we shot a mini set that is available exclusively on the Girls of DBB app.

It was a pretty great day and a great end to my Route 66 trip and a nice ending to the Road Strip series!

Watch the final episode of Road Strip here and check out these three fun unpublished 35mm outtakes below from our trip to the end of the road!

Miss Crash Route 66

Miss Crash Route 66

Miss Crash Route 66

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Introducing Igor 35

I have spent an unreasonable amount of time organizing every photo I have ever taken. The ideas is to create a series of portfolio sites that I can gain new clients with and keep being able to pay for food to go in my face. The problem is I still have more than three years of digital photos to go through still. But fortunately (or unfortunately for my career) I have already finished organizing my 35mm photos and I have launched my first portfolio site: Igor 35.

The site is a very small selection of my 35mm photography. Primarily snap shot work taken over the last 7 years, it contains a dozen small galleries of work, each representing a project or body of work. It is still a work in progress but I figured I would finally show it off to more than the people who follow me on Twitter.

The main problem with the site is that it’s incredibly bi-polar and features everything from soft black and white work to some of the most graphic and horrifying  images I have ever posted. That brings me to the second problem with the site… no one who sees this site will ever hire me for anything. It’s extremely fucked up and very NSFW. You have been warned.

Igor 35 has a ton of unpublished work on it, as well as shots from my first book, Get Your Kicks, my new book Dinner With Igor and my infamous unpublished book Drink Fight Fuck. I hope you dig it.

Click here to visit Igor 35! 

Igor 35

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Meet Alex.

Hi guys, this is Alex. She is a total babe. I met her a couple years ago through a mutual babe friend. We quickly decided we should do a photo shoot at Coney Island but then it didn’t happen that summer, or the next summer… most people would have given up, but when it comes to photographing cute ladies I am relentless and it finally paid off!

Several weeks ago Alex finally had some free time and we took the train down to Coney Island. I had some expired film that I wanted to experiment so we took a few photos on the train. They didn’t come out very well but I included two of them in this set. I then put a roll of black and white film in my SLR camera and had new color film in my point and shoot. I ended up shooting three or four rolls of color, a full roll of black and white and the end of the expired roll. In all I ended up with a nice gallery of 35mm photos of Alex that I think you are going to dig.

As soon as we got off the train we went directly to Nathan’s Famous because a trip to Coney Island without a Nathan’s hot dog is sacrilegious. From there we hit the beach and it was pretty funny to see Alex in her bikini walking around with me wearing all black and boots on the sand. Some teenage boys wanted to know if she was a famous model and if they could take pictures with her.

From there we clearly hit some rides… first the Cyclone because it’s the best roller coster in the world. It’s completely terrifying and at least three people have died on it in my lifetime. Our best photo opportunity came on the Wonder Wheel and we shot a few topless shots on there which makes it the fourth ferris wheel in one calendar year that I photographed someone topless on – Navy Pier in Chicago, City Museum in St. Louis and Santa Monica Pier in CA round out the list.

After that we grabbed some funnel cake and some absurd drinks, got Alex topless on the boardwalk and finally headed home. It was a really day and I got some nice photos of an awesome babe that I have been trying to photograph for ages. Hopefully another two years won’t go by before I get to photograph her again. Thanks for the adventure Alex!

Now click here to see the full gallery of 35mm images of Alex at Coney Island!

Ps. These photos are available in high resolution on the Girls of Driven By Boredom app!

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

Alex @ Coney Island

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