New DBB Tattoo: Aussie Edition

First, I just wanted to update you on my life. I have been in Vegas for the last two days and things have been pretty crazy. They have lived up to the hype of the AVN porn weekend madness that one expects from this insane trip. I will have pretty crazy pictures next week.  I have slept even less than I normally sleep and I am sort of losing it. The wifi at my hotel is fucking horrible so updating my site has been next to impossible. I am fighting through this shit now. I really hope I am going to be able to upload the pictures below.  It took me forever to update my Tumblr but you should check it as there are a couple of crazy pics over there. Hopefully I will be all settled by Monday and will have time to edit and start uploading pictures…

Now, to the meat of this update.  My friend Rhiannon was visiting the US from Australia for New Years and decided to get a Driven By Boredom tattoo.  Of all the people with the tattoo she has been reading Driven By Boredom the longest.  When I first started DBB about 10 years ago I was actively involved in a community of some of the first bloggers. People who ran what was then called E/N sites or “Everything/Nothing” sites. They were the first people just blogging about bullshit. Rhiannon was part of that scene and I talked to her almost daily online for years. About two years ago she came to the states and wanted to meet some of the people she had been talking with for years including another Rhiannon who I actually went to college with. I hung out with them then and we had a little web reunion with some people and it was a lot of fun.  This time she came back and I ended up spending a few days with the Rhiannon’s and Aussie Rhi wanted to get a tattoo to commemorate her trip and she thought the DBB tattoo would sort of sum up the weird several years of her life when she was actively blogging and engaged in a community of geeky strangers all over the world. And I was happy to oblige her and we headed over to Glamour Garage and hit up the amazing Jess Versus got that shit done.

Click here to see more pictures of Driven By Boredom tattoos including more pictures of Rhi’s tats once I get to LA and can upload them!

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NC-17 – 1.30.11

Okay. Leaving for Vegas in a few hours. It’s god damned 6am. I just took my sleeping pills and I am going to speed fucking update so I can wake up and fucking pack and make it to my flight. God willing I will be in Vegas by dinner.  Let’s do this.

These pictures are so last year. On New Years Eve Eve I took my Australian friend Rhiannon to Lit for the NC-17 party because I feel like everyone needs to experience Lit at least once in their lives. Jess and Bastard were DJing downstairs so I figured I could get her free drinks too. It worked. She got wasted, we partied, good times were had. Also to note is that this gallery is NSFW because Jess hired Dangrr Doll to go-go and she brought out a bunch of burlesque kids who got wild on the dance floor, started taking clothes off and biting each other.  It was that kinda a night. I support all of that and I know you do so…

Click here to see all the pictures from NC-17 at Lit. And see you in a different time zone motherfuckers.

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Some Things To Mention Before I Leave Town

I am leaving town for a two week trip to Vegas and Los Angeles, but don’t worry I have plenty of stuff to update the site with while I am gone.  I still have two parties and two naked girls left over plus some surprises. I will even try to get an update up before I leave tomorrow so I don’t leave you guys hanging. That being said I have a few things I wanted to mention that I figured I could put all in one update so I get this important stuff out of the way before I leave town. So let’s get into it…

The first thing is the most important. I have shot a number of events that featured the Disgraceland Hook Squad. This is a group of crazy kids who do suspensions and flesh pulls and all sorts of other insane shit involving sticking giant hooks into themselves and running around like mad men. You can’t help but love them.  Several of their members got into a car accident back in July and while most of them are recovered one of the people, Spliff is still in the hospital and needs financial help so he can raise the money to move from Texas to NYC.  They were in Texas when the accident happened and they have had to stay there all these months.  They have found a treatment center in NYC that will take Spliff but it’s going to cost a huge amount of money to bring him home. They need to get back home now because his wife Jill, who was also in the accident, is about to have their first child.  She needs her family and friends help to raise the baby and also take care of Spliff so they need to get home before the baby is born. My friend Doug who introduced me to Spliff and Disgraceland has written this blog with a lot more details. You can go there or to Spliff and Jill’s website to donate money.  So many people came out for Jessie Lee when she got injured, I hope you have a little more in you to donate to another friend of the Driven By Boredom family.

On a much happier note I am in a group show at Shadow’s Space art gallery in Philly.  Shadow’s Space is the sister gallery of Fuse gallery in NYC and I am pretty excited to be showing there.  The group show is called “Paper Trails” and it is curated by NYC graffiti icon Chris “DAZE” Ellis.  DAZE and I collaborated on some work for a show a long time ago and I was really glad he thought of me when curating this show.  Unfortunately I am not going to be able to make the opening on Friday because I will be in Vegas but I know a bunch of people from Philly read this site so I hope you guys check out the show. I have four 11×17 photos in it, all shot on 35mm, and they are all of girls naked in public on the streets of NYC.  They are pretty rad.

While we are here I guess I should talk a little about my trip too.  I am headed to Vegas for the weekend to shoot the Adult Entertainment Expo, the AVN Awards, the Consumer Electronics Showcase and all the goings on before and after these events for the Village Voice and the LA Weekly. I might actually skip the AVN Awards and for some reason I haven’t heard back about my CES press credentials yet but I’ll play it by ear when I get there.  I never know what the hell I am doing in Vegas but I do know that I booked a two bedroom hotel suite for myself for some reason so I am going to have some fun either way. After Vegas I am headed to LA for just over a week.  I don’t really have any plans but I think I found a place to stay and I have set up shoots with a bunch of girls. I am going to be doing some more work for the LA Weekly and hoping to shoot some random parties while I am there.  There is also a benefit for Jessie Lee on Thursday which I will be blogging about next week. I am also going to see Jessie Lee for the first time since her accident as she is finally moving to LA the day before I get there. The whole trip should be a lot of fun, a little bit relaxing and hopefully very productive.  It better be because it will be a miracle if I break even on the adventure.  Either way I will be updating DBB often while I am gone so keep coming back. Also, I will be updating my Tumblr with previews of all the crazy shit I am shooting while I am in LA so you should probably get on that.  And of course following my Twitter while I am adventuring is a fucking given.

Finally, I figured I would leave you guys with something fun.  If you have ever wondered to do the secret handshake pioneered by NY nightlife icons like Ninjasonik and The Death Set there is now a how to video which will teach you the handshake. Looks like the “Slap Slap Slap Pound Up Down Slap Snap” handshake is not so secret anymore. You no longer have any excuse not to be down. Get on it.


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I have had a profile on the site Model Mayhem for a while but I haven’t met too many models on it.  I have used it mostly when I have been out of town to find people but off the top of my head I can’t really think of any local New Yorkers I have shot off there. I still check out the site once in a while and a few weeks ago I came across a girl named Yesenia. She had a natural beauty to her and I knew when I saw her I really wanted to shoot some soft found light stuff with her since I am trying to use my flash a lot less and I still hate the burden of lights.  I also wanted to play more with my 50mm 1.4 lens. I hit her up and she seemed really into the idea of shooting with me so we made plans.

The day we set to shoot I was really sick.  I had already broken one meeting which I almost never do so I knew I couldn’t skip out on her again.  I didn’t really have a location planned anyway so I figured the best thing to do would be to try to shoot in my apartment.  I have shot here before and I didn’t really want to use my place again but I didn’t really see any other options.  There was some light coming in the window that I thought I could use so I stuck her in the very corner of my living room and I sort of laid my sick self down on the couch and shot from there.

Originally I didn’t think I loved any of the photos and I still really want to shoot with her again but after I adjusted the color balance of a few of them they began to grow on me.  They are obviously a lot different than the drunk girls in bathroom shoots most people expect from me so I hope you like these shots.  Let me know what you think in the comments.

Click here to see all the nude pictures of Yesenia hanging out in my apartment. They are of course NSFW.

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Webster Hall New Year’s Eve – 12.31.10

Welcome back and happy 2011. This is the first post of the new year and hopefully it will be a good one.   I went to Webster Hall for New Years Eve and although I had a few other plans I ended up being there all night. As you may know I don’t drink except on rare occasions, NYE being one of those, and after more than a dozen bourbons I was not really thinking about heading to Brooklyn except to my bed.  That being said I didn’t actually get home until about 7 and I don’t think I was asleep until 10 or 11.  Fun.

So I got to Webster Hall about 5 shots of 90% bourbon into my night and I was pretty ready to go. It was just before midnight so I took a few photos upstairs and then made my way to the stage where there was some stage show I can’t even explain was going on.  They had vegas show girls and some sort of crazy clown man and then at midnight they dropped 100,000 balloons on us and a naked New Years baby came out… or was that a dwarf?  Who really knows…

After that I went upstairs to where Trash was and those guys gave me some drink tickets and I continued getting retarded.  I made out with some guidette for some reason and then it’s sort of a blur after that. I actually pissed in two water bottles on stage. It was pretty fantastic.  I was probably 10 drinks into the night when the Burning Angel crew showed up.  I drank some of their vodka at which point things really got sloppy.  I am pretty sure I made out with about four more people from that point onward.  Joanna Angel did a burlesque number and then there was a gay naked cowboy followed by Bella Vendetta and Draven doing a Freddy Vs. Jason strip show. I was just laying on the stage for most of it but a woman named Claudette was holding on to me and that kept me upright and shooting.

By the time that was over the Bloody Beatroots were playing downstairs so I stumbled my way back to the stage. I had to climb over the barrier that separated the crowd from the stage and it was a miracle that my camera survived. I made a good faith attempt to shoot the Beatroots but I was clearly way too drunk at that point to even try.  I climbed on stage and took a few crowd shots and then made my way back upstairs to just sit down for a while. It was all pretty much disastrous but I don’t think I did anything really stupid and I started sobering up by the end of the night so it all worked out for the best I think.  There worst thing to happen was that about 50 shots were ruined because of something on my lens causing the middle of every shot to be blurry. I love that I didn’t even notice…

Anyway it was a fun night and the pictures are pretty NSFWYou should look at all of the in focus shots from Webster Hall’s 2011 New Year’s Eve celebration by clicking right here. Happy New Year.

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