Playhouse – 3.11.09

Playhouse was sort of nuts last night.  I don’t really know what to say that is different from past weeks, but the party is always crazy.  People just get destroyed at around 3am, weird things happen.  Lots of making out, lots of dirty dancing, lots of skin… I am going to go eat dinner, so let’s just let these photos speak for themselves.  There is a little bit of birthday nipples, so happy birthday Katie and the gallery is therefore NSFW. Dig it.







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DBB Anniversary Part 2: Playhouse – 3.4.09

I have to say it was completely amazing to see a room full of people wearing my t-shirt. Wednesday night was a fucking blast. I gave out so many damned shirt that I think I am going to have to do a second run to fulfill all the people who ordered free ones. I am going to give a ton more tonight at Trash so come to Webster Hall. Mention DBB at the Studio door for reduced admission. Or you could hit me up to get on my guest list.

Anyway, last night was intense. My brother came out wearing an Italian silk suit that he paid $100 dollars for in Thailand and the proceeded to get extremely drunk. I jumped around and poured Vodka down everyone’s throat and tried to have a good time despite totally stressing about passing out shirts. I just tried to cure my nerves by hitting on girls who are about the same age I was when I started this site… 8 years ago. People kept congratulating me on the Anniversary which is sort of funny because it is not really a HUGE accomplishment to have had what basically amounts to a glorified live journal page for a little under a decade. I need to throw a party for my 1 year anniversary of joining Twitter whenever that happens. Any excuse to get a free bottle of vodka to spill all over people.

I wanna thank my intern Michael for helping me pass out shirts all night and of course I need to give a shout out to Kill Shop Kill for providing all the shirts. You guys gotta check out their store on N. 5th and Bedford. It is sick. I stopped by to pick up the shirts and it looks amazing. I hadn’t seen it since the opening. Lot of rad shit in there. UPDATE: Aaron from KSK wanted me to let you know that if you mention me (Igor) or this site you get 10% off anything in the store!

I was too busy passing out t-shirts and acting a fool to be taking very good pictures, but some of them are pretty fun. I will probably post most photos of people rocking my fresh gear and people getting my vodka thrown on them below though so you are actually going to have to click here to see the best stuff from the gallery.







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Playhouse – 2.25.09

 Due to my growing addiction to the internet and an inopportune stop by the police I was really late for Playhouse at Cain last night.  I was already running a bit late, when I drove up 3rd Avenue like a maniac swerving in and out of cars like I was in the Kentucky Derby (if the Kentucky Derby involved cars).  Suddenly I look behind me and there is a cab with police lights pulling me over.  Taxi cops!  I didn’t get a cash cab, or a taxi cab confession, I got two cops shining their flashlights on me asking me if I had any weapons, like bats or knives inside my car.  After a holding me there for a while, they came back all nice and told me to get my break light fixed.  Woops.

Anyway, the party was fun even though I was late.  I made up for it and basically closed the bar down.   There were a bunch of cute 18 year old girls all making out with each other which makes for generally cheesy photos, but was pretty fun.  And you know, maybe some other people got in on the action… other people that happen to run this website… Seriously though, it’s okay.  I can make out with a bunch of girls 10 years younger than me because it is SPRING BREAK 2000!!!  Wooo!! What happens at Playhouse stays at Playhouse… unless I blog about it.  Fuck.

There are photos here.






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Playhouse – 2.18.09

Finally I got these photos up the day after I took them.  That has to be a first for Cain.  So when I got there, the place was so packed for the Richie Rich after party that I totally freaked out and nearly had a panic attack.  For someone who does event photography, I really don’t like crowds.  So I just sort of stood off to the side and evidently missed shots of Richie and Pam Anderson.  I am not sure how that actually happened, but clearly I fucked up.  I took shots of people until the room emptied out a bit and I had room to set up the photo booth.  Once I started doing that I got in a much better mood and I got some fun shots.  You can see them all here.






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Playhouse – 2.11.09

I feel like every single time I shoot Cain something disastrous happens to my website making it impossible to get the images up on time. Maybe it was a Friday the 13th curse, but some file just went missing on my site. It just ran away. My webmaster and my host are not exactly sure what happened but the best guess is that when my host tried to restore my site using a backup, they used a back up on my server called “backup” which was a back up from a year ago. Once my webmaster figured that out, he restored my site from the correct backup and things were mostly fixed. There were some weird glitches still, but I am under the impression that everything is running smoothly now. Now, I have no idea what I am talking about, so any of the things I just said may or may not be true. So if you are an IT guy and none of that makes sense, well, it doesn’t make sense to me either. The one positive to come out of this is that we are going to reorganize my site in order to make sure things like this don’t happen again, which will probably be better in the long run.

This crash did not come at a great time. I was almost caught up with everything. I had all the photos from my trip up and I was about to get back to blogging about all sorts of things and not just photos. Almost back to getting photos up sooner rather than later. Unfortunately this crash set me back a few days, screwed up my planned Valentines Day update, and due to a busy fashion week, I shot 6 parties in two days, so I am WAY behind now. Some of those parties were private though and won’t go online, but I still have 1400 images to edit today.

On the positive side I now have an LLC and a tax ID number and things and I got hooked up with Dell Small Business and got a really cheap computer specifically for photo editing. I need to get a PC version of CS (I have Adobe PS 5.5 on there now) but in the mean time it is going to allow me to batch edit much faster and give me a chance to go back over the last years photos and hopefully organize a portfolio.

Now, onto the Playhouse photos. I did another photo booth. I was super sick when I did this. I should have slept in, but I needed the money. Things weren’t working really well and I was super grumpy and mean to people. Eventually I cheered up, got some nice shots and probably gave my cold to a number of unsuspecting cute girls. I am still sick, but I feel like I am almost better. I hope I get better soon because it seems to me that I am much worse at photography when I am sick. I just can’t deal with people as well and focus on several things at once. That being said, the Playhouse photos are pretty fun, and you should check them out right now by clicking this link that is a different color from the rest of the text.








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Playhouse Photobooth – 2.4.09

So I have had this up for a few hours without any text here, and the response is really positive… Which is slightly disappointing.  I am glad people like the photos, but I think my event work is much stronger than this photo booth.  It just shows that people like super mediocre studio-esque work more than they do the best of my event work.  What if I actually knew what I was doing and lit people properly, you guys would be going crazy… Still I think I am going to have to continue doing the booth at least one more week.  So come out Wednesday and I will shoot you in my box.  Speaking of, what about photo booths make people take their clothes off?  People were going nuts in there.  One girl takes her shirt off causing a streak of five girls to do the same.  That is my kind of party, I have already had to take down photos for people…  NSFW of course.

So yeah, good times were had for sure, I don’t really like standing in the corner of the room all night, but maybe I can get someone to assist me next week and bring me models and watch the booth whist I go pretend to dance. That might be more fun, anyone up for the (non-paying) job?  Also, I have received a number of texts and emails about these photos, I just wish you guys would make the comments on the site, and not to my phone.  It makes me really excited when that little number below the post says something other than (0).  So, if you like these, or hate them, let me know about it via comments… That goes for future posts too.

And lastly, completely unrelated, if there are any NYC based tattoo artists out there reading this site, send me an email.  I have an idea.

Click here for crazy good photo booth times!








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Playhouse – 1.28.09

Okay, finally.  It is 8AM, but I am predating this to yesterday. Weird night last night, and Friday night, but I guess we will get to that later.

Playhouse at Cain was my first night shooting back in NYC and I had a lot of fun.  I met some new kids, and reacquainted myself with this adorable girl I knew from High Voltage back in the day.  I messed around with an idea for a photo booth for next time maybe.  You can see the experiments at the end of the gallery; the mostly red images.  I don’t really have a whole lot to say about the evening, because it happened several days ago.  This always happens when I let a few days pass before getting up images.  Oh well, hopefully I can remember some of the interesting shit that happened on Friday when I update when I wake up, assuming I have time to update before the Super Bowls.  Okay, just click on this link and see the damn pictures, there are a bunch of good ones.  I had a good night.







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Playhouse – 1.7.08

So yesterday was total bullshit.  I waited for an hour in a line for the second day at a row at the post office to be once again told that they couldn’t find my package.  Then my insurance company decided not to cover my sleeping pills for some reason this month.  And then I went to Cain and right as I was about to leave this drunk girl told me I was her boyfriend and started making out with me.  When I told her I had to leave she got kinda annoyed.  I turned to my friend and kissed her on the cheek goodbye and the girl fucking lost her shit and started screaming at me.  She slapped me like 4 times.  I sort of thought she was joking and kept telling her it was nice to meet her, but she just kept yelling about how she was going to ruin me and how much hotter she was than that girl and how she was going to smash my camera and bring a law suit against me.  When I turned to leave she stuck her finger in my ear.  I also took a nap yesterday, evidently in the middle of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I woke up with jelly all over my pillow.  Fucking classic.

Anyway, I am leaving town on this crazy trip in a few hours and I need to sleep, so dig on these photos from Cain last night and try not to mind the lack of updates over the next while.  I might not post as often, but the posts should be fucking awesome.  There are a lot of hot girls in Vegas and LA.  Sundance should be cool too.  Okay.  See you soon.  I’ll be updating Twitter often.  Follow me. Oh, just an FYI these photos run a bit dark because I was experimenting with a new flash.  It is what it is.




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Playhouse – 12.17.08

Another Wednesday night at Cain.  It was super packed for Felix Da Housecat.  It was maybe a little too crowded, but I sometimes get claustrophobed.  I know that is not a word, but I use it a lot, so you are going to just have to deal with that.  I also sort of hate people who give me shit about taking their photo at these things.  It makes me want to just shoot my friends and no one else.  People act like they are some fucking rock star.  “Don’t take my picture, I am a model!”  Seriously, I don’t give a fuck.  I take photos so people can see themselves online, its fun, or because people pay me to take it.  If you don’t want your photo taken, that is fine by me, just don’t be a dick about it.  I seriously could care less about taking your photo. Then again, the exact opposite is true about the party.  On the other half of the room from all the models and rich douche bags, are the trannies and queers who love to get their picture taken.  You guys are the best.

Anyway, sorry for bitching.  I am just really tired.  I have some time off work for the holidays and hopefully it will be the break I need to get my shit back on track.  Anyway, last night for the most part was actually really fun and I took some good photos.  You can see the pictures here.







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