Playhouse – 2.11.09

I feel like every single time I shoot Cain something disastrous happens to my website making it impossible to get the images up on time. Maybe it was a Friday the 13th curse, but some file just went missing on my site. It just ran away. My webmaster and my host are not exactly sure what happened but the best guess is that when my host tried to restore my site using a backup, they used a back up on my server called “backup” which was a back up from a year ago. Once my webmaster figured that out, he restored my site from the correct backup and things were mostly fixed. There were some weird glitches still, but I am under the impression that everything is running smoothly now. Now, I have no idea what I am talking about, so any of the things I just said may or may not be true. So if you are an IT guy and none of that makes sense, well, it doesn’t make sense to me either. The one positive to come out of this is that we are going to reorganize my site in order to make sure things like this don’t happen again, which will probably be better in the long run.

This crash did not come at a great time. I was almost caught up with everything. I had all the photos from my trip up and I was about to get back to blogging about all sorts of things and not just photos. Almost back to getting photos up sooner rather than later. Unfortunately this crash set me back a few days, screwed up my planned Valentines Day update, and due to a busy fashion week, I shot 6 parties in two days, so I am WAY behind now. Some of those parties were private though and won’t go online, but I still have 1400 images to edit today.

On the positive side I now have an LLC and a tax ID number and things and I got hooked up with Dell Small Business and got a really cheap computer specifically for photo editing. I need to get a PC version of CS (I have Adobe PS 5.5 on there now) but in the mean time it is going to allow me to batch edit much faster and give me a chance to go back over the last years photos and hopefully organize a portfolio.

Now, onto the Playhouse photos. I did another photo booth. I was super sick when I did this. I should have slept in, but I needed the money. Things weren’t working really well and I was super grumpy and mean to people. Eventually I cheered up, got some nice shots and probably gave my cold to a number of unsuspecting cute girls. I am still sick, but I feel like I am almost better. I hope I get better soon because it seems to me that I am much worse at photography when I am sick. I just can’t deal with people as well and focus on several things at once. That being said, the Playhouse photos are pretty fun, and you should check them out right now by clicking this link that is a different color from the rest of the text.








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Comments (2)


  1. Anonymous
    February 26th, 2009 | 7:07 pm

    monique santiago from True Beauty is in these pics

  2. February 26th, 2009 | 7:20 pm

    hmm… I don’t know what that is, but I googled it, and that monique rules. i hung out with her mom.

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