Jane Wilde Is Back

An LA trip I went on in July 2019 still haunts me because I keep forgetting about the folder. Usually I organize everything by date but this trip I shot so much stuff I gave it it’s own folder and it’s at the very end of my 2019 folder and none of this matters except that when I am looking for stuff to post I keep missing that folder and there’s some great stuff in there like today’s shoot with Jane Wilde. I still have three shoots left from that trip to post after this one, but I wrote them down now so hopefully I will remember to get them up soon. Moving on.

The first time I shot Jane we took some really cool stuff walking around NYC. She grew up here so she was back visiting family and we have a pretty fun adventure. I was very excited to shoot her again so when I was back in LA I of course hit her up. She was hanging out with her friend Nigel and I knew him from Twitter so he said I could come by and shoot at his place. He’s got a pool and a rad dog and it was a good time.

On the minus side it was really fucking bright which led to nearly all the early photos we shot having these really harsh shadows, or Jane squinting, or in a lot of cases both. We problem solved by shooting in the shade and got some nice stuff that way and later in the day we ended up getting a few more shots in the pool when the sun was lower in the sky. Don’t worry, we got plenty of stuff you guys will enjoy.

Speaking of stuff you will enjoy, if you want to see a bunch of underwater stuff we shot I edited a bunch of it together and you can buy it for like $5 on Girls of DBB. Or you can subscribe to my OnlyFans and the footage is on there too, just not edited together and you gotta search for it because I put it up a while ago but it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Lastly, back on Girls of DBB, I posted all of these photos on there yesterday in high resolution, plus some explicit shots that are only on that site. You know the deal. With no events to photograph this stuff is all my income so I gotta be extra annoying about this stuff.

Okay, let’s get to some pictures. You will like them because Jane is really easy to take pictures of. It’s just a fact. Ps. Thanks to Nigel for letting me shoot at his place and pet his dog.

Click here to see all the NSFW pool day pics of Jane Wilde!

Jane Wilde

Jane Wilde

Jane Wilde

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