Juggalo Night Court

One of the things people seem most interested at the Gathering of the Juggalos is the concept of “juggalo justice”. I remember when I first went to the Gathering 5 years ago I heard they put people in cages if they break juggalo law. Then a few years ago someone was caught stealing and juggalos destroyed his car completely. When my reporter friends talked to the cops this year they told them that “Juggalos have their own court system. They police themselves.” Is juggalo justice a thing?

Kinda. Juggalos are pretty cool to each other, certainly more than at any other festival I’ve been to. One of the food vendors in his 60s told me that it was just like Woodstock. Of course there are a lot of really shitty juggalos there too and if you get caught stealing or something, God help you cause juggalos will fuck your shit up. But the juggalo court system is not a real thing… it’s just something entertaining to do in the middle of the night.

If you go to juggalo night court you can take someone to court and “Judge High Bone” will hear your case and juggalos will vote on who has to spin “the wheel of bone”. If you win you get a free t-shirt. If you lose you get tortured for juggalos amusement. The whole  thing is pretty entertaining, but the cases are rarely actual complaints, just shit made up to get a free t-shirt and see their buddy get fucked with.

The photos I took of the whole thing are pretty mediocre but Daniel Hill of the River Front Times wrote a great article about it using my photos so just read that and then if you really want you can…

Click here to see all my photos from Juggalo Night Court at the 2014 Gathering of the Juggalos. Oh yeah, they are NSFW.

Judge High Bone

Wheel Of Bone

Juggalo Night Court

Juggalo Night Court

Juggalo Night Court

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