Haley Ann

When I went to Cleveland on the Why Do I Live Like This mini tour I was in sort of a bad mood. I didn’t want to take photos and I was just sitting in the back of this club called B Side playing on my iPad. Prince Terrence came back there and while trying convince me to take photos started a conversation with one of the hottest girls in the place. Her name was Haley Ann and it turns out, as I mentioned in a previous post, that she ran the clubs blog and seemed to know everyone at the party. She walked me around and introduced me to people and we ended up hanging out mot of the night. Towards the end she showed me some photos of her on her iPhone and I pulled out my iPad and showed her the rough edits of this book I am working on. She loved the photos and we started talking about taking photos.

At the end of the night after the bar closed and while Terry and Dances With White Girls were waiting to get paid Haley pulled me into the men’s room for a few naked photos. I have sort of been trying to avoid bathroom shoots but she was super into it and I haven’t done one in a while so it seemed like a good idea. People kept coming in to piss and spy on the shoot so I took a few pictures of her and Dances and Terry.  Tragically after about 20 pictures my camera battery died on me which almost never happens. I guess I had forgotten to switch batteries out after the Kentucky Derby. So the shoot was cut short, but Haley is a total babe so I am sure you will dig on the photos anyway… NSFW of course.

Click here too see all the pictures of the super radical and obviously babelicious Haley Ann from Cleveland.

Haley Ann Nude

Haley Ann

Haley Ann Naked

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