Buy Art; Buy Merch: The DBB Store Opens Today!

For the nine year anniversary of DBB I was going to launch my web store and my new Picture Of The Month project but I didn’t have my shit together in time.  I was just going to wait until April since I am gone for most of this month, but I decided to do the free Anniversary Party at Webster Hall tonight, I figure I could launch the projects today.

First: The Web Store.

You can now buy Driven By Boredom stuff!  I have T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Stickers and Buttons.  You get a button and a sticker with any other order, but you can buy a pack of buttons four for $5 or five stickers for $2.  We have T-shirts for $15 and totes for $10.

Also in the store we have the two things that Driven By Boredom Productions has released.  The Gaskets live concert film Lose Change Live DVD for only $5 and the DC rock band Greenland’s first album Call Message for $10.

And finally we come to part two of this post: Print Of The Month!

Each month, for at minimum the next 6 months I am going to be releasing a limited run of one photo.  These photos will be 11″x14″ 35mm signed and numbed prints out of an edition of 25.  I wanted to keep them super affordable so my friends and fans could buy them without breaking the bank so they are only $50. Considering I have sold prints for $250 before that is a pretty good deal I think.  At the end of each month any unsold prints will have their price raised to $100 to encourage people to buy them early and to instantly raise their value.  The prints will also be available in a 16″x20″ version for $150 rising to $250 at the end of the month.

On top of this, I am offering people a special deal on a six month subscription.  You can buy all 6 prints at $50 each for a grand total of $300, but when buying them you also get a 7th bonus print free. You also get the same number in all 7 prints so if you are the 9th person to order a subscription all your prints will be 9/25 giving subscribers a lower edition number.  There are only 10 subscriptions available and the 7th print is out of an edition of only 10. I have already sold five subscriptions. So if you are interested in that you should act quickly. If you want a subscription and you live in NYC contact me before ordering and we can meet up so you can save on shipping.  Each print is a secret until it is announced but at least the first 6 are all NYC based street photography.  If you are seriously considering buying a subscription, contact me and I might be able to show you all of the images.

Lastly I just wanted to say that because I am going out of town for the last three weeks of March nothing will be shipped until I get back unless I get enough orders to justify me getting my shit together and mailing stuff out. After I get back I will be shipping at least once a week. Just be warned.

Now, without further ado I want to announce the first print for March. It is a warehouse I found in Willamsburg filled with nothing but kegs. Order today!


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Vicki Naked In The Snow

Another blizzard another “Who wants to take naked pictures in the snow?” tweet. This time my friend Vicki responded.  I have shot her before, but anyone willing to get naked in the snow needs to be photographed again.  I tried to meet up with her before I watched the US/Finland Olympic Hockey game last weekend but we got our signals crossed so it didn’t happen.  I was watching the game in a bar on St. Marks St. when I got her call.

She met me out right before third period started.  We ran outside into Astor Place on the corner of 3rd Ave and St Marks and just started shooting. No one really bugged us or paid attention.  This is why NYC is so great.  I did over hear one person say “If she want attention so much, I’m not going to give it to her” but that was about it.  I went back into the bar and looked at the photos.  I decided we needed to get a few more so we went back outside for another few minutes.  This time we got a crowd of people with camera phones but no one really bothered us.

It was my first time shooting with my new telephoto lens so I wasn’t quite used to the focusing and the depth of field issues, but I think we got some good shots and I can tell I am going to love this lens.  That being said I think one of the better shots was one I took with my 35mm point in shoot.  I posted it on my new Tumblr.

Anyway, check out all the pictures of Vicki naked in the middle of NYC during a blizzard.  You will be glad you did.  NSFW of course.




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DBB 9th Anniversary Party

 Hey kids! Driven By Boredom turned 9 years old on Monday and we are having a party! I am going to be hosting and I will have booze and there will be fun times and dancing magically. There will be a slide show of my images from the last few years projected on the stage.  There are 500 images so chances are you are in there somewhere. As you can see by the flyer it is at Webster Hall.  You can get in for free if you use the side Studio entrance and tell Brendon at the door that you are there for the Driven By Boredom party.  It will be a lot of fun.  I won’t be there until after midnight probably, so let’s do this up really late.  Come eat food with me after at 430 am.  So much diner filled fun. How can you miss this?


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Ninjasonik’s Picture Party Video Shoot – 2.28.10

On Sunday I went down to watch the US / Canada Olympic hockey game at Nice Guy Eddie’s a sports bar that just happens to be right next to Ella where Ninjasonik was recording the video for their song “Picture Party” which features Anton Glamb of Radical Outing who wrote the hook. I stopped by during periods and then hung out after the game. Ironically the video is making fun of parties that people go to just to have their picture taken. It’s pretty much a shot at party photographers, so I sort of had to represent.  They put me in a couple shots but I’m not sure if I will actually be in the video, but they might incorporate some of my photos somehow.

A lot of these pictures aren’t so much pictures of the behind the scenes going on but just pictures of people partying.  At some point they were shooting upstairs and they had everyone go downstairs while they worked on a shot. Hiro was DJing downstairs and played some Radical Outing tracks and Star City started getting everyone going.  Three songs in and the place was going harder at 630PM than I have seen a club all year. It wasn’t even part of the video. Amazing.

The idea for the video is pretty clever, im not sure exactly how they are going to pull it off, but I can’t wait to see it.  I will keep it a secret until the video is out, but I promise I’ll post it when it comes out.  The video was directed by Lazlo who did the hilarious Somebody’s Gonna Get Pregnant video. I think it’s gonna be prety great.

Check out all the behind the scenes shots from the Picture Party Ninjasonik video shoot.










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Halfway There

I cannot act.  I have no idea why I was asked to co star in a short film for The New Pop.  I guess it had something to do with the fact that I am an nightlife photographer and the character was a nightlife photographer.  I was flattered to be asked, and I have been trying to get my friends to put me in their movies for ages so I said yes despite my reservations about my poor acting and some questionable bits in the script. We rehearsed a few times and each time completely rewrote the script.  The director Trevz has shot music videos and has ten years of behind the camera experience but had never directed anything with scripted dialogue. I am not sure he was prepared for what he was getting himself into.  He thought we could finish the whole thing in a few hours, but we went all night.  It was the coldest day of the fall and have the shoot was outside and we were miserable.  No one really knew what we were doing and we kept missing parts.  I sort of took command of making sure we got everything while Trevz made sure he got amazing shots.  I think everyone was a bit annoyed at me when I kept making us redo things. Luckily we got everything shot, and if nothing else the footage looked incredible.  Trevz did a few edits that got better each time, but it never really came together the way he thought it would.  I just think we needed more time preparing, and it would have been nice to have shot on a warmer day, but you live and you learn.  Trevz clearly knows what he is doing behind the camera and has a vision, he just needs a little more practice.  I can’t wait to see his next attempt.

Anyway, the project was almost scrapped, but Trevz figure out away to keep some of it alive.  He cut it down from 7 minutes to just over two minutes and created a little snippet that is totally different from the original film.  It was a pretty great move to save it.  My favorite part was the end, which is completely gone now, but he told me that it might end up becoming the opening to his next film, so we will just wait and see. Read Trevz take on the whole thing here.

If nothing else, you get to see me looking really tired in a wife beater.  And while it is pretty clear I have no acting talents, I still want to be in all my friends movies, so please cast me already.  I need to start putting together a reel.  Oscar or bust motherfucker.

The Scene Episode 2 from trevz on Vimeo.

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The Vice Bottle Report

All the time I see people with huge shopping carts full of recyclable bottles and cans. I assumed most of these people were homeless, but then I started to wonder if people could make a living from recycling bottles.  It turns out you can’t… but you can make enough to eat and from what I can tell that keeps a lot of people from having to rob people to survive and keeps proud people from having to beg for money. They can actually work for it.

I wanted to talk to these people to find out more, but I didn’t really have a reason.  I had been talking to my friend Brendan Sullivan (DJ VH1) for a while about doing a project together after reading his private blog. His writing is outstanding and we have similar tastes in adventure.  I pitched him the idea for interviewing the bottle collectors of Alphabet City and then we pitched the idea to Vice.  They dug the idea so we went out all day once a week for about a month to talk to these people.  We found out a ton of stuff, and had some adventures.  Vice is publishing our tale on their blog every Tuesday in March.

Check out the first part of the story here.  It’s mostly an introduction, it gets progressively more interesting.


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Happy Birthday DBB; Plus Tattoos!

Driven By Boredom turns 9 today and I thought I was going to announce the opening of the DBB web store, but my intern seems to have quit on me and I am going to be gone for most of March so I couldn’t really send anything out, so I am going to hold off on it for a little bit. But be warned, I have stuff coming…

Nine years is a long time.  I went to the same school for nine years and it seemed like my entire life, yet I just got an email announcing my 10 year reunion.  Which is actually my 11 year reunion, but my school only does reunions every other year or something crazy like that.  Like we are paired up with the class of 2000.  It is very odd, but it reminds me that I need a celebrity girlfriend by May.  Any ideas?

So 9 years ago DBB wasn’t a party photo blog.  I mean, I put lots of photos on it, and it was a blog, but not anything like it is now.  I mean blog wasn’t even a word then.  I get more traffic now than I did back then, but it seemed like my site was a lot bigger.  1500 viewers a day was a much greater percentage of people using the internet.  Everyone commented and spent a long time on the site and were invested in my life for no reason other than it was there.  Now everyone’s existence is a mini blog via twitter and facebook and everything and no one really cares. Still, I have managed to maintain a fan base, over a very long time and I love you all.

Now to the meat of this post, more DBB tattoos!  Eight people now have my logo tattooed to them! My friend Jess over at Glamour Garage in Williamsburg did some more DBB tattoos for me today. She tattooed two ladies and my friend Nikki.  The two ladies are the lovely Vicki and Emily Delight.  Both of them are gonna have new nudes up on this site this week I think. They should be kinda awesome as they are both shot in public.  Also, all three of them got variations of the logo to some degree so that is fun.  And just FYI Vicki’s is just light blue but she was bleeding a lot so you can’t really tell.

Click here to see more shots of the three new DBB tattoos, as well as a bunch of shots of the old ones.




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