Happy Birthday DBB; Plus Tattoos!

Driven By Boredom turns 9 today and I thought I was going to announce the opening of the DBB web store, but my intern seems to have quit on me and I am going to be gone for most of March so I couldn’t really send anything out, so I am going to hold off on it for a little bit. But be warned, I have stuff coming…

Nine years is a long time.  I went to the same school for nine years and it seemed like my entire life, yet I just got an email announcing my 10 year reunion.  Which is actually my 11 year reunion, but my school only does reunions every other year or something crazy like that.  Like we are paired up with the class of 2000.  It is very odd, but it reminds me that I need a celebrity girlfriend by May.  Any ideas?

So 9 years ago DBB wasn’t a party photo blog.  I mean, I put lots of photos on it, and it was a blog, but not anything like it is now.  I mean blog wasn’t even a word then.  I get more traffic now than I did back then, but it seemed like my site was a lot bigger.  1500 viewers a day was a much greater percentage of people using the internet.  Everyone commented and spent a long time on the site and were invested in my life for no reason other than it was there.  Now everyone’s existence is a mini blog via twitter and facebook and everything and no one really cares. Still, I have managed to maintain a fan base, over a very long time and I love you all.

Now to the meat of this post, more DBB tattoos!  Eight people now have my logo tattooed to them! My friend Jess over at Glamour Garage in Williamsburg did some more DBB tattoos for me today. She tattooed two ladies and my friend Nikki.  The two ladies are the lovely Vicki and Emily Delight.  Both of them are gonna have new nudes up on this site this week I think. They should be kinda awesome as they are both shot in public.  Also, all three of them got variations of the logo to some degree so that is fun.  And just FYI Vicki’s is just light blue but she was bleeding a lot so you can’t really tell.

Click here to see more shots of the three new DBB tattoos, as well as a bunch of shots of the old ones.




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