Tao Park City – 1.16.09

Okay, I don’t know what it is with the photos I take at Cain, but for some reason, for the second week in a row, they have gotten super delayed.  That is a lot of probably unnecessary commas.  My gallery software is total bullshit and is in no way designed to deal with as many images as I give it, and once in a while for no reason it decides to rebuild itself which takes like 70 hours.  So it is just hanging out.  Just 30 hours left!  Fuck.  And while that is happening I can’t upload the Vice photos or the Webster Hall shots from last night.  Fuck.  In the mean time though I can get rid of some more of this Sundance stuff… Just 4 more galleries to go.

The first of the 4 remaining is from the makeshift Tao they build in Park City every year.  I have consciously avoided going to Tao in 3 different cities, yet somehow I got booked to shoot at the Utah Tao. Of course I was shooting for Le Tourment Vert absinthe and the idea was to get shots of celebs holding our drinks, or near our drinks, or near our sexy model dressed up as a green fairy.  This worked pretty well, but when I took a shot of Sting, he put down his drink before I took the picture and I got yelled at because he wasn’t holding the drink and the other sponsors would get mad or some insane drama like that.  It put me in kinda a bad mood, but in the mean time I got to meet Russel Simmons who is kinda a hero of mine and got to hang out with the fairy and one of the cocktail waitresses.  I met a cute girl from CSI named Cara Santana and her friend Aaron Paul who is on a few shows that I might watch if I had a TV.  The two of them have the same agent and he told them not to hook up with each other at Sundance, so they made me take a photo of them hugging each other looking all sexy like so their agent would think they were doing it.  Or something, they were cool kids.  I got off at 2AM and I was jut about to go upload photos when Paris Hilton rolled in.  My people told me to get the shot but her body guard was having none of it.  I was going to give up and I started to leave, but then I thought “Fuck it, I need this shot.”  I just sort of stayed in the back ground until she picked up a drink glass and toasted her friends with it.  That was it, our product was in the shot.  I took the photo and dipped before the body guard could give me shit.  Then I went home and spent 2 hours editing photos.  The end.

Check out all the shots here.  Oh, and I posted some of these shots before, so if you recognize them, it is from this post.





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Comments (1)


  1. chris
    February 8th, 2009 | 12:57 pm

    You must be cool to go to places like that!

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