Spread Party – 1.17.09

Ashton Kucher had a movie at Sundance called Spread. There was an after party for the premiere at the Entertainment Weekly Loft. It was sort of a crazy event. I met a lot of celebs at Sundance but the only time I got star struck was at this party. I got a shot of Slash and Anthony Kiedis together. When I saw Slash I wasn’t that excited, and when I saw Kiedis I wasn’t that exciting, but something about watching the two of them talk took me back to my childhood when Guns And Roses and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers were two of the biggest bands in my world (along with Motley Crue, Run DMC and Bel Biv Devoe). It just blew my mind a little bit. During the party Ashton made a toast to the cast of his film and said some really sweet stuff about Demi Moore and how he couldn’t live with out her. Everyone oohed. Reeve Carney played some musics and the whole thing was streamed live via little web cams the a number of people had, including Demi. I had a sort of amazing conversation with Reeve and Alan Cumming. I asked Mr. Cumming why he had a stamp on his forehead and he told me it was because he was too cold to take off his gloves so he told the door person to put the entry stamp on his head. Amazing. I shot Paris again, this time with her BFF Brittany Flickinger. I swear Brittany was making eyes at me, but maybe it was just because I was holding a camera.  But really I think we fell in love for a moment there.  She is actually asked me if I wanted to get a shot of her and Paris. She was holding our absinthe but wouldn’t hold it up into the shot because Paris has her own liquor company or something, but Paris did grab about a dozen mini bottles of Tourment for the road.

The party was a lot of fun, but I got out of there early because I had tons of editing to do before I crashed. I didn’t take that many shots, but most of the ones I did were of celebrities. You can check them out here, it is mildly exciting.






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Comments (3)


  1. Alfalfa
    February 7th, 2009 | 11:56 pm

    Dude that’s anthony kiedis!!!!!!!!!!! wow I would’vetaken a picture with him lol

  2. rhiannon
    February 8th, 2009 | 3:02 am

    AWESOME! i think i would have been most star-struck by Alan Cumming.

  3. February 8th, 2009 | 4:10 am

    Yeah, Alan Cumming was amazing. He asked me for my email because he wanted the pictures… but he never wrote…

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