Tuesday Is For Dancing

I hit up two spots, which are actually four spots, so I am just going to cram them into one page. I stopped by Beauty Bar for my friends new party The Pull Out Method. They used to have bands, but now its a biweekly dance party with a monthly rock show… or something like that. In the other room the Supersuckers were having their after party. The two crowds were not exactly in sync but I had a good times on both sides of the hallway. Then I ran over to Happy Endings to catch Disco Down and 66Sick. I figured 66Sick would be the place to be for fashion week, but I got there too late and it was a bit dead. Upstairs was fun but it was after three when I got there so I didn’t stay long…

So, here you go… Two bars, four parties and a lot of drunken party photos.





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Rock ‘N’ Roll Never Looked So Beautiful – 9.8.08

So Semi Precious Weapons, Mac, and Page 6 all got together and threw some sort of shin dig at Rebel. I got off work an hour early so I could show up. I took some really bad photos of SPW but then I hung out for a while and I got some okay shots and good times were had. Evidently the cast of the Real World Brooklyn was there and it was suggested by the powers that be that I get some shots of them. However, they would not let me take their photo as they were under contract and could only take photos with these little cameras that Mtv had given them. They seemed to feel pretty bad about this, as I am sure anyone who would go on the Real World must love having their picture taken. One of them whispered to me that I should just take photos of them when they were dancing and stuff. At some point Justin from SPW came over and started a scene of some sort and Mtv started filming and pretty much everyone in the place gathered about this little corner of the room and it was packed and crazy. Nicky and I were standing over there and got some shots of the madness. At one point I got Justin to crowd surf. I turned to one of the Real World guys and said “Something insane needs to happen now…” But it never really did. It ended as quickly as it began, but there was a lot of making out and screaming. Despite my hatred for reality television I had a pretty good time and they all seemed like decent people. I mean I am sure if I ever see an episode I will hate them all, but in real life they were pretty fun. Anyway, I just hope I don’t show up on TV as I am a fucking mess these days. I think I need to perm my hair, 70’s porno style. Anyway, the photos are here. I need to go to sleep.

Update: Evidently in the top photo a possibly gay, possibly engaged mormon named Chet Bannon Cannon is kissing a previous winner of America’s Next Top Model named Whitney Thompson. Evidently this is important enough to warrant coverage from Gawker and the Daily News. Fun. Update again: Gothamist and Village Voice… Since I work pretty regularly for the voice, I gave them a little interview, so you should read that.







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Semi Precious Weapons – 9.8.08

Last night I shot SPW at Rebel. There was a big party and fun times and all. I will have those photos up (including shots of the Real World Brooklyn cast) when I get in tonight (I hope), but for now here are some bad photos of the band. I mean seriously, there is not one good shot. I shouldn’t even upload them (too late). I blame the damn smoke machine. I had never seen them before; they were actually really fun and their fan base is nothing but hot girls (Unf!).


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Pop Off – 9.6.08

So Pop Off was last night. It was co-sponsored by Tattoo Society Magazine which was sort of a surprise. It was a pleasant one as it made for good photos and I got to meet a girl with a Charles Bronson tattoo which was extremely bad ass, despite as I told her, that he was in the worst movie of all time. My old school internet friends were in town, but Rebel was not their scene so they left pretty quickly but I stuck around and had a pretty good time. Anyway, the Dolphins lost today and I am horribly depressed so I am just going to end this post here and go to sleep again. This gallery is NSFW due to topless go-go dancers. Enjoy all these lovely photos.

PS. If there are any NYC Tattoo artists out there who read this and have any interest in tattooing my logo for free on a bunch of people in trade for me posting your portfolio and stuff, let me know. I keep meeting people who tell me that the will get my logo on them if I pay for it…






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In Case You Missed The RNC….

This could be one of the best things I have ever seen dealing with politics on the even smaller screen. And just FYI it is from 23/6 which is quickly becoming my favorite website. The Get Your War On cartoons are even better than the comic, and my man Eugene Mirman kills it 24/7.

UPDATE: THIS video is the best thing I have ever seen dealing with politics. Jesus. Today was a marquee day for RNC YouTube coverage.


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Friday Night With Cam Girls – 9.5.08

So back in the day when I started Driven By Boredom no on knew what a blog was. We called our random blog sites E/N sites which stood for Everything/Nothing. The derogatory understanding was that we talked about everything, but said nothing. To us E/N meant we could blog about everything or nothing and we did so constantly. We would link videos and pictures and blog about our lives or whatever. Most of these sites were run by guys. But we had sisters in arms. They were Cam Girls. To me cam girl sites were a waste of time. They were just wishlists and bullshit about their lives and some sexy pictures of often underage girls. They got as much traffic as we did, but only because of their looks, not because of their content. We figured out a pretty good system to spread the traffic out. They would make us fan signs. They would write our names on them or hold up a sign and then we would link the photos to their. This gave the E/N sites some sex appeal, and send the girls traffic. It was a good scheme. And a lovely community.

Some of these girls became my friends. I met the girl who ran Chelle Cam in real life in like 2002 and then again when I moved to NYC. Although she moved to Texas soon after I came to NYC. I met one of the three Rhiannons (Rhitard.com) at Penn State where we both attended. And I met a few others and a few web masters over the years. Recently one of the other Rhi’s who ran Munted Mess told me she was coming to the states for the first time in her life. She wanted to meet all of her old internet friends so she arranged a meet up. That meet up is happening right now and hopefully I will get over there soon.

Anyway, both Rhi’s were in town last night, as was Chelle. My brother also had a site back then so he hung out too. I had to show them the town. I took them to Trash but Chelle wanted to go to her old work China 1, so they went there and I went to Ruff Club with the idea of them coming there after. They never showed. Ruff Club was pretty banging actually and I had a lot of fun. I got a text from them and they were at Lit so I went there. These photos are from all three of those places and they are totally exciting, or something…

Also! Bonus Content! See their fan signs for me from BACK IN THE DAY!: American Rhi, Aussie Rhi, Chelle






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Wassail Wassail!

I will be at this tonight.  Mention me (Igor) at the door for free entry.  Come get your picture taken.  I might have some free drinks for friends too.


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The Daily Lays The Smack Down

I have been sent this three times already, it clearly has to be seen. The Karl Rove thing is the best because I expect him to be a little slicker than this. Dick Morris and Bill O’Riley are hypocritical assholes anyway, so it is expected. Still this video is amazing. Send it to a conservative friend.

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Six Six Sick – 9.2.08

For some reason I took some really great photos on Tuesday. I had a lot of fun, so maybe that is why, but I remember just being in a good mood almost as soon as I walked in. Usually it takes me a while to get over how tired I am and how much I hate everyone, but last night I was pretty on point. I had a lot of fun and met this cute girl that I drove home and ended up making out with in the (front?!) seat of my car for 10 minutes. We ate first and by the time I got her home it was dawn and all these people were walking bye. This street sweeper kept watching and was sweeping all around my car. It was pretty funny. Nothing exciting to see, very PG rated and it reminded me of high school, making out in cars. Oh so fun.

I didn’t go out last night (Wed) but I got a lot of shit done including this update. I am getting new stickers and finished a rough draft of my Polaroid book. Anyway, tonight was super productive.

Okay so here are the photos from Tuesday, and a bunch of good ones below!






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