Pop Off – 9.6.08

So Pop Off was last night. It was co-sponsored by Tattoo Society Magazine which was sort of a surprise. It was a pleasant one as it made for good photos and I got to meet a girl with a Charles Bronson tattoo which was extremely bad ass, despite as I told her, that he was in the worst movie of all time. My old school internet friends were in town, but Rebel was not their scene so they left pretty quickly but I stuck around and had a pretty good time. Anyway, the Dolphins lost today and I am horribly depressed so I am just going to end this post here and go to sleep again. This gallery is NSFW due to topless go-go dancers. Enjoy all these lovely photos.

PS. If there are any NYC Tattoo artists out there who read this and have any interest in tattooing my logo for free on a bunch of people in trade for me posting your portfolio and stuff, let me know. I keep meeting people who tell me that the will get my logo on them if I pay for it…






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