Six Six Sick – 7.1.08

So last night was weird. I did have a lot of fun though. I was there for about 15 minutes when this girl I had not seen in months showed up and when I went to say “hi” she sort of ignored me. So I said “Do you remember me?” To which she replied, “You are that photographer for that shitty website.” Then over the next few minutes she proceeds to tell me my site is shit, I am shit and that I am a creep, all the while she is caressing my face. I was not sure to make up for it until she told me she needed to puke. I took her around the corner so no one would see her and bought her a Gatorade and some gum while she puked and hung out with her until we could find the people she came with. We ended up getting along and it was actually kinda nice. After that I met a DJ named Jen Lasher who was part of the same club scene that I was moderately part of in the late 90’s in DC. That was cool. Anyway, while I was talking to her, Mr. Photog came up to me and told me about a photo project he is working on that involves taking photos of people in bathrooms… WITH CLOTHES ON?! I am not sure I get why he would possibly want non naked photos, but I agreed. I felt weird being on the other side of a camera in a bathroom, so I did what came naturally… I showed him my tits. Now to get the shot, he had to climb up on the sink and put one foot on the door and suspend in the air. Right after he finished taking the shot, someone opened the door and he tumbled out onto the floor. It was quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen. The guy who opened the door did not quite no what to make of it, and when he saw me walk out with my camera in my hand too, I am pretty sure he was just bewildered. He kept telling me that it was just between us.

Anyway, I took a ton of good photos last night because I was in a good mood. Look at them.

Ps. This gallery is mildly NSFW.

A Real Horror Show

I Think This Is Called A Mimosa..

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Comments (4)


  1. c
    July 3rd, 2008 | 2:38 am

    so there is a photographer near the end of this album and i was wondering what his name/site was bc he may or may not have taken a picture of me and i was just curious…

  2. July 3rd, 2008 | 9:34 am

    its mr. phtog
    i linked his site in the description above…

  3. pee pee monster
    July 3rd, 2008 | 11:56 am

    the girl who told you the site was shit was on to something. perhaps she has taste.

  4. July 3rd, 2008 | 2:31 pm

    In my defence she had not seen my site in a year. I’d like to think the site has improved since then. Also please stop reading the site if you think its shit. Or at least have the balls to not post anonamously.

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