1000th Post

This is the 1000th post on DBB 3.0. I have no idea how many posts were posted in the previous versions of the site, but this is the 1000 since last March. In celebration of this milestone I would like to make this the most contentless post of this entire site so far.


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Nascent Sexuality Polaroid Study

Today is the exact 10 year anniversary of me losing my virginity. In celebration of this fact I am posting a project that I have been working on for a while. I was not thinking about today when I started the project, but when I realized what it was, I thought that this was a perfect time to post it. Enjoy.

On a recent drive through the neighborhood I grew up in I realized that most of the strong feelings that I had were a result of a nostalgia directly related to a more innocent feeling of women and my own sexuality that I had when growing up in Alexandria, VA. I wanted to do a photo project on this and take some images of the spots that gave me the most tingles. I decided to use Polaroid film because it’s number one use is taking dirty pictures of people. My relationship with the film has also been a sleazy one as 95% of the pictures I have taken using the medium have been of naked girls. I though documenting my early sex life would be a perfect reason to use Polaroids to do something other than take naked pictures, yet to still play on the sexual identity of the medium.

I lived in Alexandria from 1980 to 1999. These were my formative years and they were they determined the way I dealt with women. When I was a kid I was very weird and had no luck with girls. This was not really an issue until I transfered to a private school outside my neighborhood in the 4th grade. From that point on I was in school with the same people for the next 9 years. The first week of 4th grade I made a joke about eating a praying mantis and that haunted me for the rest of my time at the school. At my old school eating bugs was funny, at my new school it was weird. From then on I was the weird kid… and then the fat kid, and then the weird kid kid again when I started getting into punk rock my freshman year of high school. I eventually started working out, lost all the weight and starting in about the 10th grade I really came into myself and started acting confidently. I stopped getting beat up at school, but I still had no luck with girls, because even then I was still viewed as the weird kid who ate bugs. As soon as I met girls outside of school, that changed forever. I have spent the last decade of my life trying to make up for my short comings as a kid and that has left me perpetually single and probably a bit more promiscuous than is healthy. But my unhealthy relationship with women started slowly and those more innocent times bring back amazing memories and that’s what this project is all about. Working thorough those early sexual encounters and finding out what the fuck went wrong.

I decided only to include stories and images from directly around my old neighborhood. Many of the important events in my life happened outside this little area as my school and all my high school hang out points were farther away. That being said, this is the most concentrated area and because of that, being in these few square miles gives me the strongest sense of my past, both of my life and specifically of my early sexuality

This project can be viewed by visiting the Google Map I made. Each map point has a Polaroid and a description of why that photo is important. The map points are listed in chronological order and should be read in that order. I hope you enjoy the project, I spent way too much time on it.

To view higher resolution versions of the polaroids click here.

Update: Due to the amount of interest that this post has received, if you are linking this, please link this post and not the map directly, as the explanation of the project is important to it, and the google map did not allow me enough space to get all my thoughts down. Also, if you dig this, Digg it.


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Trash Promo

Check out Jess’ new Trash promo/ Kill Shop Kill ad.  Try to make it past the night shot… it gets better.  NSFW thanks to my Burning Angel associates.  A lot of this is good, but much of it is a bit too serious for me, as well as like um… people look like they aren’t having any fun.  I still have no idea what happened to the video footage from the Trash video booth we did… maybe that will be seen one day.  Maybe not.  Anyway… this is what Trash is like except for less green lights and raccoon eyes.  Party forever, motherfucker.


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Studio B Roof Deck Opening For The Village Voice – 5.2.08

Before my party at Trash the other night I shot the opening of the new roof deck at Studio B in Greenpoint.  It was supposed to be headlined by Spank Rock but he was in the hospital so it was just the Brazilian Girls and Chester French with Roxy Cottontail and Eddie IXL Djing.  I had to get over to Trash so I had to miss the Brazilian Girls, fortunately for me we have mutual friends so I got their number and arranged a mini photo shoot in their dressing room.  I had to go, and they had to get ready so I really only took like two shots and they did not come out that well, but at least I got the coverage.  I also got to hang out with my friend Chrissy who joined me and I think it is the first time I have ever seen her one on one, so that was nice even though I was working.  The roof deck at Studio B is pretty amazing… although getting up there would be a huge pain in the ass with out my media pass.  The line was insane.  Anyway, the place was really getting packed right as I left so I am sure I missed some of the best shots as well as seeing the Brazilian Girls.  I have so many friends who love them, so it is a shame I had to skip out.  I still got some pretty good shots though, you can see them here on the VillageVoice.com.

Chester French – She Loves Everybody
Brazilian Girls -  Jique (MSTRKRFT Remix)






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John McCain Threatens Would-Be Assassins

The Onion News Network released one of my favorite of their videos so far today. Despite that McCain completely sold out his socially liberal beliefs in order to pander to the right wing and I am pretty positive that he would be a huge determent to this country if he was some how elected, I do find the fact that he can make a bow and arrow out of bamboo and his own hair and kill a man with his bare hands relatively impressive. He is probably the only candidate running for president that has willingly killed people. Semper Fortis motherfucker.

McCain Declines Secret Service, Dares Assassins To Try Something

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Orlando Fan Signs

So, let’s get old school for a minute.  Back in the day (teh day?) people used to send me fan signs all the time.  The idea was you would write my name on your boobs and I would post it and give you a link and then people would come to my site to see the boobs and go to your site, to see more boobs.  Unfortunately I don’t really know any cam girls anymore, but I used to know TONS of them back in the day.  One of those girls was named Nay.  And guess where she’s from?  Orlando.  As you probably know I was just in Orlando and I met some of her friends and she added me on myspace, and we talked back and forth and realized that we knew each other in 2001.  The thing is… she was 14 then, and I mostly just made fun of the creeps who hit on her on my site.  Now she is 21 and has fake boobs and is a reasonable human.   She is actually helping me redesign my site… at least the parts mentioned in my last update.  Anyway, she made me an old school fan sign.  No boobs in it though.  Hopefully those will come soon.  Anyway, check out her new blog and her fan sign…

The two fan signs below it are also from Orlando.  The top one I took right before I left Orlando.  One of the guys I was staying with passed the fuck out so I wrote on him.  The bottom one is Ali and Kat and they are cute.  They got wasted on Tequila and Tacos and took this picture before we went to Carnival.  Fun.

If you want some traffic and me to link you, send me a fan sign.  It just has to be funny or sexy or both.  Check out these for example… some are better than others.




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Site News Of Note

Due to a recent reality check, I think I need to take a short break from night life. And by short I mean I will probably be back out by Wednesday or something. There are a ton of things I need to organize in my life, and sleeping until 5pm everyday is not helping that. Hopefully by taking a few days off I can get some things in order and make some improvements to this site. I have some grand ideas. One of them involves taking updates such as these and moving them off the main page and into a site news side bar, so you can read about the site, me going out of town, and things like that on the side of the page and keep the good updates on the main page longer. Also the plan is to make a page of just party updates so you can just skip everything and look at the parties if that is what you are interested in. Plus, I have some updates that I want to spend a good amount of time on in the next few weeks that maybe I can get a start on.

I am also going to really get working on my polaroid book and organizing my damn flickr page so I can get some books printed from my first year in nightlife. There will just be few made for people who want them, it’s not going to be a real book or anything. The polaroid book on the other hand I am looking for an agent and a publisher.

But most importantly I need to organize my portfolios so I can start applying to some magazine jobs. I need money damnit. If you have any photo work needed, let me know.


And so you have something to look at… I was YouTubing videos of Cock Sparrer today and I found this crazy video about Skinheads in NYC in the late 80’s. Pretty interesting. Let’s try to make every day “Thrash Day”.

… On second thought, I’ll probably be out filming stuff for Dayrobber this week, just maybe not as much as normal… or something.


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Trash – 5.2.08

It was my 10th Anniversary of Losing My Virginity fiesta.  When I got there there was like no one there and I was totally freaked out… but by 2am the place was PACKED.  A ton of my friends finally showed up and I had a blast.  My friend Vadim made a movie about the first time I had sex and if nothing else, it was FUCKED UP.  I was not far off when I described it as hard core porn over Benny Hill music.  It was nuts.  I may get it online soon, but it was so graphic I don’t know where I can host it.  The parts with me in it were inaudible which was disappointing, but what can you do?  There was a slide show of my best images from the last year.  That went over well I think.  Jess is getting me the DVD so maybe I can show it at other parties.  It was fun.  Also, Robert from Dayrobbber.com brought me a video camera because he wants to turn DBB into a web show or something.  I took to interviewing people in the street.  We have this idea that maybe we can do like a night club confessional thing mixed with some shots of people partying.  We may need to get a better mic, but we shall see.

Also, note to party hosts.  Running around with your free vodka bottle and pouring it all over your friends is a way better use that just giving people free drinks.

I took photos when I wasn’t filming.  You can see them here.  There is a nipple slip near the end, so be careful at work!






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Don’t Forget About Tonight

I just wanted to remind everyone to show up to Trash tonight at 40C. (40 Ave C between 3rd and 4th).  There will be a big photos slide show which has many of you in it.  I am totally excited.  Plus there is a movie about me losing my virginity 10 years ago which I have seen none of, but have heard very weird things about.  “You can’t put this on YouTube.  They would be okay with the violence but they might have a problem with the penetration and the blow jobs.”   Point of note: My penis was not involved in the making of the film.

All the details about tonight are here.

This post goes out to my Junior Prom date for spray painting her bihawks silver to match my tux and helping me make the worst decision of my life just 10 years ago.  Shanna.  We salute you.


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