Trash Your Rated X Salvation Glamdammit – 5.25.08

Look. That is just a horrible name. I am all fine with you guys combining your parties… but can’t you just come up with a better name?


Due to my computer over heating, I missed the deadline for the Village Voice, so these photos may never end up on their site. They still might, but I fucked up. This same problem caused me to have to ask my roommates questions about why my laptop was in the refrigerator.

Due to the hot body contest at this party, this gallery has a bunch of naked people and you should probably not look it at work or whatever.

Due to an insane amount of alcohol there are several photos of Michael T dancing shirtless.

Due to my birthday happening in 9 minutes I have to go to High Voltage right now.

Photos go here, go to Trash on Friday or lose me as a friend. Thanks.

UPDATE: The photos did end up getting posted on theÂ




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