Super Bowl Tuesday

After Monday night’s Anton Newcombe thing I went to hang out with a friend of mine who was in town and needed a place to crash until she got on a bus at 9 am. She slept in my bed while I stayed up and worked on my site. When she left my house at 8 I realized that I still wasn’t tired and there was a huge ticker tape parade going on in celebration of the New York Giants win. I also realized it was Super Tuesday and New York was voting in the primaries today. I decided I could get some pictures of the Giants and do some campaigning for Barack Obama at the same time. I went down to the Obama NY headquarters which happened to be right on the parade route and picked up some flyers and a poster. I walked around holding it and taking pictures of Giants fans. The sky was so gray so I just decided to shoot it like a dance party and use a lot of flash. It made all the photos look like they were taken at night. I was shooting terribly and it was so packed that I eventually put away my camera and just watched the parade because I couldn’t move. I didn’t get a lot of campaigning done at that point, except when news cameras came over and I held up my sign. After the parade I went back to headquarters and asked them what else I could do. They sent me to Grand Central Station. I was the only Obama person there and there were like 20 Clinton people. I got a lot of smiles and people shouting stuff about Hillary to me. No one said anything about any of the Republicans. I talked to a lot of foreign tourists about how much they loved Barack. I think that says a lot about how electing him president would help us heal relationships around the world. After a few hours I was exhausted and I went home. I still had some flyers and big sign so when I transfered from the 5 train to the L train I stopped by Union Square because I knew there would be people there. There were tons of people actually and I gave them all my stuff and passed out my remaining buttons. I ended up staying out there for like an hour talking to people about our passion for Barack. It was great. Then I went home to sleep but I failed miserably at that and went to see some stand up comedy and then I dragged myself over to Happy Endings for a bit before I went home and slept for 13 hours. Fun.

Here are the photos from the parade and from the Union Square Obama supporters. They are not very good because like I mentioned in my last post, I think something is wrong with my flash.




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