Dysfunctional Family Circus

Many years ago I started doing these Dysfunctional Family Circus cartoons.  My friend Jamie used to do them when we were in high school and I took up the cause in like 2002.  Many people have done them and I don’t think mine were any special, but people really like them and it was pretty easy so I am going to start doing them again.  Why not?  I want to get back to what made this page great, and the Family Circus cartoons were part of that.  Actually the only Wikipedia entry on DBB is because of these cartoons.  Anyway, before I start doing new ones, I am going to post all of the old ones.  I am going to do two at a time every few days until I get caught up.  There are 27 of them, but one doesn’t make any sense and one is far too racist to re-upload, so maybe I will only put up 25, unless I grow some balls.  We shall see.  So let’s start it off.



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Seth Herzog’s Sweet: Christmas Spectacular

I feel brain dead. I have been sitting in front of my computer for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something to blog about.  I just have complete writers block.  Instead of just writing about how I have nothing to write about I will give you a review of the comedy show I saw last night.  I had not slept in 30+ hours last night so I went to comedy because two of my favorite comics Reggie Watts and Pete Holmes were going to be performing at Seth Herzog’s show Sweet.  I was running late and I missed the subway so I had to take a cab which really pissed me off because I had no money.  Luckily when I got there Seth’s mom was standing at the door and she got me in for free because she is amazing.

Seth’s opening monologue was a repeat of the X-mas material I saw him do at least twice last year.  Still, people who don’t obsessively stalk comedians and hadn’t seen it were pretty amused.  Seth decided that the slogan for 2008 was going to be “It’s not your year so just wait, 2008” followed by “Everything is fine, 2009”.  (or something like that) so don’t worry, after your shitty year coming up, things WILL get better. He then danced around in his underwear which is consistently funny.  Never seen Seth dance?  Watch the master at work.

Seth’s first guest was Chris Hardwick who was the host of MTV’s Singled Out who was not Jenny McCarthy.  I just vaguely remember that show and I did not recognize him at all, but he was pretty fucking funny.  He was just sort of blowing through material and getting a lot of laughs in the process.  I don’t think he is in NYC often, but if you ever get a chance to see him it is probably worth it.  Watch Chris and his partner sing on Jimmy Kimmel.

After that Seth brought out another retread with his Jesus impression.  He bitched about how his birthday and X-mas were the same day.  He bought out some shitty gifts people had given Jesus as Christmas/Birthday combo gifts.  This was Pete Holmes time to shine.  He kept hilariously interrupting Seth from his job as co-host/ DJ. Pete is one of the funniest people I know and while watching him co-host is not as rewarding as seeing him do his own material he is still quick witted and amusing enough to be one of the better co-hosts Seth has had.  Click here to see Pete do his own material and murder the crowd with hilarity.

The second comic of the evening was my friend A.D. Miles.  I had not seen miles in a while and it was great to see him.  He did a lot of new stuff I had not heard and then read from his “Cookbook for the Single Vegan” which he said was like a comedian finding a brick of gold.  It seems since he found it he brings it on stage with him every time and it is constantly both sad and funny.  It has just the saddest recipes in it.  The book starts with a delicious butternut squash recipe and ends with a mouth watering meal of Draino and sleeping pills.  Watch A.D miles defend his art to a comedy agent on Dog Bites Man.

Then Seth and his mom did their thing.  For those not familiar, Seth brings up his mom every week and they talk about stuff.  Some times it is tedious and boring, and sometimes it is the high light of the show.  They have a very strange relationship and it often turns sexual and very weird.  Last night she told a pretty interesting story about some insane man she went Christmas caroling with or something.  There is no point in explaining it, you just need to see her to understand.  Unfortunately she has managed to remain off YouTube for some reason.  You will just have to make it out to a show.

When Seth’s mom got off stage Reggie Watts had not shown up yet and to kill time Seth and Pete called up another comic in the audience who was in town from Chicago.  His name was Kumail Nanjiani (like email except with a Ku) and he was the highlight of the night.  He was not really prepared to go on but he had me and everyone else in tears.  He did jokes about Ghostbusters and Heroin and it was great.  I looked at his schedule and he is going to be in NYC a lot over the next two months and I plan on seeing him a few times.  Check him out.

After that Reggie Watts took the stage.  I brought two friends to the show just on the idea that they would have their heads exploded by Reggie.  There is nothing I can say or show you on video that can prepare you for Reggie Watts.  Simply he loops his voice to make weird songs.  He can do almost anything with his voice and he uses it as a weapon for mass hysteria.  Last night he did two songs that while not the best I have ever seen him he put on a show good enough to completely mind-fuck my friends.   They were completely blown away as is everyone I have ever brought to see Reggie.  Watch the mind-fuck here.

So yeah, amazing line up, great show.  And I just spent an hour working on a blog that I thought I was going to spend 10 minutes max on.  I hope you check out all that video and find some new favorite comics.

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Dan Johnson Staples Himself For Attention…

…that he does not receive.

I used to know this guy Dan who always hated me for some reason.  He drank a lot and did stupid shit for attention.  At some point in 2001 I posted a video of me stapling my arm on my website.  He decided that I was a pussy and that he would prove to everyone that he was the man.  Note the crowds engaging reaction.  He really showed me.


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M – 12.17.07

Darkroom was swinging last night. Lots of people hiding from the cold dancing to sound sounds. I was pretty into the Club Action to Umbrella mix of Mr. Fightcats. I have still been up since then. I stayed up to mail my X-Mas cards and then I ate a milkshake and a bacon egg cheese thing. I have spent the last few hours listening to records and reliving my punk rock glory days. Did you guys know I put out a compilation of DC hardcore music in 1996. Yeah. I had just turned 16 when it came out. How many of you have a real life record with your name out? What were you doing in high school? Anyway, on to last nights photos. Although not a great photo, I just wanted to point out these two giant men and one baby man. Or at least thats how it looks in the photo. Here are other photos.




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One Of Those Posts…

This is one of those posts where I give you some excuse for not posting. I try to make theses posts mildly interesting by posting some video at the bottom that is mildly interesting to me for some reason. Today it is the Talking Heads video for (Nothing But) Flowers. It is a pretty great video from a band I dig a lot. I was listening to the song while I was trying to find something to post about, so you get that.

Anyway, I had a friend over today so I didn’t get anything done. I would work on the site now, but I got my X-Mas cards in the mail and I have to stick labels and stamps on nearly 300 cards, so that is going to probably take a long ass time. So this is your real last chance. If you want a card, myspace me by the time I wake up and go to the post office tomorrow and you get on the list. Enjoy the video.


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Best Win Ever.

I know you guys don’t care, but I need one more high five….

Miami Dolphins 22; Baltimore Ravens 16



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Miami Dolphins #1!

The Dolphins finally won their first game of the year today, meaning they are not the worst team to ever play the game of football. As a die hard Dolphins fan, this is a great relief to me. When the game was in over time all these Patriots fans in the bar I was at were talking shit. When we won I jumped into them knocking over a table and crashing all these beers to the ground. One guy was bleeding from the face and tried to fight me. The Dolphins fans I was with got my back and it was just chaos. I eventually apologized and everything was okay. I sort of felt like a dick for almost starting a bar brawl, but all the Dolphins fans I was with were thanking me for fucking their shit up. Good times. Go Dolphins!


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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Klaus Kinski

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

Klaus Kinski is one of my favorite actors in theory. The dozen or so film I have seen with him in them I have loved, mostly his films with director Werner Herzog and a number of Spaghetti Westerns. That being said he has made over 100 films and I wouldn’t even know where to start. The films I have seen though blew me away. The 5 films he made with Herzog are generally considered the best of his long career. I got in to both Herzog and Kinski after watching a documentary Herzog made about their “friendship” during those five films called “My Best Fiend: Klaus Kinski”. They had a tumultuous relationship at best. On top of film acting Kinski was in many, many plays and wrote one of the most insane books that I have ever read. He also went on public speaking tours where he would just scream at the audience about Jesus. He also claims to have had sex with both his mother and his daughter (Natasha Kinski). Total fucking nut job, unbelievable actor. Keep reading to find out my three favorite Kinski scenes of all time.

(Read the article)

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Tatler – 12.14.07

I had five people ask me come to Lotus tonight, but I didn’t plan on staying too long… when I finally got up to leave it was 3:30 and I had no time to go anywhere else.  Luckily it was a lot of fun.  I still miss Trash, but I met some cool kids and talked to a girl with a large tree tattoo who’s friend was very disappointed at her for associating with me.  I guess I would be too.  Check out her sexy tree tattoo and many fun photos here.  PS. Happy birthday Corrina, I hope your sleazy hotel room birthday dreams came true.




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