Miami Dolphins #1!

The Dolphins finally won their first game of the year today, meaning they are not the worst team to ever play the game of football. As a die hard Dolphins fan, this is a great relief to me. When the game was in over time all these Patriots fans in the bar I was at were talking shit. When we won I jumped into them knocking over a table and crashing all these beers to the ground. One guy was bleeding from the face and tried to fight me. The Dolphins fans I was with got my back and it was just chaos. I eventually apologized and everything was okay. I sort of felt like a dick for almost starting a bar brawl, but all the Dolphins fans I was with were thanking me for fucking their shit up. Good times. Go Dolphins!


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Comments (3)


  1. Corinna
    December 17th, 2007 | 6:37 pm

    I’m on a mission to find my Dolphins starter jacket.

  2. December 17th, 2007 | 8:01 pm

    I have one, but you aren’t getting it…

  3. Corinna
    December 19th, 2007 | 12:43 pm

    I am left to wonder what would happen if we wore our starter jackets at the same time. Brightness, that’s for sure.

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