Ruff Club – 9.15.07

After Trash we walked in the rain over to Ruff Club.  Ian was not working the door and they tried to make me pay $5 dollars to get in.  Because I’m a little bitch I had a fit about this and started yelling at the door girl.  Ruff was the first party I went to when I moved to NYC and I didn’t have to pay then, I am not sure why I would have to pay this time.  Luckily Sophia Lamarr was standing by the door and pulled me in.  I then spent 10 minutes trying to apologize to the door girl for being a prima donna.  I still am not really a huge Ruff fan, and I just sort of stood around for awhile and got a few pictures.  I posed for some photos with Nicky Digital and some girls and then I sat outside and talked to some underage girls for a while.  Excitement!  I took some okay pictures though.



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Trash – 9.14.07

I decided I needed to get a milk shake and to do so meant going to the East Village earlier than planned, so when I got to Trash around midnight no one was really there. I brought my new roommate with me and after he had a drink we walked around the Village and ended up bumping into about three different groups of friends of mine. When we got back it was packed, so much so that it was sort of annoying to be there, so when my friend Jamie suggested we go to Ruff Club we did just that. Usually I end my night at Trash, but last night I ended my night sitting cross-legged under some scaffolding on Orchard street talking to two girls who should probably be in high school. Fun times. Here are the Trash shots.



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My friend Vadim told me about this cable access performance he taped or edited last night.  He was like “you will love this”.  He was right.  Oh man, this has to go viral… and I want to help.


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TMBG – Shadow Government

New video from my former favorite band in the world, They Might Be Giants. While I admit I have had their new album for over a month and haven’t listened to it yet, they were at one time all I was listening to and they really helped me get over the only girl that I really really ever cared about. So, here is to you TMBG… I will listen to the new album sooner or later!

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High Voltage – 9.12.07

Sorry this is a day late.  I have not been in much of a blogging mood for whatever reason.  That being said it is 7AM and I have two posts up already today.  I went out last night and I didn’t shoot.  People just did not seem interesting.  On the night of these photos were taken I was not in a shooting mood either but I got some good shots anyway, although they look a bit contrasty for whatever reason.  After the party I got pulled away by this girl to get a drink (or watch her drink) which I did… then we went to a small get together at this lovely apartment in Alphabet city and I met a bunch of people and talked about a bunch of stuff.  Then I went to these East Hampton kids house and there were like 7 kids from East Hampton there and we listend to Arcade Fire and played with a small kitten that may or may not have been named after June Cash.  There was a lot of Wild Turkey involved and then I walked home at 10 AM and was asleep by noon.  Crazy.  Here are the pictures from High Voltage featuring a special DJ set by Josh Madden.



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Happy Birthday Amanda

It was Amanda’s birthday, but we got the presents. You have seen her naked on every photoblog in NYC… We welcome Amanda to the site in her very own gallery!  NSFW.


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Gaskets Cover George Harrison

I found this tape of The Gaskets practicing for a SXSW show in my brothers garage.  There were a few people over and some guys from their label wanted to tape some of it for a little movie thing they were making.  They gave me some of the footage.  This is only one camera angle, and not the camera with the good sound… so it is very random taping and the sound sucks, but still… This is them covering Set On You by George Harrison.  I dig the cover even if the video sort of sucks.  Let me know what you think.


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The Factory – 9.11.07 (Heatherette After Party)

Last night was the Heatherette after party at Lotus. Richie Rich of Heatherette hosted and there was a performance by Cazwell and Amanda Lepore. Also there was one of the better fire shows I have ever seen. The party was packed and I despite not being able to move I had a pretty great time. Check the pics.

Update: Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention in my first post that Jenna Jameson was there, but I did post a picture of her, so I guess you saw that.

Richie Rich And Jenna Jameson At Heatherette After Party

Amanda Lepore At Heatherette After Party



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Meet “Dawn”.  She is the least photogenic person I have ever met.  I took over 100 photos of her and I got almost none I was completely happy about.  That being said, the water in the background looked so cool I had to put some up anyway.  Dawn was house sitting for some people who had a swimming pool so she invited some folks over for a pool party.  We all went skinny dipping and the like and she let me take some photos of her.  That water looks so cool…  NSFW of course.  Thanks dear.


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