Advancements In Technology

So… as of today you are able to drag photos to the desk top from my galleries if you have a mac, and right click to save as if you are on a PC.  The trade off is now that when you click a photo in the galleries it does not move to the next photo.  I had to disable that so you could just pull shit off proper like.  There are still navigational arrows at the top of the gallery pages for clicking through. If this makes no sense to you, it probably doesn’t really matter.

Also, I have to rebuild my whole site today because of this.  So it is taking FOREVER to upload everything again.  Because of this the Trash photos from last night are not up yet.  But when they do get up they will be here.   I am going out for the night right now, so I won’t have time to do a post proper.  Yeah, I used proper twice in a post… make that three times.  Anyway, shit should be uploaded around 9PM.  Things may be a bit weird with the gallery pages until then, but maybe not.  God speed.

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Greenland, Pratique Tonight

Dj Jess’ band is playing with Greenland tonight at 200 Orchard. It is free, so come out. Greenland is my favorite band at the moment, so I highly recommend this show. In fact if I knew this was free a few days ago I would have told everyone I knew about it. Oh well. I guess I will be doing some mass texting. Make sure you come.

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Milk Fight

Woah.. Four videos in a row.  I guess that’s what happens when you take a night off from photographing and don’t have any real content.  This video is real content though.  I spent 5 hours today going through all my old DV tapes looking for weird shit for this site.  I didn’t find anything great, but I found a bunch of mildly interesting things that will go up over the coming months and weeks.  The first of them is a milk boxing match my friend Dylan and I had.  There is a lot to this epic battle that you miss because my friend Maggie does not know how to work a video camera.  Still, you get the idea.  I recommend you try this at home.  It was a lot of fun… but bring towels because my car smelled like rotten milk for a month after this.


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Don’t Worry, Be Happy, WTF?

This video has come up in conversation twice in the last three days. I decided to take a look at it again. This video is so fucking weird. Bobby McFerrin, who has by in large had a respectable career, is clearly bat shit crazy. This video is really depressing too… thats the weird thing, and pretty bad advice. People are about to kill themselves because they are getting evicted, ripped off and their house is falling apart… and he is just like “Don’t worry!” I think that instead of just not worrying, they should probably do something about their problems instead of holding on to their fish bowl for dear life. Clearly the weirdest part is the three people dancing throughout the video. I don’t even understand what the hell is going on, but I suggest you watch this video again if you haven’t seen it recently. Insane.


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Busy Bee VS. Kool Moe Dee

I just read an article in the Village Voice about MC Busy Bee.  I am sort of obsessed with early early hip hop.  I was trying to start a ’79 style rap group called the Party Rock Three a few years ago, but one of the guys started dating my ex so we stopped talking and then I moved.  I did have one line that I remember:  Everybody in the place just gather ’round ’cause the Party Rock Three are new it town.  We came to bust a mic and rock a rhyme.  We can rock any party; any place; any time.”  Now pretend I am trying to sing like Kurtis Blow and I think you can get the idea of how awesome that would have been.  Anyway, here is an audio clip from the famous night when Kool Moe Dee destroyed Busy Bee.  It goes down as one of the first important rap battles and it is way more entertaining that the 50 Cent/ Kanye publicity stunt.


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Simpsons Game

I hate video games.  I am terrible at them and I haven’t owned a system since I bought a Game Boy in 1987 or 88.  I remember that it cost $120 and was all the money in the world to me.  Then my brother stole it and I never played games again.  To this day the only game I am any good at is Bubble Bobble.  If you don’t know about that game, look it up.  So dope.  Anyway the trailer for the new Simpsons game came out and it looks amazing.  I love the Simpsons.  I have all the seasons on DVD and my MySpace photo is still Simpsonized. So… whenever this game comes out, one of you should buy it and let me watch you play it.  Because I will sit there over your shoulder for hours and watch that shit like I did to my friend Andy Lyons when the last Simpsons game came out and I did to my friend Daniel Lane when I bought the Warriors for a system I don’t own and made him play it for me.  Anyway, check out the trailer.


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High Voltage – 9.19.07

Last night was fun.  The girl who blew me off last night showed up to the party after telling me she was sick so I was a complete dick to her until kept coughing and couldn’t even talk, so I forgave her.  It was also probably partly my fault because I don’t know how to be nice to girls (ie. her friends) without hitting on them.  She might not have been happy about certain actions of mine.  On the plus side of my sex life or recently lack there of, a girl so that that she has no business talking to me bought me gum and a Vitamin Water, told me I was beautiful and gave me her number.  She might have been on drugs or something, but it didn’t seem to be the case.  It was nice to get off the Subway and have a text from her telling me how nice it was to meet me.  I also had to do fake battle with Joe because I faked kissed his fake girlfriend.  Unfortunately the photos of our fight didn’t come out great, but the actual photos of the fake kissing came out pretty funny, as seen below.  Also Lance Bass of the ‘NSYNC was there.  If you don’t know anything about boy bands, there is always “the shy one”, “the cute one” and “the gay astronaut”.  He is “the gay astronaut” of the group.  I took photos of him but I am in talks with Page 6 to sell it to them for a few hundred dollars so I am waiting to hear back from them before I post the pictures.  But when I do it will be in a seporate post and you will know about it.  Lastly, I finished the Wire season 3 and unless Antwan burns me season 4 off his computer I am going to have to wait until it comes out on DVD to get my fix.  Oh yeah, you could look at photos if you wanted.



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Cell Phones In Subways

Finally. Since I moved to NYC I have been reading about talks the city has had about allowing cell phone reception in the subway. Now, while I don’t like the idea of being on the 6 train during rush hour with every asshole on the train talking on their cell phone, I think it is insane that you can’t get reception in trains because people don’t want to be bothered. Every day I ride the J train into the city… it is an above ground train and people talk on their cell phones. I talk on my cell phone. And you know what? It is not that bad. I am rarely bothered. The only time I am ever annoyed is with those god awful walkie-talkie phones that should be illegal in the first place. I would slap the person silly who came up with that fucking idea. That beeping drives me fucking nuts. Sorry… off track. The point is in a few years you are going to be able to talk on your phones while you are in the station which makes calling work to tell them you are going to be ten min late because the train hasn’t showed up yet that much easier. Obviously in case of emergency it is a life saver… literally. For most of the people reading this site it means not missing important phone calls about change in party plans when you are waiting at the Bedford L. I was in DC the other weekend and I could use my cell on the train there. I was on the train for nearly an hour and if I didn’t have reception I would have missed an important call. Anyway, clearly the idea is a good one when the dissenting quote the Times found was this one.

But Karol Ledworowski, 28, a student who lives in Tudor City, thought it was unnecessary. “You can wait until you leave the station to make a phone call or receive a message,” he said. And he worried that terrorists could use cellphone signals to detonate a bomb underground.

This brilliant individual thinks that we shouldn’t have phones on subways is because the terrorists might win. What the fuck? How about when the terrorist blow something up and you are trapped underground and can’t call for help, or reach your families. Or… how about terrorists figuring out another way to blow up a bomb with out a fucking cell phone. For example a suicide bomb like every other time. Or how about stop living your life in fear and worrying what the god damned terrorists are going to do you dumb Bush voting mother fucker. Sorry… I am ranting. This is good for the city, they just should have done this years ago.


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Six Six Sick – 9.18.07

I was in a rare mood last night. I was hilariously mean to a few people which is sort of how I constantly was before I moved to NYC and tried to make a conscious effort to be nicer to people. I was having a pretty good time but I wasn’t really composing my shots cause I was just running around. I think I got some okay stuff anyway. I eventually got sort of depressed for some reason and decided to leave. Then I ran into my ex and that did not help one bit. I talked to her today though and I am slightly less scared of her for it I think. I also got blown off on the date I had tonight, which was real lame. When ever I meet a girl I really dig things get all fucked up and I have no chance with her. It happens nearly every time. I can never find a girl who likes me as much as I like her or vice versa. I guess its what I get for a life time of being single and making out with strangers. But hey, what are you going to do.  Here is what I took.



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