Six Six Sick – 9.18.07

I was in a rare mood last night. I was hilariously mean to a few people which is sort of how I constantly was before I moved to NYC and tried to make a conscious effort to be nicer to people. I was having a pretty good time but I wasn’t really composing my shots cause I was just running around. I think I got some okay stuff anyway. I eventually got sort of depressed for some reason and decided to leave. Then I ran into my ex and that did not help one bit. I talked to her today though and I am slightly less scared of her for it I think. I also got blown off on the date I had tonight, which was real lame. When ever I meet a girl I really dig things get all fucked up and I have no chance with her. It happens nearly every time. I can never find a girl who likes me as much as I like her or vice versa. I guess its what I get for a life time of being single and making out with strangers. But hey, what are you going to do.  Here is what I took.



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