Drinking + Bear Fighting = Death

Note to self: When engaging in battle with a bear, do so sober.  Bare knuckle boxing a bear is dangerous enough when you can see straight. PS. This was the best photo I could find of a bear drinking a beer.


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Byte – 8.19.07

Byte was a really great opportunity to take pictures of some of the craziest looking freaks in NYC, but I showed up late, left early and spent the whole time talking to a girl who I later found out had a boyfriend, which is really too bad as she is amazing.  The few shots I did take sucked.  I am going again next month for sure and I hope I will actually take some damn photos.  These industrial kids really know how to dress up.  It is not really my scene, but they impress the hell out of me.  Here is what I did take.


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So something is wrong with my ears.  I can’t hear a fucking thing.  I went to the doctors last week but it has only gotten worse.  I am freaking out so I need to go to sleep right this second and hope I wake up fine.  Mostly because I don’t feel like staying in the hospital all day.  So yeah, here are some naked pictures of my friend Tracy.  Right.  NSFW.


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Meet Barry

I talk to maybe five people I went to high school with. Of them, four of them were in my fifth grade class. Wait. Stop.

Before I go any further, let me point out that I had to look up how to spell the word fifth. I was positive that it was spelled fith. I thought that they just forgot to put it in my spell check. I was so confused. That was terrible… anyway what was I saying?

Ah yes, the fifth grade. This was the year I fell in love with Laura Riter, who’s last name is also spelled wrong. This was the year I met Emily Anderson a girl I crushed on for years in high school. But more importantly this was the year that I met Jamie Green, Sam Engel, Tom Danbury and Barry Gamble. These four people make up my best friends in life and with the exception of my little brother the four closest people to me.

Barry is brilliant. Barry is a few months away from becoming a professional bowler. Barry is an amateur body builder. Barry is a fan of both rap music and Irish rock. He wears Jordan’s with spiked bracelets. He is obsessed with nutrition, but is the first person I call when staging an eating contest. Barry has the worst taste in movies of anyone I have ever met which means I can drag him along to movies like You Got Served and he will go willingly. Barry goes to dance parties to dance, not to drink, do drugs or talk to girls. Barry sneaks wine coolers in to bars because he refuses to pay bar prices and until recently hated the taste of beer. Barry once posed naked in front of 1000 people. Barry is the slowest person in the history of the planet yet he some how managed to become the captain of our high school cross country team. Barry will park in the first parking space he can find even if it is 10 blocks away from his destination. Barry and I got in one argument in the 17 years I have known him and it was because I took a sip of his drink and refused to get him a new one. Oh, I forgot to mention Barry is a germaphobe. He is also one of the few people on Earth I would take a bullet for. (I really own him since when we were kids I once put him through a “Bravery Test” in which I took the end of a pencil and erased his hand until he called mercy. He has a scar to this day.)

So why am I talking about Barry? Well because when Barry and I lived together in Richmond he was constantly telling me about fucked up shit on the internet. Since I moved I haven’t heard much from him, but when I was in town last week he showed me countless fucked up YouTube videos. I asked him to send me links to them and I am going to post a few of them here. Hopefully from now on he will be sending me amazing shit when he finds it and I will post it for you. So get excited… but be warned, the videos he sends me tend to be very, very fucked up so click with care.


PS. I took pictures of some of his shoes for him. Click here for those.


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Warning: This Is A Pointless Rant

So I figure the point of a journal is to write down stuff you are thinking about so maybe you can work it out better in your head.  Get your feelings on paper.  That being said a thousand people a day read my journal, so writing about personal shit and thinking you care about it is pretty egotistical.  So read the next paragraph so you can know why I didn’t take photos last night, then move on to the next post.  Thanks.

So last night I was going to go to Rated X and take pictures.  Michael T asked me to, and Jess put me on the list.  I wanted to go because it was the last Rated X for a month and because it was peoples birthdays and such.  Anyway I was pretty much on my way out the door when I found out that my ex-girlfriend was going to go.  This sort of freaked me out.  I decided I would take an hour nap and just show up in time for the hot body contest and take a few pictures and go home with minimal emotional scaring.  Once I fell asleep, I could not get up again.  So there that is.

Now the thing is, there is no reason I should be afraid of my ex.  We parted on good terms and I am sure if I needed something from her I could call her and she would help me out.  That being said I don’t want to see her, because when I see her I can’t hug her and hold her hand and stuff and that does not make sense to me.  This girl was the closest thing to me for six weeks.  (While that is not very long, it was the first time I have had a girlfriend in a very long time and she grew on me quickly.)  But now we don’t talk.  I haven’t seen her in two weeks.  This person who was so close to me, is now nothing in my life.  Relationships are so weird to me.  The friendships I have had with people I am no longer friends with end because someone moves, or we just stop hanging out slowly and see less and less of each other.  With girls I see semi-regularly we just talk less and hook up less and eventually I get a new phone and I don’t put her number in it.  In any other relationship you just don’t stop suddenly.  My girlfriend and I didn’t work out, that’s fine, but it doesn’t make sense to just stop everything all together.  It just seems unnatural.  Why do we shut out the people we once cared about the most.

Anyway, I was mostly okay with it anyway.  When we first broke up I didn’t mind too much.  I mostly was upset I was going to have to stop having unprotected sex and an air conditioned place to stay, but as time goes on I seem to miss her more and more.  I haven’t seen her in two weeks, she should be out of sight, out of mind.  I keep having dreams about her and I don’t know why.  I don’t think I want to get back together with her, I don’t even know what I would want.  I sort of had a point when I started writing this, and I realized I don’t any more. I just don’t know why I miss her more now, instead of less.  And I don’t know why human relationships work the way they do.  I don’t get jealous when my friends hang out with other friends.  I don’t write friends out of my life just because it is easier to deal with that emotionally.  I just wish sexual relationships worked more like friendships.  People are weird.  That’s all.

Also, if you really look at people really hard we sort of look just like any other animal… a boring looking animal.  It seems weird that I am into people and not some cool looking animal like hippos.   Sorry.  Go look at pictures of your self from some party now.

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Trash – 8.19.07

This night was pretty much suckage. People I like got into a fight with a girl I like and it was awful. This other girl I was trying to talk to left during the figure with out saying good bye. I just got upset and was about to leave, but instead I ran into a girl and she bit my lip a lot. That made the night much better. Jess was giving out MIA stuff all night and I got a bandanna that I will never wear. Such is life. There is one nipple in this gallery, but you can barely see it so I am not giving this a NSFW tag even though it slightly is.


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Ruff Club – 8.18.07

I spent all night at Ruff outside.  All of my friends were out there.  I am just trying to get this shit up before I go out so I have no real commentary.  I am sure you want to see the pictures more than you want to hear me talk about them.


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Bachchans In NYC

This very famous Bollywood family is staying at my hotel.  Evidently the father is one of the most famous people in the world, yet I doubt there are 10 people reading this who know who he is.  The daughter in-law is supposedly one of the most beautiful people on Earth.  You can read more about them here.  They have servants and things and tight security and I was not allowed to bring them breakfast, my manager had to do it.  Barbra Walters is coming to interview them today at 4PM.  Crazy.

In site news, I am going to sleep, but I have some good photos from Ruff and Trash last night for when I wake up.


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Bus Blogging

I am on a bus heading back to NYC.  It has internet on it and cost $22 dollars.  No power source so I am sure my computer will die before I finish watching this Miike film: One Last Call.  Anyway, I will be out shooting tonight and I will resume full force updates Monday.  My normal goal for this site is 2 updates on the weekend, 4 updates on the weekdays.  So let’s see what happens.

On a side note:  I did not get into any fights in Richmond despite the fact that I saw a few people who probably want to kill me.  Lucky me!  Also I didn’t really appreciate how hot NY girls are until going to a dance party in Richmond.  I also saw the girl who I thought was the hottest girl in Richmond and like she’s not all that fly after all.   I <3 NY.  Here is the bus.


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