BA Girls: Part 5

This was going to be the end of BA Week. Fortunately I ran into Sinead on Tuesday and went to the Porn for Peace Party… So Burning Angel week keeps on moving… Meet Stellar.


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Meth Ads

Oh man. These are so great. I’ve known a lot of tweekers in my life but they mostly just didn’t like being around bright lights and annoyed the shit out me because they wouldn’t stop talking. I tried meth “just once” and I never kicked my mom in the head, but I did talk real fast about complete bullshit for a few hours. Evidently meth is 90% about pimping your girlfriend out for more meth. Also, who smokes meth for the first time… like if it is the first time you are doing it, were the hell did you get the glass pipe from? Once I smoked DMT out of a light bulb with a bunch of heavy drug users, but none of them had any glass pipes laying around. But yeah, watch these adds, so funny.


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Six Six Sick – 5.8.07

Last stop of the night was Six Six Sick at Happy Endings. My flash ran out of batteries because I thought it would be a good idea to buy generic batteries at Wallgreens. I tried to focus in the dark, but to little success, so I just went home. My friend Liz was visiting and she was snoring in my room so I had to sleep on the couch. I wouldn’t even bother looking at these photos if you weren’t there. I am sure Nicky (see below) has better ones. But I am a pessimist, maybe they are okay. I did realize that the guy behind me at the Post Office today was at this party… Hmm… Check Please.


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Lewd – 5.15.07

My second stop on Tuesday night was Lewd at Annex.  There were not that many people there, but two of them got naked for me, so we like that.  There will be galleries of Roxy and Sinead coming soon.  In the mean time this gallery has a little taste of Sinead topless.  Oh to be young again.  Check the pix.


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Rebel Rebel – 5.15.07

This is the fist time I had been to Rebel Rebel.  I had some fun early in the night, but I made my exit because most of the people I knew there left.  I really went in the first place because it was Amber Star’s birthday and Joey asked me to show up.  Good times.  Check out the photos.  There is some nudity in there if you search for it…


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Lady Sov Tomorrow

I am going to be taking pictures at Studio B for the FUN party tomorrow. Lady Sovereign will be there. It should be fun. You can get in for cheap if you RSVP with the Pull Out Method. And you should do that, because those girls are paying me to shoot, and they get more money if you RSVP. And if you RSVP you get to pay less money so everyone wins. Do it.

UPDATE: I am an idiot.  This party is not tonight, its tomorrow the 18th of May.  Sorry, I was very tired when I put this up.

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BA Girls: Part 4

Burning Angel Week Day 4: My buddy Pixie is back on the site.  Every time I see her something dramatic happens and last night was no exception.  These pictures are from last week though… New photos of her next week..

More party pictures when I wake up…


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Day By Day

My friends Day By Day put up a new YouTube video yesterday that I was going to post, but YouTube took it down. I decided to post their apology to YouTube for offending people. And check out because I used to be the webmaster.

PS. Sorry for spelling divine wrong in yesterdays post. I don’t have spell check in the subject headings. You should see these posts before I spell check them. I am a functioning illiterate.

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BA Girls: Part 3

Burning Angel Week continues… Meet January.


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