The Game

So last week I finished this book “The Game” by Neil Strauss. He is the guy who wrote the Motley Crue and Jenna Jameson books. “The Game” has to be the funniest book I have read since… well… the Motley Crue book. This book came out a while ago, so I am a little beyond on this pick up game phenomena, but it is pretty fantastic. The book is the true story of Neil Strauss journey from a near virginal nerdy writer to one of the most infamous pick up artists in the world. Basically, if you don’t know about this there are literally thousands of men around the world using the same “technology” to pick up women. The same lines, the same routines, even the same clothes. Like a journalist, Strauss (aka Style in the pick up world) studied every so-called master pick up artists teachings and over a two year period developed his own methods. He now has his own teaching school and probably makes more money teaching people how to pick up women then he ever did writing for Rolling Stone. The book is absolutely unbelievable, although thanks to youtube you can actually watch these guys in action. A lot of the stuff is basic stuff that I have used many times when talking to women, but they go much further with specific routines and lines that work nearly every time. The youtube clip I have included below is Strauss on The View because I find it hilarious to watch him run game on Star Jones, but if you want to learn more about this stuff and you can’t read look up PUA (pick up artist) and sarging (lingo for picking up women) on youtube. Anyway, this stuff blows my mind and I am kind of obsessed with it. I don’t really have the balls to use any of these methods, but they are pretty funny to watch and read about.

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