Introducing The New DBB B-Sides Blog

This is the first of many changes that are going to be happening to Driven By Boredom over the next few months. I have been hinting at a site redesign for a long time and my hope is that it is actually on it’s way. I am supposed to have a new draft of the design in a few days and once it gets pretty close to where it needs to be we are going to start implementing it. That is going to be a huge process because it means reuploading 30+ gigs of photos one gallery at a time but once it’s done everything is going to work so much better.

One of the big new features to the site is what I am calling B-Sides. B-Sides is a separate blog that will show up on the main site right under the newest photo gallery and will feature a variety of content from site news and events to videos and music. It will give me a chance to update the site as often as I want without bumping important content down the page.  If I am out of town and don’t have time to get up full galleries I can still post my friends new music video or let you know about why the hell I haven’t updated. It’s going to lead to a lot more content and I am pretty excited about it.

I want to get people used to the B-Sides now so I will be posting on there a couple of times a week just to get a bit of content on this blog before the new page launches but once the site does launch you should see me updating it a lot more. I hope you guys are at least 15% as excited about this as I am. It should be fun.

By the way, since this B-Side content is not going to show up on my main site until the redesign you should be following me on Twitter and/or “like” my Facebook page since I will be sending this stuff there. Or you could just bookmark the B-Side blog home page.

An now here is an important video about a crow and a kitten becoming friends.


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Kimberly Kane

I have two announcements to make it this post. The first is that my site seems to be working finally. And the second is that I have a girlfriend for the first time in four years and her name is Kimberly Kane.

My site has finally switched fully over to Constant Hosting. Those guys have been awesome and I cannot thank them enough for helping us with my site’s problems. Next step is working on the new design and I just got off the phone with both my designer and back end guy and my new site is well on it’s way to becoming a reality.

In other news I have been seeing the amazing Kimberly Kane since January and we just made our relationship official which is really adorable. I have known Kimberly for a while but when I photographed her for the first time I realized how amazing she is as a human. I don’t think I have ever had so much fun shooting a girl and we talked for maybe an hour after the shoot before she had a meeting she had to deal with. We didn’t really talk after that but I ran into her in Vegas when we were both there for the AVN Awards and we hung out non stop the rest of the weekend. She came to visit me in New York in April and last week I went out to LA to visit her. I stayed with her for eight days and on the last night I asked her to be my girlfriend.

Aside from being a beloved adult film actress and director she is also an amazing photographer. She currently has a fashion layout she shot in Vice, she just shot the newest Mishka lookbook and she has a pretty sick Tumblr. She also has a web show on that was shot years ago and is just running now (which explains why she has a boyfriend in it that is not me). On top of all that she has her own Clips4Sale store where you can buy super creepy videos of her yelling at you about how small your penis is or sitting on peoples faces or whatever fetishists are into these days. You should buy some so she can afford more plane tickets to NYC.

So anyway, I am notoriously single and haven’t had an official girlfriend since 2007 so this whole thing is a big change for me but I am super excited about it. But I promise I will shut the fuck about it and not be one of those annoying friends of yours who Tweet non stop about their significant other. I also promise that I will take lots of naked photos of her and post them on my Tumblr whenever possible.  Speaking of naked photos, when I was visiting her I took a bunch of photos of her on her couch. I also shot her with Kory Minx from Gods Girls, but I will get to those photos later. For now I have this awesome NSFW set of my lady hanging out on a couch which you should look at and be super envious of my amazingly radical porn star girlfriend.

Click here to see all the naked pictures of my amazing, adorable girlfriend: Kimberly Kane.

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

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Site Is Back Up, Almost

The past few days I’ve been working on rolling the entire site over to a new server. We are about 90% up and running, and hopefully in the next couple days the entirety of the photo galleries will become active. Until then, please bear with me if you are searching for something particular and run across an ‘Under Construction’ banner.

If you feel compelled to help me cover the costs of this new server, I’d really appreciate it. If you have enjoyed my site and want to help make it functional then please donate $5 or $20 or something to help with all this shit. If you want to donate more and get something out of it, I will make an 11″x14″ print of damn near any photo on this site for $100. That offer is good for just this month. I can do bigger prints too so if you want something else let me know.

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Oh God My Site Is Fucked.

If you are reading this it’s pretty much a god damned miracle. If you haven’t notice my site is fucked. My host without notice decided to limit the number of people who can visit my site at any one time so we are getting a bunch of 503 errors everywhere. I followed the instructions they gave me to get my site functioning again and it was working for a little bit, but clearly it is ruined again so I am switching to a new host this week. It’s going to take some time to switch over so this is going to be my last update until we get things together. Hopefully by this weekend everything will go back to normal. I am just sick of uploading galleries that you can’t even look at.

Now the downside to all of this is that it comes at a really bad time for me. I just had to pay a bunch of money in taxes and I just bought a new camera which I haven’t finished paying off yet. I was sick of running really poorly paying American Apparel ads on my site so they are gone for a while and my advertising revenu at least for the moment is lacking.

Despite all of this I am not completely broke yet or anything, and I got a pretty good deal on my new host, but it’s still more than twice as expensive as my last host. On top of that I am in the middle of a full site redesign which I have only paid for half of and as soon as this move is finished I am going to start working on finishing in earnest. I also want to pay my web guy extra for all his help in dealing with this nightmare.

So listen, I hate websites that do this and I never have before but I am about to ask you for your help. I provide you guys with a lot of naked ladies without becoming some pay site and I hope I keep you guys entertained from time to time. So if you have enjoyed my site and want to help make it functional then please donate $5 or $20 or something to help with all this shit. If you want to donate more and get something out of it, I will make an 11″x14″ print of damn near any photo on this site for $100. That offer is good for just this month. I can do bigger prints too so if you want something else let me know.

So until we get all this bullshit figured out click the donate button below and help a brother out. And keep following my Twitter and Tumblr cause I won’t stop updating them in the mean time…

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Andy San Dimas Is Back!

Andy San Dimas is one of my favorite models to shoot and one of my favorite people in the adult industry. We have shot a bunch of times including our first shoot which was one of the favorite shoots that either of us have done. When I was in LA in January I drove out to the Valley and shot her in her back yard. It was a quick easy shoot and I think we got some nice shots. I mean homegirl is such a babe it would be hard not to.

Before I get to the photos I wanted to apologize for how shitty my site has been acting. My current host throttled my site and as much as we have done to decrease traffic we are still having a ton of issues. Fortunately a fan of the site who works for a hosting company stepped up and has offered us a pretty good deal on hosting. It’s not completely worked out yet but the site could be moved over as soon as this week. After that I hope to finally get my new site design up and functional and then everything is going to be a lot better for everyone.

Okay, enough bullshit, let’s get to the nudity.

Click here to see the full gallery of new Andy San Dimas pictures!

Andy San Dimas

Andy San Dimas

Andy San Dimas

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My Site Is Fucked

If you are reading this you got pretty lucky. Yesterday my host decided it would be a good idea to limit the amount of connections to my site because I am getting too much traffic. Then they decided not to get back to my emails, so as I search for a new hosting solution my site is scrambled. I don’t want to do new posts since it’s impossible to fucking view anything on here so I am gonna wait until I get this sorted to update but since the galeries are already uploaded here are links to the last two SXSW updates I have planned for you:

Backstage at the MtvU Woodie Awards

The Rest Of SXSW AKA Everything Else I Shot

And just because I hate to see my updates without some media in them, here is a video by the fantastic JC Brooks & The Uptown sound who I discovered at the Brooklyn Vegan party.

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An Update Of Little Consequence Relating To Chicken

Hey kids. Just wanted to update you on things real quick. I am in LA right now and I am headed to Orange County which is only about an hour away to shoot the Musink tattoo and music fest 12 hours a day for two days. I have been in LA for three days and amazingly busy shooting naked girls and catching up with old friends. It’s been a good time but I haven’t had much time to update my site.  I am back to NYC for 48 hours on Tuesday and then I am off on the road again for nearly three weeks. Point being updates may be less frequent than normal.  That being said I do have two updates ready to go and I hope to get a chance to work on them tonight so they will be up ASAP.

I also just wanted to remind you that I will keep updating my Tumblr and Twitter and Instagram while I am on the road so if you care you should be on top of that shit. Usually when I travel  my site gets boring but my social networks get fun. Just a heads up.

Lastly, I wanted to provide you some content and yesterday I watched an amazing old 60 minute PBS documentary called The Natural History of the Chicken with a friend of mine and the day before I hung out with a real life chicken on the streets of LA so it’s got me thinking about my favorite food. So here are three magical videos about the greatest bird on earth, the delicious and hilarious chicken. See you guys soon.

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Soon, There Will Be Magic…

You may be wondering why I haven’t updated in 5 days. The truth is I didn’t realize that I hadn’t. I feel like just yesterday wa New Years Eve, but it appears that is not the case. Luckily for us there is magical things happening on DBB and we just have to wait a little bit longer but good things are coming!

So things have been a bit slow around here but for good reason.  I have been busting my ass organizing my life and working on projects that will hopefully make everything awesome in the very near future.  So let’s break down the exciting shit coming up for Driven By Boredom.

1) Wild Adventures. I am going on a three week trip that should bring some crazy fucking photos to the site. I am going to LA to shoot a bunch of naked girls, Vegas to shoot an party and the AVN Awards, then back to LA and the finally to Aspen to shoot the fucking Winter X-Games.  Expect a LOT of amazing content coming soon.

2) Driven By Boredom 4.0. I put a down payment on getting this site finally redesigned properly. This site has out grown it’s design and by March things should be a lot cleaner and a lot more functional. As far as you guys should be concerned the galleries will work properly, mobile viewing will be greatly improved and there is going to be a secondary blog which will make it easier to do little updates daily without moving the quality posts off the front page. On top of that the site is going to be much improved on my end making my job easier and improving boring things like SEO and social networking integration.

3) DBB.TV. I can’t give away too much here but there is finally going to be a proper video component to my website and it is going to launch with the new site design. Right now I have to mini web shows in development and hopefully I will have a few episodes of a third show by the time we launch.  The shows are going to be really simple things that I can keep up with without spending too much of my time on it so don’t expect anything too crazy but they should be a fun change of pace for the site.

4) Love Me When I’m Gone. Although this isn’t really anything most of you care about I have been busting my ass working on the tribute album to my deceased friend Ross Harman. Everything is done on it and I am going to be releasing the album in late February. It has been taking up a TON of my time and will continue to do so for a little bit longer but it’s a big deal for me and will lead to things you might care more about like…

5) A Web Store. With this record coming out and this new design in place I am going to be relaunching a web store. I built one a long time ago but never really pushed it but with the launch of the new site the store will be featured into the design.  You will be able to buy a bunch of stuff including DBB T-shirts, stickers buttons and tote bags as well as other stuff like the tribute record, Fucking Bullshit t-shirts, and prints. Plus other things I have created over the years that I have in boxes in my apartment like The Gaskets merch and some of my friends projects that I have worked on.

Anyway, there are also a few other things going on that I can’t really talk about yet but just know that even though things are a little slow around here right now there is A LOT of magical stuff coming. I hope you guys are at least 15% as excited about this stuff as I am… Cause I am pretty fucking psyched about all of it.  See you guys tomorrow.

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Christmas Vacation

I am going to my parents house in DC for five or six days and I almost never take photos when I am there so I have a  feeling I am not gonna update much while I am gone. I do have a tiny update planned for Christmas and some nudes to go up early next week.  I will be updating my Tumblr and Twitter of course so follow those things. I also have an iPhone and an Instagram now. I don’t know how to link to that but my name on there is “drivenbyboredom” obviously.

In the Christmas spirit I will leave you with some holiday cheer featuring my favorite X-mas songs. I hope you enjoy them and I will see you guys in a few days.

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