A Few Of My Favorite Things: Toys You May Not Remember

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

Today I spent a while looking for my favorite commercial jingles for this post but I couldn’t find the old Autozone commercial or the National Tire Warehouse commercial so I decided to come up with something else. While searching I ran into a He-Man commercial and I thought to write up my favorite toys as a kid… but everyone knows about He-Man and Transformers and Thundercats and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so I decided to talk about some of the more obscure toys that I played with. Unless you were born between 1977 and 1983 or had siblings who were you probably won’t have any idea what this stuff is… Keep reading to find out my favorites.

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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Smooth Hits Of The ’70s

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

In my life I have listened to a lot of music. Most of it is very up tempo and aggressive. I like music with great energy. I dig the anger of punk, the beat of hip hop and the dancability of electro… Once in a while though, I like to just sit back and relax. I need music to make out to. I touched boobs for the first time while listening to Bleach by Nirvana, which of course was awesome, but it’s not quite the same thing as making out on a bed listening to Marvin Gaye. I am very picky about my R&B. I am not a huge Motown fan and with the exception of R Kelly I don’t listen to any modern R&B. That being said there are a few artists, most of whom had been making hits for decades, made s super smooth seductive songs of the 70’s blow my mind. Keep reading to find out my three favorites of the decade.

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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Klaus Kinski

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

Klaus Kinski is one of my favorite actors in theory. The dozen or so film I have seen with him in them I have loved, mostly his films with director Werner Herzog and a number of Spaghetti Westerns. That being said he has made over 100 films and I wouldn’t even know where to start. The films I have seen though blew me away. The 5 films he made with Herzog are generally considered the best of his long career. I got in to both Herzog and Kinski after watching a documentary Herzog made about their “friendship” during those five films called “My Best Fiend: Klaus Kinski”. They had a tumultuous relationship at best. On top of film acting Kinski was in many, many plays and wrote one of the most insane books that I have ever read. He also went on public speaking tours where he would just scream at the audience about Jesus. He also claims to have had sex with both his mother and his daughter (Natasha Kinski). Total fucking nut job, unbelievable actor. Keep reading to find out my three favorite Kinski scenes of all time.

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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Mid-90’s Non-Local Punk Bands

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

From the day Kurt Kobain died in 1994 until I went to college in 1999 I listened to almost exclusively punk rock music. I have a pretty amazing 7″ record collection from that time period. I had a record label and ran a zine and supported my local scene DIY till you die, etc. I went to probably 2-3 shows a week during that entire period. Punk rock was my life. I mostly focused on local DC area bands, but I had my national favorites too. A lot of these bands rarely toured and with not much internet at the time the only way I heard these bands was buying comp CDs, getting mix tapes from my friends or reading the reviews in MRR or Flipside. I used to do so much mail order, ordering music from all over the country. I used to write back and forth with these bands. I thought it was amazing that my favorite bands would hand write me letters with shit I ordered. It instilled this weird mentality in me that makes me very unimpressed with musicians that I meet. For example, if I met an actor in a movie, I might get really excited, but meeting famous musicians has never been exciting to me (except when I hung out with Weird Al). Anyway, my three favorite punk bands in the mid-1990’s were all local bands who I hung out with daily and who I put out records by, and have no video footage to show you, so I am going to skip them and just talk about my three favorite national acts. Keep reading to find out who they are.

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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Movie Musicals

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

I have never been a big fan of musical theater. I did see Hairspray, but that is just because I am obsessed with John Waters and have a thing for movies about race, rock and roll and Baltimore. However for some reason a few of my favorite movies ever happen to be musicals. Clearly if you know my taste, these are not going to be the classical musicals. I mean I can’t stand West Side Story and only watched Cabaret because I had a one night stand with a girl who looked just like Liza Minelli and I had just watched Arthur 2. There are some sweet classical musicals I dig, but most of them involve the Nicholas Brothers or some kind of tap dancing which I think is amazing. On an unrelated note, although related to that Nicholas Brothers clip, when I was 15 I was obsessed with Cab Calloway, which I think is the most culturally inappropriate music a 15 year old suburban white kid living in the 1990’s could possibly dig on. 1930’s Harlem big band is not exactly Pearl Jam. Anyway, back to musicals. For some reason, despite my generally dismissive attitude towards musicals there are a few of them I watch over and over again. Check out my top 3 favorites after the jump:

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The End Is Nigh

In the future the world will be full of clones and no one will know how to communicate in real life anymore because we will be all plugged into our computers at all times. We will sit in little pods 24 hours a day digesting information from all over the world with out moving out of our cells. Some people will gain the infinite wisdom of the universe, but most people will just spend their time coming up with creative ways to use emotions and to buy novelty pop culture t-shirts to decorate the flesh-shells of their clones that are living their sim life. Or something.

Today I had the shocking realization that time is much closer than we think, and this revelation had nothing to do with monkey cloning or the fact that Gmail insisted on letting me know about their new emoticons. It has every thing to do with one of the videos posted on myspace’s main page today. Watching this video was absolutely spine crawling. The video consists of Chad Vader being interviewed about his political leanings by Obama Girl. For those of you who have a life and are not aware of Chad and Obama Girl, they are two fictional characters featured in over played viral videos. They are representative of the down fall of media and entertainment and now they have crossed over into a world that should not exist. They are FICTIONAL characters, from different spheres of the internets, talking to each other. This video is like that weird movie in the 80’s where all the beloved cartoon characters of the day teamed up to teach you lessons about drugs, except 100 times more horrible and upsetting. I would much rather watch Alf talk about heroin than have to get my political incites from an minimum wage earning Sith Lord and a model who’s entire career is based on a three minute song she didn’t write or sing, or have really anything to do with. What is going to come next? Chris Crocker interviewing Goatse about gay marriage? Maybe LonleyGirl15 and Ms. Teen South Carolina could learn to Crank That. Or a major right wing presidential candidate reciting Chuck Norris facts? Oh wait, that happened. The apocalypse is upon us. Repent!

I am part of the problem. All your base are belong to my dick in a box.


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Kristy Tallman – Psychological Thriller/Horror Author

Meet Kristy Tallman: Poet, Songwriter, Horror Author. She is a real Renaissance woman. She just added me to myspace. I didn’t recognize her so I decided to check her page out. 10 seconds later I had IMed 3 of my friends her myspace link. I got into two 30 minute conversations with people about how hilarious this woman is before I realized I needed to blog about her. I hate to just rag on a total stranger. At some point in my life it might have been much easier, like when I made a website making fun of progeria. I just didn’t think I had that in me anymore but I found a real gem here. This woman is amazing. This article is probably going to be about 10,000 words long and I still won’t even have scratched the surface of how funny her web presence is. Because of this I am going to take a little page break after this photo. So please stay with me, because this is going to be fun. And Kristy, I know you just Googled your name and found this… let me just say I am sorry, but you are too precious not to share with the world. I hope you sell some books because of it.


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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Patrick Dempsey Movies

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

So evidently my childhood hero Patrick Dempsey is on Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t know what that is, but I assume it is some sort of TV program that I have never watched because I am too cool for TV. Wait, no I am not that guy. I do own a TV, I don’t have cable or anything, but my roommate seems to watch Scrubs several times every night. I just have never seen Grey’s Anatomy nor do I know what it is about. What I do know is that in the early 90’s Patrick Dempsey was my idle. He was so nerdy yet so cool. In 1990’s I went to a new school and I got picked on a lot. I liked all these girls but I didn’t think I had a chance. Patrick Dempsey shouldn’t have had a chance either, but he was the nice guy and in the movies all the girls fell in love with him in the end after dumping their abusive jock boyfriend. Keep reading to relive my top three favorite coming of age stories of all time.
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A Few Of My Favorite Things: Soundtracks I Own On Vinyl

A Few Of My Favorite Things is a series that appears most weekends on Driven By Boredom. Each week I talk about three of my favorite things from a specific genre of film, music, or something else all together. Each favorite thing is accompanied by a video and a description of why it is one of my favorite things. Click here for more favorites.

I have a pretty decent record collection and since I don’t own a CD player, I am pretty much listening to vinyl or mp3s.  I never really saw the point in buying new music on record.  If I could get it on CD I was happy to go that route.  Because of this my record collection consists of three main groups: mid 90’s punk 7″, hip hop and dance singles and music recorded before the invention of CD’s.  When I am hanging out in my room or about to go to sleep I mostly want to listen to full length LP’s so the singles don’t get nearly as much play these days.  While DEVO and Hall and Oates get their due, I find myself listening to mostly old rock and 70’s soul.  Side 1 of Menagerie by Bill Withers gets a lot of play as does T-Rex’s Electric Warrior.  But the music I find myself coming back to again and again is movie soundtracks.  I have never been much of a sound track guy in the CD world, but for some reason I own probably two dozen CD soundtracks on record.  It was really hard to narrow down just three.  I already talked about my fascination with Blaxploitation in an older Favorite Things, so my Shaft and Superfly soundtracks are out, and I mentioned the very punk rock Return Of The Living Dead sound track in my Zombie write up… so that helped narrow down things a bit.  So read on to hear about my three favorite soundtracks that I on on vinyl.

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