Goings On!

Here is one of those really exciting posts of mine where I update you with some news that you don’t care about and then throw some half assed “content’ at the end. It’s exiting I know, but I like writing weird posts about why I am not updating my site enough. Good times!

So yeah, this week is super crazy for me. On Wednesday I had a really exciting dental appointment where instead of just getting a filling like I thought, the dentist realized it was worse than he thought and I might have to get a root canal! So he just packed my tooth up with some temporary filling and is hopeful that in two or three months he can try again. Whatever the case it hurts like hell now whenever I chew.

Twenty four hours later I got the last of three tattoo appointments to finish up my half sleeve. While it was nice and painful I am super psyched about it. I just had this empty bicep area for years and I could never think what to get that would be meaningful enough to put there. I decided to go the exact opposite route and just get some really bad ass artwork. I hit up my friend Marisa from Needles & Sins and she recommended a few people and I knew immediately that I wanted Grez over at Kings Ave to do it. I booked my appointment in April for late October and three sessions and six weeks later I now have by far my favorite (and most expensive!) tattoo. I asked him to do a woman’s head and to fill space but other than that it was up to him. He killed it. She’s so bad ass. This photo doesn’t do it justice. Thanks Grez!

Tattoo By Grez

So yeah, after a very painful two days I am now in the midst of preproduction for the biggest photo gig of my life. A cigarette company in Switzerland wanted to use a NYC party picture style look for their add campaign and pretty much wants to copy a few of my party photos. Theoretically that would be really easy to do, but casting and location scouting are a bit out of my league so I reached out to a friend to produce it and suddenly this shoot is this massive undertaking that involves like 20 people a day for three days. I am still gonna shoot this thing with an on camera flash but it’s become insanely stressful and also pretty damn exciting. I’ve never shot anything that might end up a billboard!

On top of this crazy shoot on Sunday I am working this really fun party for Sailor Jerry and my buddy Oliver Peck. He has a Ramones cover band called the Romonahs and they kinda rule. He is doing a rock and roll karaoke thing as well and as much as I hate karaoke his parties are a really good time. The last one I shot was really fun and I am pretty excited for this one. There is a 90% I will hurt myself performing some punk song as well. So come out for that on Sunday at Arlene’s Grocery.

Good Luck Karaoke

I have also been kept really busy with Miami Dolphins related stuff recently. After our #MetLifeTakeover our club has blown up a little and have been on calls with the Dolphins and trying to organize more stuff and all sorts of things that have taken up a ton of my time. Which rules but  is quite distracting to my real life. We did raise a TON of money for charity and were able do some good for two of our crew who were injured in the Metro North train crash. We filmed a video of the whole thing which I will probably post next week but in the mean time here is a video of the event care of the Miami Dolphins website.

Anyway, this week is crazy and for some reason I felt like I needed to do a post about it. Aside from the Ramonahs party pix I hope to have two updates ready to go for next week so that once I finish this monster photo gig I can go on a mini staycation. My exgirlfriend is coming to visit and bringing her dog so I am just gonna do cute shit with them for five days and try not to do any real work other than hitting send on those posts. Good times.

And finally, for no particular reason, I leave you with this insane video. Enjoy.


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