Britney Spears – 8.2.11

So I shot the Britney Spears Femme Fatale tour for the Village Voice. It’s not often that I blog about Britney Spears and I didn’t ever think I would go to a Britney Spears concert in my life but when I got asked to do it clearly I couldn’t say no. I always regretted my chance to shoot photos in a NASCAR pit and I feel like Britney Spears is as close as you can get to a NASCAR pit without risking getting hit with a flaming race car tie.

Anyway, I was told I had to sign some insane contract that gives away all my rights to the photos and that I could only have usage of them for 3o days.  Well copyright law says that no work can be copyrighted until it exists, so signing a form before I took the photos is completely invalid. And besides I didn’t even sign my name. Whatever the case you should probably enjoy these photos now because there is a pretty good chance I will get a cease and desist order from Britney’s people at some point.

To add to my annoyance of the whole ordeal after driving for 90 minutes to get to the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island I found out that I had to stand nearly 50 yards away from the stage and in between the photographers and the acts there were about 500 fans waving their cell phones in the air to record the show. We were given tickets so that I could watch the show between the acts and the view from my seats was 100 times better than the photo pit but they wouldn’t let me have my camera on me during the show.

Oh, but for the record the show was pretty awesome and I probably would have had more fun than I should have had I not been so pissed about the photo situation. I also ran into two of friends there. Oh, and did I mention that Nicki Minaj opened for her? Those pics will be up tomorrow… She fucking killed it.

So these photos were taken during four songs in the middle of her set, shot from 50 yards away with a 200mm lens and then severely cropped for your enjoyment…

Click here to see all the pictures of Britney Spears Femme Fatale tour at the Nassau Coliseum.

Britney Spears Femme Fatale NYC

Britney Spears Femme Fatale NYC

Britney Spears & Jason Trawick

Britney Spears Femme Fatale NYC

Britney Spears Femme Fatale NYC

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