E-Cigarettes And Other Life Saving Tales

Okay, let’s talk about some bullshit. I could use some feedback so read the questions at the end and let me know what you think via the comments or hitting me up somehow.

So you may have noticed recently that there are ads on my web page. This is a trial run to see if I can actually make any money doing this shit. I mean I get paid to take photos, but it would be nice to get paid to blog too.  I get over a million page views a month which when you take two banner spots into account per page you are looking at nearly 2.5 million banner impressions.  Times that by .4 cents and I don’t have to fucking ride the Subway anymore.  That being said I will never sell all the spots but it’s at least a fun thing to try.  The good thing is that I am advertising with IndieClick and they tend to just advertise for stuff that people actually care about or that is at least relevant to my readership. So hopefully you guys will learn about fantastic things you need and I will make a little bit of money. And if you need to buy some American Apparel clothing it probably wouldn’t hurt to do it through my site. Just sayin’.

Speaking of adds on my site.  Check out those Electronic Cigarettes! Seriously that ad is not through IndieClick.  I added it after a friend talked me up about these things.  They use water vapor so there is no tar and nothing burns so you can smoke them inside and they are way better for you.  They are also way cheaper.  If you click one of those banner ads you can get a kit for $60 or something and it comes with like an insane amount of tobacco.  One pack of this stuff has 70 cigarettes.  I might be making all that up but you should at least try this shit cause I hear amazing things and if you buy shit by clicking this link I make money.

Next I wanted to bring up the Meebo task bar at the bottom of the page.  I added it a while ago because it seemed like a good idea and actually people use it sometimes but not often enough to make a difference. I was really wondering if it bugs you guys. I am trying to figure out if it’s worth keeping or if I should just scrap it completely. Let me know.

And lastly, I am working on a possible site redesign soon. I think I am going to have a meeting about it next week and I was hoping I could get feedback from you guys about ideas you had to make my site better.  I check this site all the time on two different computers and a few web browsers but maybe things are happening with your experience that I am not even thinking about. Let me know how I can make you hang out at my site more often and make your viewing it easier. Also, I know my galleries are terrible and fixing them is my main priority right now so I am mostly curious about how you feel about the rest of the page and not so much the galleries.

So that’s it. Take a second to read the questions below and then send me some feedback. It would mean a lot to me. Thanks!

Questions! Please let me know how you feel about this stuff:

On a scale of one to indignant how much do the new ads on my site piss you off?

How do you feel about his Meebo task bar at the bottom? Have you ever used it? Do you hate it?

Do you find my site easy to navigate?

What would you change about my site from a technical standpoint? (I don’t care that you think I suck at photography)

Is there anything I used to do on the site that I don’t do anymore that you miss?

Does the site take too long for you to load?

Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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Comments (2)


  1. July 22nd, 2010 | 8:27 am

    – i don’t smoke but you almost make me want to take it up.
    – you should more family circus.
    – that bar on the bottom is bullshit.
    – load times seem fine.
    – are you still doing a print of the month?

  2. July 22nd, 2010 | 11:35 am

    You are the third person who has been anti that bar and no one has really been in support of it so it looks like thats going.
    I could do some more Family Circus. I sort of forgot about them…
    As far as print of the month, yes… I just need to do a reboot of my store but hopefully Ill get it together.
    I mean… I have to, I have already spent two peoples money.

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