Unemployed Lloyd’s Memorial Day BBQ – 5.31.10

I had nothing going on on Monday.  I am not really a go out and do things during the day type of dude. I am much more of a sleep until 5pm and then work in bed until midnight kinda guy. Still, once in a while you need to go to a BBQ and eat some meat, so when Dimitry told me Unemployed Lloyd was throwing one, I was all in.

The BBQ was packed and people were having a good time, but over all it was pretty unremarkable. The DJ’s we spinning vinyl and the chef was making some on point creations like jalapeno poppers and shish kabob. At one point the chef did throw someone out in amazing violent fashion, but I was on the other side of the yard so I missed most of it. Overall the party was fun and social but it was mostly just sitting around, drinking and eating meat so not a lot for me to write about.

I can write about what happened when I left the party for a bit.  Despite there being food at the party Rok One decided he needed to eat at this Jamaican spot around the corner called Buff Paddy and a bunch of us went with him. We were pretty sure the restaurant was named after Puff Daddy, but we have no actual proof to that.  The place was fucking awesome and all the food was delicious and we were treated to some amazing live entertainment.  Our table was right by the open window and this homeless woman came to us and asked us for money.  Rok gave her some but she just stood there telling us that we needed to feed the kitty. She said that if we didn’t feed the kitty someone would turn into a vampire.  I thought it was us that would turn into a vampire, Maggie Horn thought that it was the cat that would turn into a vampire. Either way, someone was going to turn into a vampire if we didn’t feed the kitty.  Unfortunately the kitty was invisible so we didn’t end up feeding him.  I have no idea if he became a vampire or not, but I did combine the left over rice from my jerk chicken meal with the left over heads from Lena Marquise’s skrimps and created an amazing art piece which I presented to the owner of the restaurant as a gift. I have pictures of none of this.

I think there is more to this story involving hemorioids, Crave Cases, sandwich eating cops and Smirnoff Ice, but I think it is time I just gave you the photos and stopped rambling.

Click here to see all the pictures from Unemployed Lloyds Memorial Day BBQ.

Ps. Sorry about the blur spot on my lens that fuck up the first half of these images. I blame it on grilled meat products.

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